CDZ On Conspiracies, Chronovirus and the emergence of the new conspiracy paradigm


Dogpatch USA
Gold Supporting Member
Nov 2, 2017
Twin Falls Idaho
I found this fascinating..not just the sad cases of those choosing lies over the detriment of their health..but the analysis of conspiracy theories in our times..and the resilient believers...who seem to have the ability to shrug off facts in favor of idiocy! question to the this the new normal/ Will millions of willful idiots digest and act upon these crazy beliefs? What should we do/should we do anything at all?

"With conspiracy theories, the reason they're impervious to fact-checking is that they have become a way of being in the world for believers," Phillips said. "It isn't just one narrative that you can debunk. It is a holistic way of being in the world that has been reinforced by all the other bullshit that these platforms have allowed people to consume for years."
'It scares me more than anything'

Organized harassment campaigns, lies and urban legends targeting doctors are a real-life symptom of what the World Health Organization dubbed the "infodemic" as the coronavirus started to spread throughout the world earlier this year.
Halazun has since stopped engaging with the trolls on Facebook, some of whom claimed that "the hospitals are empty" and that the virus was part of a plot to vaccinate or microchip U.S. citizens — just two of the many conspiracy theories that have swirled around the coronavirus.
But he was still left with big questions: How can people believe this stuff? And do they understand the algorithms and opportunistic extremists that led them to believe it?

"It scares me more than anything that there are people who are basically controlled — and in the same way they feel they're fighting against that control," he said. "They go to YouTube, where they're really being controlled, and they don't realize it. That's what's scary

In January, a well-known promoter of QAnon, the baseless conspiracy theory that Trump is secretly dismantling a pedophile-cannibal cabal that runs the U.S. government, pushed a conspiracy theory that Gates "patented" the coronavirus based on a mischaracterized public patent search.

The patent was created by a Gates-aligned research institute to research a vaccine, a common practice among researchers, and it covered a previous coronavirus, not the one that causes COVID-19.
Still, the tweet helped spark a focus on Gates that has permeated the various conspiracy theory networks that have developed on the internet in recent years.
The same QAnon promoter later promoted a diluted form of bleach called "Miracle Mineral Solution" as a possible way to kill the coronavirus.

Similarly, the anti-vaccination movement has pushed a false conspiracy theory that 5G towers are weakening immune systems throughout the world and that COVID-19 is a cover story for the colossal death tolls around the world.

Brian Keeley, a professor of philosophy at Pitzer College in California who studies why people believe in conspiracy theories, said some people in times of crisis look to far-fetched ideas with simple answers for complex problems.

Providing a straightforward, extinguishable enemy — whether it's a well-known celebrity like Gates or a mysterious concept like the illuminati — gives conspiracy theorists hope, agency and power in a time of chaos. In reality, those recognizable, often mortal figures are simply scapegoats for an act of God.
"People are looking for these kinds of explanations to control something in their lives," Keeley said.
Keeley, who's been researching conspiracy theories for over 20 years, said he has abandoned using Facebook because of the "depression that comes from looking at that."

"It's sort of an informational quarantine," he said. "You don't want to be exposing yourself to a different kind of virus."
One can be an intellectual stump, and still not trust any of media or gub'mit

ask me how i know......

I found this fascinating..not just the sad cases of those choosing lies over the detriment of their health..but the analysis of conspiracy theories in our times..and the resilient believers...who seem to have the ability to shrug off facts in favor of idiocy! question to the this the new normal/ Will millions of willful idiots digest and act upon these crazy beliefs? What should we do/should we do anything at all?

"With conspiracy theories, the reason they're impervious to fact-checking is that they have become a way of being in the world for believers," Phillips said. "It isn't just one narrative that you can debunk. It is a holistic way of being in the world that has been reinforced by all the other bullshit that these platforms have allowed people to consume for years."
'It scares me more than anything'

Organized harassment campaigns, lies and urban legends targeting doctors are a real-life symptom of what the World Health Organization dubbed the "infodemic" as the coronavirus started to spread throughout the world earlier this year.
Halazun has since stopped engaging with the trolls on Facebook, some of whom claimed that "the hospitals are empty" and that the virus was part of a plot to vaccinate or microchip U.S. citizens — just two of the many conspiracy theories that have swirled around the coronavirus.
But he was still left with big questions: How can people believe this stuff? And do they understand the algorithms and opportunistic extremists that led them to believe it?

"It scares me more than anything that there are people who are basically controlled — and in the same way they feel they're fighting against that control," he said. "They go to YouTube, where they're really being controlled, and they don't realize it. That's what's scary

In January, a well-known promoter of QAnon, the baseless conspiracy theory that Trump is secretly dismantling a pedophile-cannibal cabal that runs the U.S. government, pushed a conspiracy theory that Gates "patented" the coronavirus based on a mischaracterized public patent search.

The patent was created by a Gates-aligned research institute to research a vaccine, a common practice among researchers, and it covered a previous coronavirus, not the one that causes COVID-19.
Still, the tweet helped spark a focus on Gates that has permeated the various conspiracy theory networks that have developed on the internet in recent years.
The same QAnon promoter later promoted a diluted form of bleach called "Miracle Mineral Solution" as a possible way to kill the coronavirus.

Similarly, the anti-vaccination movement has pushed a false conspiracy theory that 5G towers are weakening immune systems throughout the world and that COVID-19 is a cover story for the colossal death tolls around the world.

Brian Keeley, a professor of philosophy at Pitzer College in California who studies why people believe in conspiracy theories, said some people in times of crisis look to far-fetched ideas with simple answers for complex problems.

Providing a straightforward, extinguishable enemy — whether it's a well-known celebrity like Gates or a mysterious concept like the illuminati — gives conspiracy theorists hope, agency and power in a time of chaos. In reality, those recognizable, often mortal figures are simply scapegoats for an act of God.
"People are looking for these kinds of explanations to control something in their lives," Keeley said.
Keeley, who's been researching conspiracy theories for over 20 years, said he has abandoned using Facebook because of the "depression that comes from looking at that."

"It's sort of an informational quarantine," he said. "You don't want to be exposing yourself to a different kind of virus."
Nice conspiracy theory.
I found this fascinating..not just the sad cases of those choosing lies over the detriment of their health..but the analysis of conspiracy theories in our times..and the resilient believers...who seem to have the ability to shrug off facts in favor of idiocy! question to the this the new normal/ Will millions of willful idiots digest and act upon these crazy beliefs? What should we do/should we do anything at all?

Deep State conspiracy to bring down Trump, anyone?

The Twin Towers was an inside job, you know, explosives.

Hillary killed Foster.

The only difference between now and earlier times is, 1) it's easier to find a bubble at the exclusion of anything contradictory, and, 2) on Faceshit and elsewhere (these hallowed halls included) every demented nitwit with a "theory" also has a publication platform. So, the story with which the drunkard would back then harass just a few others in a bar can now be read around the world. What hasn't changed is (near) everybody's willingness to believe seven completely implausible things before breakfast, and the willingness to believe the completely absurd "explanation" that guy on the internet cooked up rather than to admit to themselves they don't know anything about anything.

Should we do something? Absolutely. Convince that drunkard whatever he "knows" is false, and whatever he reads is bullshit, and that he should go back to square one, relearn everything that formerly gave his life direction and orientation, while admitting he is completely ignorant, where to put it included. Have a go!

Oh, BTW, old man, the name of the beast is CORONA VIRUS. CO-RO-NA. Like crown, not time. Kay?
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I found this fascinating..not just the sad cases of those choosing lies over the detriment of their health..but the analysis of conspiracy theories in our times..and the resilient believers...who seem to have the ability to shrug off facts in favor of idiocy! question to the this the new normal/ Will millions of willful idiots digest and act upon these crazy beliefs? What should we do/should we do anything at all?

"With conspiracy theories, the reason they're impervious to fact-checking is that they have become a way of being in the world for believers," Phillips said. "It isn't just one narrative that you can debunk. It is a holistic way of being in the world that has been reinforced by all the other bullshit that these platforms have allowed people to consume for years."
'It scares me more than anything'

Organized harassment campaigns, lies and urban legends targeting doctors are a real-life symptom of what the World Health Organization dubbed the "infodemic" as the coronavirus started to spread throughout the world earlier this year.
Halazun has since stopped engaging with the trolls on Facebook, some of whom claimed that "the hospitals are empty" and that the virus was part of a plot to vaccinate or microchip U.S. citizens — just two of the many conspiracy theories that have swirled around the coronavirus.
But he was still left with big questions: How can people believe this stuff? And do they understand the algorithms and opportunistic extremists that led them to believe it?

"It scares me more than anything that there are people who are basically controlled — and in the same way they feel they're fighting against that control," he said. "They go to YouTube, where they're really being controlled, and they don't realize it. That's what's scary

In January, a well-known promoter of QAnon, the baseless conspiracy theory that Trump is secretly dismantling a pedophile-cannibal cabal that runs the U.S. government, pushed a conspiracy theory that Gates "patented" the coronavirus based on a mischaracterized public patent search.

The patent was created by a Gates-aligned research institute to research a vaccine, a common practice among researchers, and it covered a previous coronavirus, not the one that causes COVID-19.
Still, the tweet helped spark a focus on Gates that has permeated the various conspiracy theory networks that have developed on the internet in recent years.
The same QAnon promoter later promoted a diluted form of bleach called "Miracle Mineral Solution" as a possible way to kill the coronavirus.

Similarly, the anti-vaccination movement has pushed a false conspiracy theory that 5G towers are weakening immune systems throughout the world and that COVID-19 is a cover story for the colossal death tolls around the world.

Brian Keeley, a professor of philosophy at Pitzer College in California who studies why people believe in conspiracy theories, said some people in times of crisis look to far-fetched ideas with simple answers for complex problems.

Providing a straightforward, extinguishable enemy — whether it's a well-known celebrity like Gates or a mysterious concept like the illuminati — gives conspiracy theorists hope, agency and power in a time of chaos. In reality, those recognizable, often mortal figures are simply scapegoats for an act of God.
"People are looking for these kinds of explanations to control something in their lives," Keeley said.
Keeley, who's been researching conspiracy theories for over 20 years, said he has abandoned using Facebook because of the "depression that comes from looking at that."

"It's sort of an informational quarantine," he said. "You don't want to be exposing yourself to a different kind of virus."
Nice conspiracy theory.
Nice non-answer..LOL!
I found this fascinating..not just the sad cases of those choosing lies over the detriment of their health..but the analysis of conspiracy theories in our times..and the resilient believers...who seem to have the ability to shrug off facts in favor of idiocy! question to the this the new normal/ Will millions of willful idiots digest and act upon these crazy beliefs? What should we do/should we do anything at all?

Deep State conspiracy to bring down Trump, anyone?

The Twin Towers was an inside job, you know, explosives.

Hillary killed Foster.

The only difference between now and earlier times is, 1) it's easier to find a bubble at the exclusion of anything contradictory, and, 2) on Faceshit and elsewhere (these hallowed halls included) every demented nitwit with a "theory" also has a publication platform. So, the story with which the drunkard would back then harass just a few others in a bar can now be read around the world. What hasn't changed is (near) everybody's willingness to believe seven completely implausible things before breakfast, and the willingness to believe the completely absurd "explanation" that guy on the internet cooked up rather than to admit to themselves they don't know anything about anything.

Should we do something? Absolutely. Convince that drunkard whatever he "knows" is false, and whatever he reads is bullshit, and that he should go back to square one, relearn everything that formerly gave his life direction and orientation, while admitting he is completely ignorant, where to put it included. Have a go!

Oh, BTW, old man, the name of the beast is CORONA VIRUS. CO-RO-NA. Like crown, not clock. Kay?
LOL! to smoke..not smoke and then post! Although..i do like the image i get..of this time-bending virus..causes us to revisit the worst scenes from our adolescence!
Strange how liberals embrace the unconstitutional shutdowns while they decline to obey properly instituted laws. Maybe it's just that their hatred of freedom has overwhelmed their criminal natures.
Well..OK. Could you put that into the context of the OP? Is there a conspiracy involved? Or is this just a random opportunity to present liberals as hating freedom and having criminal natures?
LOL! to smoke..not smoke and then post! Although..i do like the image i get..of this time-bending virus..causes us to revisit the worst scenes from our adolescence!

I made you revisit the worst scenes from your adolescence? Sorry about that.

On the other hand, Eye, there has been an unbroken record, two millennia long, of folks believing, fervently and even ferociously, a nice little story about a man who made folks rise from the dead, and rose from the dead himself. The belief supreme worth comes with white skin color may well be older than that. In that light, why would anyone wonder about the outer limits of what folks are willing to believe? There, quite patently, are none, never have been, and no one I know of found a remedy for that.
LOL! to smoke..not smoke and then post! Although..i do like the image i get..of this time-bending virus..causes us to revisit the worst scenes from our adolescence!

I made you revisit the worst scenes from your adolescence? Sorry about that.

On the other hand, Eye, there has been an unbroken record, two millennia long, of folks believing, fervently and even ferociously, a nice little story about a man who made folks rise from the dead, and rose from the dead himself. The belief supreme worth comes with white skin color may well be older than that. In that light, why would anyone wonder about the outer limits of what folks are willing to believe? There, quite patently, are none, never have been, and no one I know of found a remedy for that. color..not necessarily white..has long been a common demarcation for cultures...Christianity has no monopoly on weird beliefs or believers- however, I do believe that social media has taken the conspiracy theory to a whole new level...with the one element that was always missing....affirmation! Now the lone idiot crying out in the wilderness is answered by a veritable plethora of idiots..and they find strength in their that is different. I've also found that political positioning..Left or Right..seems to be almost irrelevant--every bad thing about one's opposition faction is automatically swallowed and repeated--when chided...the finger is always pointed at the other guy...LOL!

BTW,,, made me visit a memory--fond..of a teacher tsking my habit of chasing rabbits

I was thinking of a good sci-fi plot..the chrono-virus...ooops..gotta go..rabbit!
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One can be an intellectual stump, and still not trust any of media or gub'mit

ask me how i know......


So, Sparky, I'll bite: How do you know?

Anyway, one has to be an intellectual stump - we know you aren't - to distrust any and all media and government utterances. That would be childishly simplistic. Some media get it right some of the time, some even most of the time, sometime government gets it right. The citizen's task is to tell right and wrong apart, and that's a function of information gathered, experiences made and learned from, along with a willingness to put one's brain to work. color..not necessarily white..has long been a common demarcation for cultures...Christianity has no monopoly on weird beliefs or believers- however, I do believe that social media has taken the conspiracy theory to a whole new level...with the one element that was always missing....affirmation! Now the lone idiot crying out in the wilderness is answered by a veritable plethora of idiots..and they find strength in their that is different. I've also found that political positioning..Left or Right..seems to be almost irrelevant--every bad thing about one's opposition faction is automatically swallowed and repeated--when chided...the finger is always pointed at the other guy...LOL!

BTW,,, made me visit a memory--fond..of a teacher tsking my habit of chasing rabbits

I was thinking of a good sci-fi plot..the chrono-virus...ooops..gotta go..rabbit!

Yep, affirmation. That's pretty much what I meant with "it's easier to find a bubble at the exclusion of anything contradictory". "Affirmation" captures the result of the bubble well, though.
I don't know why I bother coming here anymore. The brainwashed, idiot-box believing ignorance and bootlicking is off the charts, much more than any other forum I've ever been on in the last 20+ years.
And have nothing cogent to say. One doesn't get to 'claim' to be smart--one has to earn it.

I think you are incapable of reasoned argument..and that is why you just drops turds and go....
I don't know why I bother coming here anymore. The brainwashed, idiot-box believing ignorance and bootlicking is off the charts, much more than any other forum I've ever been on in the last 20+ years.
And have nothing cogent to say. One doesn't get to 'claim' to be smart--one has to earn it.

I think you are incapable of reasoned argument..and that is why you just drops turds and go....
Oh, so just because I didn't write an essay in this particular thread means I'm incapable of reasoned argument? Wrong, I've talked about this on numerous threads in the last few weeks, it gets tiring trying to get through to extremely misguided people. I've been trying to post less here, or quit altogether, and for now I was just about to start cooking dinner. But if I feel like it, I'll get back to this either later tonight or tomorrow.
Oh, so just because I didn't write an essay in this particular thread means I'm incapable of reasoned argument? Wrong, I've talked about this on numerous threads in the last few weeks, it gets tiring trying to get through to extremely misguided people. I've been trying to post less here, or quit altogether, and for now I was just about to start cooking dinner. But if I feel like it, I'll get back to this either later tonight or tomorrow.

Best to avoid the CDZ, in my view. It's basically a safe space for passive aggressive antagonism. Not all of the time, to be fair. But most of the time. This thread seems like one such example of the former. Catch em elsewhere on the board on your own terms instead of submitting to theirs.
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I found this fascinating..not just the sad cases of those choosing lies over the detriment of their health..but the analysis of conspiracy theories in our times..and the resilient believers...who seem to have the ability to shrug off facts in favor of idiocy! question to the this the new normal/ Will millions of willful idiots digest and act upon these crazy beliefs? What should we do/should we do anything at all?

"With conspiracy theories, the reason they're impervious to fact-checking is that they have become a way of being in the world for believers," Phillips said. "It isn't just one narrative that you can debunk. It is a holistic way of being in the world that has been reinforced by all the other bullshit that these platforms have allowed people to consume for years."
'It scares me more than anything'

Organized harassment campaigns, lies and urban legends targeting doctors are a real-life symptom of what the World Health Organization dubbed the "infodemic" as the coronavirus started to spread throughout the world earlier this year.
Halazun has since stopped engaging with the trolls on Facebook, some of whom claimed that "the hospitals are empty" and that the virus was part of a plot to vaccinate or microchip U.S. citizens — just two of the many conspiracy theories that have swirled around the coronavirus.
But he was still left with big questions: How can people believe this stuff? And do they understand the algorithms and opportunistic extremists that led them to believe it?

"It scares me more than anything that there are people who are basically controlled — and in the same way they feel they're fighting against that control," he said. "They go to YouTube, where they're really being controlled, and they don't realize it. That's what's scary

In January, a well-known promoter of QAnon, the baseless conspiracy theory that Trump is secretly dismantling a pedophile-cannibal cabal that runs the U.S. government, pushed a conspiracy theory that Gates "patented" the coronavirus based on a mischaracterized public patent search.

The patent was created by a Gates-aligned research institute to research a vaccine, a common practice among researchers, and it covered a previous coronavirus, not the one that causes COVID-19.
Still, the tweet helped spark a focus on Gates that has permeated the various conspiracy theory networks that have developed on the internet in recent years.
The same QAnon promoter later promoted a diluted form of bleach called "Miracle Mineral Solution" as a possible way to kill the coronavirus.

Similarly, the anti-vaccination movement has pushed a false conspiracy theory that 5G towers are weakening immune systems throughout the world and that COVID-19 is a cover story for the colossal death tolls around the world.

Brian Keeley, a professor of philosophy at Pitzer College in California who studies why people believe in conspiracy theories, said some people in times of crisis look to far-fetched ideas with simple answers for complex problems.

Providing a straightforward, extinguishable enemy — whether it's a well-known celebrity like Gates or a mysterious concept like the illuminati — gives conspiracy theorists hope, agency and power in a time of chaos. In reality, those recognizable, often mortal figures are simply scapegoats for an act of God.
"People are looking for these kinds of explanations to control something in their lives," Keeley said.
Keeley, who's been researching conspiracy theories for over 20 years, said he has abandoned using Facebook because of the "depression that comes from looking at that."

"It's sort of an informational quarantine," he said. "You don't want to be exposing yourself to a different kind of virus."

Excellent article.

Trying to combat conspiracy theories, lies, misinformation, and fake news with facts and the truth is becoming pointless.

Conspiracy theories, lies, and the spreading thereof have become a self-sustaining institution; indeed, it now exists as a kind of religion with believers adhering to their blind faith.
One can be an intellectual stump, and still not trust any of media or gub'mit

ask me how i know......


So, Sparky, I'll bite: How do you know?

Anyway, one has to be an intellectual stump - we know you aren't - to distrust any and all media and government utterances. That would be childishly simplistic. Some media get it right some of the time, some even most of the time, sometime government gets it right. The citizen's task is to tell right and wrong apart, and that's a function of information gathered, experiences made and learned from, along with a willingness to put one's brain to work.

You're too kind Olde one...

it's my opinion that our world has, over time, evolved to be an Orwellian dystopia of self destructive elements spawned from the darker side of humanity

the media , world leaders , powers that be are neither right or wrong, they exist in that grey area where followers ,deniers, believers ,etc are caught in up in the grand conundrum of the seven deadlies continually manifested, manipulated, prostituted and pontificated

anyways , i'm best off pooning it all with paltry poetry

One can be an intellectual stump, and still not trust any of media or gub'mit

ask me how i know......

As if on cue…

A member of the Church of the Divine Conspiracy Theory.

I'm outed !!!:safetocomeoutff:

Day after day, the fool of the thread
Posts from his gizzard parts, instead of his head
But nobody needs to read him,
They can see that he's just a tool,
And he never gives an answer,

But the fool of the thread,
Sees the fun going down,
with the bent that it’s led
See the words spinning 'round.

Well on the way, Thread in a cloud,
The spark of obnoxious lyrics posting perfectly loud
But nobody ever hears him,
or the sound he appears to make,
and he never seems to notice,

But the fool of the thread,
Sees the fun going down,
with just feathers for a head,
See the words spinning 'round......

~S~ w/apologies to the Fab 4

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