Oh, shiznit :(


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
Salem: How Mad Men is ruining television - thestar.com

The immediate effect has been on AMC’s other, subsequent hot dramas, Breaking Bad and The Walking Dead. Both have suffered major budget hits, Walking Dead to the tune of $250,000 (U.S.) less per episode.

Breaking Bad will, more or less voluntarily, end its run at the end of next season, its fifth, which will be extended three episodes to properly wrap up its storylines.

But the cutbacks have had a far more devastating effect on the Walking Dead production team. Everyone, that is, but their much-admired showrunner, Frank Darabont, who was unceremoniously yanked by the network — apparently right out of an editing suite — without warning or explanation.


AMC, WTF. :(

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