Once you concede on birth control, the rest of it falls apart

The reason people are so immoral today is because of birth control, which led to promiscuity, adultery, fornication, and finally homosexuality and abortion.

You are dead on target.

Some Americans wonder exactly what enabled a majority of their fellow countrymen's minds to believe, with absolute confidence and cultist-like intellectual and moral authority, that breaking core social, cultural and religious taboos was not only normal, but also a completely guilt free act; so guilt free that not breaking these taboos, or criticizing those who do, automatically brands such a person as psychologically abnormal, and can even grant them unwanted, immediate social status as a pariah or religious zealot.

In order to discover the source of this American society-wide enabler of universally popular cultural demoralization, legalization of The Pill is a great, and intellectually honest place to start in our American social history. These days mere mention of one's disapproval of the status quo American culture of breaking ancient moral taboo will almost immediately manifest on one's "doorstep" a battalion of decriers seemingly conjured out of thin air, there to excoriate the fellow American who dared either verbally or in writing, to make or take a moral stand by criticizing the prevalent culture of mainstreamed debauchery.

To find and expose this great demoralizing enabler of the modern American mind, we must first dig into historical ground most likely to yield artesian wells full of poisonous ideological water. The activist and lobbyist and judiciary push to legalize The Pill was brought into agency by radical-- or militant American feminism, whose ideologies were in turn derived from cultural Marxism, in turn derived from Pre-Revolution French writers and philosophers and GWF Hegel, with some polluting, fiction based ideological spice from Thomas Moore.

Dig down further, and we discover a prevailing wind of anti-Christian atheism blowing through all of the above philosophies and cultural and political activist movements. See, in order to gain true efficacy of their agency for so-called liberation from eons of sexual oppression, American women needed a Trinity of ideological and physiological and political weapons with which to besiege and even bring down into collapse, the male dominated civilizations of antiquity, on which Western civilization was predicated.

Follow so far?

So what American militant/radical feminist activist leaders did was make a deal with historical devils for their underlying, fundamental ideology. They derived from primarily atheist philosophers and other intellectuals, who despised the ancient moral order of Christianity; this became the ethos of their culture war: anti-male dominated Christianity. Although they did not openly fly the atheist flag, the atheist banner was neatly folded in the back pockets of their newly put on jeans.

However, Marxist-Atheist philosophy wasn't quite enough anti-American, vitriolic bedrock to fully flesh out their total ideological bridge to victory. So what the feminists did was infiltrate American academia, take advance degrees, and in the process, publish papers and books based on falsified social "science" which one, rewrote the history of Western social norms, and two, was absolutely devoured by so-called "repressed baby boomers" post WW2 who couldn't believe what these "official" academic works were giving them permission to do with each other. Boom; they were enabled.

But wait; as we dig farther, there's even more uncover. Now that militant feminist ideology had been cemented and reinforced by then "modern" academia--namely the antipositivist social sciences, they needed a psychological basis upon which to further validate their anti-Christian, anti-Patriarchy crusade. And they found it in spades, in the "cutting edge" work of Sigmund Freud and psychoanalysis.

Next came the need for a physiological enabler, something which would give women the ability to physically break the ancient social religious based taboo of not being able to have as much free sex as men without as much risk of those pesky things growing inside of them, known since time immemorial as: pregnancies.

Along came The Pill, and American ideologue judges willing to legalize it. With The Pill in hand, American women and men were then able to defy ancient taboo and engage in as much free premarital sex--relatively free of unwanted pregnancy--as they desired. The catch was, pregnancies still happened. Mother nature was not to be denied--nor was primordial human biology. So, the radical feminist movement--now firmly entrenched in American academia, politics and rapidly catching on in mainstream society and pop culture, needed an out.

That "out" came in the form of politicized academic "studies" which falsely claimed women who were denied abortions of choice would run to back alley surgeons who were just as likely to kill them and the baby they cared nothing about, as succeed in aborting it. Further, falsified statistical studies also claimed that, without widespread, legalized, abortion on demand, millions of indigent children with no hope of a good life in America or a fair chance at one, would flood hospitals, orphanages and damage the economy and genepool--so they were all better off never having existed at all. This ethos of the need for abortion caught on in political and academic circles, and then Roe happened. With Roe vs. Wade decided, American radical feminists, Cultural Marxists, and militant atheism, all won historically decisive victories, the benefits of which the Radical American Left is still greatly benefitting from in today's America.

What all of the above led us American people and our society to, was and is a world where extreme moral relativism and moral nihilism in every form of popular culture and epistemological academia broadcasts acceptance of radically amoral behavior as normative into the everyday American's mind through nearly every single media medium and outlet.

In other word's this great and colossal Enabler, described above, has programmed all of us to FALSELY believe it is okay to redefine ancient, fundamental right and wrong at will, in order for us to serve and sate whatever entertainment, political, sexual, social, or ideological pleasure or belief we desire. We modern Americans have been brainwashed over the last century to absolutely believe in our RIGHT to do wrong.

Anyone who disagrees with the prevailing American culture of moral decay loudly or intelligently enough is shunned, ridiculed, encircled and dismissed--not on moral grounds--but by a majority of other Americans ideologically brainwashed by and whose minds operate on this false belief system and false narrative cooked up by a blend of radical feminism, cultural Marxism and atheistic philosophy, who simply shout them down with their cacophony of hate and lies. These radical left movements and philosophies were then combined to form one colossal self-justifying belief system which any American can use to justify just about any amoral act--no matter how violent or disgusting--and still sleep soundly in their beds at night.

Such total bullshit. Men have proven over and over, before the advent of the "pill," that sexual conduct has absolutely nothing to do with any teachings of a Supreme Being or any notion of "right and wrong," Christian or otherwise. Stop trying to blame everything on women. The "pill" only has allowed women to catch up to where men have been all along. If the Creator has been so against sex outside of marriage, more real estate has to have been gotten for Hell to be able to house the millions of male souls cast down there over the centuries for having sex outside of marriage. Heck, in the U.S. alone, the military chiefs have worried about the STD rates among the troops long before the "pill" was ever invented.

Why do you decry people for being against patriarchy? It's founded upon the worship of the human penis. What is the point of worshiping human genitals? They go into the grave along with the rest of the body.

Your theories are stupid, but in keeping with the crap being pushed by sexually obsessed people who think that they are "Christian." What a disgrace.

1.) Had I the inclination I could thoroughly and factually document objectively the historical decline of morality in the U.S. since the advent of The Pill. Conversely, your argument is one based on a thought-foundation of falsified social science and social history, as well as more than a sprinkle of biological sex-biased solipsism.

2.) And two, your counterargument is reductio ad absurdum. So let us examine for one moment your proposition that militant feminism had the right--any kind of right-- to attempt to equalize men and women sexually with The Pill, or that doing so was good for either women themselves, their unborn children, or our nation. On all fronts, the ideological deals radical American feminism made with historical monsters to justify their socio-cultural push for the right to "screw around" (at any cost) were detrimental to themselves--biologically, to their unborn (100+ million dead and counting), and to society, the demoralization of America via the cultural revolution.

Thus the contradiction in your counterargument, when reduced to its bases (politically, socially, historically, morally, biologically, culturally, psychologically) is absurd, in that radical American feminists were willing to do whatever it took to be more like men--to do so at any cost morally, however high (100 million dead unborn), just to try to rewrite human biological science; rewrite fact--and they're still doing it today with all of this anti-human, anti-fact LGTBQ crap.

But, it's okay. You've been brainwashed and conditioned across the spectrum of educational and entertainment outlets to believe these historical lies--such has become your religion, and as you cared to point out, most people cannot renounce their religion in one day.

Your religion is one of justification for any act based on the moral rationalization for equality, when what you fail to see is that the fundamental amorality of the movements selling the soul of an entire nation to achieve its goals voids any justification or benefit gained.
The reason people are so immoral today is because of birth control, which led to promiscuity, adultery, fornication, and finally homosexuality and abortion.

You are dead on target.

Some Americans wonder exactly what enabled a majority of their fellow countrymen's minds to believe, with absolute confidence and cultist-like intellectual and moral authority, that breaking core social, cultural and religious taboos was not only normal, but also a completely guilt free act; so guilt free that not breaking these taboos, or criticizing those who do, automatically brands such a person as psychologically abnormal, and can even grant them unwanted, immediate social status as a pariah or religious zealot.

In order to discover the source of this American society-wide enabler of universally popular cultural demoralization, legalization of The Pill is a great, and intellectually honest place to start in our American social history. These days mere mention of one's disapproval of the status quo American culture of breaking ancient moral taboo will almost immediately manifest on one's "doorstep" a battalion of decriers seemingly conjured out of thin air, there to excoriate the fellow American who dared either verbally or in writing, to make or take a moral stand by criticizing the prevalent culture of mainstreamed debauchery.

To find and expose this great demoralizing enabler of the modern American mind, we must first dig into historical ground most likely to yield artesian wells full of poisonous ideological water. The activist and lobbyist and judiciary push to legalize The Pill was brought into agency by radical-- or militant American feminism, whose ideologies were in turn derived from cultural Marxism, in turn derived from Pre-Revolution French writers and philosophers and GWF Hegel, with some polluting, fiction based ideological spice from Thomas Moore.

Dig down further, and we discover a prevailing wind of anti-Christian atheism blowing through all of the above philosophies and cultural and political activist movements. See, in order to gain true efficacy of their agency for so-called liberation from eons of sexual oppression, American women needed a Trinity of ideological and physiological and political weapons with which to besiege and even bring down into collapse, the male dominated civilizations of antiquity, on which Western civilization was predicated.

Follow so far?

So what American militant/radical feminist activist leaders did was make a deal with historical devils for their underlying, fundamental ideology. They derived from primarily atheist philosophers and other intellectuals, who despised the ancient moral order of Christianity; this became the ethos of their culture war: anti-male dominated Christianity. Although they did not openly fly the atheist flag, the atheist banner was neatly folded in the back pockets of their newly put on jeans.

However, Marxist-Atheist philosophy wasn't quite enough anti-American, vitriolic bedrock to fully flesh out their total ideological bridge to victory. So what the feminists did was infiltrate American academia, take advance degrees, and in the process, publish papers and books based on falsified social "science" which one, rewrote the history of Western social norms, and two, was absolutely devoured by so-called "repressed baby boomers" post WW2 who couldn't believe what these "official" academic works were giving them permission to do with each other. Boom; they were enabled.

But wait; as we dig farther, there's even more uncover. Now that militant feminist ideology had been cemented and reinforced by then "modern" academia--namely the antipositivist social sciences, they needed a psychological basis upon which to further validate their anti-Christian, anti-Patriarchy crusade. And they found it in spades, in the "cutting edge" work of Sigmund Freud and psychoanalysis.

Next came the need for a physiological enabler, something which would give women the ability to physically break the ancient social religious based taboo of not being able to have as much free sex as men without as much risk of those pesky things growing inside of them, known since time immemorial as: pregnancies.

Along came The Pill, and American ideologue judges willing to legalize it. With The Pill in hand, American women and men were then able to defy ancient taboo and engage in as much free premarital sex--relatively free of unwanted pregnancy--as they desired. The catch was, pregnancies still happened. Mother nature was not to be denied--nor was primordial human biology. So, the radical feminist movement--now firmly entrenched in American academia, politics and rapidly catching on in mainstream society and pop culture, needed an out.

That "out" came in the form of politicized academic "studies" which falsely claimed women who were denied abortions of choice would run to back alley surgeons who were just as likely to kill them and the baby they cared nothing about, as succeed in aborting it. Further, falsified statistical studies also claimed that, without widespread, legalized, abortion on demand, millions of indigent children with no hope of a good life in America or a fair chance at one, would flood hospitals, orphanages and damage the economy and genepool--so they were all better off never having existed at all. This ethos of the need for abortion caught on in political and academic circles, and then Roe happened. With Roe vs. Wade decided, American radical feminists, Cultural Marxists, and militant atheism, all won historically decisive victories, the benefits of which the Radical American Left is still greatly benefitting from in today's America.

What all of the above led us American people and our society to, was and is a world where extreme moral relativism and moral nihilism in every form of popular culture and epistemological academia broadcasts acceptance of radically amoral behavior as normative into the everyday American's mind through nearly every single media medium and outlet.

In other word's this great and colossal Enabler, described above, has programmed all of us to FALSELY believe it is okay to redefine ancient, fundamental right and wrong at will, in order for us to serve and sate whatever entertainment, political, sexual, social, or ideological pleasure or belief we desire. We modern Americans have been brainwashed over the last century to absolutely believe in our RIGHT to do wrong.

Anyone who disagrees with the prevailing American culture of moral decay loudly or intelligently enough is shunned, ridiculed, encircled and dismissed--not on moral grounds--but by a majority of other Americans ideologically brainwashed by and whose minds operate on this false belief system and false narrative cooked up by a blend of radical feminism, cultural Marxism and atheistic philosophy, who simply shout them down with their cacophony of hate and lies. These radical left movements and philosophies were then combined to form one colossal self-justifying belief system which any American can use to justify just about any amoral act--no matter how violent or disgusting--and still sleep soundly in their beds at night.

Such total bullshit. Men have proven over and over, before the advent of the "pill," that sexual conduct has absolutely nothing to do with any teachings of a Supreme Being or any notion of "right and wrong," Christian or otherwise. Stop trying to blame everything on women. The "pill" only has allowed women to catch up to where men have been all along. If the Creator has been so against sex outside of marriage, more real estate has to have been gotten for Hell to be able to house the millions of male souls cast down there over the centuries for having sex outside of marriage. Heck, in the U.S. alone, the military chiefs have worried about the STD rates among the troops long before the "pill" was ever invented.

Why do you decry people for being against patriarchy? It's founded upon the worship of the human penis. What is the point of worshiping human genitals? They go into the grave along with the rest of the body.

Your theories are stupid, but in keeping with the crap being pushed by sexually obsessed people who think that they are "Christian." What a disgrace.

1.) Had I the inclination I could thoroughly and factually document objectively the historical decline of morality in the U.S. since the advent of The Pill. Conversely, your argument is one based on a thought-foundation of falsified social science and social history, as well as more than a sprinkle of biological sex-biased solipsism.

2.) And two, your counterargument is reductio ad absurdum. So let us examine for one moment your proposition that militant feminism had the right--any kind of right-- to attempt to equalize men and women sexually with The Pill, or that doing so was good for either women themselves, their unborn children, or our nation. On all fronts, the ideological deals radical American feminism made with historical monsters to justify their socio-cultural push for the right to "screw around" (at any cost) were detrimental to themselves--biologically, to their unborn (100+ million dead and counting), and to society, the demoralization of America via the cultural revolution.

Thus the contradiction in your counterargument, when reduced to its bases (politically, socially, historically, morally, biologically, culturally, psychologically) is absurd, in that radical American feminists were willing to do whatever it took to be more like men--to do so at any cost morally, however high (100 million dead unborn), just to try to rewrite human biological science; rewrite fact--and they're still doing it today with all of this anti-human, anti-fact LGTBQ crap.

But, it's okay. You've been brainwashed and conditioned across the spectrum of educational and entertainment outlets to believe these historical lies--such has become your religion, and as you cared to point out, most people cannot renounce their religion in one day.

Your religion is one of justification for any act based on the moral rationalization for equality, when what you fail to see is that the fundamental amorality of the movements selling the soul of an entire nation to achieve its goals voids any justification or benefit gained.

Stop trying to make women the center of your idiotic idea of "morality." We don't do the heavy lifting for your penis-worship "religion."
BTW: not all people believe that having an abortion is "morally" wrong. That's your cult. You deal with it. Most people prefer to use modern tools, like birth control, to avoid such invasive surgery. But you are incapable of understanding this.

If you want to talk about "morality," go talk to your fellow men. We women do not bear any "moral" burden for you men or for "the nation." The idea of equality has absolutely NOTHING to do with notions of "morality." The availability of competent birth-control measures has absolutely NOTHING to do with any discussion of "morality." Morality, whatever this is, and if it has anything to do with a supreme being, applies to all people, male and female. No, Bubba, we women are not any more responsible than you are. If there is such a thing as "sexual morality," find it, live it, preach it to your own.

Just don't dump it on the female half of the population. We are not your scapegoats.
These days mere mention of one's disapproval of the status quo American culture of breaking ancient moral taboo will almost immediately manifest on one's "doorstep" a battalion of decriers seemingly conjured out of thin air, there to excoriate the fellow American who dared either verbally or in writing, to make or take a moral stand by criticizing the prevalent culture of mainstreamed debauchery.

you're a joke _son ....
The reason people are so immoral today is because of birth control, which led to promiscuity, adultery, fornication, and finally homosexuality and abortion.

You are dead on target.

Some Americans wonder exactly what enabled a majority of their fellow countrymen's minds to believe, with absolute confidence and cultist-like intellectual and moral authority, that breaking core social, cultural and religious taboos was not only normal, but also a completely guilt free act; so guilt free that not breaking these taboos, or criticizing those who do, automatically brands such a person as psychologically abnormal, and can even grant them unwanted, immediate social status as a pariah or religious zealot.

In order to discover the source of this American society-wide enabler of universally popular cultural demoralization, legalization of The Pill is a great, and intellectually honest place to start in our American social history. These days mere mention of one's disapproval of the status quo American culture of breaking ancient moral taboo will almost immediately manifest on one's "doorstep" a battalion of decriers seemingly conjured out of thin air, there to excoriate the fellow American who dared either verbally or in writing, to make or take a moral stand by criticizing the prevalent culture of mainstreamed debauchery.

To find and expose this great demoralizing enabler of the modern American mind, we must first dig into historical ground most likely to yield artesian wells full of poisonous ideological water. The activist and lobbyist and judiciary push to legalize The Pill was brought into agency by radical-- or militant American feminism, whose ideologies were in turn derived from cultural Marxism, in turn derived from Pre-Revolution French writers and philosophers and GWF Hegel, with some polluting, fiction based ideological spice from Thomas Moore.

Dig down further, and we discover a prevailing wind of anti-Christian atheism blowing through all of the above philosophies and cultural and political activist movements. See, in order to gain true efficacy of their agency for so-called liberation from eons of sexual oppression, American women needed a Trinity of ideological and physiological and political weapons with which to besiege and even bring down into collapse, the male dominated civilizations of antiquity, on which Western civilization was predicated.

Follow so far?

So what American militant/radical feminist activist leaders did was make a deal with historical devils for their underlying, fundamental ideology. They derived from primarily atheist philosophers and other intellectuals, who despised the ancient moral order of Christianity; this became the ethos of their culture war: anti-male dominated Christianity. Although they did not openly fly the atheist flag, the atheist banner was neatly folded in the back pockets of their newly put on jeans.

However, Marxist-Atheist philosophy wasn't quite enough anti-American, vitriolic bedrock to fully flesh out their total ideological bridge to victory. So what the feminists did was infiltrate American academia, take advance degrees, and in the process, publish papers and books based on falsified social "science" which one, rewrote the history of Western social norms, and two, was absolutely devoured by so-called "repressed baby boomers" post WW2 who couldn't believe what these "official" academic works were giving them permission to do with each other. Boom; they were enabled.

But wait; as we dig farther, there's even more uncover. Now that militant feminist ideology had been cemented and reinforced by then "modern" academia--namely the antipositivist social sciences, they needed a psychological basis upon which to further validate their anti-Christian, anti-Patriarchy crusade. And they found it in spades, in the "cutting edge" work of Sigmund Freud and psychoanalysis.

Next came the need for a physiological enabler, something which would give women the ability to physically break the ancient social religious based taboo of not being able to have as much free sex as men without as much risk of those pesky things growing inside of them, known since time immemorial as: pregnancies.

Along came The Pill, and American ideologue judges willing to legalize it. With The Pill in hand, American women and men were then able to defy ancient taboo and engage in as much free premarital sex--relatively free of unwanted pregnancy--as they desired. The catch was, pregnancies still happened. Mother nature was not to be denied--nor was primordial human biology. So, the radical feminist movement--now firmly entrenched in American academia, politics and rapidly catching on in mainstream society and pop culture, needed an out.

That "out" came in the form of politicized academic "studies" which falsely claimed women who were denied abortions of choice would run to back alley surgeons who were just as likely to kill them and the baby they cared nothing about, as succeed in aborting it. Further, falsified statistical studies also claimed that, without widespread, legalized, abortion on demand, millions of indigent children with no hope of a good life in America or a fair chance at one, would flood hospitals, orphanages and damage the economy and genepool--so they were all better off never having existed at all. This ethos of the need for abortion caught on in political and academic circles, and then Roe happened. With Roe vs. Wade decided, American radical feminists, Cultural Marxists, and militant atheism, all won historically decisive victories, the benefits of which the Radical American Left is still greatly benefitting from in today's America.

What all of the above led us American people and our society to, was and is a world where extreme moral relativism and moral nihilism in every form of popular culture and epistemological academia broadcasts acceptance of radically amoral behavior as normative into the everyday American's mind through nearly every single media medium and outlet.

In other word's this great and colossal Enabler, described above, has programmed all of us to FALSELY believe it is okay to redefine ancient, fundamental right and wrong at will, in order for us to serve and sate whatever entertainment, political, sexual, social, or ideological pleasure or belief we desire. We modern Americans have been brainwashed over the last century to absolutely believe in our RIGHT to do wrong.

Anyone who disagrees with the prevailing American culture of moral decay loudly or intelligently enough is shunned, ridiculed, encircled and dismissed--not on moral grounds--but by a majority of other Americans ideologically brainwashed by and whose minds operate on this false belief system and false narrative cooked up by a blend of radical feminism, cultural Marxism and atheistic philosophy, who simply shout them down with their cacophony of hate and lies. These radical left movements and philosophies were then combined to form one colossal self-justifying belief system which any American can use to justify just about any amoral act--no matter how violent or disgusting--and still sleep soundly in their beds at night.

Such total bullshit. Men have proven over and over, before the advent of the "pill," that sexual conduct has absolutely nothing to do with any teachings of a Supreme Being or any notion of "right and wrong," Christian or otherwise. Stop trying to blame everything on women. The "pill" only has allowed women to catch up to where men have been all along. If the Creator has been so against sex outside of marriage, more real estate has to have been gotten for Hell to be able to house the millions of male souls cast down there over the centuries for having sex outside of marriage. Heck, in the U.S. alone, the military chiefs have worried about the STD rates among the troops long before the "pill" was ever invented.

Why do you decry people for being against patriarchy? It's founded upon the worship of the human penis. What is the point of worshiping human genitals? They go into the grave along with the rest of the body.

Your theories are stupid, but in keeping with the crap being pushed by sexually obsessed people who think that they are "Christian." What a disgrace.

1.) Had I the inclination I could thoroughly and factually document objectively the historical decline of morality in the U.S. since the advent of The Pill. Conversely, your argument is one based on a thought-foundation of falsified social science and social history, as well as more than a sprinkle of biological sex-biased solipsism.

2.) And two, your counterargument is reductio ad absurdum. So let us examine for one moment your proposition that militant feminism had the right--any kind of right-- to attempt to equalize men and women sexually with The Pill, or that doing so was good for either women themselves, their unborn children, or our nation. On all fronts, the ideological deals radical American feminism made with historical monsters to justify their socio-cultural push for the right to "screw around" (at any cost) were detrimental to themselves--biologically, to their unborn (100+ million dead and counting), and to society, the demoralization of America via the cultural revolution.

Thus the contradiction in your counterargument, when reduced to its bases (politically, socially, historically, morally, biologically, culturally, psychologically) is absurd, in that radical American feminists were willing to do whatever it took to be more like men--to do so at any cost morally, however high (100 million dead unborn), just to try to rewrite human biological science; rewrite fact--and they're still doing it today with all of this anti-human, anti-fact LGTBQ crap.

But, it's okay. You've been brainwashed and conditioned across the spectrum of educational and entertainment outlets to believe these historical lies--such has become your religion, and as you cared to point out, most people cannot renounce their religion in one day.

Your religion is one of justification for any act based on the moral rationalization for equality, when what you fail to see is that the fundamental amorality of the movements selling the soul of an entire nation to achieve its goals voids any justification or benefit gained.
On all fronts, the ideological deals radical American feminism made with historical monsters to justify their socio-cultural push for the right to "screw around" (at any cost) were detrimental to themselves--biologically, to their unborn (100+ million dead and counting), and to society, the demoralization of America via the cultural revolution.

and to society ... the demoralization of America via the cultural revolution.


cry us a river, son.
The reason people are so immoral today is because of birth control, which led to promiscuity, adultery, fornication, and finally homosexuality and abortion.

You are dead on target.

Some Americans wonder exactly what enabled a majority of their fellow countrymen's minds to believe, with absolute confidence and cultist-like intellectual and moral authority, that breaking core social, cultural and religious taboos was not only normal, but also a completely guilt free act; so guilt free that not breaking these taboos, or criticizing those who do, automatically brands such a person as psychologically abnormal, and can even grant them unwanted, immediate social status as a pariah or religious zealot.

In order to discover the source of this American society-wide enabler of universally popular cultural demoralization, legalization of The Pill is a great, and intellectually honest place to start in our American social history. These days mere mention of one's disapproval of the status quo American culture of breaking ancient moral taboo will almost immediately manifest on one's "doorstep" a battalion of decriers seemingly conjured out of thin air, there to excoriate the fellow American who dared either verbally or in writing, to make or take a moral stand by criticizing the prevalent culture of mainstreamed debauchery.

To find and expose this great demoralizing enabler of the modern American mind, we must first dig into historical ground most likely to yield artesian wells full of poisonous ideological water. The activist and lobbyist and judiciary push to legalize The Pill was brought into agency by radical-- or militant American feminism, whose ideologies were in turn derived from cultural Marxism, in turn derived from Pre-Revolution French writers and philosophers and GWF Hegel, with some polluting, fiction based ideological spice from Thomas Moore.

Dig down further, and we discover a prevailing wind of anti-Christian atheism blowing through all of the above philosophies and cultural and political activist movements. See, in order to gain true efficacy of their agency for so-called liberation from eons of sexual oppression, American women needed a Trinity of ideological and physiological and political weapons with which to besiege and even bring down into collapse, the male dominated civilizations of antiquity, on which Western civilization was predicated.

Follow so far?

So what American militant/radical feminist activist leaders did was make a deal with historical devils for their underlying, fundamental ideology. They derived from primarily atheist philosophers and other intellectuals, who despised the ancient moral order of Christianity; this became the ethos of their culture war: anti-male dominated Christianity. Although they did not openly fly the atheist flag, the atheist banner was neatly folded in the back pockets of their newly put on jeans.

However, Marxist-Atheist philosophy wasn't quite enough anti-American, vitriolic bedrock to fully flesh out their total ideological bridge to victory. So what the feminists did was infiltrate American academia, take advance degrees, and in the process, publish papers and books based on falsified social "science" which one, rewrote the history of Western social norms, and two, was absolutely devoured by so-called "repressed baby boomers" post WW2 who couldn't believe what these "official" academic works were giving them permission to do with each other. Boom; they were enabled.

But wait; as we dig farther, there's even more uncover. Now that militant feminist ideology had been cemented and reinforced by then "modern" academia--namely the antipositivist social sciences, they needed a psychological basis upon which to further validate their anti-Christian, anti-Patriarchy crusade. And they found it in spades, in the "cutting edge" work of Sigmund Freud and psychoanalysis.

Next came the need for a physiological enabler, something which would give women the ability to physically break the ancient social religious based taboo of not being able to have as much free sex as men without as much risk of those pesky things growing inside of them, known since time immemorial as: pregnancies.

Along came The Pill, and American ideologue judges willing to legalize it. With The Pill in hand, American women and men were then able to defy ancient taboo and engage in as much free premarital sex--relatively free of unwanted pregnancy--as they desired. The catch was, pregnancies still happened. Mother nature was not to be denied--nor was primordial human biology. So, the radical feminist movement--now firmly entrenched in American academia, politics and rapidly catching on in mainstream society and pop culture, needed an out.

That "out" came in the form of politicized academic "studies" which falsely claimed women who were denied abortions of choice would run to back alley surgeons who were just as likely to kill them and the baby they cared nothing about, as succeed in aborting it. Further, falsified statistical studies also claimed that, without widespread, legalized, abortion on demand, millions of indigent children with no hope of a good life in America or a fair chance at one, would flood hospitals, orphanages and damage the economy and genepool--so they were all better off never having existed at all. This ethos of the need for abortion caught on in political and academic circles, and then Roe happened. With Roe vs. Wade decided, American radical feminists, Cultural Marxists, and militant atheism, all won historically decisive victories, the benefits of which the Radical American Left is still greatly benefitting from in today's America.

What all of the above led us American people and our society to, was and is a world where extreme moral relativism and moral nihilism in every form of popular culture and epistemological academia broadcasts acceptance of radically amoral behavior as normative into the everyday American's mind through nearly every single media medium and outlet.

In other word's this great and colossal Enabler, described above, has programmed all of us to FALSELY believe it is okay to redefine ancient, fundamental right and wrong at will, in order for us to serve and sate whatever entertainment, political, sexual, social, or ideological pleasure or belief we desire. We modern Americans have been brainwashed over the last century to absolutely believe in our RIGHT to do wrong.

Anyone who disagrees with the prevailing American culture of moral decay loudly or intelligently enough is shunned, ridiculed, encircled and dismissed--not on moral grounds--but by a majority of other Americans ideologically brainwashed by and whose minds operate on this false belief system and false narrative cooked up by a blend of radical feminism, cultural Marxism and atheistic philosophy, who simply shout them down with their cacophony of hate and lies. These radical left movements and philosophies were then combined to form one colossal self-justifying belief system which any American can use to justify just about any amoral act--no matter how violent or disgusting--and still sleep soundly in their beds at night.

Such total bullshit. Men have proven over and over, before the advent of the "pill," that sexual conduct has absolutely nothing to do with any teachings of a Supreme Being or any notion of "right and wrong," Christian or otherwise. Stop trying to blame everything on women. The "pill" only has allowed women to catch up to where men have been all along. If the Creator has been so against sex outside of marriage, more real estate has to have been gotten for Hell to be able to house the millions of male souls cast down there over the centuries for having sex outside of marriage. Heck, in the U.S. alone, the military chiefs have worried about the STD rates among the troops long before the "pill" was ever invented.

Why do you decry people for being against patriarchy? It's founded upon the worship of the human penis. What is the point of worshiping human genitals? They go into the grave along with the rest of the body.

Your theories are stupid, but in keeping with the crap being pushed by sexually obsessed people who think that they are "Christian." What a disgrace.

1.) Had I the inclination I could thoroughly and factually document objectively the historical decline of morality in the U.S. since the advent of The Pill. Conversely, your argument is one based on a thought-foundation of falsified social science and social history, as well as more than a sprinkle of biological sex-biased solipsism.

2.) And two, your counterargument is reductio ad absurdum. So let us examine for one moment your proposition that militant feminism had the right--any kind of right-- to attempt to equalize men and women sexually with The Pill, or that doing so was good for either women themselves, their unborn children, or our nation. On all fronts, the ideological deals radical American feminism made with historical monsters to justify their socio-cultural push for the right to "screw around" (at any cost) were detrimental to themselves--biologically, to their unborn (100+ million dead and counting), and to society, the demoralization of America via the cultural revolution.

Thus the contradiction in your counterargument, when reduced to its bases (politically, socially, historically, morally, biologically, culturally, psychologically) is absurd, in that radical American feminists were willing to do whatever it took to be more like men--to do so at any cost morally, however high (100 million dead unborn), just to try to rewrite human biological science; rewrite fact--and they're still doing it today with all of this anti-human, anti-fact LGTBQ crap.

But, it's okay. You've been brainwashed and conditioned across the spectrum of educational and entertainment outlets to believe these historical lies--such has become your religion, and as you cared to point out, most people cannot renounce their religion in one day.

Your religion is one of justification for any act based on the moral rationalization for equality, when what you fail to see is that the fundamental amorality of the movements selling the soul of an entire nation to achieve its goals voids any justification or benefit gained.
On all fronts, the ideological deals radical American feminism made with historical monsters to justify their socio-cultural push for the right to "screw around" (at any cost) were detrimental to themselves--biologically, to their unborn (100+ million dead and counting), and to society, the demoralization of America via the cultural revolution.

and to society ... the demoralization of America via the cultural revolution.

View attachment 214137

cry us a river, son.

First, try and devise an original, un-indoctrinated and less inanely banal riposte. Un-embrace the stereotype.
These days mere mention of one's disapproval of the status quo American culture of breaking ancient moral taboo will almost immediately manifest on one's "doorstep" a battalion of decriers seemingly conjured out of thin air, there to excoriate the fellow American who dared either verbally or in writing, to make or take a moral stand by criticizing the prevalent culture of mainstreamed debauchery.

you're a joke _son ....

The tried and true and no less banal for it, tattersall "because I said so" response. Instead, embrace and explore the factual intersubjectivity of recorded social history. However, I see your point in refusing to do so: because embracing the historical truth means renouncing your religion of radical revolutionary Leftism--against your will. Can't be removing your brainwashed in justifications for doing wrong, now can you?
The reason people are so immoral today is because of birth control, which led to promiscuity, adultery, fornication, and finally homosexuality and abortion.

You are dead on target.

Some Americans wonder exactly what enabled a majority of their fellow countrymen's minds to believe, with absolute confidence and cultist-like intellectual and moral authority, that breaking core social, cultural and religious taboos was not only normal, but also a completely guilt free act; so guilt free that not breaking these taboos, or criticizing those who do, automatically brands such a person as psychologically abnormal, and can even grant them unwanted, immediate social status as a pariah or religious zealot.

In order to discover the source of this American society-wide enabler of universally popular cultural demoralization, legalization of The Pill is a great, and intellectually honest place to start in our American social history. These days mere mention of one's disapproval of the status quo American culture of breaking ancient moral taboo will almost immediately manifest on one's "doorstep" a battalion of decriers seemingly conjured out of thin air, there to excoriate the fellow American who dared either verbally or in writing, to make or take a moral stand by criticizing the prevalent culture of mainstreamed debauchery.

To find and expose this great demoralizing enabler of the modern American mind, we must first dig into historical ground most likely to yield artesian wells full of poisonous ideological water. The activist and lobbyist and judiciary push to legalize The Pill was brought into agency by radical-- or militant American feminism, whose ideologies were in turn derived from cultural Marxism, in turn derived from Pre-Revolution French writers and philosophers and GWF Hegel, with some polluting, fiction based ideological spice from Thomas Moore.

Dig down further, and we discover a prevailing wind of anti-Christian atheism blowing through all of the above philosophies and cultural and political activist movements. See, in order to gain true efficacy of their agency for so-called liberation from eons of sexual oppression, American women needed a Trinity of ideological and physiological and political weapons with which to besiege and even bring down into collapse, the male dominated civilizations of antiquity, on which Western civilization was predicated.

Follow so far?

So what American militant/radical feminist activist leaders did was make a deal with historical devils for their underlying, fundamental ideology. They derived from primarily atheist philosophers and other intellectuals, who despised the ancient moral order of Christianity; this became the ethos of their culture war: anti-male dominated Christianity. Although they did not openly fly the atheist flag, the atheist banner was neatly folded in the back pockets of their newly put on jeans.

However, Marxist-Atheist philosophy wasn't quite enough anti-American, vitriolic bedrock to fully flesh out their total ideological bridge to victory. So what the feminists did was infiltrate American academia, take advance degrees, and in the process, publish papers and books based on falsified social "science" which one, rewrote the history of Western social norms, and two, was absolutely devoured by so-called "repressed baby boomers" post WW2 who couldn't believe what these "official" academic works were giving them permission to do with each other. Boom; they were enabled.

But wait; as we dig farther, there's even more uncover. Now that militant feminist ideology had been cemented and reinforced by then "modern" academia--namely the antipositivist social sciences, they needed a psychological basis upon which to further validate their anti-Christian, anti-Patriarchy crusade. And they found it in spades, in the "cutting edge" work of Sigmund Freud and psychoanalysis.

Next came the need for a physiological enabler, something which would give women the ability to physically break the ancient social religious based taboo of not being able to have as much free sex as men without as much risk of those pesky things growing inside of them, known since time immemorial as: pregnancies.

Along came The Pill, and American ideologue judges willing to legalize it. With The Pill in hand, American women and men were then able to defy ancient taboo and engage in as much free premarital sex--relatively free of unwanted pregnancy--as they desired. The catch was, pregnancies still happened. Mother nature was not to be denied--nor was primordial human biology. So, the radical feminist movement--now firmly entrenched in American academia, politics and rapidly catching on in mainstream society and pop culture, needed an out.

That "out" came in the form of politicized academic "studies" which falsely claimed women who were denied abortions of choice would run to back alley surgeons who were just as likely to kill them and the baby they cared nothing about, as succeed in aborting it. Further, falsified statistical studies also claimed that, without widespread, legalized, abortion on demand, millions of indigent children with no hope of a good life in America or a fair chance at one, would flood hospitals, orphanages and damage the economy and genepool--so they were all better off never having existed at all. This ethos of the need for abortion caught on in political and academic circles, and then Roe happened. With Roe vs. Wade decided, American radical feminists, Cultural Marxists, and militant atheism, all won historically decisive victories, the benefits of which the Radical American Left is still greatly benefitting from in today's America.

What all of the above led us American people and our society to, was and is a world where extreme moral relativism and moral nihilism in every form of popular culture and epistemological academia broadcasts acceptance of radically amoral behavior as normative into the everyday American's mind through nearly every single media medium and outlet.

In other word's this great and colossal Enabler, described above, has programmed all of us to FALSELY believe it is okay to redefine ancient, fundamental right and wrong at will, in order for us to serve and sate whatever entertainment, political, sexual, social, or ideological pleasure or belief we desire. We modern Americans have been brainwashed over the last century to absolutely believe in our RIGHT to do wrong.

Anyone who disagrees with the prevailing American culture of moral decay loudly or intelligently enough is shunned, ridiculed, encircled and dismissed--not on moral grounds--but by a majority of other Americans ideologically brainwashed by and whose minds operate on this false belief system and false narrative cooked up by a blend of radical feminism, cultural Marxism and atheistic philosophy, who simply shout them down with their cacophony of hate and lies. These radical left movements and philosophies were then combined to form one colossal self-justifying belief system which any American can use to justify just about any amoral act--no matter how violent or disgusting--and still sleep soundly in their beds at night.

Such total bullshit. Men have proven over and over, before the advent of the "pill," that sexual conduct has absolutely nothing to do with any teachings of a Supreme Being or any notion of "right and wrong," Christian or otherwise. Stop trying to blame everything on women. The "pill" only has allowed women to catch up to where men have been all along. If the Creator has been so against sex outside of marriage, more real estate has to have been gotten for Hell to be able to house the millions of male souls cast down there over the centuries for having sex outside of marriage. Heck, in the U.S. alone, the military chiefs have worried about the STD rates among the troops long before the "pill" was ever invented.

Why do you decry people for being against patriarchy? It's founded upon the worship of the human penis. What is the point of worshiping human genitals? They go into the grave along with the rest of the body.

Your theories are stupid, but in keeping with the crap being pushed by sexually obsessed people who think that they are "Christian." What a disgrace.

1.) Had I the inclination I could thoroughly and factually document objectively the historical decline of morality in the U.S. since the advent of The Pill. Conversely, your argument is one based on a thought-foundation of falsified social science and social history, as well as more than a sprinkle of biological sex-biased solipsism.

2.) And two, your counterargument is reductio ad absurdum. So let us examine for one moment your proposition that militant feminism had the right--any kind of right-- to attempt to equalize men and women sexually with The Pill, or that doing so was good for either women themselves, their unborn children, or our nation. On all fronts, the ideological deals radical American feminism made with historical monsters to justify their socio-cultural push for the right to "screw around" (at any cost) were detrimental to themselves--biologically, to their unborn (100+ million dead and counting), and to society, the demoralization of America via the cultural revolution.

Thus the contradiction in your counterargument, when reduced to its bases (politically, socially, historically, morally, biologically, culturally, psychologically) is absurd, in that radical American feminists were willing to do whatever it took to be more like men--to do so at any cost morally, however high (100 million dead unborn), just to try to rewrite human biological science; rewrite fact--and they're still doing it today with all of this anti-human, anti-fact LGTBQ crap.

But, it's okay. You've been brainwashed and conditioned across the spectrum of educational and entertainment outlets to believe these historical lies--such has become your religion, and as you cared to point out, most people cannot renounce their religion in one day.

Your religion is one of justification for any act based on the moral rationalization for equality, when what you fail to see is that the fundamental amorality of the movements selling the soul of an entire nation to achieve its goals voids any justification or benefit gained.

Stop trying to make women the center of your idiotic idea of "morality." We don't do the heavy lifting for your penis-worship "religion."
BTW: not all people believe that having an abortion is "morally" wrong. That's your cult. You deal with it. Most people prefer to use modern tools, like birth control, to avoid such invasive surgery. But you are incapable of understanding this.

If you want to talk about "morality," go talk to your fellow men. We women do not bear any "moral" burden for you men or for "the nation." The idea of equality has absolutely NOTHING to do with notions of "morality." The availability of competent birth-control measures has absolutely NOTHING to do with any discussion of "morality." Morality, whatever this is, and if it has anything to do with a supreme being, applies to all people, male and female. No, Bubba, we women are not any more responsible than you are. If there is such a thing as "sexual morality," find it, live it, preach it to your own.

Just don't dump it on the female half of the population. We are not your scapegoats.

Sadly for our modern society, your ideologically derived social militant feminist folk heroes are the ones who made "it" about women, and by consequence, ignited an open war on their male counterparts and American culture and founding philosophy. Your heroes of the feminist revolution initiated this culture war, and have in their long radical Leftist campaign of fighting it, dragged our great nation down into the morally nihilistic cultural cesspool we now inhabit. All in the name of their own right commit whatever acts of immorality were required to seek their victory, your heroes have committed great and terrible atrocity. Of course you are unable to even acknowledge such truth, because doing so openly is no different than committing highest heresy against the church of militant feminism. Justify away . . . recursively and forever. Such an act comforts you I am certain, yet can never change the truth of American social history--although they certainly have been trying to revise and rewrite it.
The reason people are so immoral today is because of birth control, which led to promiscuity, adultery, fornication, and finally homosexuality and abortion.

You are dead on target.

Some Americans wonder exactly what enabled a majority of their fellow countrymen's minds to believe, with absolute confidence and cultist-like intellectual and moral authority, that breaking core social, cultural and religious taboos was not only normal, but also a completely guilt free act; so guilt free that not breaking these taboos, or criticizing those who do, automatically brands such a person as psychologically abnormal, and can even grant them unwanted, immediate social status as a pariah or religious zealot.

In order to discover the source of this American society-wide enabler of universally popular cultural demoralization, legalization of The Pill is a great, and intellectually honest place to start in our American social history. These days mere mention of one's disapproval of the status quo American culture of breaking ancient moral taboo will almost immediately manifest on one's "doorstep" a battalion of decriers seemingly conjured out of thin air, there to excoriate the fellow American who dared either verbally or in writing, to make or take a moral stand by criticizing the prevalent culture of mainstreamed debauchery.

To find and expose this great demoralizing enabler of the modern American mind, we must first dig into historical ground most likely to yield artesian wells full of poisonous ideological water. The activist and lobbyist and judiciary push to legalize The Pill was brought into agency by radical-- or militant American feminism, whose ideologies were in turn derived from cultural Marxism, in turn derived from Pre-Revolution French writers and philosophers and GWF Hegel, with some polluting, fiction based ideological spice from Thomas Moore.

Dig down further, and we discover a prevailing wind of anti-Christian atheism blowing through all of the above philosophies and cultural and political activist movements. See, in order to gain true efficacy of their agency for so-called liberation from eons of sexual oppression, American women needed a Trinity of ideological and physiological and political weapons with which to besiege and even bring down into collapse, the male dominated civilizations of antiquity, on which Western civilization was predicated.

Follow so far?

So what American militant/radical feminist activist leaders did was make a deal with historical devils for their underlying, fundamental ideology. They derived from primarily atheist philosophers and other intellectuals, who despised the ancient moral order of Christianity; this became the ethos of their culture war: anti-male dominated Christianity. Although they did not openly fly the atheist flag, the atheist banner was neatly folded in the back pockets of their newly put on jeans.

However, Marxist-Atheist philosophy wasn't quite enough anti-American, vitriolic bedrock to fully flesh out their total ideological bridge to victory. So what the feminists did was infiltrate American academia, take advance degrees, and in the process, publish papers and books based on falsified social "science" which one, rewrote the history of Western social norms, and two, was absolutely devoured by so-called "repressed baby boomers" post WW2 who couldn't believe what these "official" academic works were giving them permission to do with each other. Boom; they were enabled.

But wait; as we dig farther, there's even more uncover. Now that militant feminist ideology had been cemented and reinforced by then "modern" academia--namely the antipositivist social sciences, they needed a psychological basis upon which to further validate their anti-Christian, anti-Patriarchy crusade. And they found it in spades, in the "cutting edge" work of Sigmund Freud and psychoanalysis.

Next came the need for a physiological enabler, something which would give women the ability to physically break the ancient social religious based taboo of not being able to have as much free sex as men without as much risk of those pesky things growing inside of them, known since time immemorial as: pregnancies.

Along came The Pill, and American ideologue judges willing to legalize it. With The Pill in hand, American women and men were then able to defy ancient taboo and engage in as much free premarital sex--relatively free of unwanted pregnancy--as they desired. The catch was, pregnancies still happened. Mother nature was not to be denied--nor was primordial human biology. So, the radical feminist movement--now firmly entrenched in American academia, politics and rapidly catching on in mainstream society and pop culture, needed an out.

That "out" came in the form of politicized academic "studies" which falsely claimed women who were denied abortions of choice would run to back alley surgeons who were just as likely to kill them and the baby they cared nothing about, as succeed in aborting it. Further, falsified statistical studies also claimed that, without widespread, legalized, abortion on demand, millions of indigent children with no hope of a good life in America or a fair chance at one, would flood hospitals, orphanages and damage the economy and genepool--so they were all better off never having existed at all. This ethos of the need for abortion caught on in political and academic circles, and then Roe happened. With Roe vs. Wade decided, American radical feminists, Cultural Marxists, and militant atheism, all won historically decisive victories, the benefits of which the Radical American Left is still greatly benefitting from in today's America.

What all of the above led us American people and our society to, was and is a world where extreme moral relativism and moral nihilism in every form of popular culture and epistemological academia broadcasts acceptance of radically amoral behavior as normative into the everyday American's mind through nearly every single media medium and outlet.

In other word's this great and colossal Enabler, described above, has programmed all of us to FALSELY believe it is okay to redefine ancient, fundamental right and wrong at will, in order for us to serve and sate whatever entertainment, political, sexual, social, or ideological pleasure or belief we desire. We modern Americans have been brainwashed over the last century to absolutely believe in our RIGHT to do wrong.

Anyone who disagrees with the prevailing American culture of moral decay loudly or intelligently enough is shunned, ridiculed, encircled and dismissed--not on moral grounds--but by a majority of other Americans ideologically brainwashed by and whose minds operate on this false belief system and false narrative cooked up by a blend of radical feminism, cultural Marxism and atheistic philosophy, who simply shout them down with their cacophony of hate and lies. These radical left movements and philosophies were then combined to form one colossal self-justifying belief system which any American can use to justify just about any amoral act--no matter how violent or disgusting--and still sleep soundly in their beds at night.

Such total bullshit. Men have proven over and over, before the advent of the "pill," that sexual conduct has absolutely nothing to do with any teachings of a Supreme Being or any notion of "right and wrong," Christian or otherwise. Stop trying to blame everything on women. The "pill" only has allowed women to catch up to where men have been all along. If the Creator has been so against sex outside of marriage, more real estate has to have been gotten for Hell to be able to house the millions of male souls cast down there over the centuries for having sex outside of marriage. Heck, in the U.S. alone, the military chiefs have worried about the STD rates among the troops long before the "pill" was ever invented.

Why do you decry people for being against patriarchy? It's founded upon the worship of the human penis. What is the point of worshiping human genitals? They go into the grave along with the rest of the body.

Your theories are stupid, but in keeping with the crap being pushed by sexually obsessed people who think that they are "Christian." What a disgrace.

1.) Had I the inclination I could thoroughly and factually document objectively the historical decline of morality in the U.S. since the advent of The Pill. Conversely, your argument is one based on a thought-foundation of falsified social science and social history, as well as more than a sprinkle of biological sex-biased solipsism.

2.) And two, your counterargument is reductio ad absurdum. So let us examine for one moment your proposition that militant feminism had the right--any kind of right-- to attempt to equalize men and women sexually with The Pill, or that doing so was good for either women themselves, their unborn children, or our nation. On all fronts, the ideological deals radical American feminism made with historical monsters to justify their socio-cultural push for the right to "screw around" (at any cost) were detrimental to themselves--biologically, to their unborn (100+ million dead and counting), and to society, the demoralization of America via the cultural revolution.

Thus the contradiction in your counterargument, when reduced to its bases (politically, socially, historically, morally, biologically, culturally, psychologically) is absurd, in that radical American feminists were willing to do whatever it took to be more like men--to do so at any cost morally, however high (100 million dead unborn), just to try to rewrite human biological science; rewrite fact--and they're still doing it today with all of this anti-human, anti-fact LGTBQ crap.

But, it's okay. You've been brainwashed and conditioned across the spectrum of educational and entertainment outlets to believe these historical lies--such has become your religion, and as you cared to point out, most people cannot renounce their religion in one day.

Your religion is one of justification for any act based on the moral rationalization for equality, when what you fail to see is that the fundamental amorality of the movements selling the soul of an entire nation to achieve its goals voids any justification or benefit gained.

Stop trying to make women the center of your idiotic idea of "morality." We don't do the heavy lifting for your penis-worship "religion."
BTW: not all people believe that having an abortion is "morally" wrong. That's your cult. You deal with it. Most people prefer to use modern tools, like birth control, to avoid such invasive surgery. But you are incapable of understanding this.

If you want to talk about "morality," go talk to your fellow men. We women do not bear any "moral" burden for you men or for "the nation." The idea of equality has absolutely NOTHING to do with notions of "morality." The availability of competent birth-control measures has absolutely NOTHING to do with any discussion of "morality." Morality, whatever this is, and if it has anything to do with a supreme being, applies to all people, male and female. No, Bubba, we women are not any more responsible than you are. If there is such a thing as "sexual morality," find it, live it, preach it to your own.

Just don't dump it on the female half of the population. We are not your scapegoats.

Sadly for our modern society, your ideologically derived social militant feminist folk heroes are the ones who made "it" about women, and by consequence, ignited an open war on their male counterparts and American culture and founding philosophy. Your heroes of the feminist revolution initiated this culture war, and have in their long radical Leftist campaign of fighting it, dragged our great nation down into the morally nihilistic cultural cesspool we now inhabit. All in the name of their own right commit whatever acts of immorality were required to seek their victory, your heroes have committed great and terrible atrocity. Of course you are unable to even acknowledge such truth, because doing so openly is no different than committing highest heresy against the church of militant feminism. Justify away . . . recursively and forever. Such an act comforts you I am certain, yet can never change the truth of American social history--although they certainly have been trying to revise and rewrite it.

Bullshit. There is no "culture war" except in your sick mind. The penis-worshipers who violated the so-called "sexual morality" did so centuries before the women's movement for equality. You guys who want to fuck anything that is still breathing and then blame it all on women have been around for centuries before "the pill." The penis-worship in religion has been around far longer than "the pill."

Show me how men have always honored the "moral" commitment to have no sex outside of a consecrated religious marriage and have kept their bodies wholesome as a pure unsullied gift to their new wives and have kept themselves faithful to their wives. Tell us how many of you men have kept yourselves virginal as a sacred vessel until you have taken vows committing yourself and your body to one woman, and then kept those vows.
These days mere mention of one's disapproval of the status quo American culture of breaking ancient moral taboo will almost immediately manifest on one's "doorstep" a battalion of decriers seemingly conjured out of thin air, there to excoriate the fellow American who dared either verbally or in writing, to make or take a moral stand by criticizing the prevalent culture of mainstreamed debauchery.

you're a joke _son ....

The tried and true and no less banal for it, tattersall "because I said so" response. Instead, embrace and explore the factual intersubjectivity of recorded social history. However, I see your point in refusing to do so: because embracing the historical truth means renouncing your religion of radical revolutionary Leftism--against your will. Can't be removing your brainwashed in justifications for doing wrong, now can you?
The tried and true and no less banal for it, tattersall "because I said so" response. Instead, embrace and explore the factual intersubjectivity of recorded social history. However, I see your point in refusing to do so: because embracing the historical truth means renouncing your religion of radical revolutionary Leftism--against your will. Can't be removing your brainwashed in justifications for doing wrong, now can you?

Instead, embrace and explore the factual intersubjectivity of recorded social history ...


yes, and would require an elevation of objectivity above being brain dead in a tattersall of ignorance ....
You are dead on target.

Some Americans wonder exactly what enabled a majority of their fellow countrymen's minds to believe, with absolute confidence and cultist-like intellectual and moral authority, that breaking core social, cultural and religious taboos was not only normal, but also a completely guilt free act; so guilt free that not breaking these taboos, or criticizing those who do, automatically brands such a person as psychologically abnormal, and can even grant them unwanted, immediate social status as a pariah or religious zealot.

In order to discover the source of this American society-wide enabler of universally popular cultural demoralization, legalization of The Pill is a great, and intellectually honest place to start in our American social history. These days mere mention of one's disapproval of the status quo American culture of breaking ancient moral taboo will almost immediately manifest on one's "doorstep" a battalion of decriers seemingly conjured out of thin air, there to excoriate the fellow American who dared either verbally or in writing, to make or take a moral stand by criticizing the prevalent culture of mainstreamed debauchery.

To find and expose this great demoralizing enabler of the modern American mind, we must first dig into historical ground most likely to yield artesian wells full of poisonous ideological water. The activist and lobbyist and judiciary push to legalize The Pill was brought into agency by radical-- or militant American feminism, whose ideologies were in turn derived from cultural Marxism, in turn derived from Pre-Revolution French writers and philosophers and GWF Hegel, with some polluting, fiction based ideological spice from Thomas Moore.

Dig down further, and we discover a prevailing wind of anti-Christian atheism blowing through all of the above philosophies and cultural and political activist movements. See, in order to gain true efficacy of their agency for so-called liberation from eons of sexual oppression, American women needed a Trinity of ideological and physiological and political weapons with which to besiege and even bring down into collapse, the male dominated civilizations of antiquity, on which Western civilization was predicated.

Follow so far?

So what American militant/radical feminist activist leaders did was make a deal with historical devils for their underlying, fundamental ideology. They derived from primarily atheist philosophers and other intellectuals, who despised the ancient moral order of Christianity; this became the ethos of their culture war: anti-male dominated Christianity. Although they did not openly fly the atheist flag, the atheist banner was neatly folded in the back pockets of their newly put on jeans.

However, Marxist-Atheist philosophy wasn't quite enough anti-American, vitriolic bedrock to fully flesh out their total ideological bridge to victory. So what the feminists did was infiltrate American academia, take advance degrees, and in the process, publish papers and books based on falsified social "science" which one, rewrote the history of Western social norms, and two, was absolutely devoured by so-called "repressed baby boomers" post WW2 who couldn't believe what these "official" academic works were giving them permission to do with each other. Boom; they were enabled.

But wait; as we dig farther, there's even more uncover. Now that militant feminist ideology had been cemented and reinforced by then "modern" academia--namely the antipositivist social sciences, they needed a psychological basis upon which to further validate their anti-Christian, anti-Patriarchy crusade. And they found it in spades, in the "cutting edge" work of Sigmund Freud and psychoanalysis.

Next came the need for a physiological enabler, something which would give women the ability to physically break the ancient social religious based taboo of not being able to have as much free sex as men without as much risk of those pesky things growing inside of them, known since time immemorial as: pregnancies.

Along came The Pill, and American ideologue judges willing to legalize it. With The Pill in hand, American women and men were then able to defy ancient taboo and engage in as much free premarital sex--relatively free of unwanted pregnancy--as they desired. The catch was, pregnancies still happened. Mother nature was not to be denied--nor was primordial human biology. So, the radical feminist movement--now firmly entrenched in American academia, politics and rapidly catching on in mainstream society and pop culture, needed an out.

That "out" came in the form of politicized academic "studies" which falsely claimed women who were denied abortions of choice would run to back alley surgeons who were just as likely to kill them and the baby they cared nothing about, as succeed in aborting it. Further, falsified statistical studies also claimed that, without widespread, legalized, abortion on demand, millions of indigent children with no hope of a good life in America or a fair chance at one, would flood hospitals, orphanages and damage the economy and genepool--so they were all better off never having existed at all. This ethos of the need for abortion caught on in political and academic circles, and then Roe happened. With Roe vs. Wade decided, American radical feminists, Cultural Marxists, and militant atheism, all won historically decisive victories, the benefits of which the Radical American Left is still greatly benefitting from in today's America.

What all of the above led us American people and our society to, was and is a world where extreme moral relativism and moral nihilism in every form of popular culture and epistemological academia broadcasts acceptance of radically amoral behavior as normative into the everyday American's mind through nearly every single media medium and outlet.

In other word's this great and colossal Enabler, described above, has programmed all of us to FALSELY believe it is okay to redefine ancient, fundamental right and wrong at will, in order for us to serve and sate whatever entertainment, political, sexual, social, or ideological pleasure or belief we desire. We modern Americans have been brainwashed over the last century to absolutely believe in our RIGHT to do wrong.

Anyone who disagrees with the prevailing American culture of moral decay loudly or intelligently enough is shunned, ridiculed, encircled and dismissed--not on moral grounds--but by a majority of other Americans ideologically brainwashed by and whose minds operate on this false belief system and false narrative cooked up by a blend of radical feminism, cultural Marxism and atheistic philosophy, who simply shout them down with their cacophony of hate and lies. These radical left movements and philosophies were then combined to form one colossal self-justifying belief system which any American can use to justify just about any amoral act--no matter how violent or disgusting--and still sleep soundly in their beds at night.

Such total bullshit. Men have proven over and over, before the advent of the "pill," that sexual conduct has absolutely nothing to do with any teachings of a Supreme Being or any notion of "right and wrong," Christian or otherwise. Stop trying to blame everything on women. The "pill" only has allowed women to catch up to where men have been all along. If the Creator has been so against sex outside of marriage, more real estate has to have been gotten for Hell to be able to house the millions of male souls cast down there over the centuries for having sex outside of marriage. Heck, in the U.S. alone, the military chiefs have worried about the STD rates among the troops long before the "pill" was ever invented.

Why do you decry people for being against patriarchy? It's founded upon the worship of the human penis. What is the point of worshiping human genitals? They go into the grave along with the rest of the body.

Your theories are stupid, but in keeping with the crap being pushed by sexually obsessed people who think that they are "Christian." What a disgrace.

1.) Had I the inclination I could thoroughly and factually document objectively the historical decline of morality in the U.S. since the advent of The Pill. Conversely, your argument is one based on a thought-foundation of falsified social science and social history, as well as more than a sprinkle of biological sex-biased solipsism.

2.) And two, your counterargument is reductio ad absurdum. So let us examine for one moment your proposition that militant feminism had the right--any kind of right-- to attempt to equalize men and women sexually with The Pill, or that doing so was good for either women themselves, their unborn children, or our nation. On all fronts, the ideological deals radical American feminism made with historical monsters to justify their socio-cultural push for the right to "screw around" (at any cost) were detrimental to themselves--biologically, to their unborn (100+ million dead and counting), and to society, the demoralization of America via the cultural revolution.

Thus the contradiction in your counterargument, when reduced to its bases (politically, socially, historically, morally, biologically, culturally, psychologically) is absurd, in that radical American feminists were willing to do whatever it took to be more like men--to do so at any cost morally, however high (100 million dead unborn), just to try to rewrite human biological science; rewrite fact--and they're still doing it today with all of this anti-human, anti-fact LGTBQ crap.

But, it's okay. You've been brainwashed and conditioned across the spectrum of educational and entertainment outlets to believe these historical lies--such has become your religion, and as you cared to point out, most people cannot renounce their religion in one day.

Your religion is one of justification for any act based on the moral rationalization for equality, when what you fail to see is that the fundamental amorality of the movements selling the soul of an entire nation to achieve its goals voids any justification or benefit gained.

Stop trying to make women the center of your idiotic idea of "morality." We don't do the heavy lifting for your penis-worship "religion."
BTW: not all people believe that having an abortion is "morally" wrong. That's your cult. You deal with it. Most people prefer to use modern tools, like birth control, to avoid such invasive surgery. But you are incapable of understanding this.

If you want to talk about "morality," go talk to your fellow men. We women do not bear any "moral" burden for you men or for "the nation." The idea of equality has absolutely NOTHING to do with notions of "morality." The availability of competent birth-control measures has absolutely NOTHING to do with any discussion of "morality." Morality, whatever this is, and if it has anything to do with a supreme being, applies to all people, male and female. No, Bubba, we women are not any more responsible than you are. If there is such a thing as "sexual morality," find it, live it, preach it to your own.

Just don't dump it on the female half of the population. We are not your scapegoats.

Sadly for our modern society, your ideologically derived social militant feminist folk heroes are the ones who made "it" about women, and by consequence, ignited an open war on their male counterparts and American culture and founding philosophy. Your heroes of the feminist revolution initiated this culture war, and have in their long radical Leftist campaign of fighting it, dragged our great nation down into the morally nihilistic cultural cesspool we now inhabit. All in the name of their own right commit whatever acts of immorality were required to seek their victory, your heroes have committed great and terrible atrocity. Of course you are unable to even acknowledge such truth, because doing so openly is no different than committing highest heresy against the church of militant feminism. Justify away . . . recursively and forever. Such an act comforts you I am certain, yet can never change the truth of American social history--although they certainly have been trying to revise and rewrite it.

Bullshit. There is no "culture war" except in your sick mind. The penis-worshipers who violated the so-called "sexual morality" did so centuries before the women's movement for equality. You guys who want to fuck anything that is still breathing and then blame it all on women have been around for centuries before "the pill." The penis-worship in religion has been around far longer than "the pill."

Show me how men have always honored the "moral" commitment to have no sex outside of a consecrated religious marriage and have kept their bodies wholesome as a pure unsullied gift to their new wives and have kept themselves faithful to their wives. Tell us how many of you men have kept yourselves virginal as a sacred vessel until you have taken vows committing yourself and your body to one woman, and then kept those vows.

What I read in your response is, "My people cannot be wrong in any level of taboo breaking, simply because your people were doing wrong, either first or all along." What you seem unable to separate your mind from is, or be unable to do, is to make a distinction between positive and overdue women's rights activism, which achieved the winning of much territory in gaining women's rights, as opposed to militant feminist activism, which brought the many negative side and intentional effects on our culture.

In your seemingly willfully uneducated mind alone, there is no culture war in America today. For the rest of the Western world, the cultural revolution--other wise known as the war on every strata of moral fact as it applies to Western civilization--has been raging for perhaps over nine decades. In academia; in society; in pop and sexual culture; in politics and in religion, this culture war has been fought across America, and patriotic, virtuous, responsible and proud to be Americans have been losing ground every decade. However, they have not been losing this cultural war to some new, morally superior philosophy. We have been losing the culture war to a unified morally nihilistic and relativistic attack on all sacred moral fact and truth, and Americans (supposing you are) like you have been celebrating this descent into abject amorality.

I suspect the vitriol in the tone of your response can be attributed to a realization somewhere in your mind, and, understandably, that realization upsets you and makes you feel threatened. Certainly a normal enough response in the face of discovering you've been deceived. Trust me, the feeling does pass eventually. The more you know, the easier it is to accept historical truth and draw true parallels between the ancient, near ancient, historically recent and present ages and eras of human civilization.
Well Sean Hannity blasting immigrant catholocism militarism as conservative right, bill o rielly Hannity gate fox and friends. anyway... The American, Puritans, had healthy sex lives in monogamous relationships documented a new freedom to Know your spouse, wasn't a baby-maker. Up to Queen Victoria had flirtatious nudes to show Albert I heard. And if Queen Victoria was a liberal then just throw out the wedding rings the white dress and the who knows what the hell else, know what I mean? I bet the Protestants have particular intelligent uses, this is all an old conversation. Plus suck it. anybody? the years, creep slowly by, Lorena, the snow, is on the grass again...
I believe that the Catholislamic faith and LAW of banning birth control has only led to all Catholislamic societies becoming filled with abandoned children who have no mother and father together in the home.

All of the Catholic and Muslim men and women who are engaging in sexual activity is not producing families that stay together. Millions upon Millions of abandoned Catholislamic children are being dumped into America because of their mothers and fathers back home have moved on to multiple new sexual partners and the children created from previous marriages are no longer important.

We see millions of Catholic Children around the world who have been created because the Catholic leaders and Catholic Governments have the expectation that the Protestants working class will pay the bills of birthing, raising, housing, feeding, educating and providing a lifetime of healthcare for their Catholic Children. Catholics leaders - look at Protestants as slaves who deserve to have their hard earned money - ripped from their bank accounts to pay for and to fund the sexual journeys, pleasures, adventures, and raptures and joys of the Catholics faithful around the planet.

The U.S. provides aid worth $320 million a year to Mexico. And this is just one single Catholic country out of many, many more. While Catholic Italy - rakes and funnels and sifts in Billions a year running the slavery of the Protestant community into the ground. - Catholics have no family values. Sex, sex and more sex and then bend the protestant over - are their only religious values.

Catholicism and Islam are both - a hump, bump and hump and run - bump and go society.

Muslims especially, are very involved in the religions mass creation, generation, reproduction and in yielding - many, many billions of children. Their women live lifestyles of marriages where in their religion they are allowed to spend a few hours, days or just a couple months involved in a marriage and childbearing of an average 3 - 6 children per woman. In
Islam, the woman is allowed to leave their marriage any time the Husband wishes to get a divorce for any reason and for no major reason at all. And the woman can leave all their children with the previous husband and move on to another husband, anytime the new husband wishes her do so.

in - The Islamic Religion, This is normal, So long - as all MALE parties agree. This creates a society of misbegotten children with no families whose mothers are allowed normally to re-marry and divorce on and on unlimited. Many millions of innocent children in Islam simply have no related mothers in the Home and by the time the child reaches adulthood, their real mothers have moved on and on to possibly a very high amount of new husbands and bore many other new children along the way with 4 to up to 12 or more new husbands just in a matter of 20 years and the poor children of the previous marriages are no longer important - to the previous husbands, in comparison to the current children of the current wives. Catholics and Muslims expect to send all children from all past sexual journeys, pleasures, adventures, and raptures and joys to America.

Their religious leaders are in charge and in power - because they make this happen.

Catholics and Muslims are physically forced to - NOT USE BIRTH CONTROL - in areas where the Catholic Church and Islamic Government is in full control. However, in places where their Religious Government is not in control - the citizens are free to live in sin and commit the crime against their god by - using birth control. Any Catholislamic that uses birth control is a direct sin - against their god.

The Protestants and non denominationalist are the worst of the worst. Its not a sin to use BC.
There are many different signs of a deteriorating society. Not protecting its most innocent and defenseless members is one of them.
Best to use condoms and BC than to have an unwanted child.

How do you think Laura Ingraham, and Ann Coulter have no children and people like Hannity only have 2.

Rush comes to mind, he must of had a vasectomy at an early age, or was and is sterile. I can go on but I digress, all Christians use BC and or get fixed.

All the Holy Rollers, use BC. Osteen has 2 kids or get fixed.
There are many different signs of a deteriorating society. Not protecting its most innocent and defenseless members is one of them.
Not protecting its most innocent and defenseless members is one of them ...

- in that case society has been on empty since the advent of christianity in the 4th century as well the other two desert religions included.
if we are going to take the position that - " The reason people are so immoral today is because of birth control, which led to promiscuity, adultery, fornication, and finally homosexuality and abortion. "

We can very easily take this MINDSET and just as easily blame the entire medical industry and the modern advances in science and technology - for making it easier for women to give birth and making the entire child bearing process a MORE SAFE environment for the woman and the baby ? - -
WOMAN AND MEN are not using the birth control and protective sex and are not practicing SAFE SEX.

This mentality is rooted in the Catholic Church - that has fought science, technology and advancement and medical knowledge throughout history .
WOMAN AND MEN are not using the birth control and protective sex and are not practicing SAFE SEX.

We know that In 1400 AD,,, Pope Boniface VIII - issued a decree, forbidding the dissection of human corpses for anatomical study AND SCIENCE. The idea that the earth goes around the sun was explicitly prohibited / this as the prohibited Copernican theory that remained on the Index of Banned Catholic books until 1835. Afterward, the Catholic Church ( Vatican ) began to invest money and stocks and bonds in the astronomy business worldwide.

Galileo Galilei WAS PLACED ON trial by the CATHOLIC CHURCH Inquisition and found guilty of EVIL heresy and sentenced him to house arrest for the rest of His life.
Galileo was a great astronomer and mathematician who studied motion, astronomy, and strength of materials and to the development of the scientific method. He worked in the study of (circular) inertia and the language of mathematics and philosophy and paved the way for the acceptance of the Copernican heliocentric system of the facts about the sun

Bruno, Giordano
was - burned alive in Rome, in 1600, as a heretic. ANOTHER GREAT early scientist, the CATHOLIC church burnt HIM ALIVE at the stake..he wrote Of UnitS, Quantity, ShapeS, Images, and Ideas AS Immense and Innumerable.
Nicolas Copernicus was also- burned alive in Rome, in 1600. He was the main Founder of modern astronomy, HIS GREAT BOOK " De Revolutionibus " WAS BANNED BY THE CATHOLIC CHURCH. The idea that the earth goes around the sun was explicitly prohibited /as the Copernican theory and remained on the Index of Banned Catholic books Prohibited By The Catholic Church until 1835. Afterward, the Catholic Church began to invest an enormous amount of money and stocks and bonds in the astronomy business.

Andreas Vesalius, WROTE A GREAT book of 1543, On Structures of the Human Body, provided the first reliable information on human anatomy ever compiled. he wrote one of the most influential books on human anatomy, De humani corporis fabrica. (The Fabric of the Human Body) Vesalius, therefore, had to take bones from graves and from the gallows so that he could explore / study the anatomy of the human body. His work quickly led the way to life - saving surgery and treatment of the body. AND - - not becasue - Pope Boniface VIII - had issued his decree, forbidding the dissection of human corpses for anatomical study
is often referred to as the founder of modern human anatomy.was persecuted by THE CATHOLIC CHURCH, HE LIVED by HIDING HIS STUDY.

The " Catechism of the Catholic Church " - specifies that all sex acts must be both unitive and procreative - BUT The Bible says that seX is for enjoyment, pleasure and satisfaction and enjoyment with Your wife. Pro 5:18 Let thy fountain be blessed: and rejoice with the wife of thy youth. - :19 Let her be as the loving hind and pleasant roe; - let her breasts satisfy thee at all times, and be thou ravished always with her love. - The original Hebrew word for thy fountain means in Hebrew 4726 מקור MEANING The major flowing; also of tears, blood semen fountain, issue, - The original Hebrew word for RAVISHED Hebrew 7686 שׁגה shâgâh Shaw-gaw' intoxication) to reel, be enraptured: - Enjoy seX, use seX , for pleasure, enjoy your Wife’s Breasts,

Be intoxicated reeling and TAKEN be enraptured: with having seX. And enjoying - having seX ............JUST for the sake of enjoying and having pleasure....alone
and being comforted BY your WIVES.

The Bible is clear, Christians are to have all the seX they want in marriage for enjoyment, pleasures and delight and play .
The condoning the use of barrier methods of contraception would be fully condoning casual sex which is the very CORE and eXistence and an intrinsic part of Gods marriage plan. - not just to produce as many children as You can force Your neighbor to financially support.

Casual seX is exactly what God advises His people to have.

Joseph Addison 1719) - A Great writer of books SUCH AS "Tragedy" Based on Freedom and government responsibility. Individual liberty vs. government tyranny.. - HIS GREAT BOOKS WERE ALL BANNED by the Catholic church AS EVIL and WICKED.

The FACT is - -
The same exact result is a cause and effect of Birth Control is the same RESULT that produced -- making the action of having sex - next to 100 % MORE SAFE, for woman and babies today by medical advances and SCIENCE - It would be like millions of
pregnant women refusing to use any of the advanced medical technology and knowledge that is available to all who go to a local hospital to have a checkup or give birth.

WOMAN AND MEN are not using the birth control and protective sex and are not practicing SAFE SEX. - this is not the fault of the condom that is left in someones purse or wallet. But the democrat men and women voters - that rush to bed to inject a load of seed deep into a layer of eggs, while expecting their neighbor to financially fund their every sexual desires and failures for the rest of their lives.
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The reason people are so immoral today is because of birth control, which led to promiscuity, adultery, fornication, and finally homosexuality and abortion.
Birth control goes back to the when the pyramids were erections in the pants of the Pharaohs..
The reason people are so immoral today is because of birth control, which led to promiscuity, adultery, fornication, and finally homosexuality and abortion.

In other words, you believe that sex isn't just inherently evil, it's the worst evil of all. Personally, I think things like murder, theft, child abuse, and stupidity are evil. But if it makes you happy to hate your own genitals then knock yourself out. I'll be busy enjoying my sex filled life.

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