OK, Isnt This Kind of Odd?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
1. If Hillary has won so many more votes than Sanders, then why are her negatives so much higher and her poll numbers against Trump so much lower as compared to Sanders numbers against Trump? Why dont her voters ever respond to the favorabillity polls? They seem to be hanging up on the pollsters at a much higher frequency than everyone elses voters.

2. Trump was everyone's friend back and well respected back when he gave money to both parties, but once he decided to run for President the media decided he was a clown, a bum and a moron. Is there a connection?

3. Neoconservatives and libertarians say they admire our heroic soldiers, sailors and airmen while they fight over seas, but no one seems to be able to explain how these heroes suddenly turn into 'lazy bums' when they get back home and cant find a job. Cant help but wonder if the problem is the unemployed soldier or the flood of cheap foreign labor the Neocons enrich themselves with? The neocons are filthy rich, in case anyone was wondering.

4. Hillary thinks she can win the general election by advocating for men to be able to enter little girls locker rooms, promotes Black Lies Matter, wants higher taxes on the working class, supports TPP and NAFTA and GATT and WTO? I guess I'll have a Coke.

1. If Hillary has won so many more votes than Sanders, then why are her negatives so much higher and her poll numbers against Trump so much lower as compared to Sanders numbers against Trump? Why dont her voters ever respond to the favorabillity polls? They seem to be hanging up on the pollsters at a much higher frequency than everyone elses voters.

2. Trump was everyone's friend back and well respected back when he gave money to both parties, but once he decided to run for President the media decided he was a clown, a bum and a moron. Is there a connection?

3. Neoconservatives and libertarians say they admire our heroic soldiers, sailors and airmen while they fight over seas, but no one seems to be able to explain how these heroes suddenly turn into 'lazy bums' when they get back home and cant find a job. Cant help but wonder if the problem is the unemployed soldier or the flood of cheap foreign labor the Neocons enrich themselves with? The neocons are filthy rich, in case anyone was wondering.

4. Hillary thinks she can win the general election by advocating for men to be able to enter little girls locker rooms, promotes Black Lies Matter, wants higher taxes on the working class, supports TPP and NAFTA and GATT and WTO? I guess I'll have a Coke.


I agree, trying to make sense out of the polls is sketchy at best, and futile at worst. I think relative few voters are ambiguous towards Hillary; she has her ardent supporters, and then the people know what she really is. Saunders seems to be described by many people who don't support him as an honest idiot, not much to hate.

Trump is getting more scrutiny as a presidential canidate, as he should, than when he was a reality star billionaire.

The wealth gap has accelerated under Obama, and more people are in poverty.
During Obama’s Presidency Wealth Inequality has Increased and Poverty Levels are Higher

I haven't heard Hellary say she will increase taxes on the working class. I have heard her say she will unemploy a lot of coal miners.
1. If Hillary has won so many more votes than Sanders, then why are her negatives so much higher and her poll numbers against Trump so much lower as compared to Sanders numbers against Trump? Why dont her voters ever respond to the favorabillity polls? They seem to be hanging up on the pollsters at a much higher frequency than everyone elses voters.

2. Trump was everyone's friend back and well respected back when he gave money to both parties, but once he decided to run for President the media decided he was a clown, a bum and a moron. Is there a connection?

3. Neoconservatives and libertarians say they admire our heroic soldiers, sailors and airmen while they fight over seas, but no one seems to be able to explain how these heroes suddenly turn into 'lazy bums' when they get back home and cant find a job. Cant help but wonder if the problem is the unemployed soldier or the flood of cheap foreign labor the Neocons enrich themselves with? The neocons are filthy rich, in case anyone was wondering.

4. Hillary thinks she can win the general election by advocating for men to be able to enter little girls locker rooms, promotes Black Lies Matter, wants higher taxes on the working class, supports TPP and NAFTA and GATT and WTO? I guess I'll have a Coke.


#2.. I believe the media is constantly attempting to make controversy in an effort to generate "news". The media likes close elections. It makes it easier to claim the election "matters" more if for no other reason than it gives the candidates hope when less than hope is the truth and it gives anxiety to the supporters of the leaders so they pay more attention to these reports. In short the media gins up reasons for potential voters to feel threatened or hopeful.

#3... I agree the hypocrisy of some elected officials that wrap themselves in our flag and even promote war or getting engaged by screaming bloody murder about why are we not defending some place several thousand miles from our shores yet when these mangled soldiers come home these same legislators are bean counters that claim we cannot afford the care of our wounded. It is disgusting how we treat those that lay their lives on the line "defending our country". It is equally disgusting that we, especially the chicken hawks, goad for more military engagement claiming "our very freedom and way of life hangs in the balance."
1. If Hillary has won so many more votes than Sanders, then why are her negatives so much higher and her poll numbers against Trump so much lower as compared to Sanders numbers against Trump? Why dont her voters ever respond to the favorabillity polls? They seem to be hanging up on the pollsters at a much higher frequency than everyone elses voters.

2. Trump was everyone's friend back and well respected back when he gave money to both parties, but once he decided to run for President the media decided he was a clown, a bum and a moron. Is there a connection?

3. Neoconservatives and libertarians say they admire our heroic soldiers, sailors and airmen while they fight over seas, but no one seems to be able to explain how these heroes suddenly turn into 'lazy bums' when they get back home and cant find a job. Cant help but wonder if the problem is the unemployed soldier or the flood of cheap foreign labor the Neocons enrich themselves with? The neocons are filthy rich, in case anyone was wondering.

4. Hillary thinks she can win the general election by advocating for men to be able to enter little girls locker rooms, promotes Black Lies Matter, wants higher taxes on the working class, supports TPP and NAFTA and GATT and WTO? I guess I'll have a Coke.


2. There is a difference.
A. Anyone can give money away to multiple campaigns who isn't a Constitutionalist and let other people make those decisions for them.
B. But if you are running for office, whether or not YOU can defend principles based on the Constitution becomes YOUR duty of office.
Where the two meet: if you HIRE and surround yourself with people who can do this work for you, it's still possible to defend the Constitution using a combination of A and B. And if someone could pull it off well, employing people from all parties in positions to serve, sure they'd have diverse support to run for office if they agreed to share power this way.
1. If Hillary has won so many more votes than Sanders, then why are her negatives so much higher and her poll numbers against Trump so much lower as compared to Sanders numbers against Trump? Why dont her voters ever respond to the favorabillity polls? They seem to be hanging up on the pollsters at a much higher frequency than everyone elses voters.

2. Trump was everyone's friend back and well respected back when he gave money to both parties, but once he decided to run for President the media decided he was a clown, a bum and a moron. Is there a connection?

3. Neoconservatives and libertarians say they admire our heroic soldiers, sailors and airmen while they fight over seas, but no one seems to be able to explain how these heroes suddenly turn into 'lazy bums' when they get back home and cant find a job. Cant help but wonder if the problem is the unemployed soldier or the flood of cheap foreign labor the Neocons enrich themselves with? The neocons are filthy rich, in case anyone was wondering.

4. Hillary thinks she can win the general election by advocating for men to be able to enter little girls locker rooms, promotes Black Lies Matter, wants higher taxes on the working class, supports TPP and NAFTA and GATT and WTO? I guess I'll have a Coke.


Hillary is getting super delegate votes, which should not count. They are for special circumstances and aren't supposed to be used to artificially prop up an unpopular candidate. There is some cheating going on.
3. Hillary is looking to get elected by her name recognition as someone who's already held office and known as a public figure,
and by the dues she already paid by waiting behind Obama for her turn to run.
She just has to keep her name and face out there showing confidence she is ready for office.
so of course, ANY of the issues you listed is going to keep her public image in the media going CONSTANTLY.
Just jump on hot issues, and ride the wave of publicity to keep her name active on the minds and tongues of people.
Even bad press is good press, keeps the momentum going, good or bad.
Now, if only there were a candidate the rest of us (not two-party confined) could support!
1. If Hillary has won so many more votes than Sanders, then why are her negatives so much higher and her poll numbers against Trump so much lower as compared to Sanders numbers against Trump? Why dont her voters ever respond to the favorabillity polls? They seem to be hanging up on the pollsters at a much higher frequency than everyone elses voters.

2. Trump was everyone's friend back and well respected back when he gave money to both parties, but once he decided to run for President the media decided he was a clown, a bum and a moron. Is there a connection?

3. Neoconservatives and libertarians say they admire our heroic soldiers, sailors and airmen while they fight over seas, but no one seems to be able to explain how these heroes suddenly turn into 'lazy bums' when they get back home and cant find a job. Cant help but wonder if the problem is the unemployed soldier or the flood of cheap foreign labor the Neocons enrich themselves with? The neocons are filthy rich, in case anyone was wondering.

4. Hillary thinks she can win the general election by advocating for men to be able to enter little girls locker rooms, promotes Black Lies Matter, wants higher taxes on the working class, supports TPP and NAFTA and GATT and WTO? I guess I'll have a Coke.

I don't think neocons are filthy rich.
The wealth gap has accelerated under Obama, and more people are in poverty.
During Obama’s Presidency Wealth Inequality has Increased and Poverty Levels are Higher.


Because 42% of voters are Independents.

And you hate that, don t you?


Oh, come on, you have been whining about Trump all year, and you know it is because he is drawing in a lot of independents and you dont like that.

Now come on, be honest, you really dont like that, right?

Of course my memory may be failing me, and I might be confusing you and someone else. Havent had any caffiene yet.
1. If Hillary has won so many more votes than Sanders, then why are her negatives so much higher and her poll numbers against Trump so much lower as compared to Sanders numbers against Trump? Why dont her voters ever respond to the favorabillity polls? They seem to be hanging up on the pollsters at a much higher frequency than everyone elses voters.

2. Trump was everyone's friend back and well respected back when he gave money to both parties, but once he decided to run for President the media decided he was a clown, a bum and a moron. Is there a connection?

3. Neoconservatives and libertarians say they admire our heroic soldiers, sailors and airmen while they fight over seas, but no one seems to be able to explain how these heroes suddenly turn into 'lazy bums' when they get back home and cant find a job. Cant help but wonder if the problem is the unemployed soldier or the flood of cheap foreign labor the Neocons enrich themselves with? The neocons are filthy rich, in case anyone was wondering.

4. Hillary thinks she can win the general election by advocating for men to be able to enter little girls locker rooms, promotes Black Lies Matter, wants higher taxes on the working class, supports TPP and NAFTA and GATT and WTO? I guess I'll have a Coke.


#2.. I believe the media is constantly attempting to make controversy in an effort to generate "news". The media likes close elections. It makes it easier to claim the election "matters" more if for no other reason than it gives the candidates hope when less than hope is the truth and it gives anxiety to the supporters of the leaders so they pay more attention to these reports. In short the media gins up reasons for potential voters to feel threatened or hopeful.

#3... I agree the hypocrisy of some elected officials that wrap themselves in our flag and even promote war or getting engaged by screaming bloody murder about why are we not defending some place several thousand miles from our shores yet when these mangled soldiers come home these same legislators are bean counters that claim we cannot afford the care of our wounded. It is disgusting how we treat those that lay their lives on the line "defending our country". It is equally disgusting that we, especially the chicken hawks, goad for more military engagement claiming "our very freedom and way of life hangs in the balance."

Our political system has become another form of Reality TV.
Because 42% of voters are Independents.

And you hate that, don t you?


Oh, come on, you have been whining about Trump all year, and you know it is because he is drawing in a lot of independents and you dont like that.

Now come on, be honest, you really dont like that, right?

Of course my memory may be failing me, and I might be confusing you and someone else. Havent had any caffiene yet.

Actually, my complaint about nominating Trump is precisely that he will lose with independents, thus leading to President Hillary Clinton. Haven't you been paying attention?
I don't think neocons are filthy rich.

Meh, the way I have read how the current, at least until Trump came along, way that the GOP was split between those who think of themselves as conservatives and those who everyone else thinks of as neocons is that the conservatives are the rank and file activists in the party while the neocons are the financiers of the party.

The neocons as the donor wing could effectively veto who could get the party nomination by simply stopping the donations among themselves from going to a candidate that they didnt like, and they would manufacture some kind of scandal on the unliked candidate and the gullible would think it was the scandal and not the neocons that were causing the candidate to drop out.

Trump has had repeated faux scandals and yet never dropped in the polls because he is self funding.
Actually, my complaint about nominating Trump is precisely that he will lose with independents, thus leading to President Hillary Clinton. Haven't you been paying attention?

He has had hundreds of thousands of independents and Democrats come across the aisle, so to speak, to vote for him, while Hillarys turn out is about 30% less than what the Dems had in 2008.

And Trump will lose independents? I think that is wishful thinking on your part.
3. Hillary is looking to get elected by her name recognition as someone who's already held office and known as a public figure,
and by the dues she already paid by waiting behind Obama for her turn to run.
She just has to keep her name and face out there showing confidence she is ready for office.
so of course, ANY of the issues you listed is going to keep her public image in the media going CONSTANTLY.
Just jump on hot issues, and ride the wave of publicity to keep her name active on the minds and tongues of people.
Even bad press is good press, keeps the momentum going, good or bad.
He has had hundreds of thousands of independents and Democrats come across the aisle, so to speak, to vote for him, while Hillarys turn out is about 30% less than what the Dems had in 2008.

And Trump will lose independents? I think that is wishful thinking on your part.

Trojan Horses. He's had hundreds of thousands of Trojan Horses.
He has had hundreds of thousands of independents and Democrats come across the aisle, so to speak, to vote for him, while Hillarys turn out is about 30% less than what the Dems had in 2008.

And Trump will lose independents? I think that is wishful thinking on your part.

Trojan Horses. He's had hundreds of thousands of Trojan Horses.

Wow, were they all in on the conspiracy?

Do you think Trump won because of a Democrat Operation Chaos?

Lol, dude, get real.

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