On Tossing Around The Term "Fascist"

A fascist is someone who holds the political and economic ideas of fascism. Period.

"Nothing can make me change my own belief. I am convinced that the unworthiest among us is he who cannot master his ill fortune."
-- Adolf Hitler; from speech to Nuremberg Labor Front (Sept. 12, 1936)

"He who wants to live asserts himself. He who cannot assert himself does not deserve to live. He will perish. This is an iron, yet also a just principle. The earth is not there for cowardly peoples, not for weak ones, not for lazy ones. The earth is there for him who takes it and who industriously labors upon it and thereby fashions his life. That is the will of Providence."
-- Adolf Hitler; from speech in Sportpalast Berlin (May 3, 1940)

"I am also religious, profoundly religious on the inside, and I believe that Providence weighs human beings. Those who do not pass the trials imposed by Providence, who are broken by them, are not destined by Providence for greater things. It is a natural necessity that only the strong remain after this selection."
-- Adolf Hitler; from Munich Löwenbräukeller (November 8, 1943)

"We have founded a system based on the most sincere foundation there is, namely: Form your life yourself! Work for your existence! Help yourself and God will help you!"
-- Adolf Hitler; from speech in Wilhelmshaven (Apr. 1, 1939)

"The Winterhilfswerk... was to call on the Volk to help itself. We could have done things differently. Instead of appealing to the Volk's willingness to sacrifice, we could have directed our appeal to the taxpayer. We consciously and deliberately did not do so because we wanted to educate the German Volk to come together in this common sacrifice, and therein to begin to understand the nature of the community; to comprehend the duties this community demands of us and to satisfy these of our own free accord without relying on the taxpayer."
-- Adolf Hitler; from speech at Berlin Sportpalast (October 10, 1939)

"this German Volk takes but the one path Providence has bade it take by giving these people a common language. We, therefore, go our way into the future with the deepest belief in God. Would all we have achieved been possible had Providence not helped us? I know that the fruits of human labor are hard-won and transitory if they are not blessed by the Omnipotent. Work such as ours which has received the blessings of the Omnipotent can never again be undone by mere mortals."
-- Adolf Hitler; from speech at Regensburg City Hall (June 6, 1937)

"The life of the people must be freed from the asphyxiating perfume of our modern eroticism, as it must be from unmanly and prudish refusal to face facts. In all these things the aim and the method must be governed by the thought of preserving our nation's health both in body and soul"
-- Adolf Hitler; from 'Mein Kampf'

"means for preventing a birth are offered for sale in every chemist's shop... what is in practice a cessation of fecundity in millions of our best people is not regarded as an evil or an offense against the morals of this sanctimonious society; it is instead a sop to its short-sighted slackness of thought."
-- Adolf Hitler; from 'Mein Kampf'

"The catchword 'Women's Liberation' is merely a phrase invented by the Jewish intellect, and its contents are marked by the same spirit. The German woman will never need to emancipate herself in an age supportive of German life."
-- Adolf Hitler; from speech to NS Frauenschaft (September 8, 1934)

"The National Government will regard it as its first and foremost duty to revive in the nation the spirit of unity and co-operation. It will preserve and defend those basic principles on which our nation has been built. It regards Christianity as the foundation of our national morality, and the family as the basis of national life"
-- Adolf Hitler; from national proclamation (Feb. 1, 1933)

"We were convinced that the people need and require this faith. We have therefore undertaken the fight against the atheistic movement, and that not merely with a few theoretical declarations: we have stamped it out."
-- Adolf Hitler, from speech in Berlin (October 24, 1933)
1. I fully understand that the fun in our 'game' is often built upon hammering a political opponent....
...and frequently it involves the misuse of terminology.

So....today's lesson deals with the meaning and proper use of "Fascist"....so one may insult another properly.
And correctly.

It was amusing that a poster recently accused me in the following way:

"...Republicans....and fascists like you, ..."
Anti-Gay Stickers At High School In Indio Touch Off Debate

and this:

"...Typical RW Fascist."
Anti-Gay Stickers At High School In Indio Touch Off Debate

2. The problem is that I am a conservative....I've never made a secret of that....and conservatives and Republicans, to the extent that they tend to be conservatives, cannot be 'Fascists."

Hence, that poster had to be given a demerit on her ....rhetorical discourse.

3. But...an "A" for effort....the attempt to pejoratively label her assumed opponent (actually, I'm a real opponent!)

Here is the basis of her accusation:

"The excesses of the European versions of fascism were mitigated by the specific history and culture of America, Jeffersonian individualism, heterogeneity of the population, butthe central theme is still an all-encompassing state that centralizes power to perfect human nature by controlling every aspect of life., albeit at the loss of what had hitherfore been accepted as ‘inalienable human rights.’

The dichotomy that is today’s political reality is based on this retreat, asthe American left simply flipped from the brown-shirt utopians to the red-flag utopians, parroting Stalin’s rhetoric: anything objectionable is fascist."

See that last line?

Label " anything objectionable is fascist".....doesn't actually have to be a Fascist, or even similar to one!

And....to the Liberal quoted above....I am certainly 'objectionable.'

4. Simply not an accurate charge.

The misuse is, to me, like fingernails on a blackboard. There is an old saying, "When you’re hated by the right at least your death threats are spelled correctly."

And, it seems, the insults are etymologically correct, as well.
Lesson will continue.
This is a tired old trick by the left to make anyone right of left look like an extremist.
A fascist is someone who holds the political and economic ideas of fascism. Period.

"Nothing can make me change my own belief. I am convinced that the unworthiest among us is he who cannot master his ill fortune."
-- Adolf Hitler; from speech to Nuremberg Labor Front (Sept. 12, 1936)

"He who wants to live asserts himself. He who cannot assert himself does not deserve to live. He will perish. This is an iron, yet also a just principle. The earth is not there for cowardly peoples, not for weak ones, not for lazy ones. The earth is there for him who takes it and who industriously labors upon it and thereby fashions his life. That is the will of Providence."
-- Adolf Hitler; from speech in Sportpalast Berlin (May 3, 1940)

"I am also religious, profoundly religious on the inside, and I believe that Providence weighs human beings. Those who do not pass the trials imposed by Providence, who are broken by them, are not destined by Providence for greater things. It is a natural necessity that only the strong remain after this selection."
-- Adolf Hitler; from Munich Löwenbräukeller (November 8, 1943)

"We have founded a system based on the most sincere foundation there is, namely: Form your life yourself! Work for your existence! Help yourself and God will help you!"
-- Adolf Hitler; from speech in Wilhelmshaven (Apr. 1, 1939)

"The Winterhilfswerk... was to call on the Volk to help itself. We could have done things differently. Instead of appealing to the Volk's willingness to sacrifice, we could have directed our appeal to the taxpayer. We consciously and deliberately did not do so because we wanted to educate the German Volk to come together in this common sacrifice, and therein to begin to understand the nature of the community; to comprehend the duties this community demands of us and to satisfy these of our own free accord without relying on the taxpayer."
-- Adolf Hitler; from speech at Berlin Sportpalast (October 10, 1939)

"this German Volk takes but the one path Providence has bade it take by giving these people a common language. We, therefore, go our way into the future with the deepest belief in God. Would all we have achieved been possible had Providence not helped us? I know that the fruits of human labor are hard-won and transitory if they are not blessed by the Omnipotent. Work such as ours which has received the blessings of the Omnipotent can never again be undone by mere mortals."
-- Adolf Hitler; from speech at Regensburg City Hall (June 6, 1937)

"The life of the people must be freed from the asphyxiating perfume of our modern eroticism, as it must be from unmanly and prudish refusal to face facts. In all these things the aim and the method must be governed by the thought of preserving our nation's health both in body and soul"
-- Adolf Hitler; from 'Mein Kampf'

"means for preventing a birth are offered for sale in every chemist's shop... what is in practice a cessation of fecundity in millions of our best people is not regarded as an evil or an offense against the morals of this sanctimonious society; it is instead a sop to its short-sighted slackness of thought."
-- Adolf Hitler; from 'Mein Kampf'

"The catchword 'Women's Liberation' is merely a phrase invented by the Jewish intellect, and its contents are marked by the same spirit. The German woman will never need to emancipate herself in an age supportive of German life."
-- Adolf Hitler; from speech to NS Frauenschaft (September 8, 1934)

"The National Government will regard it as its first and foremost duty to revive in the nation the spirit of unity and co-operation. It will preserve and defend those basic principles on which our nation has been built. It regards Christianity as the foundation of our national morality, and the family as the basis of national life"
-- Adolf Hitler; from national proclamation (Feb. 1, 1933)

"We were convinced that the people need and require this faith. We have therefore undertaken the fight against the atheistic movement, and that not merely with a few theoretical declarations: we have stamped it out."
-- Adolf Hitler, from speech in Berlin (October 24, 1933)
1. I fully understand that the fun in our 'game' is often built upon hammering a political opponent....
...and frequently it involves the misuse of terminology.

So....today's lesson deals with the meaning and proper use of "Fascist"....so one may insult another properly.
And correctly.

It was amusing that a poster recently accused me in the following way:

"...Republicans....and fascists like you, ..."
Anti-Gay Stickers At High School In Indio Touch Off Debate

and this:

"...Typical RW Fascist."
Anti-Gay Stickers At High School In Indio Touch Off Debate

2. The problem is that I am a conservative....I've never made a secret of that....and conservatives and Republicans, to the extent that they tend to be conservatives, cannot be 'Fascists."

Hence, that poster had to be given a demerit on her ....rhetorical discourse.

3. But...an "A" for effort....the attempt to pejoratively label her assumed opponent (actually, I'm a real opponent!)

Here is the basis of her accusation:

"The excesses of the European versions of fascism were mitigated by the specific history and culture of America, Jeffersonian individualism, heterogeneity of the population, butthe central theme is still an all-encompassing state that centralizes power to perfect human nature by controlling every aspect of life., albeit at the loss of what had hitherfore been accepted as ‘inalienable human rights.’

The dichotomy that is today’s political reality is based on this retreat, asthe American left simply flipped from the brown-shirt utopians to the red-flag utopians, parroting Stalin’s rhetoric: anything objectionable is fascist."

See that last line?

Label " anything objectionable is fascist".....doesn't actually have to be a Fascist, or even similar to one!

And....to the Liberal quoted above....I am certainly 'objectionable.'

4. Simply not an accurate charge.

The misuse is, to me, like fingernails on a blackboard. There is an old saying, "When you’re hated by the right at least your death threats are spelled correctly."

And, it seems, the insults are etymologically correct, as well.
Lesson will continue.

dimocraps are not just scum they're stupid.

Now a question for you, my esteemed Conservative Oracle: Are dimocraps scum because they're stupid or are they stupid because they're dimocrap scum?

No, it's not a 'chicken/egg' question. I'm serious.

Does the dimocrap scum party attract stupid people? Of course it does. But let's face it, we have our share of mouth-breathers in the Republican Party. BUT!!!

But they're not irredeemably stupid. They'll listen, they'll debate, and you can often reach them with logic and reason.

So are they more open to ideas? Does that make them more 'intelligent'?

There's no question dimocrap scum are stupid. None. Even the ones with advanced degrees....... Stupid. They might be experts in their field but get them outside their area of expertise and they're -- Stupid. Trust me, I know this to be a truism.

Anyway, trying not to answer my own question.

So I'll quit.
1. I fully understand that the fun in our 'game' is often built upon hammering a political opponent....
...and frequently it involves the misuse of terminology.

So....today's lesson deals with the meaning and proper use of "Fascist"....so one may insult another properly.
And correctly.

It was amusing that a poster recently accused me in the following way:

"...Republicans....and fascists like you, ..."
Anti-Gay Stickers At High School In Indio Touch Off Debate

and this:

"...Typical RW Fascist."
Anti-Gay Stickers At High School In Indio Touch Off Debate

2. The problem is that I am a conservative....I've never made a secret of that....and conservatives and Republicans, to the extent that they tend to be conservatives, cannot be 'Fascists."

Hence, that poster had to be given a demerit on her ....rhetorical discourse.

3. But...an "A" for effort....the attempt to pejoratively label her assumed opponent (actually, I'm a real opponent!)

Here is the basis of her accusation:

"The excesses of the European versions of fascism were mitigated by the specific history and culture of America, Jeffersonian individualism, heterogeneity of the population, butthe central theme is still an all-encompassing state that centralizes power to perfect human nature by controlling every aspect of life., albeit at the loss of what had hitherfore been accepted as ‘inalienable human rights.’

The dichotomy that is today’s political reality is based on this retreat, asthe American left simply flipped from the brown-shirt utopians to the red-flag utopians, parroting Stalin’s rhetoric: anything objectionable is fascist."

See that last line?

Label " anything objectionable is fascist".....doesn't actually have to be a Fascist, or even similar to one!

And....to the Liberal quoted above....I am certainly 'objectionable.'

4. Simply not an accurate charge.

The misuse is, to me, like fingernails on a blackboard. There is an old saying, "When you’re hated by the right at least your death threats are spelled correctly."

And, it seems, the insults are etymologically correct, as well.
Lesson will continue.

dimocraps are not just scum they're stupid.

Now a question for you, my esteemed Conservative Oracle: Are dimocraps scum because they're stupid or are they stupid because they're dimocrap scum?

No, it's not a 'chicken/egg' question. I'm serious.

Does the dimocrap scum party attract stupid people? Of course it does. But let's face it, we have our share of mouth-breathers in the Republican Party. BUT!!!

But they're not irredeemably stupid. They'll listen, they'll debate, and you can often reach them with logic and reason.

So are they more open to ideas? Does that make them more 'intelligent'?

There's no question dimocrap scum are stupid. None. Even the ones with advanced degrees....... Stupid. They might be experts in their field but get them outside their area of expertise and they're -- Stupid. Trust me, I know this to be a truism.

Anyway, trying not to answer my own question.

So I'll quit.
Far right conservatives can often be fascists.

an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization. fascist definition - DDC Yahoo Search Results

A system of government marked by centralization of authorityunder a dictator, a capitalist economy subject to stringentgovernmental controls, violent suppression of the opposition,and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.
b. A political philosophy or movement based on or advocatingsuch a system of government. fascism

Thus endeth the lesson.

^ Clueless about Conservatives
On Tossing Around The Term "Fascist"

Yes, try not to, especially when you don't know what it means (and would likely agree with much of it)...

Wait....aren't you the Fascist who said this:

"Think stupid, talk stupid, and we bury you, for your own good."
That's not Fascism. That's don't be stupid or soon you will be talking only to those like yourself...

While not a definition....I'd say that threatening death to any who say things you disagree with is pretty much one of the 'shameful six'...
Fascist, communist, Nazi, Modern Liberal, socialist and/or Progressive.

Sure isn't conservative.

Three of the MAJOR traits of fascism are maintaining the status quo through a non-compromising action oriented agenda, strong nationalistic impulses advocating nationalistic inclinations for a strong defense combined with warfare and outright discrimination against targeted groups.

Three of the MAJOR traits of neoconservatives, aka US conservatives are maintaining the status quo through a non-compromising action oriented agenda, strong nationalistic impulses advocating nationalistic inclinations for a strong defense combined with warfare and outright discrimination against targeted groups.

You're just an underground NEOCONSERVATIVE FASCIST, Chica, who's just trying to hide the truth, lying through your feeble attempts to redefine the world to suit your own indoctrination.
Far right conservatives can often be fascists.

an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization. fascist definition - DDC Yahoo Search Results

A system of government marked by centralization of authorityunder a dictator, a capitalist economy subject to stringentgovernmental controls, violent suppression of the opposition,and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.
b. A political philosophy or movement based on or advocatingsuch a system of government. fascism

Thus endeth the lesson.

^ Clueless about Conservatives
Do tell?

By chance, tell us what things the Nazis did that you did agree with, and what they did that you didn't agree with?

They built roads, bridges, and a strong military.
They defended their borders.
They suppressed radicals, liberals, and communists.
They got people back to work.
They supported youth, the church, and family life.
They rallied the nation to national causes.
They repealed gun control laws.
They rejected internationalism.
They suppressed alternate lifestyles such as homosexuality.
They defended traditionalism, etc.

Your kind of folks actually.
Folks, it's very important to PoliticalChic that she not face the truth about Nazis being right wing. As she becomes more and more nazi-like in her beliefs, she has to convince herself that it isn't possible.

That's what all these repetitive topics are about.

Don't feed the troll. You're wasting your time. The little fuhrer wannabe is stuck in her rut and refuses to come out.
^ that

Germany is socialist today. Are they still Nazis?

Germany is not socialist you blithering fucking idiot.

Germany is nearly as Business Friendly as the United States. By some standards, better

These Are The Most Business-Friendly Countries

Ease of doing business index - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Their Corporate Income Taxes are far less and their Business regulations are less restrictive by incredible standards.

Norway and Denmark are rated easier to do business in than the USA and most the Dirty Scandi Countriesare at or near the top. They are FAR more Business Friendly and have MUCH lower Corprate Income taxes and far fewer stupid regulations.

You're a fucking imbecile
1. I fully understand that the fun in our 'game' is often built upon hammering a political opponent....
...and frequently it involves the misuse of terminology.

So....today's lesson deals with the meaning and proper use of "Fascist"....so one may insult another properly.
And correctly.

It was amusing that a poster recently accused me in the following way:

"...Republicans....and fascists like you, ..."
Anti-Gay Stickers At High School In Indio Touch Off Debate

and this:

"...Typical RW Fascist."
Anti-Gay Stickers At High School In Indio Touch Off Debate

2. The problem is that I am a conservative....I've never made a secret of that....and conservatives and Republicans, to the extent that they tend to be conservatives, cannot be 'Fascists."

Hence, that poster had to be given a demerit on her ....rhetorical discourse.

3. But...an "A" for effort....the attempt to pejoratively label her assumed opponent (actually, I'm a real opponent!)

Here is the basis of her accusation:

"The excesses of the European versions of fascism were mitigated by the specific history and culture of America, Jeffersonian individualism, heterogeneity of the population, butthe central theme is still an all-encompassing state that centralizes power to perfect human nature by controlling every aspect of life., albeit at the loss of what had hitherfore been accepted as ‘inalienable human rights.’

The dichotomy that is today’s political reality is based on this retreat, asthe American left simply flipped from the brown-shirt utopians to the red-flag utopians, parroting Stalin’s rhetoric: anything objectionable is fascist."

See that last line?

Label " anything objectionable is fascist".....doesn't actually have to be a Fascist, or even similar to one!

And....to the Liberal quoted above....I am certainly 'objectionable.'

4. Simply not an accurate charge.

The misuse is, to me, like fingernails on a blackboard. There is an old saying, "When you’re hated by the right at least your death threats are spelled correctly."

And, it seems, the insults are etymologically correct, as well.
Lesson will continue.

dimocraps are not just scum they're stupid.

Now a question for you, my esteemed Conservative Oracle: Are dimocraps scum because they're stupid or are they stupid because they're dimocrap scum?

No, it's not a 'chicken/egg' question. I'm serious.

Does the dimocrap scum party attract stupid people? Of course it does. But let's face it, we have our share of mouth-breathers in the Republican Party. BUT!!!

But they're not irredeemably stupid. They'll listen, they'll debate, and you can often reach them with logic and reason.

So are they more open to ideas? Does that make them more 'intelligent'?

There's no question dimocrap scum are stupid. None. Even the ones with advanced degrees....... Stupid. They might be experts in their field but get them outside their area of expertise and they're -- Stupid. Trust me, I know this to be a truism.

Anyway, trying not to answer my own question.

So I'll quit.

As we have both seen, over and over....in the marketplace of ideas, we conservatives eat their lunch.......with kimchee.....

That's why they hate free speech.....they have to silence us or marginalize or demonize us.

But the two greatest reasons for their abject stupidity is the control of the purveyors of information...the media and the schools.
Hence....they actually have to think when they are bombarded with the propaganda.

The second of the reasons is human nature....even when evidence,documentation, testimony ....and even their own experience is in total contradiction to what they've been trained to accept....they don't want to admit that they have been fools.

They are force to live in a world of contradictions:
  1. Imagine a political party holding in high esteem a senator who killed a girl at Chappaquiddick, and then spending the rest of his career telling other people how to live their lives.
  2. We have the Democratic Party with a string of presidential candidates who oppose school choice and vouchers while sending their own children to lily-white private schools.
  3. Only the Democrat Party could hysterically denounce a Supreme Court nominee for allegedly making unwanted sexual advances in the workplace and then applaud a president who was receiving oral sex from a White House intern. Who else but Dems could oppose Clarence Thomas, and block Supreme Court nominee Douglas Ginsburg (for marijuana use), and then run Bill Clinton for president.
  4. How about Democrat senator Hillary’s denouncing George Bush’s commutation of Scooter Libby’s sentence, after her husband sold a pardon to Marc Rich.
  5. Only liberals could tolerate a windbag like Al Gore lecturing us about our carbon footprint while he flies his private jet from energy-guzzling mansion to energy-guzzling mansion.
  6. After Jared Loughner’s Tucson shooting spree, to whom did NBC (Meet the Press) [http://www.realclearpolitics.com/vi...table_on_politics_after_tucson_shooting.html], NPR [Sharpton: Keep Debate Passionate, Not Poisonous, CNN and MSNBC turn to interview about how rhetoric can lead to violence? Al Sharpton. The Washington Post even ran an Op-Ed on the shootings by Sharpton.[ Al Sharpton - In MLK's honor, let's strive for dialogue that's passionate but not poisonous] His rhetoric actually inspired mobs to murder.
  7. As late as 2008 Chris Dodd was calling Fannie “fundamentally strong,” and “in good shape,” while Barney Frank was labeling Fannie as “just fine.” See Peter Schweitzer, “Architects of Ruin: How Big Government Liberals Wrecked the Global Economy- And How They Will Do It Again If No One Stops Them,” p.111-118. So, of course, when the market imploded, who would MSNBC bring on to pronounce that the Republicans did it….? Yep, Barney and Chris. On with Chris Matthews, Olbermann, and Rachel Maddow.
  8. How about the Liberal hysteria about the CIA treatment of terrorist detainees at Gitmo, compared with the response to Damian Williams smashing a cinder block on Reginald Denny’s head during the LA Riots, causing permanent brain damage, an following it up with a victory dance around Denny’s body…The L.A. Riots: 15 Years After Rodney King - TIME But Liberal Democrat Maxine Waters defended Williams, saying “the anger in my district is a righteous anger” and “I’m just as angry as they are!” Chilling Video: Openly Rooting for Revolution, The Left Calls For American Civil Unrest & Riots (Frances Fox Piven, Lib Talkers, Journalists, Van Jones, Rev Wright, English Protest Leader, etc) One of the “torture” methods was to place a caterpillar in the cell! http://www.unc.edu/~nahuja/Ahuja - ST Abu Zubaydah.pdf
  9. Further Liberal contradictions:
    1. Champions women’s and gay right’s but ignores absence of same in Muslim cultures.
    2. Champions women’s right’s but ignores same in Bill Clinton.
    3. Claim it was a vicious slander to be called a communist in the 50’s- but didn’t see anything wrong with being a communist in the 50’s.
    4. Advocates scientific research and debate, but then declares discussions about evolution and global warming a closed matter.
    5. Demands clean alternative energy but opposes nuclear power.
    6. Supports energy from offshore wind farms unless offshore wind farms obscure the view of Cape Cod.
    7. Despises racial profiling and stereotyping unless a black conservative comes along, and then is labeled ‘unqualified,’ ‘stupid,’ a ‘house nigga,’ ‘an Uncle Tom,’ ‘Republican lawn jockey,’ or ‘window dressing.’

This is their Sisyphean Burden.....stupidity.
Germany is socialist today. Are they still Nazis?

Germany is not socialist you blithering fucking idiot.

Germany is nearly as Business Friendly as the United States. By some standards, better

These Are The Most Business-Friendly Countries

Ease of doing business index - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Their Corporate Income Taxes are far less and their Business regulations are less restrictive by incredible standards.

Norway and Denmark are rated easier to do business in than the USA and most the Dirty Scandi Countriesare at or near the top. They are FAR more Business Friendly and have MUCH lower Corprate Income taxes and far fewer stupid regulations.

You're a fucking imbecile
Their kind of mixed economy I can deal with, can you? Welfare in Germany - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
1. I fully understand that the fun in our 'game' is often built upon hammering a political opponent....
...and frequently it involves the misuse of terminology.

So....today's lesson deals with the meaning and proper use of "Fascist"....so one may insult another properly.
And correctly.

It was amusing that a poster recently accused me in the following way:

"...Republicans....and fascists like you, ..."
Anti-Gay Stickers At High School In Indio Touch Off Debate

and this:

"...Typical RW Fascist."
Anti-Gay Stickers At High School In Indio Touch Off Debate

2. The problem is that I am a conservative....I've never made a secret of that....and conservatives and Republicans, to the extent that they tend to be conservatives, cannot be 'Fascists."

Hence, that poster had to be given a demerit on her ....rhetorical discourse.

3. But...an "A" for effort....the attempt to pejoratively label her assumed opponent (actually, I'm a real opponent!)

Here is the basis of her accusation:

"The excesses of the European versions of fascism were mitigated by the specific history and culture of America, Jeffersonian individualism, heterogeneity of the population, butthe central theme is still an all-encompassing state that centralizes power to perfect human nature by controlling every aspect of life., albeit at the loss of what had hitherfore been accepted as ‘inalienable human rights.’

The dichotomy that is today’s political reality is based on this retreat, asthe American left simply flipped from the brown-shirt utopians to the red-flag utopians, parroting Stalin’s rhetoric: anything objectionable is fascist."

See that last line?

Label " anything objectionable is fascist".....doesn't actually have to be a Fascist, or even similar to one!

And....to the Liberal quoted above....I am certainly 'objectionable.'

4. Simply not an accurate charge.

The misuse is, to me, like fingernails on a blackboard. There is an old saying, "When you’re hated by the right at least your death threats are spelled correctly."

And, it seems, the insults are etymologically correct, as well.
Lesson will continue.

dimocraps are not just scum they're stupid.

Now a question for you, my esteemed Conservative Oracle: Are dimocraps scum because they're stupid or are they stupid because they're dimocrap scum?

No, it's not a 'chicken/egg' question. I'm serious.

Does the dimocrap scum party attract stupid people? Of course it does. But let's face it, we have our share of mouth-breathers in the Republican Party. BUT!!!

But they're not irredeemably stupid. They'll listen, they'll debate, and you can often reach them with logic and reason.

So are they more open to ideas? Does that make them more 'intelligent'?

There's no question dimocrap scum are stupid. None. Even the ones with advanced degrees....... Stupid. They might be experts in their field but get them outside their area of expertise and they're -- Stupid. Trust me, I know this to be a truism.

Anyway, trying not to answer my own question.

So I'll quit.

As we have both seen, over and over....in the marketplace of ideas, we conservatives eat their lunch.......with kimchee.....

That's why they hate free speech.....they have to silence us or marginalize or demonize us.

But the two greatest reasons for their abject stupidity is the control of the purveyors of information...the media and the schools.
Hence....they actually have to think when they are bombarded with the propaganda.

The second of the reasons is human nature....even when evidence,documentation, testimony ....and even their own experience is in total contradiction to what they've been trained to accept....they don't want to admit that they have been fools.

They are force to live in a world of contradictions:
  1. Imagine a political party holding in high esteem a senator who killed a girl at Chappaquiddick, and then spending the rest of his career telling other people how to live their lives.
  2. We have the Democratic Party with a string of presidential candidates who oppose school choice and vouchers while sending their own children to lily-white private schools.
  3. Only the Democrat Party could hysterically denounce a Supreme Court nominee for allegedly making unwanted sexual advances in the workplace and then applaud a president who was receiving oral sex from a White House intern. Who else but Dems could oppose Clarence Thomas, and block Supreme Court nominee Douglas Ginsburg (for marijuana use), and then run Bill Clinton for president.
  4. How about Democrat senator Hillary’s denouncing George Bush’s commutation of Scooter Libby’s sentence, after her husband sold a pardon to Marc Rich.
  5. Only liberals could tolerate a windbag like Al Gore lecturing us about our carbon footprint while he flies his private jet from energy-guzzling mansion to energy-guzzling mansion.
  6. After Jared Loughner’s Tucson shooting spree, to whom did NBC (Meet the Press) [http://www.realclearpolitics.com/vi...table_on_politics_after_tucson_shooting.html], NPR [Sharpton: Keep Debate Passionate, Not Poisonous, CNN and MSNBC turn to interview about how rhetoric can lead to violence? Al Sharpton. The Washington Post even ran an Op-Ed on the shootings by Sharpton.[ Al Sharpton - In MLK's honor, let's strive for dialogue that's passionate but not poisonous] His rhetoric actually inspired mobs to murder.
  7. As late as 2008 Chris Dodd was calling Fannie “fundamentally strong,” and “in good shape,” while Barney Frank was labeling Fannie as “just fine.” See Peter Schweitzer, “Architects of Ruin: How Big Government Liberals Wrecked the Global Economy- And How They Will Do It Again If No One Stops Them,” p.111-118. So, of course, when the market imploded, who would MSNBC bring on to pronounce that the Republicans did it….? Yep, Barney and Chris. On with Chris Matthews, Olbermann, and Rachel Maddow.
  8. How about the Liberal hysteria about the CIA treatment of terrorist detainees at Gitmo, compared with the response to Damian Williams smashing a cinder block on Reginald Denny’s head during the LA Riots, causing permanent brain damage, an following it up with a victory dance around Denny’s body…The L.A. Riots: 15 Years After Rodney King - TIME But Liberal Democrat Maxine Waters defended Williams, saying “the anger in my district is a righteous anger” and “I’m just as angry as they are!” Chilling Video: Openly Rooting for Revolution, The Left Calls For American Civil Unrest & Riots (Frances Fox Piven, Lib Talkers, Journalists, Van Jones, Rev Wright, English Protest Leader, etc) One of the “torture” methods was to place a caterpillar in the cell! http://www.unc.edu/~nahuja/Ahuja - ST Abu Zubaydah.pdf
  9. Further Liberal contradictions:
    1. Champions women’s and gay right’s but ignores absence of same in Muslim cultures.
    2. Champions women’s right’s but ignores same in Bill Clinton.
    3. Claim it was a vicious slander to be called a communist in the 50’s- but didn’t see anything wrong with being a communist in the 50’s.
    4. Advocates scientific research and debate, but then declares discussions about evolution and global warming a closed matter.
    5. Demands clean alternative energy but opposes nuclear power.
    6. Supports energy from offshore wind farms unless offshore wind farms obscure the view of Cape Cod.
    7. Despises racial profiling and stereotyping unless a black conservative comes along, and then is labeled ‘unqualified,’ ‘stupid,’ a ‘house nigga,’ ‘an Uncle Tom,’ ‘Republican lawn jockey,’ or ‘window dressing.’

This is their Sisyphean Burden.....stupidity.
"t3h Blaze" as a source Politicalspice?


I would delete that from your fascist notepad kimchee grl
1. I fully understand that the fun in our 'game' is often built upon hammering a political opponent....
...and frequently it involves the misuse of terminology.

So....today's lesson deals with the meaning and proper use of "Fascist"....so one may insult another properly.
And correctly.

It was amusing that a poster recently accused me in the following way:

"...Republicans....and fascists like you, ..."
Anti-Gay Stickers At High School In Indio Touch Off Debate

and this:

"...Typical RW Fascist."
Anti-Gay Stickers At High School In Indio Touch Off Debate

2. The problem is that I am a conservative....I've never made a secret of that....and conservatives and Republicans, to the extent that they tend to be conservatives, cannot be 'Fascists."

Hence, that poster had to be given a demerit on her ....rhetorical discourse.

3. But...an "A" for effort....the attempt to pejoratively label her assumed opponent (actually, I'm a real opponent!)

Here is the basis of her accusation:

"The excesses of the European versions of fascism were mitigated by the specific history and culture of America, Jeffersonian individualism, heterogeneity of the population, butthe central theme is still an all-encompassing state that centralizes power to perfect human nature by controlling every aspect of life., albeit at the loss of what had hitherfore been accepted as ‘inalienable human rights.’

The dichotomy that is today’s political reality is based on this retreat, asthe American left simply flipped from the brown-shirt utopians to the red-flag utopians, parroting Stalin’s rhetoric: anything objectionable is fascist."

See that last line?

Label " anything objectionable is fascist".....doesn't actually have to be a Fascist, or even similar to one!

And....to the Liberal quoted above....I am certainly 'objectionable.'

4. Simply not an accurate charge.

The misuse is, to me, like fingernails on a blackboard. There is an old saying, "When you’re hated by the right at least your death threats are spelled correctly."

And, it seems, the insults are etymologically correct, as well.
Lesson will continue.

The gal who created a thread titled Being a Liberal Makes you a Fascist"

Being Liberal Makes You a Fascist

And another titled 'American Fascism'..

American Fascism

And another thread titled titled 'Liberal Fascism on Display'....

Liberal Fascism on Display

Who has declared that the book 'Liberal Fascism' is one her favorites...

Franklin Roosevelt's Infatuation

Who has insisted 'Socialist, Fascist, Liberal, communist, Nazi....all scions under the skin.'

Critical thinking the bane of the left's arguments| US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Who created another thread titled 'Raising a Society of Fascists'

Raising A Society of Fascists

....is really going to lecture on the use of the term 'fascism'?

Um, wow. That's like an Olympic level lack of self awareness.
Still having difficulty recognizing the similarities of ..Fascists, communists, Modern Liberals, socialists, Nazis or Progressives???

OK....just a little more from Berger and Neuhaus, “Movement and Revolution,” p. 43-47....then you have to get your own copy.

10. And further consubstantial basis of Modern Liberalism and Fascism...

a. There was as well a glorification of youth which was explicit in the anthem of Mussolini’s Italy.

b. Both the fascists and the New Left dehumanized their enemies.

c. While the Nazis referred to Jews as ‘pigs,’ the American radicals used the same terminology for the police.

d. For both there was a “mystical elitism” that made them sure they represented a “general will.” Ironic, in the light of the ‘democratic rhetoric’ of the New Left.

e. And despite its democratic rhetoric, the New Left was not only contemptuous of liberal parliamentary democracy, but “fundamentally contemptuous of any procedures designed to find out what people want for themselves…What this elitism means in practice can be readily grasped by watching the manipulations of any SDS group on an American campus.” Berger and Neuhaus, Op. Cit.

So.....never again will conservatives be referred to with Leftist term "Fascist"??

1. I fully understand that the fun in our 'game' is often built upon hammering a political opponent....
...and frequently it involves the misuse of terminology.

So....today's lesson deals with the meaning and proper use of "Fascist"....so one may insult another properly.
And correctly.

It was amusing that a poster recently accused me in the following way:

"...Republicans....and fascists like you, ..."
Anti-Gay Stickers At High School In Indio Touch Off Debate

and this:

"...Typical RW Fascist."
Anti-Gay Stickers At High School In Indio Touch Off Debate

2. The problem is that I am a conservative....I've never made a secret of that....and conservatives and Republicans, to the extent that they tend to be conservatives, cannot be 'Fascists."

Hence, that poster had to be given a demerit on her ....rhetorical discourse.

3. But...an "A" for effort....the attempt to pejoratively label her assumed opponent (actually, I'm a real opponent!)

Here is the basis of her accusation:

"The excesses of the European versions of fascism were mitigated by the specific history and culture of America, Jeffersonian individualism, heterogeneity of the population, butthe central theme is still an all-encompassing state that centralizes power to perfect human nature by controlling every aspect of life., albeit at the loss of what had hitherfore been accepted as ‘inalienable human rights.’

The dichotomy that is today’s political reality is based on this retreat, asthe American left simply flipped from the brown-shirt utopians to the red-flag utopians, parroting Stalin’s rhetoric: anything objectionable is fascist."

See that last line?

Label " anything objectionable is fascist".....doesn't actually have to be a Fascist, or even similar to one!

And....to the Liberal quoted above....I am certainly 'objectionable.'

4. Simply not an accurate charge.

The misuse is, to me, like fingernails on a blackboard. There is an old saying, "When you’re hated by the right at least your death threats are spelled correctly."

And, it seems, the insults are etymologically correct, as well.
Lesson will continue.

The gal who created a thread titled Being a Liberal Makes you a Fascist"

Being Liberal Makes You a Fascist

And another titled 'American Fascism'..

American Fascism

And another thread titled titled 'Liberal Fascism on Display'....

Liberal Fascism on Display

Who has declared that the book 'Liberal Fascism' is one her favorites...

Franklin Roosevelt's Infatuation

Who has insisted 'Socialist, Fascist, Liberal, communist, Nazi....all scions under the skin.'

Critical thinking the bane of the left's arguments| US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Who created another thread titled 'Raising a Society of Fascists'

Raising A Society of Fascists

....is really going to lecture on the use of the term 'fascism'?

Um, wow. That's like an Olympic level lack of self awareness.
in her defense, she is insane :thup:
1. I fully understand that the fun in our 'game' is often built upon hammering a political opponent....
...and frequently it involves the misuse of terminology.

So....today's lesson deals with the meaning and proper use of "Fascist"....so one may insult another properly.
And correctly.

It was amusing that a poster recently accused me in the following way:

"...Republicans....and fascists like you, ..."
Anti-Gay Stickers At High School In Indio Touch Off Debate

and this:

"...Typical RW Fascist."
Anti-Gay Stickers At High School In Indio Touch Off Debate

2. The problem is that I am a conservative....I've never made a secret of that....and conservatives and Republicans, to the extent that they tend to be conservatives, cannot be 'Fascists."

Hence, that poster had to be given a demerit on her ....rhetorical discourse.

3. But...an "A" for effort....the attempt to pejoratively label her assumed opponent (actually, I'm a real opponent!)

Here is the basis of her accusation:

"The excesses of the European versions of fascism were mitigated by the specific history and culture of America, Jeffersonian individualism, heterogeneity of the population, butthe central theme is still an all-encompassing state that centralizes power to perfect human nature by controlling every aspect of life., albeit at the loss of what had hitherfore been accepted as ‘inalienable human rights.’

The dichotomy that is today’s political reality is based on this retreat, asthe American left simply flipped from the brown-shirt utopians to the red-flag utopians, parroting Stalin’s rhetoric: anything objectionable is fascist."

See that last line?

Label " anything objectionable is fascist".....doesn't actually have to be a Fascist, or even similar to one!

And....to the Liberal quoted above....I am certainly 'objectionable.'

4. Simply not an accurate charge.

The misuse is, to me, like fingernails on a blackboard. There is an old saying, "When you’re hated by the right at least your death threats are spelled correctly."

And, it seems, the insults are etymologically correct, as well.
Lesson will continue.

The gal who created a thread titled Being a Liberal Makes you a Fascist"

Being Liberal Makes You a Fascist

And another titled 'American Fascism'..

American Fascism

And another thread titled titled 'Liberal Fascism on Display'....

Liberal Fascism on Display

Who has declared that the book 'Liberal Fascism' is one her favorites...

Franklin Roosevelt's Infatuation

Who has insisted 'Socialist, Fascist, Liberal, communist, Nazi....all scions under the skin.'

Critical thinking the bane of the left's arguments| US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Who created another thread titled 'Raising a Society of Fascists'

Raising A Society of Fascists

....is really going to lecture on the use of the term 'fascism'?

Um, wow. That's like an Olympic level lack of self awareness.

The clear difference.....I use the term correctly.

and that is the point of the thread.

You should take notes.
1. I fully understand that the fun in our 'game' is often built upon hammering a political opponent....
...and frequently it involves the misuse of terminology.

So....today's lesson deals with the meaning and proper use of "Fascist"....so one may insult another properly.
And correctly.

It was amusing that a poster recently accused me in the following way:

"...Republicans....and fascists like you, ..."
Anti-Gay Stickers At High School In Indio Touch Off Debate

and this:

"...Typical RW Fascist."
Anti-Gay Stickers At High School In Indio Touch Off Debate

2. The problem is that I am a conservative....I've never made a secret of that....and conservatives and Republicans, to the extent that they tend to be conservatives, cannot be 'Fascists."

Hence, that poster had to be given a demerit on her ....rhetorical discourse.

3. But...an "A" for effort....the attempt to pejoratively label her assumed opponent (actually, I'm a real opponent!)

Here is the basis of her accusation:

"The excesses of the European versions of fascism were mitigated by the specific history and culture of America, Jeffersonian individualism, heterogeneity of the population, butthe central theme is still an all-encompassing state that centralizes power to perfect human nature by controlling every aspect of life., albeit at the loss of what had hitherfore been accepted as ‘inalienable human rights.’

The dichotomy that is today’s political reality is based on this retreat, asthe American left simply flipped from the brown-shirt utopians to the red-flag utopians, parroting Stalin’s rhetoric: anything objectionable is fascist."

See that last line?

Label " anything objectionable is fascist".....doesn't actually have to be a Fascist, or even similar to one!

And....to the Liberal quoted above....I am certainly 'objectionable.'

4. Simply not an accurate charge.

The misuse is, to me, like fingernails on a blackboard. There is an old saying, "When you’re hated by the right at least your death threats are spelled correctly."

And, it seems, the insults are etymologically correct, as well.
Lesson will continue.

The gal who created a thread titled Being a Liberal Makes you a Fascist"

Being Liberal Makes You a Fascist

And another titled 'American Fascism'..

American Fascism

And another thread titled titled 'Liberal Fascism on Display'....

Liberal Fascism on Display

Who has declared that the book 'Liberal Fascism' is one her favorites...

Franklin Roosevelt's Infatuation

Who has insisted 'Socialist, Fascist, Liberal, communist, Nazi....all scions under the skin.'

Critical thinking the bane of the left's arguments| US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Who created another thread titled 'Raising a Society of Fascists'

Raising A Society of Fascists

....is really going to lecture on the use of the term 'fascism'?

Um, wow. That's like an Olympic level lack of self awareness.
in her defense, she is insane :thup:

I dunno. Insanity requires an awareness I'm not sure she possesses. As she merely regurgitates predigested quotes from other people.

More like angry autism. Which definitely wouldn't fall into the insanity category.

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