Omicron variant will overwhelm the world in 3-6 months, expert says

You better fucking pay attention. Just look at his followers.
What I pay attention to is actions. I have never gone on Twitter. I pay attention to Fauci's actions as the NIH officer who signed off on Gain Of Function research at the Wuhan Virology Lab and then lied to Congress about his involvement. I pay attention to the CCP coverup of their allowing infected citizens to freely travel the world to spread their weapon. You are blaming the wrong people just like the Media told you.
No one knows what you are talking about, and neither do you.
In your head. Other readers will grasp the science to be posted. In your case, we can take it one word at a time if you have trouble processing your mother tongue.
What I pay attention to is actions. I have never gone on Twitter. I pay attention to Fauci's actions as the NIH officer who signed off on Gain Of Function research at the Wuhan Virology Lab and then lied to Congress about his involvement. I pay attention to the CCP coverup of their allowing infected citizens to freely travel the world to spread their weapon. You are blaming the wrong people just like the Media told you.
This cover-up by the Communist Chinese means that whomever they share the knowledge with about the natural reservoir of the virus may also be able to transport viable viruses to anywhere they wish and seed the area. One would have to be brain dead to deny the CIA or MI6 has not thought about this.
We will be smothered in these never ending hoaxes until and unless we refuse to participate in the almost entirely non lawful edicts that are being thrown out willy nilly.
If you have any doubt that Fauci is a Mengele type mentally ill experimenter then you are simply as ill and evil as he is.
Trump was responsible, and still is for many deaths, because many of the antis do not get vaccinated, because Trump lost the election, and pedaled the big lie. The rest of the blame comes from nature itself, because the Biden administration cares about it.


Are you going to blame Trump for the deaths around the world too? You guys truly are pathetic!
"Overwhelm"? what does that mean in medical terms? Other experts who aren't based in Asia say the covid variant isn't as serious as we thought.
Words and tweets from a president? You better fucking pay attention. Just look at his followers. They still think it's a hoax.

And by the way, Trump gave up on vaccines. He had nothing to do with when they came out. How do we know? Because his interest was Hydroxychloroquine.

Trump gets zero credit for anything, and people still take his tweets seriously today. They're fucking potato head idiots. The whole lot of them. And they keep these viruses spreading to everyone else as a result. To hell with those folks.

He's been banned from Twitter you idiot!
Trump was responsible, and still is for many deaths, because many of the antis do not get vaccinated, because Trump lost the election, and pedaled the big lie. The rest of the blame comes from nature itself, because the Biden administration cares about it.
More people died from it in 2021, so by your own standards. Biden is a screw up.
But Trump never thought to stop travel from Europe. Why? Because they are white over there. Trump was too stupid to realize that people from China travel to Europe. And when he finally did it, it was too late. Trump is a racist.
You are not very bright. Other readers, too, should feel relieved you’re not professionally involved in epidemiology.
But Trump never thought to stop travel from Europe. Why? Because they are white over there. Trump was too stupid to realize that people from China travel to Europe. And when he finally did it, it was too late. Trump is a racist.

Omicron variant has the mutation, D796Y. In HCoV-229E, the virus has a deletion, which suggests disease. This earlier science links to chloroquine and bafilomycin. Bafilomycin, like ivermectin, is a 16-membered macrolide, and HCoV-OC43 is the bovine-to-human species jump. It’s also a mistake to get amnesia about Fau Chi’s influenza and vaccine competition:

Blau DM, Holmes KV, Human Coronavirus HCoV-229E Enters Susceptible Cells Via the Endocytic Pathway, in The Nidoviruses: (Coronaviruses and Arteriviruses, Kluwer Academic, 2000)
’There are two serotypes of human coronaviruses, HCoV-229E and HCoV-OC43....In order to infect susceptible cells, the S glycoprotein of HCoV-229E binds to its receptor, human aminopeptidase N (hAPN) also known as CD13, a metalloprotease. After attachment, the viral envelope must fuse with a cellular membrane.

....We have studied the entry of HCoV-229E into polarized human colon cancer cells (Caco-2), and also show that the entry into MRC-5 human lung epithelial cells is inhibited by drugs that block the acidification of endosomes. These findings suggest that HCoV-229E undergoes endocytosis after binding to hAPN at the plasma membrane and the virion is then sorted into endosomes where fusion of viral envelope and endocytic membrane occcur.

If HCoV-229E enters by fusing with endocytic membranes, it is likely that these drugs will inhibit infection. Chloroquine, a weak base, and bafilomycin A1, a specific inhibitor of the vacuolar ATP-ase proton pump, both block acidification of endosomes. As seen in Table 2, treatment of MRC-5 cells with these drugs during virus adsorption inhibits viral infection, whereas treatment after viral replication has begun does not decrease the percent of cells expressing HCoV-229E antigen.
It is thus possible that chloroquine and bafilomycin A1 affect not only the entry but also the release of the virus. Incubation in chloroquine or bafilomycin A1 before and during virus inoculation resulted in a decrease of viral titers when compared to untreated, inoculated cells. In contrast, when the drugs were added 8-12 hours post-inoculation, there was no significant decrease in viral yields compared to untreated, inoculated cells. These results show that lysosomotrophic drugs inhibit early at virus entry but at later times do not affect the release of virus....Influenza hemagglutinin (HA), its viral attachment protein, undergoes a conformational change at the low pH found in endosomes. This change allows fusion of the viral envelope with the endosomal membrane.’
The mutation in Omicron, D796Y, is precisely the same location as the deletion in HCoV-229E. Omicron is confused, weak, yet searching.

Omicron variant will overwhelm the world in 3-6 months, expert says​

My money is on Theta. When the Theta variant hits, it will make Omicron look like Delta on life support.
Nah…The Megatron will by far be the worst transformer Covid variant.
The two reports I read online from European medical "sources" stated that Omicron was barely even registered as a threat, as the people that contracted it got the sniffles..............and that was about the extent of it.

Concept platform--

As COVID dies down and becomes LESS "deadly".......the MORE the DementocRats are having to contrive more heinous LIES. Mainly by renaming COVID, and then making it out to be "deadlier" that before, when in actuality, COVID is dying out and these "variants" are the levels it's progressing into before it dies out completely.
Omicron gives sniffles because it is nothing more than the common cold.
An Kennedy excerpt of interest (hereafter EOI):

’From the outset, hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and other therapeutics posed an existential threat to Dr. Fauci and Bill Gate’s $48 billion COVID vaccine project, and particularly to their vanity drug remdesivir, in which Gates has a large stake. Under federal law, new vacccines and medicines cannot qualify for Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) if any existing FDA-approved drug proves effective against the same malady:

For FDA to issue an EUA (emergency use authorization), there must be no adequate, approved, and available alternative to the candidate product for diagnosing, preventing, or treating the disease or condition.

Thus, if any FDA-approved drug like hydroxychloroquine (or ivermectin) proved effective against COVID, pharmaceutical companies would no longer be legally allowed to fast-track their billion-dollar vaccines to market under Emergency Use Authorization. Instead, vaccines would have to endure years-long delays that have always accompanied methodical safety and efficacy testing, and that would mean less profits, more uncertainty, longer runways to market, and a disappointing end to the lucrative COVID-19 vaccine gold rush. Dr. Fauci has invested $6 billion in taxpayer lucre in the Moderna vaccine alone.’
(Kennedy, The Real Anthony Fauci, pp. 19-20 Killing Hydroxychloroquine)
"Overwhelm"? what does that mean in medical terms? Other experts who aren't based in Asia say the covid variant isn't as serious as we thought.
It means be even more fearful and compliant and get ready for more unlawful freedom robbing proclamations.
"Overwhelm"? what does that mean in medical terms? Other experts who aren't based in Asia say the covid variant isn't as serious as we thought.
“Not as serious” is insurrection speech and for all of our health and well being Will Not Be Tolerated.

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