Biden says he will “never” accept “aggressive” Russia’s Ukraine annexation


Registered Conservative
Sep 20, 2005
Didn’t this happen during the Hussein era?

Sorry Joe, but you and George Soros backed a Revolution to overthrow the rightfully elected government. They still couldn’t impeach and remove the president of Ukraine according to their constitution because they didn’t have the votes. So they just threw out the Constitution and started a new government. Wasn’t the revolution to overthrow the government “aggressive”? Why is that aggression perfectly fine?

Sorry Joe, but when a country throws out its constitution, it doesn’t give the new government the right to govern the same nation with the same borders if certain areas don’t want to be a part of that new government. Crimea didn’t want to be apart of the new fascist government of Ukraine. Instead, the ethnic Russians that speak Russian and live in Crimea chose to be apart of Russia. You know, that whole “democracy” thing you fascists hate so much.
Didn’t this happen during the Hussein era?

Sorry Joe, but you and George Soros backed a Revolution to overthrow the rightfully elected government. They still couldn’t impeach and remove the president of Ukraine according to their constitution because they didn’t have the votes. So they just threw out the Constitution and started a new government. Wasn’t the revolution to overthrow the government “aggressive”? Why is that aggression perfectly fine?

Sorry Joe, but when a country throws out its constitution, it doesn’t give the new government the right to govern the same nation with the same borders if certain areas don’t want to be a part of that new government. Crimea didn’t want to be apart of the new fascist government of Ukraine. Instead, the ethnic Russians that speak Russian and live in Crimea chose to be apart of Russia. You know, that whole “democracy” thing you fascists hate so much.
Kinda late now. Obama let everyone down with that one, but all President Biden has here is hollow words that change nothing.
Russia worries me more than China.
China has aspirations of world least a future.

Russia only cares about how much it terrifies the world with mankind ending weapons and is run by a ruthless dictator with a Napoleon complex
(Read that....loose cannon with the biggest cannon balls)

Now Russia is parking hidden 100 MegaTon tsunami nukes along the US coasts. What could possibly go wrong?
Sorry Joe, but you and George Soros backed a Revolution to overthrow the rightfully elected government.
Hmm, kinda. The Ukrainian President said he struck a deal with the protestors, then snuck out of town and fled to Russia. The parliament voted to remove him from office.
They were under extreme pressure from the kleptocrats in the Obama administration.

Just like they were under extreme pressure from Quid Pro Joe when they fired PG Shokin. And then they voted to change the law that required the prosecutor general to actually be a lawyer with a law degree, and Biden installed Lutsenko, a convict with no law degree who owed Burisma a huge favor for bribing his way out of prison early, into the PGO.

That's some corrupt shit right there. It's horrible!

And the Ukrainian people were obviously outraged. Just like we would be outraged if a foreign government installed a convict with no law degree into AG's office.

It was a bloody coup orchestrated by the Obama/Biden admiration. Obama even admitted it. He admitted that they "negotiated a transition of power" which is simply a euphemism for orchestrating a coup against the democratically elected government of Ukraine.

As a direct result of US orchestrated coup, Crimea very predictably held referendums to secede from Ukraine and join the Russian Federation. Obama/Biden gave the Crimean peninsula to Putin.

What did they get in return? We know that the Biden crime family ended up with a lot of loot. As did Kerry bundler, Devon Archer. What else did the kleptocrats get out of the deal?
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Didn’t this happen during the Hussein era?

Sorry Joe, but you and George Soros backed a Revolution to overthrow the rightfully elected government. They still couldn’t impeach and remove the president of Ukraine according to their constitution because they didn’t have the votes. So they just threw out the Constitution and started a new government. Wasn’t the revolution to overthrow the government “aggressive”? Why is that aggression perfectly fine?

Sorry Joe, but when a country throws out its constitution, it doesn’t give the new government the right to govern the same nation with the same borders if certain areas don’t want to be a part of that new government. Crimea didn’t want to be apart of the new fascist government of Ukraine. Instead, the ethnic Russians that speak Russian and live in Crimea chose to be apart of Russia. You know, that whole “democracy” thing you fascists hate so much.
Kinda late now. Obama let everyone down with that one, but all President Biden has here is hollow words that change nothing.
Who cares if Russia took the Crimea??
Russia needed a major port in that area and they owned the land before
Its just a small area
Didn’t this happen during the Hussein era?

Sorry Joe, but you and George Soros backed a Revolution to overthrow the rightfully elected government. They still couldn’t impeach and remove the president of Ukraine according to their constitution because they didn’t have the votes. So they just threw out the Constitution and started a new government. Wasn’t the revolution to overthrow the government “aggressive”? Why is that aggression perfectly fine?

Sorry Joe, but when a country throws out its constitution, it doesn’t give the new government the right to govern the same nation with the same borders if certain areas don’t want to be a part of that new government. Crimea didn’t want to be apart of the new fascist government of Ukraine. Instead, the ethnic Russians that speak Russian and live in Crimea chose to be apart of Russia. You know, that whole “democracy” thing you fascists hate so much.
Kinda late now. Obama let everyone down with that one, but all President Biden has here is hollow words that change nothing.
Who cares if Russia took the Crimea??
Russia needed a major port in that area and they owned the land before
Its just a small area
It didn't belong to them.
Didn’t this happen during the Hussein era?

Sorry Joe, but you and George Soros backed a Revolution to overthrow the rightfully elected government. They still couldn’t impeach and remove the president of Ukraine according to their constitution because they didn’t have the votes. So they just threw out the Constitution and started a new government. Wasn’t the revolution to overthrow the government “aggressive”? Why is that aggression perfectly fine?

Sorry Joe, but when a country throws out its constitution, it doesn’t give the new government the right to govern the same nation with the same borders if certain areas don’t want to be a part of that new government. Crimea didn’t want to be apart of the new fascist government of Ukraine. Instead, the ethnic Russians that speak Russian and live in Crimea chose to be apart of Russia. You know, that whole “democracy” thing you fascists hate so much.
Kinda late now. Obama let everyone down with that one, but all President Biden has here is hollow words that change nothing.
Who cares if Russia took the Crimea??
Russia needed a major port in that area and they owned the land before
Its just a small area
It didn't belong to them.
The Crimea is the size of Israel lol
I think it’s population is mostly Russian
I don’t see how it’s our business
And the Ukrainian people were obviously outraged. Just like we would be outraged if a foreign government installed a convict with no law degree into AG's office
Not at all. Shokin was a corrupted official who closed a number of corruption cases against high ranked officials.

I am not a fan of Lutsenko at all. He was a Poroshenko 's puppet. But his criminal case was made up by Yanukovich regime (Lutsenko was one of the main opposition leaders at the time). He had nothing to do with Burisma, iirc. He was released from prison after the revolution.
Sorry Joe, but you and George Soros backed a Revolution to overthrow the rightfully elected government.
Hmm, kinda. The Ukrainian President said he struck a deal with the protestors, then snuck out of town and fled to Russia. The parliament voted to remove him from office.
LOL, “kinda”? The Ukrainian President fled the country because he would had been killed by insurgent thugs.
The parliament “voted” to remove him from office, and failed because they couldn’t get the votes. So they burned their constitution and created a new one.

If you are creating a new constitution and government all parties must agree to it, or at the very least occupy and own your new country with a military. They didn’t. Crimea didn’t agree to be in the new government, so Ukraine lost any claim to Crimea.

But globalist warmongers like Biden don’t care about the will of any people. He wants to support the Ukrainian Nazis to retake Crimea by force. And of course the spineless sheep of the Democratic Party support Xiden and the globalist pigs.
Sorry Joe, but you and George Soros backed a Revolution to overthrow the rightfully elected government.
Hmm, kinda. The Ukrainian President said he struck a deal with the protestors, then snuck out of town and fled to Russia. The parliament voted to remove him from office.
At that time a juridical collision happened. The president fled the country and virtually refused to carry on with his duties. What to do? From the one hand, only an impeachment procedure is a legitimate mean to remove him from the office.

But the rules of this procedure was set by the Kuchma administration with only one goal - to prevent Kuchma from being scrapped from the power by the parliament. This procedure is long and difficult. It could have taken a limitless amount of time to end it and at the final stage it would require 3/4th of the parliament vote to impeach. Needless to say that couldn't be reached.

So, the parliament passed a decree that the president 'self-absented' from fulfilling his duties and that a new administration should be formed.
Didn’t this happen during the Hussein era?

Sorry Joe, but you and George Soros backed a Revolution to overthrow the rightfully elected government. They still couldn’t impeach and remove the president of Ukraine according to their constitution because they didn’t have the votes. So they just threw out the Constitution and started a new government. Wasn’t the revolution to overthrow the government “aggressive”? Why is that aggression perfectly fine?

Sorry Joe, but when a country throws out its constitution, it doesn’t give the new government the right to govern the same nation with the same borders if certain areas don’t want to be a part of that new government. Crimea didn’t want to be apart of the new fascist government of Ukraine. Instead, the ethnic Russians that speak Russian and live in Crimea chose to be apart of Russia. You know, that whole “democracy” thing you fascists hate so much.
Kinda late now. Obama let everyone down with that one, but all President Biden has here is hollow words that change nothing.
What exactly can be done in a situation like that? Crimea is predominantly ethnically Russian. Stalin made sure of that a long time ago. By the time that Russia occupied the area, they had already been somewhat autonomous in authority. The majority there already seemed to have more loyalty to Russia than to Ukraine.

It's similar to when we supported Kosovo's bid for independence. Over time, Kosovo became predominantly Albanian. It eventually reached the point that they wanted independence due to their difference in loyalties and culture from the rest of Serbia.

I'm not saying that I like how Russia moved into Crimea, but it's not like we would have had much local support had we tried to mount a counteroffensive.
Russia worries me more than China.
China has aspirations of world least a future.

Russia only cares about how much it terrifies the world with mankind ending weapons and is run by a ruthless dictator with a Napoleon complex
(Read that....loose cannon with the biggest cannon balls)

Now Russia is parking hidden 100 MegaTon tsunami nukes along the US coasts. What could possibly go wrong?
There was a time when Russia was a bigger threat than China, but ever since the fall of the USSR, they've been a lot less threatening than China in terms of real power.

China's danger is that they know how to play the game better than us. They lulled our corporations into becoming dependent on their cheap labor while buying our debt. They bought a lot of influence in our media as well. They throw a tremendous amount of money at political campaigns, usually through their business connections.

Nuclear war used to be the biggest threat we faced as a nation, but nowadays, our greatest threat is how our culture is becoming self-destructive due to leftist ideology. Both China and multinational corporations benefit from the working class being divided.
And the Ukrainian people were obviously outraged. Just like we would be outraged if a foreign government installed a convict with no law degree into AG's office
Not at all. Shokin was a corrupted official who closed a number of corruption cases against high ranked officials.

I am not a fan of Lutsenko at all. He was a Poroshenko 's puppet. But his criminal case was made up by Yanukovich regime (Lutsenko was one of the main opposition leaders at the time). He had nothing to do with Burisma, iirc. He was released from prison after the revolution.
Why are you lying to the USMB forum? Why must you insult the intelligence of the entire USMB forum by blatantly lying to everyone?

Here is proof that you're a fucking liar. This article is from April of 2013, long before the 2014 "revolution"/coup.

Yanukovych Pardons Tymoshenko Ally Lutsenko, Five Others (

April 07, 2013

Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych has pardoned jailed former Interior Minister Yuriy Lutsenko, a close ally of imprisoned former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko.

In an announcement on his presidential website, Yanukovych said he had signed a decree granting the pardon following appeals by Ukrainian and European Union officials, including former Polish President Alexander Kwasniewski and the former president of the European Parliament, Pat Cox.

And your stupid claim that Lutsenko had noting to do with Burisma is nothing but bullshit.

The guy who convinced Yanukovych to pardon Lutsenko, Alexander Kwasniewski, happened to serve on the Burisma board of directors with Hunter Biden for several years.

And we know how Burisma owner, Mykola Zlochevsky, handles his legal problems. Bribery.


Ukraine busts bribe scheme for company that hired Hunter Biden (

Hunter Biden was on the Burisma board of directors with Kwasniewski when Biden got Prosecutor General Shokin fired a few weeks after Prosecutor General Shokin raided Burisma. Then Quid Pro Joe still held back the $1 billion until they put a corrupt puppet, Lutsenko, who didn't even have a law degree, in his place.

And the Biden crime family got much richer.

It's horrible!
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And the Ukrainian people were obviously outraged. Just like we would be outraged if a foreign government installed a convict with no law degree into AG's office
Not at all. Shokin was a corrupted official who closed a number of corruption cases against high ranked officials.

I am not a fan of Lutsenko at all. He was a Poroshenko 's puppet. But his criminal case was made up by Yanukovich regime (Lutsenko was one of the main opposition leaders at the time). He had nothing to do with Burisma, iirc. He was released from prison after the revolution.
Why are you lying to the USMB forum? Why must you insult the intelligence of the entire USMB forum by blatantly lying to everyone?

Here is proof that you're a fucking liar. This article is from April of 2013, long before the 2014 "revolution"/coup.

Yanukovych Pardons Tymoshenko Ally Lutsenko, Five Others (

April 07, 2013

Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych has pardoned jailed former Interior Minister Yuriy Lutsenko, a close ally of imprisoned former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko.

In an announcement on his presidential website, Yanukovych said he had signed a decree granting the pardon following appeals by Ukrainian and European Union officials, including former Polish President Alexander Kwasniewski and the former president of the European Parliament, Pat Cox.

And your stupid claim that Lutsenko had noting to do with Burisma is nothing but bullshit.

The guy who convinced Yanukovych to pardon Lutsenko, Alexander Kwasniewski, happened to serve on the Burisma board of directors with Hunter Biden for several years.

And we know how Burisma owner, Mykola Zlochevsky, handles his legal problems. Bribery.


Ukraine busts bribe scheme for company that hired Hunter Biden (
No need to be rude, dude. More that 7 years have passed from those events. Okay, Lutsenko was pardoned by Yanukovich, it was Tymoshenko who was released after the revolution.

So, it was Kwasniewski who was tied, not Lutsenko. The Biden's son was appointed to Burisma after the revolution.
Didn’t this happen during the Hussein era?

Sorry Joe, but you and George Soros backed a Revolution to overthrow the rightfully elected government. They still couldn’t impeach and remove the president of Ukraine according to their constitution because they didn’t have the votes. So they just threw out the Constitution and started a new government. Wasn’t the revolution to overthrow the government “aggressive”? Why is that aggression perfectly fine?

Sorry Joe, but when a country throws out its constitution, it doesn’t give the new government the right to govern the same nation with the same borders if certain areas don’t want to be a part of that new government. Crimea didn’t want to be apart of the new fascist government of Ukraine. Instead, the ethnic Russians that speak Russian and live in Crimea chose to be apart of Russia. You know, that whole “democracy” thing you fascists hate so much.
Kinda late now. Obama let everyone down with that one, but all President Biden has here is hollow words that change nothing.
What exactly can be done in a situation like that? Crimea is predominantly ethnically Russian. Stalin made sure of that a long time ago. By the time that Russia occupied the area, they had already been somewhat autonomous in authority. The majority there already seemed to have more loyalty to Russia than to Ukraine.

It's similar to when we supported Kosovo's bid for independence. Over time, Kosovo became predominantly Albanian. It eventually reached the point that they wanted independence due to their difference in loyalties and culture from the rest of Serbia.

I'm not saying that I like how Russia moved into Crimea, but it's not like we would have had much local support had we tried to mount a counteroffensive.
I was never really sure about how the people in Crimea felt about it. There are lots of ethnic Russians who don't want to live under an autocratic system like Putin's. There was talk it wasn't an honest vote. The nearly landlocked Russians wanted the port desperately and I wonder if we just sat back and let them take it.

But it's just a question. I never trust the Russian version of events though.
Didn’t this happen during the Hussein era?

Sorry Joe, but you and George Soros backed a Revolution to overthrow the rightfully elected government. They still couldn’t impeach and remove the president of Ukraine according to their constitution because they didn’t have the votes. So they just threw out the Constitution and started a new government. Wasn’t the revolution to overthrow the government “aggressive”? Why is that aggression perfectly fine?

Sorry Joe, but when a country throws out its constitution, it doesn’t give the new government the right to govern the same nation with the same borders if certain areas don’t want to be a part of that new government. Crimea didn’t want to be apart of the new fascist government of Ukraine. Instead, the ethnic Russians that speak Russian and live in Crimea chose to be apart of Russia. You know, that whole “democracy” thing you fascists hate so much.
Kinda late now. Obama let everyone down with that one, but all President Biden has here is hollow words that change nothing.
What exactly can be done in a situation like that? Crimea is predominantly ethnically Russian. Stalin made sure of that a long time ago. By the time that Russia occupied the area, they had already been somewhat autonomous in authority. The majority there already seemed to have more loyalty to Russia than to Ukraine.

It's similar to when we supported Kosovo's bid for independence. Over time, Kosovo became predominantly Albanian. It eventually reached the point that they wanted independence due to their difference in loyalties and culture from the rest of Serbia.

I'm not saying that I like how Russia moved into Crimea, but it's not like we would have had much local support had we tried to mount a counteroffensive.
I was never really sure about how the people in Crimea felt about it. There are lots of ethnic Russians who don't want to live under an autocratic system like Putin's. There was talk it wasn't an honest vote. The nearly landlocked Russians wanted the port desperately and I wonder if we just sat back and let them take it.

But it's just a question. I never trust the Russian version of events though.
The Obama administration orchestrated the coup that very predictably forced Crimea to secede from Ukraine and join the Russian Federation for protection against the neo-Nazis Obama/Biden put in power.

This intercepted phone call is proof that the Obama administration orchestrated the coup.

Obama/Biden gifted the Crimean peninsula to Putin.

Then the crooked Democrats accused Trump of being in cahoots with Putin. That's the typical modus operandi of the Democrats. Falsely accuse the opposition of doing what they themselves are guilty of doing.
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