Oh Sweet Saint of San Andreas


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Hear My Prayers.

California is a great example of what occurs when the Left obtain power. And don’t give me the BS about the California economy. It’s a remnant of when Republicans controlled the State. It’s like Hitler trying to take credit for good French wine. And the California economy is rapidly spiraling into oblivion. And as you see below, they have no answer.

The majority of the nation’s homeless people now live in California. There are myriad causes at work, no doubt. But there was no “defecation crisis”—a term usually associated with rural India—in the 1930s, even with unemployment at 25%, vagabonds roaming the country, and shantytowns and “Hoovervilles” springing up everywhere. Today’s homeless and the hobos of the Great Depression are different in many ways. The triple scourges of drug abuse, mental illness and family breakdown have produced anomie and derangements far deeper than those seen in the 1930s, when the widely shared nature of the economic and psychological distress provided its own grim comfort.

In California at least, one is struck by the contrast between the fastidious attention paid to the social duty of scooping up and disposing of dog feces, and the rather more paralyzed and guilty reaction to the plague of human feces. The former is treated as a moral imperative among the enlightened—and the thin plastic bags used as the means to this moral end have so far escaped the fate of plastic straws, well on their way to being outlawed as an environmental outrage. Even social-justice warriors don’t consider it their personal duty, however, to tidy up after their fellow human beings on the streets.

Confronted on the sidewalk with a nasty fait accompli, most people are indignant. But the questions they then ask often diverge. Those of a more traditional disposition might wonder, “What is wrong with these people?” Those of a more progressive mind-set might exclaim, “Why hasn’t the government designed a program to solve this?”

Opinion | California’s Biggest Cities Confront a ‘Defecation Crisis’
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California is a prime example of what can and will happen when people ignore corruption and the corrupt leadership in place.
Hear My Prayers.

California is a great example of what occurs when the Left obtain power. And don’t give me the BS about the California economy. It’s a remnant of when Republicans controlled the State. It’s like Hitler trying to take credit for good French wine. And the California economy is rapidly spiraling into oblivion. And as you see below, they have no answer.

The majority of the nation’s homeless people now live in California. There are myriad causes at work, no doubt. But there was no “defecation crisis”—a term usually associated with rural India—in the 1930s, even with unemployment at 25%, vagabonds roaming the country, and shantytowns and “Hoovervilles” springing up everywhere. Today’s homeless and the hobos of the Great Depression are different in many ways. The triple scourges of drug abuse, mental illness and family breakdown have produced anomie and derangements far deeper than those seen in the 1930s, when the widely shared nature of the economic and psychological distress provided its own grim comfort.

In California at least, one is struck by the contrast between the fastidious attention paid to the social duty of scooping up and disposing of dog feces, and the rather more paralyzed and guilty reaction to the plague of human feces. The former is treated as a moral imperative among the enlightened—and the thin plastic bags used as the means to this moral end have so far escaped the fate of plastic straws, well on their way to being outlawed as an environmental outrage. Even social-justice warriors don’t consider it their personal duty, however, to tidy up after their fellow human beings on the streets.

Confronted on the sidewalk with a nasty fait accompli, most people are indignant. But the questions they then ask often diverge. Those of a more traditional disposition might wonder, “What is wrong with these people?” Those of a more progressive mind-set might exclaim, “Why hasn’t the government designed a program to solve this?”

Opinion | California’s Biggest Cities Confront a ‘Defecation Crisis’

Because of tramp and cuts in HUD. Are you praying for decency in the Federal Gov?
HUD needs revamping along with many other agencies that are giving away money where it should not be.
Hear My Prayers.

California is a great example of what occurs when the Left obtain power. And don’t give me the BS about the California economy. It’s a remnant of when Republicans controlled the State. It’s like Hitler trying to take credit for good French wine. And the California economy is rapidly spiraling into oblivion. And as you see below, they have no answer.

The majority of the nation’s homeless people now live in California. There are myriad causes at work, no doubt. But there was no “defecation crisis”—a term usually associated with rural India—in the 1930s, even with unemployment at 25%, vagabonds roaming the country, and shantytowns and “Hoovervilles” springing up everywhere. Today’s homeless and the hobos of the Great Depression are different in many ways. The triple scourges of drug abuse, mental illness and family breakdown have produced anomie and derangements far deeper than those seen in the 1930s, when the widely shared nature of the economic and psychological distress provided its own grim comfort.

In California at least, one is struck by the contrast between the fastidious attention paid to the social duty of scooping up and disposing of dog feces, and the rather more paralyzed and guilty reaction to the plague of human feces. The former is treated as a moral imperative among the enlightened—and the thin plastic bags used as the means to this moral end have so far escaped the fate of plastic straws, well on their way to being outlawed as an environmental outrage. Even social-justice warriors don’t consider it their personal duty, however, to tidy up after their fellow human beings on the streets.

Confronted on the sidewalk with a nasty fait accompli, most people are indignant. But the questions they then ask often diverge. Those of a more traditional disposition might wonder, “What is wrong with these people?” Those of a more progressive mind-set might exclaim, “Why hasn’t the government designed a program to solve this?”

Opinion | California’s Biggest Cities Confront a ‘Defecation Crisis’

Because of tramp and cuts in HUD. Are you praying for decency in the Federal Gov?
California can’t deal with its own self created problems.

Hear My Prayers.

California is a great example of what occurs when the Left obtain power. And don’t give me the BS about the California economy. It’s a remnant of when Republicans controlled the State. It’s like Hitler trying to take credit for good French wine. And the California economy is rapidly spiraling into oblivion. And as you see below, they have no answer.

The majority of the nation’s homeless people now live in California. There are myriad causes at work, no doubt. But there was no “defecation crisis”—a term usually associated with rural India—in the 1930s, even with unemployment at 25%, vagabonds roaming the country, and shantytowns and “Hoovervilles” springing up everywhere. Today’s homeless and the hobos of the Great Depression are different in many ways. The triple scourges of drug abuse, mental illness and family breakdown have produced anomie and derangements far deeper than those seen in the 1930s, when the widely shared nature of the economic and psychological distress provided its own grim comfort.

In California at least, one is struck by the contrast between the fastidious attention paid to the social duty of scooping up and disposing of dog feces, and the rather more paralyzed and guilty reaction to the plague of human feces. The former is treated as a moral imperative among the enlightened—and the thin plastic bags used as the means to this moral end have so far escaped the fate of plastic straws, well on their way to being outlawed as an environmental outrage. Even social-justice warriors don’t consider it their personal duty, however, to tidy up after their fellow human beings on the streets.

Confronted on the sidewalk with a nasty fait accompli, most people are indignant. But the questions they then ask often diverge. Those of a more traditional disposition might wonder, “What is wrong with these people?” Those of a more progressive mind-set might exclaim, “Why hasn’t the government designed a program to solve this?”

Opinion | California’s Biggest Cities Confront a ‘Defecation Crisis’

Because of tramp and cuts in HUD. Are you praying for decency in the Federal Gov?
California can’t deal with its own self created problems.


I don't think you are praying at all, I think you are jumping for joy. CA has always had more homeless, it has got worst since tramp and his cuts in VA and HUD.
HUD needs revamping along with many other agencies that are giving away money where it should not be.

So you are fine with letting people live in the streets. Most are citizens and vets.
Hear My Prayers.

California is a great example of what occurs when the Left obtain power. And don’t give me the BS about the California economy. It’s a remnant of when Republicans controlled the State. It’s like Hitler trying to take credit for good French wine. And the California economy is rapidly spiraling into oblivion. And as you see below, they have no answer.

The majority of the nation’s homeless people now live in California. There are myriad causes at work, no doubt. But there was no “defecation crisis”—a term usually associated with rural India—in the 1930s, even with unemployment at 25%, vagabonds roaming the country, and shantytowns and “Hoovervilles” springing up everywhere. Today’s homeless and the hobos of the Great Depression are different in many ways. The triple scourges of drug abuse, mental illness and family breakdown have produced anomie and derangements far deeper than those seen in the 1930s, when the widely shared nature of the economic and psychological distress provided its own grim comfort.

In California at least, one is struck by the contrast between the fastidious attention paid to the social duty of scooping up and disposing of dog feces, and the rather more paralyzed and guilty reaction to the plague of human feces. The former is treated as a moral imperative among the enlightened—and the thin plastic bags used as the means to this moral end have so far escaped the fate of plastic straws, well on their way to being outlawed as an environmental outrage. Even social-justice warriors don’t consider it their personal duty, however, to tidy up after their fellow human beings on the streets.

Confronted on the sidewalk with a nasty fait accompli, most people are indignant. But the questions they then ask often diverge. Those of a more traditional disposition might wonder, “What is wrong with these people?” Those of a more progressive mind-set might exclaim, “Why hasn’t the government designed a program to solve this?”

Opinion | California’s Biggest Cities Confront a ‘Defecation Crisis’
The California economy can thank, to the tune of $37 billion, that bastion of conservatism and Republican ideals, Hollywood.
HUD needs revamping along with many other agencies that are giving away money where it should not be.

So you are fine with letting people live in the streets. Most are citizens and vets.
Your assumption. The current pattern of abuse of public funds could take care of our homeless but that is not what it has been being used for.
HUD needs revamping along with many other agencies that are giving away money where it should not be.

So you are fine with letting people live in the streets. Most are citizens and vets.
Your assumption. The current pattern of abuse of public funds could take care of our homeless but that is not what it has been being used for.

Well read assumptions. What is Hud money used for?
HUD needs revamping along with many other agencies that are giving away money where it should not be.

So you are fine with letting people live in the streets. Most are citizens and vets.
Your assumption. The current pattern of abuse of public funds could take care of our homeless but that is not what it has been being used for.

Well read assumptions. What is Hud money used for?
It has been being used by a few developers, bankers and investors who have learned how to scam the system.

FYI, I was considering investing in foreclosed HUD housing back in the early 70's so you can put away your claws and fangs.

edit: also owned a half a dozen rentals some years back and some of those were section 8 renters (Handicap, etc....)
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HUD needs revamping along with many other agencies that are giving away money where it should not be.

So you are fine with letting people live in the streets. Most are citizens and vets.
Your assumption. The current pattern of abuse of public funds could take care of our homeless but that is not what it has been being used for.

Well read assumptions. What is Hud money used for?
It has been being used by a few developers, bankers and investors who have learned how to scam the system.

FYI, I was considering investing in foreclosed HUD housing back in the early 70's so you can put away your claws and fangs.

And it will continue to be:
few developers, bankers and investors who have learned how to scam the system.
They are not going to do anything about them. Investors, tramp is one, so is Hannity and the Kushners.
HUD needs revamping along with many other agencies that are giving away money where it should not be.

So you are fine with letting people live in the streets. Most are citizens and vets.
Your assumption. The current pattern of abuse of public funds could take care of our homeless but that is not what it has been being used for.

Well read assumptions. What is Hud money used for?
It has been being used by a few developers, bankers and investors who have learned how to scam the system.

FYI, I was considering investing in foreclosed HUD housing back in the early 70's so you can put away your claws and fangs.

And it will continue to be:
few developers, bankers and investors who have learned how to scam the system.
They are not going to do anything about them. Investors, tramp is one, so is Hannity and the Kushners.
They own section 8 housing? Where? I didn't know casinos and hotels qualified for section 8. New day new deal huh?
So you are fine with letting people live in the streets. Most are citizens and vets.
Your assumption. The current pattern of abuse of public funds could take care of our homeless but that is not what it has been being used for.

Well read assumptions. What is Hud money used for?
It has been being used by a few developers, bankers and investors who have learned how to scam the system.

FYI, I was considering investing in foreclosed HUD housing back in the early 70's so you can put away your claws and fangs.

And it will continue to be:
few developers, bankers and investors who have learned how to scam the system.
They are not going to do anything about them. Investors, tramp is one, so is Hannity and the Kushners.
They own section 8 housing? Where? I didn't know casinos and hotels qualified for section 8. New day new deal huh?

Again, they are not going after who owns HUD apartments. All over, you heard about Kushner's in Baltimore.

The Guardian reported Sunday that Hannity is linked to a web of shell companies that spent at least $90 million buying more than 870 homes across seven states over the past 10 years. The newspaper said it reviewed thousands of pages of public records to piece together Hannity's alleged property portfolio.

The Fox News host bought two apartment complexes in Georgia in 2014 for $22.7 million, according to The Guardian. It reported that HUD helped him get mortgages worth $17.9 million to fund the purchases by insuring the loans under a National Housing Act program.

Hannity didn't mention this link to the department when he interviewed HUD Secretary Ben Carson on Fox News in June 2017.
The Guardian reported that some of the properties Hannity acquired were purchased "after banks foreclosed on their previous owners for defaulting on mortgages." The purchases were spread across states including Alabama and New York, according to the report.

"Hannity is the hidden owner behind some of the shell companies and his attorney did not dispute that he owns all of them," the Guardian reported. The newspaper said those shell companies are limited liability companies, which are "popular among well-known figures such as Hannity who wish to keep their business arrangements private."
Report: Sean Hannity received HUD help on multimillion dollar property deals
I can imagine its even worst now.
Your assumption. The current pattern of abuse of public funds could take care of our homeless but that is not what it has been being used for.

Well read assumptions. What is Hud money used for?
It has been being used by a few developers, bankers and investors who have learned how to scam the system.

FYI, I was considering investing in foreclosed HUD housing back in the early 70's so you can put away your claws and fangs.

And it will continue to be:
few developers, bankers and investors who have learned how to scam the system.
They are not going to do anything about them. Investors, tramp is one, so is Hannity and the Kushners.
They own section 8 housing? Where? I didn't know casinos and hotels qualified for section 8. New day new deal huh?

Again, they are not going after who owns HUD apartments. All over, you heard about Kushner's in Baltimore.

The Guardian reported Sunday that Hannity is linked to a web of shell companies that spent at least $90 million buying more than 870 homes across seven states over the past 10 years. The newspaper said it reviewed thousands of pages of public records to piece together Hannity's alleged property portfolio.

The Fox News host bought two apartment complexes in Georgia in 2014 for $22.7 million, according to The Guardian. It reported that HUD helped him get mortgages worth $17.9 million to fund the purchases by insuring the loans under a National Housing Act program.

Hannity didn't mention this link to the department when he interviewed HUD Secretary Ben Carson on Fox News in June 2017.
The Guardian reported that some of the properties Hannity acquired were purchased "after banks foreclosed on their previous owners for defaulting on mortgages." The purchases were spread across states including Alabama and New York, according to the report.

"Hannity is the hidden owner behind some of the shell companies and his attorney did not dispute that he owns all of them," the Guardian reported. The newspaper said those shell companies are limited liability companies, which are "popular among well-known figures such as Hannity who wish to keep their business arrangements private."
Report: Sean Hannity received HUD help on multimillion dollar property deals
I can imagine its even worst now.
So lobby your congress critters to get limits and such as you deem appropriate to where these funds should be and how they should be restricted or limited, etc. Be prepared and get it all written into a form that can be passed into law before you go visit them critters.
Hear My Prayers.

California is a great example of what occurs when the Left obtain power. And don’t give me the BS about the California economy. It’s a remnant of when Republicans controlled the State. It’s like Hitler trying to take credit for good French wine. And the California economy is rapidly spiraling into oblivion. And as you see below, they have no answer.

The majority of the nation’s homeless people now live in California. There are myriad causes at work, no doubt. But there was no “defecation crisis”—a term usually associated with rural India—in the 1930s, even with unemployment at 25%, vagabonds roaming the country, and shantytowns and “Hoovervilles” springing up everywhere. Today’s homeless and the hobos of the Great Depression are different in many ways. The triple scourges of drug abuse, mental illness and family breakdown have produced anomie and derangements far deeper than those seen in the 1930s, when the widely shared nature of the economic and psychological distress provided its own grim comfort.

In California at least, one is struck by the contrast between the fastidious attention paid to the social duty of scooping up and disposing of dog feces, and the rather more paralyzed and guilty reaction to the plague of human feces. The former is treated as a moral imperative among the enlightened—and the thin plastic bags used as the means to this moral end have so far escaped the fate of plastic straws, well on their way to being outlawed as an environmental outrage. Even social-justice warriors don’t consider it their personal duty, however, to tidy up after their fellow human beings on the streets.

Confronted on the sidewalk with a nasty fait accompli, most people are indignant. But the questions they then ask often diverge. Those of a more traditional disposition might wonder, “What is wrong with these people?” Those of a more progressive mind-set might exclaim, “Why hasn’t the government designed a program to solve this?”

Opinion | California’s Biggest Cities Confront a ‘Defecation Crisis’

Because of tramp and cuts in HUD. Are you praying for decency in the Federal Gov?

Oh just stop it!

People don't crap on the street because of HUD
Hear My Prayers.

California is a great example of what occurs when the Left obtain power. And don’t give me the BS about the California economy. It’s a remnant of when Republicans controlled the State. It’s like Hitler trying to take credit for good French wine. And the California economy is rapidly spiraling into oblivion. And as you see below, they have no answer.

The majority of the nation’s homeless people now live in California. There are myriad causes at work, no doubt. But there was no “defecation crisis”—a term usually associated with rural India—in the 1930s, even with unemployment at 25%, vagabonds roaming the country, and shantytowns and “Hoovervilles” springing up everywhere. Today’s homeless and the hobos of the Great Depression are different in many ways. The triple scourges of drug abuse, mental illness and family breakdown have produced anomie and derangements far deeper than those seen in the 1930s, when the widely shared nature of the economic and psychological distress provided its own grim comfort.

In California at least, one is struck by the contrast between the fastidious attention paid to the social duty of scooping up and disposing of dog feces, and the rather more paralyzed and guilty reaction to the plague of human feces. The former is treated as a moral imperative among the enlightened—and the thin plastic bags used as the means to this moral end have so far escaped the fate of plastic straws, well on their way to being outlawed as an environmental outrage. Even social-justice warriors don’t consider it their personal duty, however, to tidy up after their fellow human beings on the streets.

Confronted on the sidewalk with a nasty fait accompli, most people are indignant. But the questions they then ask often diverge. Those of a more traditional disposition might wonder, “What is wrong with these people?” Those of a more progressive mind-set might exclaim, “Why hasn’t the government designed a program to solve this?”

Opinion | California’s Biggest Cities Confront a ‘Defecation Crisis’

Because of tramp and cuts in HUD. Are you praying for decency in the Federal Gov?
California can’t deal with its own self created problems.


I don't think you are praying at all, I think you are jumping for joy. CA has always had more homeless, it has got worst since tramp and his cuts in VA and HUD.

You have no one to blame besides your sad excuse for politicians in California. Demtards have destroyed California. Don’t blame the President for your shithole liberal state.

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