Once you accept that Satan is real, a lot of things begin to make sense


Platinum Member
Dec 25, 2009
Why on Earth would western, atheist liberals align themselves with Islam? The answer is simple, they both serve Satan and that's why both of them are united in their hatred of Christians and Israel, in particular.

Why does the U.N. condemn Israel more than any other entity on the planet? The reason is that Satan HATES Jews and Israel more than anything in existence and so influences much of the world to persecute both.

Why does the Godless left support butchering the unborn? The reason is that they are influenced by Satan and unwittingly execute his will.

Why did the Nazis expend so many resources on catching, killing and disposing of Jews? They were under Satanic influence. Even when it was obvious that the war was lost, the Nazis continued to expend dwindling resources to kill Jews rather than expending those resources on saving their own lives.

Satan is real. Like I said, when you accept this, many things make sense.

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Protestantism is proof that Satan exists. The only true Christians in this world are Catholic. Stop being a tool of the devil and return to the one true church of the followers of Christ.
Protestantism is proof that Satan exists. The only true Christians in this world are Catholic. Stop being a tool of the devil and return to the one true church of the followers of Christ.
Church is within us...return to God if you seek salvation...return to church if you want companionship and bingo....
Protestantism is proof that Satan exists. The only true Christians in this world are Catholic. Stop being a tool of the devil and return to the one true church of the followers of Christ.
Church is within us...return to God if you seek salvation...return to church if you want companionship and bingo....

Satan made you say that.
The Devil's own political party will effectively be destroyed by SALT and the trade war as a sign that will be largely ignored.
Satan's real. Him and God are old drinking buddies. One night the two of them were downing shots of Chivas when God said, "I think I'll create a world and put intelligent beings on it".
"Oh yeah" Satan sneered. "Betcha I'll flip them"
"Really!" God slurred "You're on!!"

And thanks to that debauched night we have our current predicament.
Why on Earth would western, atheist liberals align themselves with Islam? The answer is simple, they both serve Satan and that's why both of them are united in their hatred of Christians and Israel, in particular.

Why does the U.N. condemn Israel more than any other entity on the planet? The reason is that Satan HATES Jews and Israel more than anything in existence and so influences much of the world to persecute both.

Why does the Godless left support butchering the unborn? The reason is that they are influenced by Satan and unwittingly execute his will.

Why did the Nazis expend so many resources on catching, killing and disposing of Jews? They were under Satanic influence. Even when it was obvious that the war was lost, the Nazis continued to expend dwindling resources to kill Jews rather than expending those resources on saving their own lives.

Satan is real. Like I said, when you accept this, many things make sense.

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sigh (2).gif
I knew someone who was so obsessed with Satan that she made bad decisions and gave bad advice because of it.

I was praying the Rosary at the time and she told me to stop because I was bringing Satan's attention to myself by praying the Rosary.

That kind of fear is not healthy.
The serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field that the Lord God had made. (ref: Gen. 3 v1) There are few Christians (or anyone else for that matter) that are willing to accept the literal truth that God made two intelligent species.
Why on Earth would western, atheist liberals align themselves with Islam? The answer is simple, they both serve Satan and that's why both of them are united in their hatred of Christians and Israel, in particular.

Why does the U.N. condemn Israel more than any other entity on the planet? The reason is that Satan HATES Jews and Israel more than anything in existence and so influences much of the world to persecute both.

Why does the Godless left support butchering the unborn? The reason is that they are influenced by Satan and unwittingly execute his will.

Why did the Nazis expend so many resources on catching, killing and disposing of Jews? They were under Satanic influence. Even when it was obvious that the war was lost, the Nazis continued to expend dwindling resources to kill Jews rather than expending those resources on saving their own lives.

Satan is real. Like I said, when you accept this, many things make sense.

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Also, Satan hates sweet things (stands to reason) which is why the bread always falls with the jam side down.

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