Omicron has ALREADY PEAKED in S Africa less than a month from initial detection!!

Ok, and Wuhan had bats in the laboratory. Why ?? Gain of function maybe ?
When the text says "chimera" one may as well picture the virologist at the roulette wheels of Las Vegas. Some results are undoubtedly a gain of function though other results might not.

The paper is entitled:
Discovery of a rich gene pool of bat SARS-related coronaviruses provides new insights into the origin of SARS coronavirus, 2017, By
Ben Hu 1, Lei-Ping Zeng 1, Xing-Lou Yang 1, Xing-Yi Ge 1, Wei Zhang 1, Bei Li 1, Jia-Zheng Xie 1, Xu-Rui Shen 1, Yun-Zhi Zhang 2,3, Ning Wang 1, Dong-Sheng Luo 1, Xiao-Shuang Zheng 1, Mei-Niang Wang 1, Peter Daszak 4, Lin-Fa Wang 5, Jie Cui 1*, Zheng-Li Shi 1*
1 CAS Key Laboratory of Special Pathogens and Biosafety, Center for Emerging Infectious Diseases of Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan, China, 2 Yunnan Institute of Endemic Diseases Control and Prevention, Dali, China, 3 Dali University, Dali, China, 4 EcoHealth Alliance, New York, New York, United States of America, 5 Programme in Emerging Infectious Diseases, Duke-NUS Medical School, Singapore
Yes, thanks for listing the precise locations for these virologist-psychos. They certainly haven't given the rest of the world precise locations for SARS-CoV-1 or 2.
Yes, thanks for listing the precise locations for these virologist-psychos. They certainly haven't given the rest of the world precise locations for SARS-CoV-1 or 2.
Actually thank Ron Paul who is trying to investigate them and stop this research. They do the research in China because they aren't allowed to do it here. So they just LIE and do it there with Gov't funding.
Actually thank Ron Paul who is trying to investigate them and stop this research. They do the research in China because they aren't allowed to do it here. So they just LIE and do it there with Gov't funding.
I think that's exactly what was going on possibly. If anything the gullible Chinese who love power and money over anything (I.e.China's industrial pollution was or still is off the chain), so it wouldn't surprise me a bit that they would accept any contracts or funding to do studies of this sort for Fauci and the NIH.
Thanks to the other posters for help in retrieving important information. We can now add sequences of the Laotian bats to the Yunnan bat (RaTG13) for comparisons. The additions are Banal-52, Banal-103, and Banal-236. There are thus four Rhinolophus high-quality potential sequences with which to compare Omicron sequences and new mutations, which may yield clues as to how Omicron emerged In South Africa.
Actually thank Ron Paul who is trying to investigate them and stop this research. They do the research in China because they aren't allowed to do it here. So they just LIE and do it there with Gov't funding.
The study Care4all pointed to in post #77 further implicates JoeXi as knowing as much as the virologists do. Both JoeXi and Obama funded Duke-NUS Singapore, first mentioned by the USMB poster, Bottlecap.

Post #77 study mentions Duke-NUS Singapore and Holmes. Edward Hooper has already confronted Holmes on the issue of HIV/AIDS and oral polio vaccines (see Hooper's origins page). The Duke-NUS Singapore link to the Laotian bats is Linfa Wang:

' "I am more convinced than ever SARS-CoV-2 has a natural origin," agrees Linfa Wang, virologist at Duke-NUS Singapore.'
The study Care4all pointed to in post #77 further implicates JoeXi as knowing as much as the virologists do. Both JoeXi and Obama funded Duke-NUS Singapore, first mentioned by the USMB poster, Bottlecap.

Post #77 study mentions Duke-NUS Singapore and Holmes. Edward Hooper has already confronted Holmes on the issue of HIV/AIDS and oral polio vaccines (see Hooper's origins page). The Duke-NUS Singapore link to the Laotian bats is Linfa Wang:

' "I am more convinced than ever SARS-CoV-2 has a natural origin," agrees Linfa Wang, virologist at Duke-NUS Singapore.'
I'm not convinced. We know they were playing god with gene's and bats in Wuhan.
I think that's exactly what was going on possibly. If anything the gullible Chinese who love power and money over anything (I.e.China's industrial pollution was or still is off the chain), so it wouldn't surprise me a bit that they would accept any contracts or funding to do studies of this sort for Fauci and the NIH.
The virus Ralph Baric took to North Carolina was one that had evolved near urban pollution outside Kunming, Yunnan. It was collected not far from an expressway. Dipshit Chinese avarice will even go so far as to see of it can (profit [italics]) from its come-uppance industry and cheap Australian coal burning of the last decades, particulates of which settle on Montana. It certainly made profit from SARS-CoV-2.
I'm not convinced. We know they were playing god with gene's and bats in Wuhan.
That's the point: geography. Baric takes a virus to NC, and the Cov-2 "escape" happens at Wuhan. According to a Harvard study, there was increased hospital traffic in Wuhan in August and September 2019 in coincidence with gastrointestinal problems of the population. The average reading prisoner might not catch the implications: Baric's North Carolina is where a porcine coronavirus, PRRSV, may have first been introduced into America by the introduction of wild boars from Germany in 1913. Other porcine coronaviruses linked to the gastrointestinal symptom are TGEV and PEDV.

Taking a Laotian Rhinolophus virus to Wuhan is not out of the question. But it could also have been imported to the Yunnan markets on the scales of a Lao pangolin. Why shouldn't they take viruses Out of nature and place them in Wuhan? Zheng-li Shi was already familiar with the nasty Rhinolophus RaTG13, 96% similar to Cov-2. These Lao bats would have been absolutely necessary to satisfy the addiction once they were hooked, though does the Lao chron support the possibility?
That's the point: geography. Baric takes a virus to NC, and the Cov-2 "escape" happens at Wuhan. According to a Harvard study, there was increased hospital traffic in Wuhan in August and September 2019 in coincidence with gastrointestinal problems of the population. The average reading prisoner might not catch the implications: Baric's North Carolina is where a porcine coronavirus, PRRSV, may have first been introduced into America by the introduction of wild boars from Germany in 1913. Other porcine coronaviruses linked to the gastrointestinal symptom are TGEV and PEDV.

Taking a Laotian Rhinolophus virus to Wuhan is not out of the question. But it could also have been imported to the Yunnan markets on the scales of a Lao pangolin. Why shouldn't they take viruses Out of nature and place them in Wuhan? Zheng-li Shi was already familiar with the nasty Rhinolophus RaTG13, 96% similar to Cov-2. These Lao bats would have been absolutely necessary to satisfy the addiction once they were hooked, though does the Lao chron support the possibility?
Aka .........They brought other animals to Wuhan for the gain of function from other parts of the world.

That had to happen via humans moving them there or the cells there to the lab. If it is a natural cross between animals then these animals wouldn't have come from different continents.

We see that one Lao virus, Banal-236 was published in Sep 2021. It came from Rhinolophus marhsalli, which was collected in Laos on 10 Jul 2020, precise location not disclosed. This is too late. However, we see many sequential glutamic acids in its enzyme. We've seen this somewhere before, insanely, up to a dozen Es in a row. If not mistaken, the sequential Es seem to link back to pufferfish sequences.

"The U.S. government has reason to believe that several researchers inside the WIV became sick in autumn 2019, before the first identified case of the outbreak, with symptoms consistent with both Covid-19 and common seasonal illnesses. This raises questions about the credibility of WIV senior researcher Shi Zhengli's public claim that there was 'zero infection' among the WIV's staff and students of SARS-CoV-2 or SARS-related viruses,” the fact sheet said.

Watch the video

Gain of function pros cons there. Cons outweigh the pros
Aka .........They brought other animals to Wuhan for the gain of function from other parts of the world.

That had to happen via humans moving them there or the cells there to the lab. If it is a natural cross between animals then these animals wouldn't have come from different continents.

Baric, having co-authored papers with Wuhan bat lady Zheng-li Shi, would certainly be interested in GOF and chimeras. Baric would not move a virus from Kunming to North Carolina while it's still in the host. How did Baric do this? Daszak knows.

Yes, Edward Hooper's informed readers of another facility for animals in Wuhan. Taking the positive animals from nature to there is a real possibility.
Baric, having co-authored papers with Wuhan bat lady Zheng-li Shi, would certainly be interested in GOF and chimeras. Baric would not move a virus from Kunming to North Carolina while it's still in the host. How did Baric do this? Daszak knows.

Yes, Edward Hooper's informed readers of another facility for animals in Wuhan. Taking the positive animals from nature to there is a real possibility.
Thus having 2 different strains to COMBINE. That seem natural but are done on purpose for research. Then the scientist working there FUCK UP. Get exposed during the experiments and go home to release it to the world.

As the video showed they were sick and worked at the lab from the beginning of this.

"The U.S. government has reason to believe that several researchers inside the WIV became sick in autumn 2019, before the first identified case of the outbreak, with symptoms consistent with both Covid-19 and common seasonal illnesses. This raises questions about the credibility of WIV senior researcher Shi Zhengli's public claim that there was 'zero infection' among the WIV's staff and students of SARS-CoV-2 or SARS-related viruses,” the fact sheet said.

Watch the video

Gain of function pros cons there. Cons outweigh the pros
Lab workers would be susceptible to what was occurring in the population when they left the lab. The next month, October, implicates the Wuhan World Military Games, which also would be a prime opportunity for intel forces to deliberately seed the virus. Holiday travel for Chinese New Year was coming up, and by then the communists undoubtedly knew that the virus targets the elderly and the obese. They knew that the place on the virus spike at positions 408-410 precisely latched on to fatty acids, and that Euro-American elderly obese differed from Asian elderly non-obese.
Lab workers would be susceptible to what was occurring in the population when they left the lab. The next month, October, implicates the Wuhan World Military Games, which also would be a prime opportunity for intel forces to deliberately seed the virus. Holiday travel for Chinese New Year was coming up, and by then the communists undoubtedly knew that the virus targets the elderly and the obese. They knew that the place on the virus spike at positions 408-410 precisely latched on to fatty acids, and that Euro-American elderly obese differed from Asian elderly non-obese.
Who knows. But we know they LIED ABOUT IT. Lied about when it started. Lied about the severity. Lied about Gain of Function. LIED ABOUT EVERYTHING.

When people are lying like that. They are normally COVERING SOMETHING UP. I think it came from the lab and they where doing RESEARCH that would combine coronas from different parts of the world there. How else would these links from different animals do this if not in nature together.?
Who knows. But we know they LIED ABOUT IT. Lied about when it started. Lied about the severity. Lied about Gain of Function. LIED ABOUT EVERYTHING.

When people are lying like that. They are normally COVERING SOMETHING UP. I think it came from the lab and they where doing RESEARCH that would combine coronas from different parts of the world there. How else would these links from different animals do this if not in nature together.?
Nature had already done a good job of producing a nasty virus from the bats at the copper mine. Question is akin to Trump's double-agent advisors not telling him that American prisoners could have been saved by early (prophylaxis [italics]) of hcq and ivm.

What did Wuhan lab already know about the viruses in the mine? Who ordered the miners to go to their death by cleaning up guano? Why was the Wuhan lab called out by the ones who studied the miners' cases for not telling anyone that Wuhan had contradicted itself for stating earlier that no bat viruses could jump into humans?

The Mojiang nipah virus links to this mine. Daszak attended the International Nipah conference in Singapore. The precise geography for the focus of nipah contains pig farms. Intelligent people should remain suspicious of both JoeXi and the Arab son until the commies come clean about their virus. Fau Chi, Gates-owned WHO, the vaccine cartel, etc. had too much invested to allow too much truth revealed.
Nature had already done a good job of producing a nasty virus from the bats at the copper mine. Question is akin to Trump's double-agent advisors not telling him that American prisoners could have been saved by early (prophylaxis [italics]) of hcq and ivm.

What did Wuhan lab already know about the viruses in the mine? Who ordered the miners to go to their death by cleaning up guano? Why was the Wuhan lab called out by the ones who studied the miners' cases for not telling anyone that Wuhan had contradicted itself for stating earlier that no bat viruses could jump into humans?

The Mojiang nipah virus links to this mine. Daszak attended the International Nipah conference in Singapore. The precise geography for the focus of nipah contains pig farms. Intelligent people should remain suspicious of both JoeXi and the Arab son until the commies come clean about their virus. Fau Chi, Gates-owned WHO, the vaccine cartel, etc. had too much invested to allow too much truth revealed.
I'm well aware of that. I've posted more studies than most here on that very issue.

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