Okay, I don't expect republicans to like "Morning Joe" and its hosts, but damn...

Trump can't stop, he is a textbook example of a Narcissist.

Narcissists do not engage in self-depreciating humor on national TV.


trump is different now in a alot of ways. look at the ways he speaks then & now.... & he skipped the correspondents' dinner because all that is- is one giant roast. he can't take the heat.
He declined the correspondents dinner because it conflicted with a scheduled rally in Pennsylvania.

He has displayed self-deprecating humor when he was the guest of honor on the Comedy Central roast and he also made fun of himself on a couple other comedy shows.

In other words, he is not a narcissist.

uh-huh. it just 'happened' to be a scheduling CONflict. sure.... you go w/ that. trump was more than happy to go w/ the flow whilst the TV whores were giving him light hearted fluff & he got what he could outa them in the way of free PR. but when the tone shifted & he felt they would be mean.... he folded like the cheap mexican made suits he sticks his name on.

why isn't he going on any of those shows anymore????? lol......

A narcissist would not expose himself to that kind of ridicule.

Trump can't stop, he is a textbook example of a Narcissist.

Narcissists do not engage in self-depreciating humor on national TV. ...
You are deluded if you believe that Donald Trump is not thin skinned when others criticize him.
This coming from a user who threatened, on his 2nd day here, to Ignore anyone who disagreed with him.

It's humor to watch a 71 year old fart--act like a 5 year old boy. That's the humor. It makes for great late night Comedy T.V. and Saturday night live. But it doesn't work out well for Republicans who are continually having to circle the wagons in defense of Trump. In fact they're sick of it, and have stated so.
GOP lawmakers blast Trump's 'Morning Joe' tweets - CNNPolitics.com


Just because he's a Narcissist doesn't mean he can't make an ass out of himself. His whole life is centered around defending himself--and if it means making an ass out of himself to do that, that's exactly what he'll do. Trump doesn't realise he is making an ass out of himself, or he wouldn't do it--which also makes it more humorous.
A neuroscientist explains: Trump has a mental disorder that makes him a dangerous world leader

What's amusing is watching liberals who six months ago were pushing the "collusion" narrative as their way of getting rid of Donald Trump via impeachment...now pushing the "mental disorder" narrative because it's all they have left.

Hate to break this to you, Snowflakes...but you're not getting Trump out of office by calling him names! Try running a viable candidate next time.
Sanders was a viable candidate, however Hillary et. al rigged the primary. Then many stupid jackasses still voted for her.
MMM, nothing in your explanation actually explains how or why you assume that any posting of a picture of a big guy must be gay.

Near as I can tell, you just see Big Guy as something inherently sexual.

And there is nothing wrong with that, if you are a woman or a gay man yourself.

But don't assume that your feelings have anything to do with me.

Straight men can respect other men without it being sexual.

Try to be less creepy. Don't over share.

We don't care about your feelings or what you like, that way.

creepy is a grown man depicting trump in the way you did. but considering everything you have posted about trump & putin & russia... it kinda makes sense.

THere is nothing "creepy" about looking up to someone who is very accomplished, like winning an massive upset election.

I posted an image of Trump as Thor, a comic book super hero.

There was nothing sexual about that act, or that image.

The sex angle came on your end when your looked at it.

Let's take Trump out of it for a second.

Does this picture make you think "Sex"?


Cause I see an action shot. Nothing sexual at all. Violence to me is not sexy. Neither are big guys.

That was all you.

A lot of you lefties blur together on me, and I generally don't pay attention when you do share about your personal lives, because I don't care.

BUT, are you a woman or a gay man? Cause that would explain the difference in perception here very simply.

If not...

you aren't getting it correll.... it's not a sexual picture at all. it is the CONCEPT of - in your mind.... & in your heart.... - what you portray & believe trump to be. almost like he's an alpha to you being a beta male.... & you like it that way.... that's not sexual.

& yep. i am certainly a woman. a straight woman married to a Marine.

1. A man does not have to be weak to respect a leader.

2. Good for you. That does explain somewhat why you might find Thor to be sexual. It was kind of silly of you to project that onto me.

3. Was your husband ever in charge of any marines? If they respected him, did that make them "beta"?

thor & the idea of thor does nothing for me correll. you are imagining things i didn't say.

If you say so.

My other points stand.

1. A man does not have to be weak to respect a leader.

3. Was your husband ever in charge of any marines? If they respected him, did that make them "beta"?
Nope. The point of the story was the women treat rich and famous men differently.

Trump, Jay Z, they get away with shit that would get average joes slapped.

What part of this is confusing to you? DO you doubt the information, ie that women are attracted to rich and famous men?

oh good god...................... there are opportunists in both genders when it comes to that....

So, are you aware that you just agreed with Trump and I?

i'm saying that most women did not put up with that because he was rich & famous.

What? YOu think it was his looks? LOL!!

no. i am saying that his power & who he was & his influence on how he could affect their lives might have had a lot to do with it. man oh man you are clueless.

"Rich and famous" is HOW he had the capability to affect their lives.

Now you are quibbling over details. Were they impressed with his fame and money or were they impressed with what he could do with his fame and money.

Either way, you are in agreement with Trump and I.

When you are "rich and famous" women "let" or "put up with" behavior that they would not otherwise.

Huge fucking news to the liberals of the world.

Or at least they pretend that it is, so they have an excuse to have a hissy fit and to smear Trump and anyone that defends him for his terrible actions...
What the heck is wrong with you to even be thinking that kind of shit, Dude? Seriously...that's borderline sick! I know you don't like Trump but that kind of an attack is so vile it's hard to understand where someone would get the idea it was something they should say!
did trump say if she wasn't my daughter I'd be dating her ?? Or was that my lying ears?

Think about that statement, Eddie! It's basically Trump saying his daughter is very attractive. It's not him saying he wants to "hit it"! If your reading comprehension wasn't as bad as your writing ability...you might be able to figure that out!


Donald Trump and Howard Stern Discuss 'Piece of Ass' Daughter Ivanka in Newly Surfaced Audio
By Joyce Chen
October 9, 2016

More News
And the tapes just keep coming. Donald Trump and Howard Stern discuss the Republican presidential candidate’s daughter Ivanka’s physique, with the radio host calling her a “piece of ass” in a newly resurfaced 2004 interview.

In the clip, released by CNN, shock jock Stern, 62, interrupts Trump, 70, to make vulgar comments about Ivanka, then 21.

“My daughter is beautiful, Ivanka,” Trump boasts.

“By the way, your daughter …” Stern interjects.

PHOTOS: Donald Trump's Most Offensive and Outrageous Quotes
“She’s beautiful,” Trump repeats.

“Can I say this? A piece of ass,” Stern says.

“Yeah,” the real estate mogul agrees.

Two years later, the pair again had an exchange involving Ivanka, now 34. Stern noted that she looked “more voluptuous than ever,” and asked Trump if she had gotten breast implants. Instead of shutting Stern down for objectifying his daughter’s body, Trump joined in.

She’s actually always been very voluptuous,” he responded. “She’s tall, she’s almost 6 feet tall and she’s been, she’s an amazing beauty.” The former owner of the Miss USA pageants also noted that “he would know” if his daughter got breast implants.

Trump and daughter Ivanka’s close relationship has come under scrutiny, most recently during the candidate’s September sit-down chat with Dr. Mehmet Oz, during which Trump made a comment about kissing Ivanka. (The comment was later edited out before the episode aired.)


i was a stern fan way back in the day when tribblehead would come on all the time. he absolutely said those things.

So you never heard him say those things, however you absolutely know he said those things because you listened to Stern? Lol! Funny stuff!

ummm ya- i've heard him say odd things about ivanka. stern was on WCCC for a very long time & trump was a favorite on the show. & the mango said a whole boatload of nasty about women including marla- one of his baby mamas.

now, i fully expect you to spin this away by saying nothing that freak said about his daughter was weird .... let's see..... maybe the video was altered... that wasn't really trump talking- it was dubbed.....

Again, I know he said them, dumb ass, it is your stupid claim that was amusing and pretty dumb. Of course dumb seems to be your strong suit.
Are you rich and famous?

what say you about anybody in an authority/subordinate situation such as the workplace..... or a domestic situation? again- it can be both genders on either side of the equation. most times it a fucking POWER thing & little to do with money.... the ones that put up w/ it when it's a 'star' are usually starstruck anyway & have a double standard when it comes to themselves.

I think you are being naive.

To assume that the women in question have to "Star struck" to be attracted to "rich and famous".

And, if I understand what you mean by "double standard", yes, that's the point. Standards of acceptable behavior change depending on "rich and famous".

BUT, that is minor compared to the fact that you just agreed with Trump and I.

Will you help me talk sense to Eddie who seems to think that women aren't like that?

(i suspect he might be a virgin)

sooooooo you got that out of what i said 'eh? lol...... saying so does not make it so. are you channeling trump now?

You were discussing those that "put up with it" and why they might. With quite a bit of negative spin.

Trump said "let".

"let" is pretty close to "put up with".

ON the primary point, you are in agreement.

YOu just aren't happy about it as Trump, the "rich and famous" guy who benefited from it.

BUT, you are so blinded by partisan rage, that you can't even see that.

yaaaaaaaaa.............. trump 'said'. trump said 'let'..... is that the same as 'well she didn't actually say 'no'.... so she must have wanted me to..... god damn you are a sad individual. do you think a short skirt is an invite because a female doesn't actually have a sign around her waist that says hands off?

Nope. "Let" is not the same as"she didn't say no".

Your partisan rage is blinding you to how absurd your position is.

ON the primary point, you are in agreement.
Did I say that? Get back to me on my quote saying that. You are a funny nutter, you make me laugh, you are good entertainment.

the only thing worth going nuts over is russia & that's pretty much dominant on any media outlet worth listening, watching or reading. i'd say it ain't nuthin'. but you go on pretending otherwise.

Did I say that it was nothing? You got a quote of me saying that? Of course not, just another inferred lie from a dishonest lefty.
well maybe you didn't say it but you sure as shit didn't deny it

I have said it over and over, if he did something wrong then we can impeach, stupid op-ed pieces from highly biased sources is evidence of absolutely nothing. I have never heard you deny murdering someone, so you must have murdered someone. You got some pretty stupid logic.

the links i posted were not biased. biased would be huffpo, daily kos, msnbc, fox, brietbart, gatewaypundit, american thinker, national review, newsmax...

So you don't know the difference between hard news and op-ed. That explains a lot. Nixon wrote op-ed pieces in the NYT, so did Limbaugh, hardly unbiased people, there op-ed pieces were biased. That is the whole point of op-ed pieces. Your hard news is supposed to be unbias. Your op-eds are always biased.
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You can at least admit he brought a sense of dignity and professional demeanor to the Oval Office.

No they can't. They are Trumpsters and it is not in their constitution to ever give even one reasonable inch.
Here's the facts.

1) Mika is stupid.

2) Mika is mentally ill.

3) Mika had cosmetic surgery.

Does anyone here disagree with any of those three facts?
Here's the facts.

1) Mika is stupid.

2) Mika is mentally ill.

3) Mika had cosmetic surgery.

Does anyone here disagree with any of those three facts?
Remind me who Mika is again.
The co-host of Morning Joe who used her bully pulpit to insult white house staffers. She said they all needed to be lobotomized.
Here's the facts.

1) Mika is stupid.

2) Mika is mentally ill.

3) Mika had cosmetic surgery.

Does anyone here disagree with any of those three facts?
Remind me who Mika is again.
The co-host of Morning Joe who claimed that the white house staffers needed to be lobotomized.
It was well said
When trump said he was cleaning the swamp who thought he'd take them all into the WH?

Oh, goody an op-ed piece from CNN who hates Trump, no bias there is there?

Article I Legislative Branch
Signed in convention September 17, 1787. Ratified June 21, 1788. A portion of Article I, Section 2, was changed by the 14th Amendment; a portion of Section 9 was changed by the 16th Amendment; a portion of Section 3 was changed by the 17th Amendment; and a portion of Section 4 was changed by the 20th Amendment

Section 9

No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.

The 1st Article of the U.S. Constitution

Obstruction of justice
Obstruction of justice is defined in the omnibus clause of 18 U.S.C. § 1503, which provides that "whoever . . . . corruptly or by threats or force, or by any threatening letter or communication, influences, obstructs, or impedes, or endeavors to influence, obstruct, or impede, the due administration of justice, shall be (guilty of an offense)." Persons are charged under this statute based on allegations that a defendant intended to intefere with an official proceeding, by doing things such as destroying evidence, or intefering with the duties of jurors or court officers.

A person obstructs justice when they have a specific intent to obstruct or interfere with a judicial proceeding. For a person to be convicted of obstructing justice, they must not only have the specific intent to obstruct the proceeding, but the person must know (1) that a proceeding was actually pending at the time; and (2) there must be a nexus between the defendant’s endeavor to obstruct justice and the proceeding, and the defendant must have knowledge of this nexus.

Obstruction of justice

High Crimes and Misdemeanors

The Constitution sets specific grounds for impeachment. They are “treason, bribery, and other high crimes and misdemeanors.” To be impeached and removed from office, the House and Senate must find that the official committed one of these acts.

The Constitution defines treason in Article 3, Section 3, Clause 1:

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.
The Constitution does not define bribery. It is a crime that has long existed in English and American common law. It takes place when a person gives an official money or gifts to influence the official’s behavior in office. For example, if defendant Smith pays federal Judge Jones $10,000 to find Smith not guilty, the crime of bribery has occurred.

High Crimes and Misdemeanors - Constitutional Rights Foundation

all to be determined worthy or not in due time.

you're welcome.

Obstruction, such as what Clinton did? We will see, I am still waiting for the investigation to be completed, if anything rises to impeachment, just like with Clinton, I'll support his impeachment.

A stupid op-ed piece is evidence of nothing. Got it cupcake?

now now............... i don't do op-eds. you asked what the grounds for impeachment would be.... should it reach to that level. i gave you the legal grounds.

you just aren't really even trying anymore, pops but i understand.... :itsok:

There are no grounds for impeachment, idiot.

Trump can't stop, he is a textbook example of a Narcissist.

Narcissists do not engage in self-depreciating humor on national TV. ...
You are deluded if you believe that Donald Trump is not thin skinned when others criticize him.
This coming from a user who threatened, on his 2nd day here, to Ignore anyone who disagreed with him.

It's humor to watch a 71 year old fart--act like a 5 year old boy. That's the humor. It makes for great late night Comedy T.V. and Saturday night live. But it doesn't work out well for Republicans who are continually having to circle the wagons in defense of Trump. In fact they're sick of it, and have stated so.
GOP lawmakers blast Trump's 'Morning Joe' tweets - CNNPolitics.com


Just because he's a Narcissist doesn't mean he can't make an ass out of himself. His whole life is centered around defending himself--and if it means making an ass out of himself to do that, that's exactly what he'll do. Trump doesn't realise he is making an ass out of himself, or he wouldn't do it--which also makes it more humorous.
A neuroscientist explains: Trump has a mental disorder that makes him a dangerous world leader

They never do.
The women who put up with it, because he was rich and famous taught him.
I thought it was because trump thinks his shit doesn't stink And now I need to get recharged later

Nope. The point of the story was the women treat rich and famous men differently.

Trump, Jay Z, they get away with shit that would get average joes slapped.

What part of this is confusing to you? DO you doubt the information, ie that women are attracted to rich and famous men?
Well I for one never tried it

Are you rich and famous?

what say you about anybody in an authority/subordinate situation such as the workplace..... or a domestic situation? again- it can be both genders on either side of the equation. most times it a fucking POWER thing & little to do with money.... the ones that put up w/ it when it's a 'star' are usually starstruck anyway & have a double standard when it comes to themselves.
You mean like a president and an intern? That kind of relationship?
Here's the facts.

1) Mika is stupid.

2) Mika is mentally ill.

3) Mika had cosmetic surgery.

Does anyone here disagree with any of those three facts?
Remind me who Mika is again.
The co-host of Morning Joe who claimed that the white house staffers needed to be lobotomized.
It was well said
When trump said he was cleaning the swamp who thought he'd take them all into the WH?
So then in your POV anyone who is more successful than you is a swamp dweller.

That's called envy. And the psychological stress it causes will kill you.
I thought it was because trump thinks his shit doesn't stink And now I need to get recharged later

Nope. The point of the story was the women treat rich and famous men differently.

Trump, Jay Z, they get away with shit that would get average joes slapped.

What part of this is confusing to you? DO you doubt the information, ie that women are attracted to rich and famous men?
Well I for one never tried it

Are you rich and famous?

what say you about anybody in an authority/subordinate situation such as the workplace..... or a domestic situation? again- it can be both genders on either side of the equation. most times it a fucking POWER thing & little to do with money.... the ones that put up w/ it when it's a 'star' are usually starstruck anyway & have a double standard when it comes to themselves.
You mean like a president and an intern? That kind of relationship?
So by you,,what's good for the goose is good for the gander??? Like trump ah can start another war because bush did too?

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