On Tape: Stunned Reporter Grills State Department Why Hillary's Breaches Won't Be Investigated


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Clinton's just banking that $$$. Looks like no shortage there as Slick Willie's nose is as red as ever, and Her Thighness Clinton sure isn't missing the buffet or the burrito and go at Chipolte


In the past several weeks, not a day has passed without a new scandal surfacing revealing Clinton's lack of judgment whether it involves her abuse of email protocol, or some previously undisclosed financial relation between either Hillary Clinton or the Clinton foundation and an outside donor. The most egregious revelation took place a few days ago when it emerged that the Democratic presidential candidate had breached her agreement with the White House to name all foundation donors during her tenure as secretary of state.

Specifically, as Reuters reported, Clinton had promised the federal government that the Clinton Foundation and its associated charities would name all donors annually while she was the nation's top diplomat. "She also promised that the charities would let the State Department's ethics office review beforehand any proposed new foreign governments donations."

In March, the charities confirmed to Reuters for the first time that they had not complied with those pledges for most of Clinton's four years at the State Department.

The implication is that foreigners banned from donating to U.S. political campaigns could and likely did curry favor with her by giving to the charity that bears her name. The charities accepted new donations from at least six foreign governments while Clinton was secretary of state: Switzerland, Papua New Guinea, Swaziland, Rwanda, Sweden and Algeria. And, of course, Ukraine.

Caught On Tape Stunned Reporter Grills State Department Why Hillary s Breaches Won t Be Investigated Zero Hedge
Clinton's just banking that $$$. Looks like no shortage there as Slick Willie's nose is as red as ever, and Her Thighness Clinton sure isn't missing the buffet or the burrito and go at Chipolte


In the past several weeks, not a day has passed without a new scandal surfacing revealing Clinton's lack of judgment whether it involves her abuse of email protocol, or some previously undisclosed financial relation between either Hillary Clinton or the Clinton foundation and an outside donor. The most egregious revelation took place a few days ago when it emerged that the Democratic presidential candidate had breached her agreement with the White House to name all foundation donors during her tenure as secretary of state.

Specifically, as Reuters reported, Clinton had promised the federal government that the Clinton Foundation and its associated charities would name all donors annually while she was the nation's top diplomat. "She also promised that the charities would let the State Department's ethics office review beforehand any proposed new foreign governments donations."

In March, the charities confirmed to Reuters for the first time that they had not complied with those pledges for most of Clinton's four years at the State Department.

The implication is that foreigners banned from donating to U.S. political campaigns could and likely did curry favor with her by giving to the charity that bears her name. The charities accepted new donations from at least six foreign governments while Clinton was secretary of state: Switzerland, Papua New Guinea, Swaziland, Rwanda, Sweden and Algeria. And, of course, Ukraine.

Caught On Tape Stunned Reporter Grills State Department Why Hillary s Breaches Won t Be Investigated Zero Hedge

What this shows is the corruption of the democrat party goes all the way to the oval office. Obozo said "It would be looked into".
He saw it and just wrote it off. It's ALL about party with democrats not a damn thing to do with ethics. They have NONE.
Clinton's just banking that $$$. Looks like no shortage there as Slick Willie's nose is as red as ever, and Her Thighness Clinton sure isn't missing the buffet or the burrito and go at Chipolte


In the past several weeks, not a day has passed without a new scandal surfacing revealing Clinton's lack of judgment whether it involves her abuse of email protocol, or some previously undisclosed financial relation between either Hillary Clinton or the Clinton foundation and an outside donor. The most egregious revelation took place a few days ago when it emerged that the Democratic presidential candidate had breached her agreement with the White House to name all foundation donors during her tenure as secretary of state.

Specifically, as Reuters reported, Clinton had promised the federal government that the Clinton Foundation and its associated charities would name all donors annually while she was the nation's top diplomat. "She also promised that the charities would let the State Department's ethics office review beforehand any proposed new foreign governments donations."

In March, the charities confirmed to Reuters for the first time that they had not complied with those pledges for most of Clinton's four years at the State Department.

The implication is that foreigners banned from donating to U.S. political campaigns could and likely did curry favor with her by giving to the charity that bears her name. The charities accepted new donations from at least six foreign governments while Clinton was secretary of state: Switzerland, Papua New Guinea, Swaziland, Rwanda, Sweden and Algeria. And, of course, Ukraine.

Caught On Tape Stunned Reporter Grills State Department Why Hillary s Breaches Won t Be Investigated Zero Hedge

What this shows is the corruption of the democrat party goes all the way to the oval office. Obozo said "It would be looked into".
He saw it and just wrote it off. It's ALL about party with democrats not a damn thing to do with ethics. They have NONE.

MSM is white washing her

Clinton's just banking that $$$. Looks like no shortage there as Slick Willie's nose is as red as ever, and Her Thighness Clinton sure isn't missing the buffet or the burrito and go at Chipolte


In the past several weeks, not a day has passed without a new scandal surfacing revealing Clinton's lack of judgment whether it involves her abuse of email protocol, or some previously undisclosed financial relation between either Hillary Clinton or the Clinton foundation and an outside donor. The most egregious revelation took place a few days ago when it emerged that the Democratic presidential candidate had breached her agreement with the White House to name all foundation donors during her tenure as secretary of state.

Specifically, as Reuters reported, Clinton had promised the federal government that the Clinton Foundation and its associated charities would name all donors annually while she was the nation's top diplomat. "She also promised that the charities would let the State Department's ethics office review beforehand any proposed new foreign governments donations."

In March, the charities confirmed to Reuters for the first time that they had not complied with those pledges for most of Clinton's four years at the State Department.

The implication is that foreigners banned from donating to U.S. political campaigns could and likely did curry favor with her by giving to the charity that bears her name. The charities accepted new donations from at least six foreign governments while Clinton was secretary of state: Switzerland, Papua New Guinea, Swaziland, Rwanda, Sweden and Algeria. And, of course, Ukraine.

Caught On Tape Stunned Reporter Grills State Department Why Hillary s Breaches Won t Be Investigated Zero Hedge

What this shows is the corruption of the democrat party goes all the way to the oval office. Obozo said "It would be looked into".
He saw it and just wrote it off. It's ALL about party with democrats not a damn thing to do with ethics. They have NONE.

Just like, when The Obama heard about the IRS on the news, how he was just as outraged as US and he would 'look into it'
Clinton's just banking that $$$. Looks like no shortage there as Slick Willie's nose is as red as ever, and Her Thighness Clinton sure isn't missing the buffet or the burrito and go at Chipolte


In the past several weeks, not a day has passed without a new scandal surfacing revealing Clinton's lack of judgment whether it involves her abuse of email protocol, or some previously undisclosed financial relation between either Hillary Clinton or the Clinton foundation and an outside donor. The most egregious revelation took place a few days ago when it emerged that the Democratic presidential candidate had breached her agreement with the White House to name all foundation donors during her tenure as secretary of state.

Specifically, as Reuters reported, Clinton had promised the federal government that the Clinton Foundation and its associated charities would name all donors annually while she was the nation's top diplomat. "She also promised that the charities would let the State Department's ethics office review beforehand any proposed new foreign governments donations."

In March, the charities confirmed to Reuters for the first time that they had not complied with those pledges for most of Clinton's four years at the State Department.

The implication is that foreigners banned from donating to U.S. political campaigns could and likely did curry favor with her by giving to the charity that bears her name. The charities accepted new donations from at least six foreign governments while Clinton was secretary of state: Switzerland, Papua New Guinea, Swaziland, Rwanda, Sweden and Algeria. And, of course, Ukraine.

Caught On Tape Stunned Reporter Grills State Department Why Hillary s Breaches Won t Be Investigated Zero Hedge

I've been wondering all along if the virtual wall of baggage this person carries into the campaign will just be ignored for its sheer size and volume. Every new story and revelation that appears is simply swallowed up into the Clinton machine like a whale swallows plankton.

Every story about any other candidate (from either party) would be a big dent in their campaign. But for her, they're just another raindrop in the storm.

This isn't good, is it?

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Those democrats sure are crafty eh?

And to think Obama called out Americans for Prosperity wanting to know who their donors were... because... they could be from overseas and impacting ACA implementation.


Is The Clinton Foundation Just An International Money Laundering Scheme?

BloombergPolitics reported this morning that the Clinton Foundation refused to disclose the identities of at least 1,100 donors, most of whom are not U.S. citizens, to a Clinton Foundation affiliate. The donations were routed through the Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership (Canada), or CGEPartnership, a Canadian charitable organization. That organization then effectively bundled the foreign donations and sent them along to the Clinton Foundation itself, and it did all of this without ever disclosing the individual foreign sources of the income.

If that sounds to you like more of a laundering operation than a charitable organization, that’s because it certainly looks like more of a laundering operation than a charitable organization. In this case, however, rather than taking cash from blatantly illegal activities (as far as we know) and then cleaning it up by running it through legitimate businesses before it ends up at its final destination, the Clinton Foundation mops up cash from wealthy foreigners, bundles it within a larger organization to hide the money’s original source, and then funnels the cash from that legitimate charity right into the Clinton Foundation coffers.

Is The Clinton Foundation Just A Foreign Laundering Scheme
I've been wondering all along if the virtual wall of baggage this person carries into the campaign will just be ignored for its sheer size and volume. Every new story and revelation that appears is simply swallowed up into the Clinton machine like a whale swallows plankton.

Every story about any other candidate (from either party) would be a big dent in their campaign. But for her, they're just another raindrop in the storm.

This isn't good, is it?

Actually, Mac, you guys have a crediblity problem.

You've been crying Wolf on Hillary for what, 23 years now. Hillary Killed Vince Foster. That kind of bullshit. People who aren't right wing crazies tune it out now, because frankly, we've been hearing this for so long, most of it without any substance, that you just have no credibility.
Clinton's just banking that $$$. Looks like no shortage there as Slick Willie's nose is as red as ever, and Her Thighness Clinton sure isn't missing the buffet or the burrito and go at Chipolte


In the past several weeks, not a day has passed without a new scandal surfacing revealing Clinton's lack of judgment whether it involves her abuse of email protocol, or some previously undisclosed financial relation between either Hillary Clinton or the Clinton foundation and an outside donor. The most egregious revelation took place a few days ago when it emerged that the Democratic presidential candidate had breached her agreement with the White House to name all foundation donors during her tenure as secretary of state.

Specifically, as Reuters reported, Clinton had promised the federal government that the Clinton Foundation and its associated charities would name all donors annually while she was the nation's top diplomat. "She also promised that the charities would let the State Department's ethics office review beforehand any proposed new foreign governments donations."

In March, the charities confirmed to Reuters for the first time that they had not complied with those pledges for most of Clinton's four years at the State Department.

The implication is that foreigners banned from donating to U.S. political campaigns could and likely did curry favor with her by giving to the charity that bears her name. The charities accepted new donations from at least six foreign governments while Clinton was secretary of state: Switzerland, Papua New Guinea, Swaziland, Rwanda, Sweden and Algeria. And, of course, Ukraine.

Caught On Tape Stunned Reporter Grills State Department Why Hillary s Breaches Won t Be Investigated Zero Hedge

That's almost a comedy routine, except if is real.
I'd sure like to see Webb get in.

Because you miss when Democrats used to pander to white males.

So let's get Webb. A guy who quit the Reagan Administration in a hissy because Reagan wanted to cut ships the Navy said it didn't need. A guy who went to a White House reception and threw a hissy when When President Bush asked about how his son was doing. (Did he realize that's where the President lives and he might have to talk to him?) A guy who quit after one term in the Senate because no one paid attention to him.

Hey, now that I think about it, Webb is the perfect candidate for you, Mac.

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