One America News network available on ATT U Verse (OAN). Better than Fox....


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
Woooo hooooo.

I am hoping they do not allow liberals to voice their demented opinions on the network. Considering everything they stand for (which is nothing actually) is wrong.

Has anyone ever seen a liberal actually be on the right side of any issue? It would certainly help their credibility if they do not take on both sides of every issue and be blatant hypocrites. That would help.

Anyway, OAN Network. Thank God there is another network that appeals to level headed thinkers who tend to stand on principle and not just what the popular politically correct choices.

One America News Network - Your Credible Source for National and International News
I don't want my news to come from a one sided source. Neither Liberal nor Conservative. Because I would then be just like the Libs who get their news from MSNBC.
I watch FOX NEWS at 6 Pm so I can get both sides of an issue. I want to make up my own mind. You see, every once in a while a Liberal had a good idea, and every once in a while a Conservative has a bad idea.

We're getting more and more "opinion news" and that's not good at all.
Conservatives only liking to only hear one side of any story (the most angry reactionary side) makes you so much easier to fool. Quit being such an easily led follower.
Conservatives only liking to only hear one side of any story (the most angry reactionary side) makes you so much easier to fool. Quit being such an easily led follower.

Well, considering everything liberals say is nothing more than.......


I am just fine with it. Just fine.
the left and liberals in general like to hear any news that puts down America. All their energy seems to be directed at lecturing the country on how great we really are not. The only country to walk on the Moon, the space shuttle, the Internet, organ transplant, the transistor and thus the computer, making the light bulb a house hold product, cell phones, freeing of 25 million in Iraq , and we are the most charitable country, all done by America. Yet to listen to the liberals we are nothing but back water hillbillies incapable of anything good. There is something seriously wrong with the liberal left, seriously.
the left and liberals in general like to hear any news that puts down America. All their energy seems to be directed at lecturing the country on how great we really are not. The only country to walk on the Moon, the space shuttle, the Internet, organ transplant, the transistor and thus the computer, making the light bulb a house hold product, cell phones, freeing of 25 million in Iraq , and we are the most charitable country, all done by America. Yet to listen to the liberals we are nothing but back water hillbillies incapable of anything good. There is something seriously wrong with the liberal left, seriously.

Better the awful truth than a comforting lie.
Conservatives only liking to only hear one side of any story (the most angry reactionary side) makes you so much easier to fool. Quit being such an easily led follower.

Well, considering everything liberals say is nothing more than.......


I am just fine with it. Just fine.

The mooney times put this propaganda outlet together, the same one that told you Obama was educated in a radical Madrassa. You swallowed that load of shit and you will swallow a lot more before you wise up.
Conservatives only liking to only hear one side of any story (the most angry reactionary side) makes you so much easier to fool. Quit being such an easily led follower.

Well, considering everything liberals say is nothing more than.......


I am just fine with it. Just fine.

The mooney times put this propaganda outlet together, the same one that told you Obama was educated in a radical Madrassa. You swallowed that load of shit and you will swallow a lot more before you wise up.

Let me know when you can show me is school records. Cause we know more about Thomas Jefferson's education than your liar in chief in the white house now. Who, is by far the worst disgrace of a president that has ever had the honor as serving as our president.

By far, the biggest disgrace. The only ones dumber voting for him once, are those that voted for him twice and still brag about it.

Let us know when you get around letting us know about his education and his records. Good luck in finding it.
Conservatives will climb a tree to hear a lie when they could hear the truth on the ground.

Look everyone a puppet strong better known as an unoriginal thought. In other words a cliche.
the left and liberals in general like to hear any news that puts down America. All their energy seems to be directed at lecturing the country on how great we really are not. The only country to walk on the Moon, the space shuttle, the Internet, organ transplant, the transistor and thus the computer, making the light bulb a house hold product, cell phones, freeing of 25 million in Iraq , and we are the most charitable country, all done by America. Yet to listen to the liberals we are nothing but back water hillbillies incapable of anything good. There is something seriously wrong with the liberal left, seriously.

Better the awful truth than a comforting lie.

Look everyone, another unoriginal thought.

The irony is he just said something about truth and lies and backs Obama.

Well, considering everything liberals say is nothing more than.......


I am just fine with it. Just fine.

The mooney times put this propaganda outlet together, the same one that told you Obama was educated in a radical Madrassa. You swallowed that load of shit and you will swallow a lot more before you wise up.

Let me know when you can show me is school records. Cause we know more about Thomas Jefferson's education than your liar in chief in the white house now. Who, is by far the worst disgrace of a president that has ever had the honor as serving as our president.

By far, the biggest disgrace. The only ones dumber voting for him once, are those that voted for him twice and still brag about it.

Let us know when you get around letting us know about his education and his records. Good luck in finding it.

Maybe we can also look for Bigfoot and UFOs while we are at it?

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