Oklahoma Passes Bill Banning ALL Abortions - No Rape Exceptions - 10 years in Prison for Performing one

You're playing semantics. Thats a given. Of course he didn't. He allowed countries to destroy israel and vice versa.

It is not semantics. If the commandment is "Though shalt not kill" then King David would have been guilty of it long before he had Uriah killed.
Where did Jesus say that fetus is a baby? Abortion was pretty common at the time and he said nothing about it...

The Church has been inconsistent over time about abortion...

This absolute thing is only a more recent creation...

Can you show where it states that...

Here is one... So this has to be disproved first:

Genesis 2:7 is clearest. The first human became a "living being" (nefesh hayah, "a living breath") when God blew into its nostrils and it started to breathe. Human life begins when you start breathing, biblical writers thought. It ends when you stop. That's why the Hebrew word often translated "spirit" (ruah) -- "life force" might be a better translation -- literally means "wind" or "breath."

Remember you want to tell someone how to live their life because of a local recent interpretation of the Bible which you struggle to quote...

It was pretty common with baal worship and child sacrifice but then they all were destroyed.

The legislation bans all abortions except in the case of medical emergencies, and makes performing an abortion a felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison and a $100,000 fine.

Women in Oklahoma must now keep their rape baby as an eternal reminder of what happened to them - the only exception is a medical emergency.


Oklahoma Broads who want to whack their unborn babies are free to travel to other states to "take care of this business".

If abortion is against Oklahomas morals, why is it your concern?
Oklahoma Broads who want to whack their unborn babies are free to travel to other states to "take care of this business".

If abortion is against Oklahomas morals, why is it your concern?
Injustice is always my concern. Same with Ukraine.
This law is as absurd as allowing abortions throughout an entire pregnancy….
That is more understandable and currently there is only 5-7 states that would allow that unless the mother life is at risk...

If the Mother's life at risk is an important exception... We don't need doctors not being allowed to save a mothers life until the fetal heartbeat stops, this happens and mothers die...
It is not semantics. If the commandment is "Though shalt not kill" then King David would have been guilty of it long before he had Uriah killed.

He wasn't guilty because he killed them in battle. He knew uriah would be killed because of where he placed him in the battle....which was murder. He did that to cover up his adultery. Yeah, he was forgiven but his family and future generations paid a heavy toll.
Abortion is a unique situation because one side sees another person being willfully killed, and the other doesn't.

Kind of makes forcing someone to bake a cake over butthurt seem trivial, doesn't it?
So one side can force the other side into their beliefs...

As for the Cake, they offer a service and they are discriminating.. Not allowed to say no blacks or old people in to your business either..
So one side can force the other side into their beliefs...

As for the Cake, they offer a service and they are discriminating.. Not allowed to say no blacks or old people in to your business either..

And this is why your side can't be taken seriously. Free Exercise is an explicit right in the constitution. Getting the exact cake you want isn't a right at all.

The bakers in question never denied point of sale, not custom products, they just didn't want to make a cake for a same sex wedding, a concept they do not believe exists, and which solemnizes a union they believe is sinful.

That this one exception can't be allowed to stand in YOUR belief system shows the all or nothing nature of the progressive SJW, and forces the other side to be just as bitchy.
He destroyed the world because it grieved him. How many times was pharoah given a choice? Nope, didn't forget about either one. Weren't we given free will? There are consequences to every action/inaction, right?

But you do agree it was God doing the killing? Right?
It was pretty common with baal worship and child sacrifice but then they all were destroyed.
So if they kept up with the Child Sacrifice they should be allowed to force that on people too?

This is a clear cut of a belief when life starts...

Some believe it at conception. Right good for them but I don't see them at IVF clinics protesting and trying to shut them down... IVF and other fertility clinics destroy more fertilised eggs in a month than Abortion clinics do in years...

Others believe it to be later... Abortion is OK to them.. Some believe it to be wrong but not anything close to murder..

How does one side get to pick when life starts and then force it on others... Where is the freedom of religion?
And this is why your side can't be taken seriously. Free Exercise is an explicit right in the constitution. Getting the exact cake you want isn't a right at all.

The bakers in question never denied point of sale, not custom products, they just didn't want to make a cake for a same sex wedding, a concept they do not believe exists, and which solemnizes a union they believe is sinful.

That this one exception can't be allowed to stand in YOUR belief system shows the all or nothing nature of the progressive SJW, and forces the other side to be just as bitchy.

The left squawked about discrimination laws while totally ignoring Constitutional law
As for the Cake, they offer a service and they are discriminating.. Not allowed to say no blacks or old people in to your business either..

Which they did not do. They just refused a very specific order, which was their right to do.

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