Ok, if it's not heredity...

Amanda, do you also believe that males are more intelligent than females because they have superior strength?

Amanda, do you also believe that males are more intelligent than females because they have superior strength?

so YOU believe that men are physically stronger overall?
For now...they have greater upper body strength. Overall, I don't actually know unless you define physically stronger.

You can define it however you want. do you or do you not think that more men could physically dominate more women than women dominate men? overall body strength. on average.

do you think your answer reflects a genetic reality?
so YOU believe that men are physically stronger overall?
For now...they have greater upper body strength. Overall, I don't actually know unless you define physically stronger.

You can define it however you want. do you or do you not think that more men could physically dominate more women than women dominate men? overall body strength. on average.
On average...that is hard for me to say. I tend to think yes but there are plenty of unmuscular men out there.

do you think your answer reflects a genetic reality?
That traditional societal roles evolved men into having better upper body strength.
For now...they have greater upper body strength. Overall, I don't actually know unless you define physically stronger.

You can define it however you want. do you or do you not think that more men could physically dominate more women than women dominate men? overall body strength. on average.
On average...that is hard for me to say. I tend to think yes but there are plenty of unmuscular men out there.

do you think your answer reflects a genetic reality?
That traditional societal roles evolved men into having better upper body strength.

Your hesitation is cute but I think we all pretty much realize that men, on average, ARE physically stronger than women. This is a genetic reality. Are there individual women who could kick individual dudes? Of course. But the genetic reality of physically dominant men pretty much enabled paternal culture to manifest in almost every society we've seen since the dawn of man. Likewise, almost every personal characteristic can be grouped genetically. It's disingenuous to insist that all ethnicities are completely equal just as it's a farce to pretend that men are not physically stronger than women in general.
You can define it however you want. do you or do you not think that more men could physically dominate more women than women dominate men? overall body strength. on average.
On average...that is hard for me to say. I tend to think yes but there are plenty of unmuscular men out there.

do you think your answer reflects a genetic reality?
That traditional societal roles evolved men into having better upper body strength.

Your hesitation is cute but I think we all pretty much realize that men, on average, ARE physically stronger than women. This is a genetic reality. Are there individual women who could kick individual dudes? Of course. But the genetic reality of physically dominant men pretty much enabled paternal culture to manifest in almost every society we've seen since the dawn of man. Likewise, almost every personal characteristic can be grouped genetically. It's disingenuous to insist that all ethnicities are completely equal just as it's a farce to pretend that men are not physically stronger than women in general.
Maybe you could answer the question I posed to Amanda.
On average...that is hard for me to say. I tend to think yes but there are plenty of unmuscular men out there.

That traditional societal roles evolved men into having better upper body strength.

Your hesitation is cute but I think we all pretty much realize that men, on average, ARE physically stronger than women. This is a genetic reality. Are there individual women who could kick individual dudes? Of course. But the genetic reality of physically dominant men pretty much enabled paternal culture to manifest in almost every society we've seen since the dawn of man. Likewise, almost every personal characteristic can be grouped genetically. It's disingenuous to insist that all ethnicities are completely equal just as it's a farce to pretend that men are not physically stronger than women in general.
Maybe you could answer the question I posed to Amanda.

I don't think men are more intelligent because of their superior physical strength. Why would a characteristic of the brain be reflected in muscle tissue? That is kind of a stupid question, really. do you think that WOMEN should be assumed to have greater intelligence since men clearly are physically stronger? How many decades after bra buring equality will it take to realize that it's not culture that puts more men into math and science roles?
Your hesitation is cute but I think we all pretty much realize that men, on average, ARE physically stronger than women. This is a genetic reality. Are there individual women who could kick individual dudes? Of course. But the genetic reality of physically dominant men pretty much enabled paternal culture to manifest in almost every society we've seen since the dawn of man. Likewise, almost every personal characteristic can be grouped genetically. It's disingenuous to insist that all ethnicities are completely equal just as it's a farce to pretend that men are not physically stronger than women in general.
Maybe you could answer the question I posed to Amanda.

I don't think men are more intelligent because of their superior physical strength. Why would a characteristic of the brain be reflected in muscle tissue?
I don't think it is, but amazingly enough many people think characteristics of the brain are reflected in skin pigment.

That is kind of a stupid question, really. do you think that WOMEN should be assumed to have greater intelligence since men clearly are physically stronger?
Sometimes stupid questions are the only way to make a point. And no, I don't think women should be assumed to have greater intelligence and I don't believe they do, just like I don't believe men do.

How many decades after bra buring equality will it take to realize that it's not culture that puts more men into math and science roles?
It isn't brainpower. Girls and boys score statistically the same on math and science.
thats wrong. The fact remains that men and women are different physiologically up to and including brain functions. The average female brain is fetter at some things while the average male brain is better at others. This is reflected in the very occupational differences we see in fields like math and science. CAN women function as well as a man? Sure, individuals can. But, statistically, we are still a product of the development of our specie.

ps.. if you dont believe women are more intelligent nor do you believe men are more intelligent then what option is left? This is where you knee jerk PC'ism kicks your logic square in the balls.

FEMME MENTALE / San Francisco neuropsychiatrist says differences between women's and men's brains are very real, and the sooner we all understand it, the better
yes lets assume that we are adept at doublethink

for indeed we are !

fucking lemmings will believe anything their government preaches - whether it is about race or 911 or anything else


man is different from woman

negroe is different from white man

and Chevy is different from BMW
giving that a black man can be more similiar to a white man than he is to a black women in terms of DNA, there isn't that much difference between us. Himans in terms of DNA are the most alike animals on the planet. The only difference between races is skin pigmatation. Everything else has to do with envirnment.

See, I have a really hard time buying that because all you have to do is look at professional sports that require a lot of physical exertion. Do you really think there are so many more black pro basketball players because they grew up near a hoop?
Although people can look quite different from one another, all of us share 99.9% of the same DNA. So what makes us individuals? Our inherited differences—from our eye color to our risk for certain diseases-stem from the one tenth of one percent of human DNA that varies from person to person. Because our DNA contains more than three billion bits of information, this tiny percentage amounts to more than three million differences. Additionally, much of our individuality is not controlled by our genes, and instead develops from environmental, social and cultural influences, as well as from human behavior and thought.

Is race in our DNA?
Of all the DNA differences between any two people, the vast majority can't be predicted by racial groupings. Many African Americans are as genetically similar to white Americans as they are to natives of Africa. What about the DNA differences between "races"? Some have no effect, while others influence superficial traits like skin color and facial features. Differences of culture and society also can distinguish one group from another, but these distinctions are not rooted in biology.

Hall of Human Origins | American Museum of Natural History

This sentence pretty much goes along with what I said: "Additionally, much of our individuality is not controlled by our genes, and instead develops from environmental, social and cultural influences, as well as from human behavior and thought."

This why africans americans tend to be better at sports, it is their envirnment or ancestors envirment. Or asians tend to be better at math etc. This is why different ethnic groups can have different health issues.
thats wrong. The fact remains that men and women are different physiologically up to and including brain functions. The average female brain is fetter at some things while the average male brain is better at others. This is reflected in the very occupational differences we see in fields like math and science. CAN women function as well as a man? Sure, individuals can. But, statistically, we are still a product of the development of our specie.
No, it isn't wrong.

Math scores for girls and boys no different, study finds - Los Angeles Times

Are you going to tell me the very tests you rely on to make the claim that blacks are inferior intelligently are wrong when they show that girls and boys score statistically the same? :lol:

ps.. if you dont believe women are more intelligent nor do you believe men are more intelligent then what option is left? This is where you knee jerk PC'ism kicks your logic square in the balls.
What option is left is that both are of the same intelligence. Except maybe you since I had to explain that option to you.:eek:
First off, you might want to reread that article. Here, let me quote a few fun lines that you seem to have missed

Girls scored in the top 5% almost as often as boys, the data showed.


"There's nothing in any of these data that would suggest that girls can't do math or aren't doing well in math,"

No one is saying you CANT do math. Nor is anyone saying that individually a woman CANT score higher than a man. But, and this is where the fun really begins, if you consider the sample used (9 states, 2 years) It's pretty hilarious to generalize their results without obvious bias MEANT to force the idea that men and women are born exactly equal. Here's more:

However, she noted that girls generally scored better on tests closely aligned with the classroom curriculum, including the standardized tests used for No Child Left Behind.

Boys typically score higher than girls on the math portion of the SAT, a fact often cited as evidence of greater math ability.

Which, essentially proves that boys have an INHERENT ability to think spatially whereas, sure, girls CAN be TAUGHT to catch up.

But since more girls than boys take the college entrance exam, the results aren't comparable, Hyde said.

:lol: of course..

The FACT is, Ravikins, that bullshit "research" from lilith fair Berkeley proffs don't prove that men and women are born with equal cognitive potential any more than we are born with equal PHYSICAL potential. Now, you can insist that men and women are born equal in all things but, hey, this isn't the first time you've been wrong here.

and, further, the FACT of genetic variations and patterns that emerge thereof ARE reflected among different races. If you need to leap on the "OH MY GOD HE"S A RACIST" tangent then so be it. There is an acute reason why we won't be seeing a "great white hope" in boxing any time soon. If you think human being are impervious to macro husbandry then you are a fool

But, hey.. don't take MY words for it...

Gender differences seen in brain connections - life - 08 September 2008 - New Scientist

Scientists Find Sex Differences in Brain - ABC News

Sex Differences Found In Proportions Of Gray And White Matter In The Brain: Links To Differences In Cognitive Performance Seen

Gender Differences and Cognitive Abilities : NPR
soggy, I don't know why you keep posting the newsflash that men and women are different. I'm pretty sure most normal humans already know this...it has no bearing on intelligence. Even your original link said that.

And if you can't understand the statistics in the article I linked then there's no help for you.

It isn't racist to note that there are differences between ethnic groups. And I'm pretty sure I have never said that it was...that's your strawman.
soggy, I don't know why you keep posting the newsflash that men and women are different. I'm pretty sure most normal humans already know this...it has no bearing on intelligence. Even your original link said that.

And if you can't understand the statistics in the article I linked then there's no help for you.

It isn't racist to note that there are differences between ethnic groups. And I'm pretty sure I have never said that it was...that's your strawman.


What the hell do you thing the word COGNITIVE means, ravi? We CANT be THE SAME and DIFFERENT at the same time. Go educate yourself, yo.

Indeed, I'm the only one between you and I who DOES understand the stats, ravi. (my penis says "no shit"). Do you understand how LAUGHABLE it is to generalize a global population based on test cores collected from two fucking years and from NINE states? Do you realize that we in the US, alone, HAVE FIFTY FUCKING STATES? So, less than 1/5 of OUR national population is supposed to reflect on 6.77 BIOOLION motherfuckers on this globe?


please, Ravi.. don't make me rub your nose in this and prove my points thus far in this thread.

And, your entire premise thus far has been that we are all created totally equal regardless of gender and race. Is it backtracking time already?

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