OMG - family of disabled man shot in Charlotte TOOK VIDEO and only now released it

We have reached a point in this country where there is no objective reality out there........the progressives in this country are falling all over themselves to create a separate reality. has become that fucked up s0ns. Even when it is right there on video, they tell you what you SHOULD be seeing, not what you are seeing.

When the discourse gets to this level of stoopid, are there really any solutions?

Me thinks that sooner or later, its gonna be time for choosing up sides s0ns!!:2up:

you see it right here. They flock to message to post "White Police gunning down un-armed innocent black men"..............they the facts come out. Or it is a Black Policman.
Why would she rush in to aid her husband and risk getting shot herself? Idiot! She did the right thing…videotape the murderous bastards to preserve the evidence…that strategy is catching on nationally…. thank goodness for that!
Because she is a low IQ individual driven mostly by emotion and not reason?
So now we have a cyber psychologist with a cracker jack box degree weighing in!
Seriously? That woman was a walking cliche of a dumb black bitch and so was her are you come to think of it.

Two racist bastards high five-ing each other over the death of another human being and then berating his wife for having the temerity to videotape the cops killing her husband is an apostasy equal to the Holocaust. The devil has your ear and your heart. My human appeals to your souls have no I digress to the devil…let him have you!
where's that video? It isn't the one in here.
I wasn't talking about the video I was talking about two of our resident racist bastards.: meathead and his sidekick.

If true that would support the throw down theory.
But in the video you can clearly see something laying on the ground as the women rounds the car.
1.21 to 1.23 of the video.

If it's true?
I gave you the link.

If it's true then they moved the gun.
You can see something at 1.21 to 1.23 laying on the ground.
As well as 1.47
That could very well be the gun.
Cops don't touch crime scene evidence by moving it to another unsecured location. When evidence is processed it is secured , marked , tagged , and a chain of custody is initiated.

They do when it's a gun on a person in which they do not know is dead, and if the area is secured, and don't know the condition of the weapon ( cocked, round in chamber), they most definately do, ESPECIALLY AFTER THEYVE PUT THE CRIME SCENE TAPE UP.

Do you have law enforcement experience? I do. When the first photograph was taken the object wasn't there. If there was a weapon present the cops would have picked it up and secured it not kick it to the side. The weapon was placed there for a photo op designed for maximum ass coverage. That is why they circled it in red in the 2nd still.
I watched the video and cant see a damn thing, please be specific and explain how it proves he didn't have a firearm. Just because she is saying he doesn't have one doesn't prove anything. And on the video you can not see anything.
Maybe this will help.

Photo released by police claiming gun on ground.

Still from video right after shooting showing no throw down gun on the ground yet.

You do understand that the two are not photo'd at anywhere near the same time, right?

There's police tape in one, non in the other

If that really is a gun it would support the throw down gun theory.
They wouldnt put up crime tape then return the gun to the original location.
Look at the shadow near the victim's feet. It is shorter in the video that doesn't show the gun. The shadow is longer in the other video. Know what that means? It means significant time had passed before the gun appeared.
or it isn't a gun eh?
If not then why would the cops draw a red circle around the object and say it was a gun?
Maybe this will help.

Photo released by police claiming gun on ground.

Still from video right after shooting showing no throw down gun on the ground yet.

You do understand that the two are not photo'd at anywhere near the same time, right?

There's police tape in one, non in the other

If that really is a gun it would support the throw down gun theory.
They wouldnt put up crime tape then return the gun to the original location.
Look at the shadow near the victim's feet. It is shorter in the video that doesn't show the gun. The shadow is longer in the other video. Know what that means? It means significant time had passed before the gun appeared.
or it isn't a gun eh?
If not then why would the cops draw a red circle around the object and say it was a gun?
Why would the cops have a red circle around a bystanders photo? It's too fking small stoop
It is. But that photo is sometime after the video. It just seems odd that the police would place his gun on the ground like that later.

Is that really the supposed gun,or is it something else?
I havent seen the vid yet so I cant really say.

That's the photo of the purported gun.
It's definitely not a book. Looks like a gun to me.
Yeah, but the cops have plenty of extra "throw down guns" to plant on people.

What hasn't been explained is why would the cops want to shoot the guy if he had no gun?
That just doesnt make sense,to believe that you'd have to believe that the cops just wanted to shoot the guy for the hell of it.
That's what many of the left wing nuts and BLMers believe. Blacks are simply target practice.
If true that would support the throw down theory.
But in the video you can clearly see something laying on the ground as the women rounds the car.
1.21 to 1.23 of the video.

If it's true?
I gave you the link.

If it's true then they moved the gun.
You can see something at 1.21 to 1.23 laying on the ground.
As well as 1.47
That could very well be the gun.
Cops don't touch crime scene evidence by moving it to another unsecured location. When evidence is processed it is secured , marked , tagged , and a chain of custody is initiated.

They do when it's a gun on a person in which they do not know is dead, and if the area is secured, and don't know the condition of the weapon ( cocked, round in chamber), they most definately do, ESPECIALLY AFTER THEYVE PUT THE CRIME SCENE TAPE UP.

Do you have law enforcement experience? I do. When the first photograph was taken the object wasn't there. If there was a weapon present the cops would have picked it up and secured it not kick it to the side. The weapon was placed there for a photo op designed for maximum ass coverage. That is why they circled it in red in the 2nd still.

Lol, sure, all crime scenes are exactly the same. Do I have law enforcement training? No. Brother did though (retired) and he agrees with my assessment. That being that unless you have times to go with the photos, they have almost no value.
If it's true?
I gave you the link.

If it's true then they moved the gun.
You can see something at 1.21 to 1.23 laying on the ground.
As well as 1.47
That could very well be the gun.
Cops don't touch crime scene evidence by moving it to another unsecured location. When evidence is processed it is secured , marked , tagged , and a chain of custody is initiated.

They do when it's a gun on a person in which they do not know is dead, and if the area is secured, and don't know the condition of the weapon ( cocked, round in chamber), they most definately do, ESPECIALLY AFTER THEYVE PUT THE CRIME SCENE TAPE UP.

Do you have law enforcement experience? I do. When the first photograph was taken the object wasn't there. If there was a weapon present the cops would have picked it up and secured it not kick it to the side. The weapon was placed there for a photo op designed for maximum ass coverage. That is why they circled it in red in the 2nd still.

Lol, sure, all crime scenes are exactly the same. Do I have law enforcement training? No. Brother did though (retired) and he agrees with my assessment. That being that unless you have times to go with the photos, they have almost no value.
' exactly ' button
There's only one reason why the police aren't releasing the video: they're hiding something.

I happen to take the police's side often in these videos lately...but this is tough to do when they wont even release it or be transparent.
i keep watching the video with the same questions......why did she yell he has a tbi? do most know what that is...she was filming....i just feel like if my hubby were in danger and i could stop it....i would stop filming and put myself in between the police and my hubby my full attention....i dont think they would shot an unarmed woman in the back.....the dont do it...dont do it...i think she is addressing her husband....

now on the other hand...if i were bored or sick of living with a man with a disability that he wont get over..and suddenly i saw the opportunity to film and sue....well...who knows the darkness of a person's heart....the movie...

the accident can be an unhappily married woman's best friend....doris clairborne ?

an accident with a big fat settlement....even better
You do understand that the two are not photo'd at anywhere near the same time, right?

There's police tape in one, non in the other

If that really is a gun it would support the throw down gun theory.
They wouldnt put up crime tape then return the gun to the original location.
Look at the shadow near the victim's feet. It is shorter in the video that doesn't show the gun. The shadow is longer in the other video. Know what that means? It means significant time had passed before the gun appeared.
or it isn't a gun eh?
If not then why would the cops draw a red circle around the object and say it was a gun?
Why would the cops have a red circle around a bystanders photo? It's too fking small stoop

I guess you have never heard of derringers or single shot 22 cal. short round pistols. Some guns look like cigarette lighters..a very popular design in the 50s. You just do't know what you are talking about son…step back and let the mature people talk!
If it's true?
I gave you the link.

If it's true then they moved the gun.
You can see something at 1.21 to 1.23 laying on the ground.
As well as 1.47
That could very well be the gun.
Cops don't touch crime scene evidence by moving it to another unsecured location. When evidence is processed it is secured , marked , tagged , and a chain of custody is initiated.

They do when it's a gun on a person in which they do not know is dead, and if the area is secured, and don't know the condition of the weapon ( cocked, round in chamber), they most definately do, ESPECIALLY AFTER THEYVE PUT THE CRIME SCENE TAPE UP.

Do you have law enforcement experience? I do. When the first photograph was taken the object wasn't there. If there was a weapon present the cops would have picked it up and secured it not kick it to the side. The weapon was placed there for a photo op designed for maximum ass coverage. That is why they circled it in red in the 2nd still.

Lol, sure, all crime scenes are exactly the same. Do I have law enforcement training? No. Brother did though (retired) and he agrees with my assessment. That being that unless you have times to go with the photos, they have almost no value.
If you knew how to analyze them the photos do have value. reading the evidence in the photos I established a time frame by looking at differences between two photos of the same scene. Differences such as length of shadows, repositioning of objects on the ground reported to be a gun, and a rearrangement of the legs of the corpse.
If it's true then they moved the gun.
You can see something at 1.21 to 1.23 laying on the ground.
As well as 1.47
That could very well be the gun.
Cops don't touch crime scene evidence by moving it to another unsecured location. When evidence is processed it is secured , marked , tagged , and a chain of custody is initiated.

They do when it's a gun on a person in which they do not know is dead, and if the area is secured, and don't know the condition of the weapon ( cocked, round in chamber), they most definately do, ESPECIALLY AFTER THEYVE PUT THE CRIME SCENE TAPE UP.

Do you have law enforcement experience? I do. When the first photograph was taken the object wasn't there. If there was a weapon present the cops would have picked it up and secured it not kick it to the side. The weapon was placed there for a photo op designed for maximum ass coverage. That is why they circled it in red in the 2nd still.

Lol, sure, all crime scenes are exactly the same. Do I have law enforcement training? No. Brother did though (retired) and he agrees with my assessment. That being that unless you have times to go with the photos, they have almost no value.
If you knew how to analyze them the photos do have value. reading the evidence in the photos I established a time frame by looking at differences between two photos of the same scene. Differences such as length of shadows, repositioning of objects on the ground reported to be a gun, and a rearrangement of the legs of the corpse.

Then you should be able to give me the exact time that the crime tape went up and the time between the first photo taken and the second. Oops, you can't. Nor can you tell me what happened within that area during the time between the two photos. Oops X 2

Nice try gumshoe, trying to cover your ass ain't working out to well, is it?
If it's true then they moved the gun.
You can see something at 1.21 to 1.23 laying on the ground.
As well as 1.47
That could very well be the gun.
Cops don't touch crime scene evidence by moving it to another unsecured location. When evidence is processed it is secured , marked , tagged , and a chain of custody is initiated.

They do when it's a gun on a person in which they do not know is dead, and if the area is secured, and don't know the condition of the weapon ( cocked, round in chamber), they most definately do, ESPECIALLY AFTER THEYVE PUT THE CRIME SCENE TAPE UP.

Do you have law enforcement experience? I do. When the first photograph was taken the object wasn't there. If there was a weapon present the cops would have picked it up and secured it not kick it to the side. The weapon was placed there for a photo op designed for maximum ass coverage. That is why they circled it in red in the 2nd still.

Lol, sure, all crime scenes are exactly the same. Do I have law enforcement training? No. Brother did though (retired) and he agrees with my assessment. That being that unless you have times to go with the photos, they have almost no value.
' exactly ' button
So you are saying that the Black Officer killed the black guy in the automobile because he was black!?!

Have you seen the statistics for Black on Black crime?

Just sayin

Different story and I get the point on that. The reality is the OP'er and those from the left discussing this are arguing that LEO drive around looking for unarmed or even armed black men and women to kill, and that is total bullshit.

The Tulsa incident is one I will say the woman is screwed but the North Carolina one is one that Progressive Liberals will lose every time because too many things add up that the suspect was doing something wrong...
Like Trayvon Martin. The nerve of him.
Daring to walk down the street while carrying both Skittles and Ice Tea AT THE SAME TIME!
Once again for the slow and amazingly stupid Martin got shot because he went back and physically attacked Zimmerman.

Wrong. The transcript of the interview with Zimmerman from the Sanford PD does not portray it that way, you stupid bigoted butt head.

Additionally if you were correct then the HOA would never have paid out the $1M+ settlement for wrongful death to Martin's parents.
Actually the trial proves it as well as the utter failure of the US Federal Government to press any charges after a year long witch hunt. But you keep believing in lies and misinformation.
So where's the video?
It's all over the internet.

You're a little late....and you do know what a time stamp is right?
You are nuts.

And btw, excuse my timing on this American board:I live in a time zone that is 8 to 10 hours different than yours. And I AM an American, so don't accuse me of not being one. Educated, aware people understand that milliions of Americans live overseas for various reasons.
Cops don't touch crime scene evidence by moving it to another unsecured location. When evidence is processed it is secured , marked , tagged , and a chain of custody is initiated.

They do when it's a gun on a person in which they do not know is dead, and if the area is secured, and don't know the condition of the weapon ( cocked, round in chamber), they most definately do, ESPECIALLY AFTER THEYVE PUT THE CRIME SCENE TAPE UP.

Do you have law enforcement experience? I do. When the first photograph was taken the object wasn't there. If there was a weapon present the cops would have picked it up and secured it not kick it to the side. The weapon was placed there for a photo op designed for maximum ass coverage. That is why they circled it in red in the 2nd still.

Lol, sure, all crime scenes are exactly the same. Do I have law enforcement training? No. Brother did though (retired) and he agrees with my assessment. That being that unless you have times to go with the photos, they have almost no value.
If you knew how to analyze them the photos do have value. reading the evidence in the photos I established a time frame by looking at differences between two photos of the same scene. Differences such as length of shadows, repositioning of objects on the ground reported to be a gun, and a rearrangement of the legs of the corpse.

Then you should be able to give me the exact time that the crime tape went up and the time between the first photo taken and the second. Oops, you can't. Nor can you tell me what happened within that area during the time between the two photos. Oops X 2

Nice try gumshoe, trying to cover your ass ain't working out to well, is it?
I said differences between photos of the same scene has value. I didn't elaborate. I reserve the right to define what I said and what I meant…thank you!

The shadow of what seems to be a pole reflects the passage of time as it splayed about a foot over the curb near the feet of the deceased in the first photo and had grown another foot and a half in the 2nd Photo. It would be a simple matter to just put up a stick in my yard and observe how long the shadow reaches a foot and a half to determine how much time had passed between times the photos were taken. For scale, to be more precise, a familiar object in either photo can be measured and transposed from millimeters to meters or from fractions of inches to inches.

We know from news reports the shooting occurred at the time kids were close to getting out of school and the shadows in that first photo verifies that. It also establishes which photos were taken first.

I noticed also in the 2nd photo the body had been moved. The feet were spaced differently . Handling of the body would have been an opportune time to gather DNA on a throw down weapon..if indeed any of the objects shown IS a gun. It could also mean they searched the body and found a gun underneath or in a pocket.

Analysis under magnification could possibly reveal more pertinent information. That is my brief summation concerning the value of the photographs. You were wrong ins assuming they had no value.

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