Ok Democrats...LET'S 'GO THERE'!

It sounds great, but if Republicans do that, the left (with the help of the media) will saturate the 24 hour news cycle with accusations of Republicans being the party of investigations until it starts to stick. Better to not give them that ammo (as much as I'd love to see them forced to drink their own medicine). I would prefer to get Republican voters off their asses on election day, increase their majority in Congress, then start indicting the fuckers in January. Fire Sessions, Rosenstein, and anybody else who has done anything improper, and get new ones confirmed right away. Put Comey and Strzok in prison, and indict Hillary. Who knows, maybe we can even nail the ringleader.

That's the best way. I agree
F* the Left Wing Media.......Trump has the majority of Americans believing they are fake news pawns of the Democrats anyway.

Let CNN try to hide the video footage of Diane Feinstein and her husband being per-walked and shoved into the back of a police car.
According to the Democrats in their witch hunt pursuit of Kavanaugh, if you do not demand an FBI investigation of yourself when there are accusations against you then you MUST be GUILTY!

Let's buy for a second that this insane BS from the TDS-infected Left is 'True'.... THAT MEANS:

...Diane Feinstein is GUILTY of being a Chinese Spy, betraying her country for over 20 years.

-- "Sen. Dianne Feinstein, why aren’t you calling for a more complete FBI investigation into the alleged Chinese spy in your San Francisco office who served as your driver as well as a liaison to the Asian-American community in California? You say the FBI never informed you of any compromise of national security information, and that the staffer “never had access” to classified or sensitive information. But how could they know that without interviewing you and all the members of your staff? YOu have yet to call for an investigation into your own behavior, so obviously, you're guilty."

...Dick Durbin is GUILTY of promoting giving federal funding to clients his wife lobbied for, despite claiming he had nothing to do with it.

-- Durbin's 'office announced the grants, but you claimed you did “nothing in terms of securing the money.” So, how about a full investigation to get to the bottom of the matter?'

...Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand is GUILTY of receiving a gift worth nearly $500,000 from her husband’s British parents but refuse to say why they were given the money or what they did with it.

-- 'That was more than the gross income of you and your husband that year. Your spokesperson declined to say why your in-laws gave the money or what you did with it. So, how about it? Full FBI investigation or you’re guilty of something nefarious, right?'

...Sen. Richard Blumenthal Is GUILTY of being a perjurer and lying about EVERYTHING!
-- 'You asked Judge Kavanaugh whether he knew the legal term “falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus” – false on one thing, false on all. Well, senator, you’ve stated that you served in Vietnam despite the fact that you sought multiple deferments and then signed up for the Marine Reserve to avoid going to war. That seems rather dishonest. How about the FBI checks into your comments? You know, for the sake of honesty.'

...Senator Corey 'Spartacus' Booker is GUILTY of sexual assault, attempted rape, etc...
-- Admitting to attacking / groping a female student without her consent. Time to send in the FBI!

...Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse is GUILTY of Insider Trading.

-- 'As lawmakers closed in on a deal over a bill called the 21st Century Cures Act, you bought shares in pharmaceutical companies. You were sitting on a Senate committee overseeing health care at the time. The day president Obama signed the bill, you started selling your pharmaceutical stock. How about we have the FBI check out your phone logs?'

These are just a few of the Democrats on the Judiciary Committee...THERE ARE MANY MORE WHO NEED TO BE INVESTIGATED BY THE FBI BASED ON THIS NEW 'RULE' BY DEMOCRATS....

...DNC Vice Chairman Keith Ellison is GUILTY of multiple counts of sexual assault, assault, battery, etc....
-- Multiple accusers have come out - with evidence - to accuse Ellison of assault...and Ellison himself would not rule out there may be more. Here's another MANDATORY FBI investigation that needs to happen.

Hillary Clinton is GUILTY of taking $145 Million in Bribes from the KGB Bank / Putin...

Robert Mueller if GUILTY for collaborating with Putin / Russia, hiding evidence of Russian crime associated with their attempt to purchase Uranium One...

Barak Obama is GUILTY of Treason & War Crimes for helping Al Qaeda - who slaughtered 3,000 Americans - take over their own country (Libya) and for invading Syria, a sovereign country without the permission of Syria's President, without being asked to send troops into Syria by al-Assad, and without Congressional authorization to start his 2nd Illegal war to help terrorists...

Barak Obama is GUILTY of treason for telling Medvedev to pass on to Putin in 2012 that he would be more flexible after his re-election then in 2014 giving Putin / Russia 20% of the US supply of Uranium, giving them Crimea, giving them TOP SECRET data off of Hillary's illegal server he knew about, and gave them approval to interfere / hack out electrical grid / run a counter-intelligence operation in the US for the next 2 years in exchange for approval to illegally invade Syria...



So, Democrats: What are you hiding from the FBI?

many of these seem just as one-sided as when the left does it.

DiFi - don't like her. not at all. she seems to be a ringleader of stupid these days. but i also know of no credible proven evidence of a chinese spy. i also don't know if there has been some form of investigation or not. my not hearing about it doesn't mean it didn't happen.

booker - he's a tool to be sure. but did the girl he was fooling around with ever come out and say he never had "permission" or is that an assumption so we can bypass the same due process we're asking for?

many of these seem that way to me. a lot of RW bullet points w/o any more proof than the LW has on the right.
Feinstein should get the Michael Cohen treatment and have all her cellphones and emails seized
Frank, I have to comment on the picture of Trump and Ronald Reagan. Trump is no Reagan, he is not even close.
Trump embraces leaders of repressive government, Reagan abhorred leaders of repressive governments.
Trump declared war on illegal immigrants, Reagan gave them amnesty.
Trump does not support Free Trade, Reagan promoted Free Trade.
Trump promotes nationalism, Reagan was a huge supporter of globalism.
For more: Donald Trump Is No Ronald Reagan
It sounds great, but if Republicans do that, the left (with the help of the media) will saturate the 24 hour news cycle with accusations of Republicans being the party of investigations until it starts to stick. Better to not give them that ammo (as much as I'd love to see them forced to drink their own medicine). I would prefer to get Republican voters off their asses on election day, increase their majority in Congress, then start indicting the fuckers in January. Fire Sessions, Rosenstein, and anybody else who has done anything improper, and get new ones confirmed right away. Put Comey and Strzok in prison, and indict Hillary. Who knows, maybe we can even nail the ringleader.

That's the best way. I agree
F* the Left Wing Media.......Trump has the majority of Americans believing they are fake news pawns of the Democrats anyway.

Let CNN try to hide the video footage of Diane Feinstein and her husband being per-walked and shoved into the back of a police car.

make up some more proof on Clinton or Obama and call it even -
QUOTE="CrusaderFrank, post: 20898667, member: 19448"]Feinstein should get the Michael Cohen treatment and have all her cellphones and emails seized[/QUOTE]

many of these seem that way to me. a lot of RW bullet points w/o any more proof than the LW has on the right.
Denial or not paying attention?

Sexual Criminal accusations without any evidence to support them against the 'boy scout' Kavanaugh and after doing the same thing to Herman Cain...

...when by comparison the Democrats are infested with the history and current scandals of Ted Kennedy, Bill Clinton, Al Franken, Corey Booker, Keith Ellison, Conyers and an entire D-Senate Committee who spent 15 years paying for the silence of their victims with tax dollars?

Claims of illegal collusion involving the President with no evidence to support the claims after 2 years...

...when by comparison the Democrats are infested with the history and current scandals of:
- DWS/Terrorist-connected Pakistan Spy Ring / DNC-facilitated Espionage...
- Russia/China+4 stealing TOP SECRET+data off Hillary's illegal unauthorized unencrypted unsecured server...
- Diane Feinstein's treason/espionage spanning several decades during which time she became best buds with the ChiComm President and facilitated Chinese espionage by having a Chinese spy on her team for 20 years
- Obama knowing about what the Russians were doing since 2014 and let them do it for 2 years
- Obama giving Putin Crimea, 20% of US uranium, the contents of Hillary's illegal TS server,...

REALLY? All of this barely skins the surface of Obama's administration, the criminals he is connected to / with, and Democrats....
many of these seem that way to me. a lot of RW bullet points w/o any more proof than the LW has on the right.
Denial or not paying attention?

Sexual Criminal accusations without any evidence to support them against the 'boy scout' Kavanaugh and after doing the same thing to Herman Cain...

...when by comparison the Democrats are infested with the history and current scandals of Ted Kennedy, Bill Clinton, Al Franken, Corey Booker, Keith Ellison, Conyers and an entire D-Senate Committee who spent 15 years paying for the silence of their victims with tax dollars?

Claims of illegal collusion involving the President with no evidence to support the claims after 2 years...

...when by comparison the Democrats are infested with the history and current scandals of:
- DWS/Terrorist-connected Pakistan Spy Ring / DNC-facilitated Espionage...
- Russia/China+4 stealing TOP SECRET+data off Hillary's illegal unauthorized unencrypted unsecured server...
- Diane Feinstein's treason/espionage spanning several decades during which time she became best buds with the ChiComm President and facilitated Chinese espionage by having a Chinese spy on her team for 20 years
- Obama knowing about what the Russians were doing since 2014 and let them do it for 2 years
- Obama giving Putin Crimea, 20% of US uranium, the contents of Hillary's illegal TS server,...

REALLY? All of this barely skins the surface of Obama's administration, the criminals he is connected to / with, and Democrats....
me or you?

i listed the (2) you had that i could think of right off w/o having to go hunting for info. can we stick to those 2? if not, fine. i'll move on. but shouting out unfounded information then saying it's wrong when the left does it kinda cracks me up.
make up some more proof on Clinton or Obama and call it even -
No need to 'make up anything'. What Mueller so desperately seeks on the President but can not come up with already exists in spades against the criminal Democrats - EVIDENCE. ACTUAL evidence.

make up some more proof on Clinton or Obama and call it even -
No need to 'make up anything'. What Mueller so desperately seeks on the President but can not come up with already exists in spades against the criminal Democrats - EVIDENCE. ACTUAL evidence.


riiiiiiiiiiight -

you should have been conducting all 9 investigations of Clinton - the Republicans in congress couldnt find ANY ACTUAL EVIDENCE.

i listed the (2) you had that i could think of right off w/o having to go hunting for info. can we stick to those 2? if not, fine. i'll move on. but shouting out unfounded information then saying it's wrong when the left does it kinda cracks me up.
Stick to those 2 - because those are the only ones you found / acknowledge?

None of what I posted is 'unfounded'. It is just ignored / refused to be acknowledged by snowflakes and people who chose to be ignorant.

The Left love to accuse the right of heinous acts and try them in the court of public opinion because they do not have what the Right actually has on them - evidence.

The hearing proved beyond the shadow of a doubt that the Left is pathetically 'Herman Cain'ing Kavanaugh.

They showed up to a hearing with:
Zero Evidence.

A 'victim' who could not remember where

A 'victim' who could not remember when - not even the year

A 'victim' who could not produce witnesses

A 'victim' whose witnesses said it never happened

A 'victim' who admitted she was intoxicated

A 'victim' who could not remember taking the polygraph

A 'victim' who lied about her fear of flying

A 'victim' who admitted changing her story to the Washington Post and claimed her therapist's notes which contradicted her story were wrong, not her.

The Democrats, however, based on THAT, demonized the living hell out of Kavanaugh and his family.

Anyone who can justify their actions based on the ABSENCE of a case and/or evidence, on just an unsubstantiated accusation, is just as much a POS as the Democrats dong it...IMHO.
ok - only those 2 because i didn't feel like war and peace and scattering the discussion to parts of the world that still don't have electricity. since you don't wanna do that i'll just move on and you can continue your rant.
Let CNN try to hide the video footage of Diane Feinstein and her husband being per-walked and shoved into the back of a police car.
As much as I would love to see that, the headlines would all be using words like "Gestapo, Nazis, Right Wing Thugs, and there are enough stupid people who would believe the propaganda.
make up some more proof on Clinton or Obama and call it even -
No need to 'make up anything'. What Mueller so desperately seeks on the President but can not come up with already exists in spades against the criminal Democrats - EVIDENCE. ACTUAL evidence.


riiiiiiiiiiight -

you should have been conducting all 9 investigations of Clinton - the Republicans in congress couldnt find ANY ACTUAL EVIDENCE.

Just answer 1 - ONE - question dumbass......

Is it ILLEGAL to have TOP SECRET+ data - information so classified that President Obama himself said it could not be release to ANYONE without causing GRAVE DAMAGE to our National Security - on an illegal, UNAUTHORIZED UNENCRYPTED UNSECURED PERSONAL SERVER?

Liberal kiss-asses and nut jobs like yourself love to post these hit-and-run-fluff pieces, these insulting, sarcastic posts meant to undermine the credibility of actual facts posted.....but when you analyze them and the actual facts, laws, etc it is easily seen how much full of shit you are!


It is a simple 'YES' or 'NO' question.




Let me help you out....

The EXACT Regulations, Rules, and LAWS governing the legal access and authorization of classified have been posted numerous times in numerous threads since this all began.

The documents with her signature on is - the legal acknowledgment by Hillary Clinton of ALL those rules, regs, and laws after she received initial and mandatory re-occurring training have been posted numerous times in numerous threads since this all began.

The regs / laws stating once she resigned as Sect of State she was NEVER legally authorized to have some of those documents found in her possession, found on her server, have been posted numerous times in numerous threads since this all began.
-- It does not mean shit if someone sent them to her. It was legally up to her to report those times.

The FOIA and Federal Records Act mandating that Hillary turn in copies of ALL of her official documents and e-mails have been posted numerous times in numerous threads since this all began.

The FBI publicly announced that over 15,000 official documents that she was required to turn in but instead attempted to delete were found by the FBI.

There is an undeniable MOUNTAIN of evidence that Hillary Clinton violated numerous laws, committed over 30,000 criminal counts, and facilitated espionage and compromised our national security - according to the US IG - by the illegal use of her unauthorized unencrypted unsecured personal server containing TOP SECRET DATA.

If you, or anyone else continues to claim Hillary did no such thing in the face of the documented, recorded, reported avalanche of this evidence then you have absolutely ZERO credibility, and anyone who has EVER handled classified information for a living, like me, KNOWS you / they are a F*ING LIAR!
ok - only those 2 because i didn't feel like war and peace and scattering the discussion to parts of the world that still don't have electricity.....
:wtf: ... and you said I went on a 'rant'..... :p Bwuhahaha.....
Fascinating stuff.........and I keep sharing it with my female voting friends throughout this country.
Good...they should all know how the Democrats USED Ford, never intending to keep the letter / information confidential, never intending to keep her name out of the front pages, betraying her for partisan party gain, to get back power while seeking to destroy a good man.
Judge Pervy Frat Boy is not under criminal investigation. It’s a background check.

By the way . Sworn testimony is evidence.
yep and he had six of them and nothing came up. what else do you think they can find since ford didn't report it?

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