OH the good old days how quickly the left forgets


][][][% NC Sheepdog
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 12, 2010
Kannapolis, N.C.
Lets stroll down memory lane

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eudy7hy940Y&NR=1]YouTube - Not anti American, we Just hate America[/ame]
I could easily imagine some of the posters here in that video.
I think the Asian guy is the new science czar or something. I'm pretty sure he's got a presidential appointment somewhere.
Where were the Tea Partiers THEN?!

Asleep but we have been awaken. There was more trust in the government then and less socialism compared to now.

Forgive us for not liking the change that has been forced upon us.

You were in partisan coma.

OH yell the patriot act in the back of my mind I held some reservation about it, but I took it at face value it was there to protect Americans. But now I see what I was thinking would happen has happen. And enough is enough.
Where were the Tea Partiers THEN?!

Asleep but we have been awaken. There was more trust in the government then and less socialism compared to now.

Forgive us for not liking the change that has been forced upon us.

You were in partisan coma.

Not at all.
Most of us had heartburn over some of Pres Bush's policies, especially when he bent over backwards to cater to the Left.
BUt we never saw the insane over-reaching hand of gov't trying to control every aspect of life. Bush never dismissed the CEO of a major corporation. Bush never wanted to put people in jail for not buying a financial product. Bush never wanted to make businesses file 1099s on suppliers.
Your comment is as pathetic as it is misinformed.
In all fairness, its a huge stretch to hold Californians as representative of America as a whole.
In all fairness, its a huge stretch to hold Californians as representative of America as a whole.

Why not? Anyone running for President can win almost every state but if California and maybe one or two other states go the opposite way they would never win.

the guy at the end does get it.

Protest,protest your ass off, but at least maintain a sense of decorum and sanity.

But alas,it has over the years been made obvious to me at least, the mid to far left don't and never will get it. Emotion suffuses most of their arguments because they cannot argue anything on merit anymore.

And to bad to, because as that last guy in the vid. alludes, we all lose when debate is derailed.

And, that IS how the power structure likes it too, both of them.
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In all fairness, its a huge stretch to hold Californians as representative of America as a whole.

Why not? Anyone running for President can win almost every state but if California and maybe one or two other states go the opposite way they would never win.

Bush never won in California and he managed to win

Ture, but I said one or two other states the number of states might have to be more

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