Oil spikes to 7 year high

The name is, TC Energy, as I stated, and as you found out. Nice Google search on your part.

They do not call themselves nor refer to themselves as Trans Canada

Their Keystone XL project has been a boondoggle since 2011 when I started following it. Its a tax dodge that would not benefit the US.. It does benefit the Chinese.

The most jobs it would create would be 2800 temp jobs.

Pipelines are monitored for flow rate and pressure in real time by computers.
Their Keystone XL project has been a boondoggle since 2011 when I started following it. Its a tax dodge that would not benefit the US.. It does benefit the Chinese.

The most jobs it would create would be 2800 temp jobs.

Pipelines are monitored for flow rate and pressure in real time by computers.
It is more than simply for the Chinese. You could not correctly state the name of the company. Hence, what do you really know about the product and where it would be refined?

Boondoogle, a key pipeline from the 3rd largest oil reserve in the world is a boondoogle?

Yes, we process the heavy crude from Canada. Most likely we will process the crude before it is loaded and shipped. That of course makes thee most business sense. That would be what the democrats fight.

The largest oil reserve in North America must be fought by the Democrats.

First step is to stop the pipeline to the refineries.
Actually, regardless of your graph or what you link to. I was paying 1.85 a gallon under Trump. That price rose when Biden was elected. That price rose more after Biden began shutting down pipelines, denying leases, agreeing to the Paris Climate accord. And it was not just one pipeline that Biden stopped. It is pipelines across the nation.

Now the price is more than $3.00 a gallon.

Trump kept the price of energy low
Biden is making energy expensive

Hahahaha you're funny. The average price of gas in May of 2019 was $2.94

But of course a year later, when the economy was shuttered because of the pandemic the price dropped. So, obviously your comparison of gas prices during the middle of the economic shutdown was as disingenuous as it was when the GOP tried the same tactic, because during the 2008 recession gas prices plummeted during Bushes final months in office. So when they rose after the economy got going again, the GOP propaganda heads tried to claim the same thing and blame the rise on Obama.

Nice try.
It is more than simply for the Chinese. You could not correctly state the name of the company. Hence, what do you really know about the product and where it would be refined?

Boondoogle, a key pipeline from the 3rd largest oil reserve in the world is a boondoogle?

Yes, we process the heavy crude from Canada. Most likely we will process the crude before it is loaded and shipped. That of course makes thee most business sense. That would be what the democrats fight.

The largest oil reserve in North America must be fought by the Democrats.

First step is to stop the pipeline to the refineries.

The Chinese own most of Canada's tar sand production.

Tar sands are garbage oil.. Thick as soft coal and highly corrosive. Won't flow thru a pipeline unless you dilute it with light sweet crude.
Hahahaha you're funny. The average price of gas in May of 2019 was $2.94

But of course a year later, when the economy was shuttered because of the pandemic the price dropped. So, obviously your comparison of gas prices during the middle of the economic shutdown was as disingenuous as it was when the GOP tried the same tactic, because during the 2008 recession gas prices plummeted during Bushes final months in office. So when they rose after the economy got going again, the GOP propaganda heads tried to claim the same thing and blame the rise on Obama.

Nice try.
Wrong, we lived it, we are witness to the lower prices


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The Chinese own most of Canada's tar sand production.

Tar sands are garbage oil.. Thick as soft coal and highly corrosive. Won't flow thru a pipeline unless you dilute it with light sweet crude.
China owns around 3.5% of Canada's extra heavy crude oil.

The USA does refine the Canadian oil. Refineries in the San Francisco area refine the oil. They actually refine the oil into GASOLINE.

Soft coal? Most describe the oil as molasses.
Why should we let Canada push their oil through us when they can easily ship it out from their ports? If they want to give it all to us to use for our people then okay.
Why should we let Canada push their oil through us when they can easily ship it out from their ports? If they want to give it all to us to use for our people then okay.
Much of it, is for us. Refineries in California already process the oil. But not through an inexpensive pipeline. They use more expensive trains
The left LOVE high gas prices because they think high gas prices will result in cars operated by windmills.


This is what lefties want...and they think high fuel costs will lead to this/

It hit a low because of the pandemic. The economies are coming back strong now. Worldwide demand is up. OPEC purposely refused to increase production to raise prices. Even their dollar equivalent currencies aren't worth what they used to be. Thus the pinch. Plus several other big oil fields are near empty. Don't tell too many people we don't want to cause a worldwide panic.
Why should we let Canada push their oil through us when they can easily ship it out from their ports? If they want to give it all to us to use for our people then okay.
Actually the Province of British Columbia refused to have the pipeline go through there province. They know it is a lethal mixture of various toxins. Refining it creates dead zones in the surrounding area.
It hit a low because of the pandemic. The economies are coming back strong now. Worldwide demand is up. OPEC purposely refused to increase production to raise prices. Even their dollar equivalent currencies aren't worth what they used to be. Thus the pinch. Plus several other big oil fields are near empty. Don't tell too many people we don't want to cause a worldwide panic.

Which big oilfields are nearly empty?
Which big oilfields are nearly empty?
You have to remember the Saudis don't allow independent review of what's left are there oil fields. Oil was discovered in 1938 there, they've been exporting for years in huge amounts. Total estimated remaining is 72-74 billion barrels remaining in reserve. ( Far less than they've publicly stayed. ) The Ghawar oilfield is most depleted. Meaning it could all be gone in 10 years at current rate of consumption. Even by their own figures, they only have 47 years of oil left.

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