Once again, reality refuses to resemble MSM's real news

Street Juice

Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2018
The one-note hatemonger Charles Blow has a new column in the New York Times lamenting the gains Trump made among women and colored people in the 2020 election. But he knew whom to blame. It was an example of the power of the white patriarchy, the dim bulb concluded, because straight white men are aspirational. See? Trump increased his share of the black male vote because there are more black men who want to be like white men now than there were four years ago.

You had to go back and reread that last sentence, didn't you? But that's what this windbag argues in the New York Times. (No surprise. The NYT has been a hotbed of hatred against white (gentile) men for as long as I can remember.)

In any case, if you are a black man who voted for Trump, Charles Blow thinks it was because you want to be white. But it's not your fault. You are kind of like an innocent child who succumbed to the real culprit: those invisible white privilege demons swirling all around us that only a well-paid witch doctor like Charles Blow can sniff out.

And off Charles goes, marching at the head of a parade of 0. In the complete opposite direction marches reality and everyone else.


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