On guns: "Do the right thing!"

You didn't read the article or the comments did you?
You mean this one .
“Throughout the years, I have owned four Kimber firearms. Two of them have been fine working machines. The other two can only be called firearms in the sense that they occasionally fired bullets. They also gave me lots of opportunities to work on my malfunction clearing techniques. I wrote Kimber off as a company I would ever consider buying from again, and noticed I was not alone.”

Sounds like what you get from Taurus….
Like the Black Market will do background checks. :rolleyes-41:
Criminals will criminal 100% of the time. They don't need no stinkin' background checks.
The Universal background checks and red flag laws are just for the people you never would have to worry about.
Red Flag Laws are going to open up a big ass can of worms. I hope the Supreme Court will be up for the task.
Open up enough car doors at night and you won`t need a background check. Law abiders lose a lot of guns that way.

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