Omg i gotta work ,i gotta commute

You know I heard of this new idea called roommates

I guess the way it works is these roommates pay an equal share of rent and utilities.

I really think it's going to catch on.
Yup, that is one option. But, only if it is available. When there are more people than housing, then what?
paying ones dues....i think we should be trying to make it better instead of paying ones dues...did you enjoy that bullshit...i sure the hell didnt...why should being employed at a live able wage be such a struggle as the top percentage just get richer and richer...passive income is a wonderful thing for those who have

we should hope for better for each generation not wanting them to have to pay their fucking their dues to whom?
do we owe dues at birth or what...what are these dues and who the hell do they help?

Millennials, who we all thought were going to be terrible, have turned themselves around pretty decently.
They are not fans of strict work schedules - and neither am I.
Currently I typically work Mon-Thurs 5:45am - 12:45am. I am off most Fridays. Mon-Thurs - I work hard, I eat while I work... no breaks. But I get off at 12:45 instead of 1:45. I pay myself 8 hours even though I only work 7, but I take no breaks.
Also I installed the "pay twice a month" method instead of every two weeks. - This helps facilitate this work schedule.
At any rate - the typical 8-5 work week is dying quickly. We have the Millennials to thank for that.

Gen Z - on the other hand.... holy shit.
Its because Boomers expect them to work for their treets
Gen X outworked boomers by a loooooooooooong shot.
Not even close.
In the 90s - 2010s - I typically worked from 6am - 5pm Mon-Thu, I usually left whenever I could on Fridays which was typically 3:00pm. Then I usually came in on Sat. around 7am and worked till 10 or 11.
So averaging around 55 - 60 hours a week. During busy times I hit 70 all the time.
This was normal back then for a LOT of Gen X'rs.
It is easy to blame her - but it is not her fault.
It is her parents fault, and a "safe space" style education system that does not - at all - prepare children for the realities of adult life.
So when they reach adulthood - they are slammed. They have never had to deal with not doing what they want, never had to deal with any punishment when they don't do what someone tells them to do.

This girl is not the problem.
The problem is "child first" parenting styles, and safe space education.
You used to have to work hard and be innovative to impress the boss. Today, all you have to do is show up on time dressed according to company policy and keep a good attitude throughout the day. It makes me glad my grandsons are being taught how to excel, because the competition will not be very strong when they're ready to take the world by storm.
Gen X outworked boomers by a loooooooooooong shot.
Not even close.
In the 90s - 2010s - I typically worked from 6am - 5pm Mon-Thu, I usually left whenever I could on Fridays which was typically 3:00pm. Then I usually came in on Sat. around 7am and worked till 10 or 11.
So averaging around 55 - 60 hours a week. During busy times I hit 70 all the time.
This was normal back then for a LOT of Gen X'rs.

When I was 16 I worked a full time job and went to school too. Got no slack cut for me at home. Either I paid rent or did housework.

Also had to commute across town on the bus and I remember waiting on the corner in -25° wind chill.

I didn't hate anybody over it.

Not making this up... scouts honor
One of our customers is a large music company that sells music books worldwide.
They have been short staffed since 2020 and gave up on hiring. They can't find people who will actually work.
It is simple kitting and picking. They use to pay $12/hr. - increased that to $16/hr. Increased again to $18 before giving up all together. In order to stay in business the sales staff/owners and managers put orders together themselves. Sometimes working till 8-9pm.

I myself would hire a couple more people in post production... but I also gave up. SOOOOOO many people under 30 still live off of their parents, and only want to work enough to earn spending money and video games. They do not want to work full time.
She sound like she's either far out in Queens

Long Island

Westchester /Rockland

I'm guessing ....

NY the city was always affordable till the late 90s then it started getting brutal for the working classes
Yup, that is one option. But, only if it is available. When there are more people than housing, then what?
Roommates solve that too since more than one person can live in an apartment

Like I said this new idea of sharing rent and utilities is brilliant
Roommates solve that too since more than one person can live in an apartment

Like I said this new idea of sharing rent and utilities is brilliant
You think you figured it all by yourself? Think it isn't happening in every city/town across the nation? LOL

The problem is, in major cities the demand for housing far outstrips the supply. Major cities with their high-rise office buildings mean - thousands of workers. But there aren't thousands of apartments. A typical apartment in a major city is tiny and you can have two or 3 tops sharing rent. No more.

So, we are still back to the problem of demand vs supply.
You think you figured it all by yourself? Think it isn't happening in every city/town across the nation? LOL

The problem is, in major cities the demand for housing far outstrips the supply. Major cities with their high-rise office buildings mean - thousands of workers. But there aren't thousands of apartments. A typical apartment in a major city is tiny and you can have two or 3 tops sharing rent. No more.

So, we are still back to the problem of demand vs supply.
It's obviously not if you want to take the Twitter whiners as the norm
It's obviously not if you want to take the Twitter whiners as the norm
What is obviously not? That there are more apartments than there are people in major cities like NY or SF? Ok, prove it. Go.
What is obviously not? That there are more apartments than there are people in major cities like NY or SF? Ok, prove it. Go.

If you want to live alone

And why do you limit your area to the city limits only? Every city is surrounded by other towns that are only a few minutes away
If you want to live alone

And why do you limit your area to the city limits only? Every city is surrounded by other towns that are only a few minutes away
Because cities are generally where there is a lack of affordable living. Towns not as much. And so yes, in towns, you could find a good number of places where people can rent-share. In cities, not so much.

What part of it that you are finding so hard to understand?

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