Omicron variant will overwhelm the world in 3-6 months, expert says

I was hoping it wouldn't come to this, but it's really time we start thinking about throwing virgins into volcanoes. I wish there was another way, but . . .

Democrats yes, virgins no. Well okay, democrats who are virgins is fine.
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That doesn't work anymore.

I was hoping it wouldn't come to this, but it's really time we start thinking about throwing virgins into volcanoes. I wish there was another way, but . . .
Sounds scientific to me
It's all BS.


Omicron variant will overwhelm the world in 3-6 months, expert says​

My money is on Theta. When the Theta variant hits, it will make Omicron look like Delta on life support.
Are mail in ballots the correct way to deal with the Omicron Variant?
Well. There’s a deadline. So provided that they are printed in China and mailed anytime before the next election, and post-marked in any way at all, the local election boards will shrug their shoulders and say “uhm. Ok.”
It is impossible for the world to end without zombies.

We need zombies.

Otherwise, this is just another PR stunt.
I see them everyday walking down the street with their masks around their chins or driving alone with their masks on they are out there you just have to look. They have the same look in their eyes as sheep being driven to slaughter.
It wasn't China, it was the democrats who worked for China, and Bill Gates and the silicon valley tech oligarchy, it didn't leak, it hit the planet at exactly the perfect time to accomplish two very specific objectives, destroy the Trump presidency(check), and shutter the US white hot economy(check)!

It was the democrats and those billionaires who launched the bug, China may very well have been in on it, but they did not possess the chops to do so on their own. Just do the math, its so simple a child can add it up, and some do, those billionaires had invested trillions into the Chinese economy, whilst simultaneously "decamping" virtually the entire US manufacturing infrastructure to China, this is what Obama had presided over for eight years.

Then in 2016 the impossible took place and Trump swept into the white house, a squeaky clean Trump whose only vice was ladies, and thus beyond the ability of those democrats/rinos and tech oligarchs to control, he succeeded in reigniting the US economy via deregulating it and the result was the greatest economy in modern world history. He openly challenged the Chinese and ordered tariffs be placed against them and the result was devastating, the US economy was crushing the command & control communist Chinese economy out like acorns under heavy boots!

They rolled out one coup attempt after the other, all failed, each time they failed they would roll out the next within weeks, the tech billionaires, and decamped US manufacturing base were poised for ruin in China, then "presto," we are told to believe that out of the wild blue yonder a plague just happened to naturally occur at the absolute perfect moment to save communist China, the democratic party, and most especially all of those decamped billionaires????

The odds of such are trillions to one, trillions to one, couldn't happen, didn't happen!
Biden has been in the Pocket of the Chinese for at least a decade. Their economy couldn't withstand another 4 years of trump and Biden promised he would not interfere in their affairs when he didn't meet hunters associates in china while he was VP. You are right big tech and china needed Biden and released the Kraken to ensure his defeat.
I’m overwhelmed with anticipation of being overwhelmed
More years of darkness.
There have been no deaths from omicron so far. From what I’ve read no one has even been admitted to a hospital for it yet.

If it's as super-contagious as it seems, it will replace Delta just by rate of spread, and if it turns out to be less deadly, that's the golden ticket. I'd love to see Delta replaced by its weak-ass cousin, because Patton Oswalt is playing in Chicago just a few days from my birthday, and I really want to go.

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