Old Tweets From Democrats Slamming Trump Resurface After Syria Airstrike


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Old Tweets From Democrats Slamming Trump Resurface After Syria Airstrike
Old Tweets From Democrats Slamming Trump Resurface After Syria Airstrike | The Daily Caller
26 Feb 2021 ~~ By Varun Hukeri

Past tweets from prominent Democrats including Vice President Kamala Harris and White House press secretary Jen Psaki that were critical of former President Donald Trump’s approval of airstrikes in Syria resurfaced after President Joe Biden ordered an airstrike late Thursday.
Harris, then a California senator, previously tweeted that she was “deeply concerned about the legal rationale” of an April 2018 airstrike approved by Trump that targeted three chemical weapons sites in Syria. Harris also said the former president needed to lay out a Syria strategy “in consultation with Congress.”
Psaki previously questioned Trump’s “legal authority” to conduct airstrikes after the former president approved an operation in April 2017 targeting a Syrian air base.
“Assad is a brutal dictator. But Syria is a sovereign country,” she tweeted.
A number of other prominent Democrats slammed the Trump administration for conducting airstrikes in Syria. Critics argued that such operations were unconstitutional and the former president required congressional authorization for military force.
Then-House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi tweeted in April 2018 that airstrikes “were no substitute for a coherent strategy” and Trump needed to “come to Congress” and propose a “comprehensive strategy.”
Then-presidential candidate Biden called Trump’s actions in Syria “erratic” and “impulsive” during an Oct. 2019 campaign event and rebuked the former president’s decision to withdraw troops from northern Syria. (RELATED: At Least 1 Dead And Several Injured In US Airstrike On Iraqi Militia Group)

It would be funny if they had any sense of shame or hypocrisy, but, of course, they don’t The idea that if Trump orders something it is bad and Biden’s ordering of the exact same thing is good, doesn’t bother them at all.
Similarly, like the unescorted alien kids being held cages? Jen tells reporters “It’s not the same” but it’s the same, in fact Biden made it worse. Instead of being in the large buildings where they could see others, they are now in windowless 20’ storage containers with lights and air conditioning. talk about being caged.......
It's not hypocrisy. No President in history has done what Trump did. Launched a strike, then called it off and had his balls shrink.

1 President in history has ordered an airstrike, then became petrified with fear and called it off. That's what Democrats were laughing about. You're wrong. Enjoy your topic.
It's not hypocrisy. No President in history has done what Trump did. Launched a strike, then called it off and had his balls shrink.

1 President in history has ordered an airstrike, then became petrified with fear and called it off. That's what Democrats were laughing about. You're wrong. Enjoy your topic.
Or maybe he realized that he was being rolled by the neocons.

A pity that the clown car that is your team aren't that smart.
It's not hypocrisy. No President in history has done what Trump did. Launched a strike, then called it off and had his balls shrink.

1 President in history has ordered an airstrike, then became petrified with fear and called it off. That's what Democrats were laughing about. You're wrong. Enjoy your topic.
Someone's lying every time their first
sentence is "It's not hypocrisy.".:cool:
Old Tweets From Democrats Slamming Trump Resurface After Syria Airstrike
Old Tweets From Democrats Slamming Trump Resurface After Syria Airstrike | The Daily Caller
26 Feb 2021 ~~ By Varun Hukeri

Past tweets from prominent Democrats including Vice President Kamala Harris and White House press secretary Jen Psaki that were critical of former President Donald Trump’s approval of airstrikes in Syria resurfaced after President Joe Biden ordered an airstrike late Thursday.
Harris, then a California senator, previously tweeted that she was “deeply concerned about the legal rationale” of an April 2018 airstrike approved by Trump that targeted three chemical weapons sites in Syria. Harris also said the former president needed to lay out a Syria strategy “in consultation with Congress.”
Psaki previously questioned Trump’s “legal authority” to conduct airstrikes after the former president approved an operation in April 2017 targeting a Syrian air base.
“Assad is a brutal dictator. But Syria is a sovereign country,” she tweeted.
A number of other prominent Democrats slammed the Trump administration for conducting airstrikes in Syria. Critics argued that such operations were unconstitutional and the former president required congressional authorization for military force.
Then-House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi tweeted in April 2018 that airstrikes “were no substitute for a coherent strategy” and Trump needed to “come to Congress” and propose a “comprehensive strategy.”
Then-presidential candidate Biden called Trump’s actions in Syria “erratic” and “impulsive” during an Oct. 2019 campaign event and rebuked the former president’s decision to withdraw troops from northern Syria. (RELATED: At Least 1 Dead And Several Injured In US Airstrike On Iraqi Militia Group)

It would be funny if they had any sense of shame or hypocrisy, but, of course, they don’t The idea that if Trump orders something it is bad and Biden’s ordering of the exact same thing is good, doesn’t bother them at all.
Similarly, like the unescorted alien kids being held cages? Jen tells reporters “It’s not the same” but it’s the same, in fact Biden made it worse. Instead of being in the large buildings where they could see others, they are now in windowless 20’ storage containers with lights and air conditioning. talk about being caged.......
But that's different. You're right, the democrats have no shame. If they did EXACTLY the same thing that Trump did, they would swear up and down that "That's different." Look how they justify all the leftist Burn Loot and Murder last year
There was a Pew poll a year or so ago that said something like 68% of Democrats would rather have a meteor hit the earth, wiping out all life as we know it, than have Trump re-elected.

Trump could have cured cancer, diabetes and COVID, and Democrats still would have hated him.

Oh, and FYI, Trump is still the worst President since a bunch of them I can't remember from the 1800s.
It's not hypocrisy. No President in history has done what Trump did. Launched a strike, then called it off and had his balls shrink.

1 President in history has ordered an airstrike, then became petrified with fear and called it off. That's what Democrats were laughing about. You're wrong. Enjoy your topic.
Individual One never said a thing when the Russians put a bounty on American heads. I know that Orange Qultists approved..................shows what they think of our troops.
There was a Pew poll a year or so ago that said something like 68% of Democrats would rather have a meteor hit the earth, wiping out all life as we know it, than have Trump re-elected.

Trump could have cured cancer, diabetes and COVID, and Democrats still would have hated him.

Oh, and FYI, Trump is still the worst President since a bunch of them I can't remember from the 1800s.

You can't even back up that ridiculous statement, can you?
It's not hypocrisy. No President in history has done what Trump did. Launched a strike, then called it off and had his balls shrink.

1 President in history has ordered an airstrike, then became petrified with fear and called it off. That's what Democrats were laughing about. You're wrong. Enjoy your topic.
Individual One never said a thing when the Russians put a bounty on American heads. I know that Orange Qultists approved..................shows what they think of our troops.

Hey shit for brains! The intelligence community said that was a crock of shit, dreamed up by some Democrats,
It's not hypocrisy. No President in history has done what Trump did. Launched a strike, then called it off and had his balls shrink.

1 President in history has ordered an airstrike, then became petrified with fear and called it off. That's what Democrats were laughing about. You're wrong. Enjoy your topic.
Individual One never said a thing when the Russians put a bounty on American heads. I know that Orange Qultists approved..................shows what they think of our troops.
HEy dumbfuck, that story got debunked a long time ago. So little evidence that the lowest levels of your precious intelligence departments laughed it off as not remotely true.
It's not hypocrisy. No President in history has done what Trump did. Launched a strike, then called it off and had his balls shrink.

1 President in history has ordered an airstrike, then became petrified with fear and called it off. That's what Democrats were laughing about. You're wrong. Enjoy your topic.

Yeah, it is. It's about as hypocritical as you can get.
Remember the stupid hypocritical Moon Bats were always bitching about Bush's foreign policy but never said a damn word with that worthless piece of shit Obama bombed Libya? Libya posed no security threat to the US at all but the sonofabitch bombed them, killing civilians.

How about when Slick Willy killed Christians in order to protect the filthy Muslims? Relentless bombing. Never heard a peep out of the Moon Bats.

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