One country in Europe understands the importance of the Right to own guns....

And we stop crime with it!
Firearm ownership is the best preventative towards criminal activity… fact

And government sanctioned mass murder, ethnic cleansing and genocide...
It hasn't in america.
Actually it did with the political correctness/affirmative-action without firing a shot…
Yup, it was political correctness that functionally eradicated "your" people and enslaved blacks. That stuff was all very politically correct at the time wasn't it.

I never enslaved anyone.
True, but Not American Indians, we were still flinging arrows at Buffalo and sleeping on dirt, sheltered by animal skins along worshipping dirt when whitey arrived.
You seem very ignorant of "your own" history, that's really sad.
na, Right up until custer showed up we were doing exactly that alone with Enslaving/killing other tribes... You know still living in the dark ages. LOL
You poor poor thing.
There is a reason why Whitey showed up here, Liberation…
Of course, Whitey liberated the indigenous peoples of the americas. You're so native.
When you think about it they really did, Cults like dirt worshipping die hard...
The Original slave owners in this country were American Indians… Fact
And we stop crime with it!
Firearm ownership is the best preventative towards criminal activity… fact

And government sanctioned mass murder, ethnic cleansing and genocide...
It hasn't in america.
Actually it did with the political correctness/affirmative-action without firing a shot…
Yup, it was political correctness that functionally eradicated "your" people and enslaved blacks. That stuff was all very politically correct at the time wasn't it.
Political correctness/affirmative-action made people fully dependent on the federal government. That is pure weakness
When the guns are gone, everything is gone.
Yep, then the masses will be sheep for the slaughter.
Never trust the collective to do the right thing
You already are, you just haven't figured it out yet. You are THE most surveilled and incarcerated population the planet has ever known and unarmed citizens can be murdered in the streets with impunity by the power of the corporate state. You have no real voice in your own governance and a relative handful of entitled self-collectivist aristocrats “manage” your economy to redistribute and concentrate societal wealth. And all our so called free gun owners sat on your asses and never uttered a peep. Your gun is nothing but a fetish symbol for the fweedumb you know you gave away. So you blame others to avoid any sense of personal responsibility for your own subjugation.
When the guns are gone, everything is gone.
Yep, then the masses will be sheep for the slaughter.
Never trust the collective to do the right thing
You already are, you just haven't figured it out yet. You are THE most surveilled and incarcerated population the planet has ever known and unarmed citizens can be murdered in the streets with impunity by the power of the corporate state. You have no real voice in your own governance and a relative handful of entitled self-collectivist aristocrats “manage” your economy to redistribute and concentrate societal wealth. And all our so called free gun owners sat on your asses and never uttered a peep. Your gun is nothing but a fetish symbol for the fweedumb you know you gave away. So you blame others to avoid any sense of personal responsibility for your own subjugation.
The federal government and the country are not one in the same, They are enemies.
The last election proved that... The collective is all upset that people did not join their ‘’collective’’ lockstep.
The collective is the true enemy of any sort of freedom and individuality…
You seem very ignorant of "your own" history, that's really sad.
na, Right up until custer showed up we were doing exactly that alone with Enslaving/killing other tribes... You know still living in the dark ages. LOL
You poor poor thing.
There is a reason why Whitey showed up here, Liberation…
Of course, Whitey liberated the indigenous peoples of the americas. You're so native.
When you think about it they really did, Cults like dirt worshipping die hard...
The Original slave owners in this country were American Indians… Fact

They were also cannibals and engaged in human sacrifice in large, murderous, numbers...
na, Right up until custer showed up we were doing exactly that alone with Enslaving/killing other tribes... You know still living in the dark ages. LOL
You poor poor thing.
There is a reason why Whitey showed up here, Liberation…
Of course, Whitey liberated the indigenous peoples of the americas. You're so native.
When you think about it they really did, Cults like dirt worshipping die hard...
The Original slave owners in this country were American Indians… Fact

They were also cannibals and engaged in human sacrifice in large, murderous, numbers...
Along with torture and genocide…
na, Right up until custer showed up we were doing exactly that alone with Enslaving/killing other tribes... You know still living in the dark ages. LOL
You poor poor thing.
There is a reason why Whitey showed up here, Liberation…
Of course, Whitey liberated the indigenous peoples of the americas. You're so native.
When you think about it they really did, Cults like dirt worshipping die hard...
The Original slave owners in this country were American Indians… Fact

They were also cannibals and engaged in human sacrifice in large, murderous, numbers...
Genocide requires quite an extensive brainwashing and rewriting of history.
You poor poor thing.
There is a reason why Whitey showed up here, Liberation…
Of course, Whitey liberated the indigenous peoples of the americas. You're so native.
When you think about it they really did, Cults like dirt worshipping die hard...
The Original slave owners in this country were American Indians… Fact

They were also cannibals and engaged in human sacrifice in large, murderous, numbers...
Along with torture and genocide…
So we genocided them, now all is well.
You poor poor thing.
There is a reason why Whitey showed up here, Liberation…
Of course, Whitey liberated the indigenous peoples of the americas. You're so native.
When you think about it they really did, Cults like dirt worshipping die hard...
The Original slave owners in this country were American Indians… Fact

They were also cannibals and engaged in human sacrifice in large, murderous, numbers...
Genocide requires quite an extensive brainwashing and rewriting of history.
American Indians just eliminated their enemies by killing,torturing and enslaving them. Like a said the original slave owners in America were American Indians. Fact
You poor poor thing.
There is a reason why Whitey showed up here, Liberation…
Of course, Whitey liberated the indigenous peoples of the americas. You're so native.
When you think about it they really did, Cults like dirt worshipping die hard...
The Original slave owners in this country were American Indians… Fact

They were also cannibals and engaged in human sacrifice in large, murderous, numbers...
Genocide requires quite an extensive brainwashing and rewriting of history.

Genocide, mass murder, and ethnic cleansing need one thing above all others....victims who have no way to stop armed population keeps a government from attempting mass murder....this is the lesson learned from all of human history.
There is a reason why Whitey showed up here, Liberation…
Of course, Whitey liberated the indigenous peoples of the americas. You're so native.
When you think about it they really did, Cults like dirt worshipping die hard...
The Original slave owners in this country were American Indians… Fact

They were also cannibals and engaged in human sacrifice in large, murderous, numbers...
Along with torture and genocide…
So we genocided them, now all is well.
The conquerors “write history”, The conquered don’t.
Basically the American Indians had/have no written language… We can thank whitey for that too
There is a reason why Whitey showed up here, Liberation…
Of course, Whitey liberated the indigenous peoples of the americas. You're so native.
When you think about it they really did, Cults like dirt worshipping die hard...
The Original slave owners in this country were American Indians… Fact

They were also cannibals and engaged in human sacrifice in large, murderous, numbers...
Along with torture and genocide…
So we genocided them, now all is well.

We didn't commit genocide against the indians.
There is a reason why Whitey showed up here, Liberation…
Of course, Whitey liberated the indigenous peoples of the americas. You're so native.
When you think about it they really did, Cults like dirt worshipping die hard...
The Original slave owners in this country were American Indians… Fact

They were also cannibals and engaged in human sacrifice in large, murderous, numbers...
Genocide requires quite an extensive brainwashing and rewriting of history.
American Indians just eliminated their enemies by killing,torturing and enslaving them. Like a said the original slave owners in America were American Indians. Fact
Thank jeebus you came to save them frm all of that. No one in europe had ever heard of or had slaves until they came to america and the "Indians" taught them all that stuff.
Of course, Whitey liberated the indigenous peoples of the americas. You're so native.
When you think about it they really did, Cults like dirt worshipping die hard...
The Original slave owners in this country were American Indians… Fact

They were also cannibals and engaged in human sacrifice in large, murderous, numbers...
Along with torture and genocide…
So we genocided them, now all is well.

We didn't commit genocide against the indians.
Yeah, euros and the eventual US govt did. And Papal Bulls back in the 1500s called for their extermination as did many US military men. But you know much of that.
Yep.....hopefully this understanding of the Right to self defense will spread through Europe...before they sink into more violence and mass murder with a disarmed population...

Czech prez calls for European ‘2nd Amendment’

Czech president Miloš Zeman has said Europeans should “have the courage to invest in our own guns” in order to guard against international terrorism, like millions of U.S. citizens have.

The elder statesman — a veteran of the Prague Spring uprising against the old Communist regime as well as the Velvet Revolution which finally brought it down — made his comments in an address to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, an intergovernmental forum which predates the quasi-federal European Union by several years.

“The level of international crime is growing because of Islamic terrorism,” he said, in response to a question from an Armenian politician.

I thought you were over there battling ISIS hand to hand
Learned the difference between a noun and an adjective yet?
Still sucking off your. Socialist VA SS Medicare welfare?
Buy nore guns, buy more guns, buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,buy more guns,...

Sounds GREAT! I think I'll go buy another one just for you!
There is a reason why Whitey showed up here, Liberation…
Of course, Whitey liberated the indigenous peoples of the americas. You're so native.
When you think about it they really did, Cults like dirt worshipping die hard...
The Original slave owners in this country were American Indians… Fact

They were also cannibals and engaged in human sacrifice in large, murderous, numbers...
Genocide requires quite an extensive brainwashing and rewriting of history.

Genocide, mass murder, and ethnic cleansing need one thing above all others....victims who have no way to stop armed population keeps a government from attempting mass murder....this is the lesson learned from all of human history.
Yep, American Indians eliminated their enemies from the face of the planet by the way of killing, genocide and/or just breeding it out of them... You know the rape of a nation/people...
Self defense needs a way, Stern and harsh words don’t cut it…
When you think about it they really did, Cults like dirt worshipping die hard...
The Original slave owners in this country were American Indians… Fact

They were also cannibals and engaged in human sacrifice in large, murderous, numbers...
Along with torture and genocide…
So we genocided them, now all is well.

We didn't commit genocide against the indians.
Yeah, euros and the eventual US govt did. And Papal Bulls back in the 1500s called for their extermination as did many US military men. But you know much of that.

And didn't happen. The deaths of indians came through a lack of resistance to European diseases which they had never been exposed to before.......
Of course, Whitey liberated the indigenous peoples of the americas. You're so native.
When you think about it they really did, Cults like dirt worshipping die hard...
The Original slave owners in this country were American Indians… Fact

They were also cannibals and engaged in human sacrifice in large, murderous, numbers...
Along with torture and genocide…
So we genocided them, now all is well.

We didn't commit genocide against the indians.
Whitey did bring freedom and individuality to the Indian nations…

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