O'Keefe is at it again!

All this facts, (including the Fox News Piece), will not faze O'Keefe lovers. Afrer all, all the times Trump has been proved to be a pathological liar, has not lowered their absolute worship of the guy.
I have to give Trump credit, when he decided who to target as his base (the white, poorly educated males), he knew he could lock them into his delusional world.
This bizarre James Okeefe actually thought the Post would do no due diligence and simply would run with the story full blast.... can anyone be that mental ?
Well, reporters are not the brightest candles in the box. Most of them thoroughly suck at their jobs. However, you don't get to work at the Washington Post unless you are the cream of the crop.

O'Keefe's mistake was in thinking Washington Post reporters were dumber than the bimbo he sent to do his dirty work.
The plot thickens :)

While a large majority of her believed social media accounts have been deleted or deactivated since the story’s publication, some of her tweets are still available online. She once had a Twitter account named @JamieTennille, and she used to go by the username “Jamie Trump” on Twitter.

A twitter account believed to belong to Phillips is named “J’aime Covfefe” and says in its biography: “#MAGA!!!!! Leo’s Mom! Sports & Music Fan! #NASCAR #PGA #TrumpTrain #PresidentTrump #AmericaFirst #DrainTheSwamp”

The account is linked to a YouTube video featuring a documentary about the Clinton family and its foundation. Several posts to the account re-tweet and spread theories on alleged wrongdoings by the left.​

Jaime T. Phillips: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

The plot thickens :)

While a large majority of her believed social media accounts have been deleted or deactivated since the story’s publication, some of her tweets are still available online. She once had a Twitter account named @JamieTennille, and she used to go by the username “Jamie Trump” on Twitter.

A twitter account believed to belong to Phillips is named “J’aime Covfefe” and says in its biography: “#MAGA!!!!! Leo’s Mom! Sports & Music Fan! #NASCAR #PGA #TrumpTrain #PresidentTrump #AmericaFirst #DrainTheSwamp”

The account is linked to a YouTube video featuring a documentary about the Clinton family and its foundation. Several posts to the account re-tweet and spread theories on alleged wrongdoings by the left.​

Jaime T. Phillips: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Yet more proof that conservatism is a mental disease.
Yet more proof that conservatism is a mental disease.

here is more proof that they are mentally ill as if it was needed

Laura Ingraham plays racist ‘war whoops’ to defend Trump’s ‘Pocahontas’ slur and insult Navajo Code Talker

She's a charmer to be sure. Remember the Scott Brown supporters?

Political Correctness never carried much weight with Republicans

How DARE you claim to be Indian!

Woo.....wooo....woo. ..wooo
That’s it? Just 20?

Shit, that’s just a few days work for trump.

Analysis | President Trump has made 1,628 false or misleading claims over 298 days

Find another 1600 Obama lies just to catch up to trump. Oh, and by the time you do, you’ll have to catch up to trump again, who’s averaging more than 5 lies a day.

The Washington Post - fake news.
Nope, O’Keefe just proved they’re not. He proved they vet their stories.
You mean the do a search on Facebook?

Yeah, they're crack reporters!

They researched her entire story, numbnuts. Called supposed employers, references, looked into her claims. Determined she was full of shit and exposed her and was able to connect her with O’Keefe.

It’s called, “vetting,” and all O’Keefe exposed was the Washington Post vets their articles.


You have no idea what they did.

Who do you think you're fooling?

It's difficult to construct a fake identify for someone who never actually lived in the location where events took place. Furthermore this chick posted on social media that she was going to “work in the conservative media movement to combat the lies and deceipt [sic] of the liberal MSM.” That kind of gives it away right there.

All this proved is that the attempt was amatuerish, but that has been more than enough to expose plenty of leftwing douche bags in the past.

Dude, it proved the opposite , you loser. It proved the WaPo does its research.

What hacks you desperate loons are that you'd lie to protect a child molester and discredit the people who show your orange insane loon for what he is.
Trump believes hes beyond getting busted for buying his way in and out of situations that benefit his career.
well, not any longer.
I wouldn't be so sure he's not skating on this one too!
After all, no one has mentioned that DoTard Trump gave O'Keefe $10,000 through his fake charity, the Trump Foundation, as all this was done at Tramp's bidding!!!!!
What was his goal in those cases? We're dying to know.

To get more funding from fucked up right wing organizations???

Oh look who contributed :D

Trump donated to Project Veritas before organization tried to trick Washington Post

They also take in a buttload of money from Breitbart .. which means at least indirectly - It's Mercer money.

“James O'Keefe is damaging to conservative journalism,” tweeted Daily Caller associate editor Peter J. Hasson after the news broke.​

Why Are Conservative Donors Funding James O’Keefe in the First Place?
I didn't see this before I posted, you get a gold star!!!

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