Oklahoma City asks Supreme Court to review 2015 panhandling ordinance


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
A controversial Oklahoma City panhandling ordinance thrown out by a Denver court would have “withstood constitutional scrutiny” in other parts of the country, attorneys for the city said Wednesday in a plea to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Attorneys for the city asked the high court to review the ordinance, casting their petition as an opportunity to resolve differing interpretations of a 2014 free speech ruling regarding “safe passage” zones outside abortion clinics.

An attorney who is part of the ACLU-led team that sued the city on behalf of a panhandler and others said by text it was “regrettable the city has opted to waste tens of thousands more in taxpayer dollars to file this petition.”

This is going to be an expensive resolution if accepted.
Republicans running Okliehoma managed to financially run the state into the ground following principles of bad govt. of the Tea Party, then low oil prices then a pandemic and then they lost all that territory they stole from the Indians to make money off of fines and well now they blow more dough on the panhandler deal...Those good hearted Baptist in OKC(my home town) want to be able to preach on the street corners but don't ask for a handout on the street corners the Baptist don't like competition..
Several years ago, I was talking to a panhandler in Youngstown, and suggested to him that he should get a Square Reader to get his donations. Too many people in the heartland don't care any change at all, much less spare change.
Several years ago, I was talking to a panhandler in Youngstown, and suggested to him that he should get a Square Reader to get his donations. Too many people in the heartland don't care any change at all, much less spare change.
I carry a peanut can full of change for mad money...

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