Oh she's running alrighty..Go Palin Go.


Knowing your betters is a good quality Si Modo.

Run along.
Yes, you are better at knowing your feelings.

Let us all know when feeling is fact. Until then, there is no intellectual challenge at all involved in my discussing your feelings about something.

I'm sorry that's too complicated for you to grasp.

And you do keep coming back for more...despite the "lack" of a challenge.

Got it. :lol::cuckoo:
Boy, you are dense.

Wow. Such a feeling. ;)

When you post something of substance that I can debate, I will. Until then, I will mock you as I see fit.
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does palin aim to run as a republican? do republicans believe she would prevail in a primary?

Well yeah.

She said she was running in the interview I saw...but she left the door slightly open for a way out..

But she's got the bug...no doubt.

she could run as an indy. it might be the only way she could get on the ballot. i dont see republicans supporting her in the primary.
Yes, you are better at knowing your feelings.

Let us all know when feeling is fact. Until then, there is no intellectual challenge at all involved in my discussing your feelings about something.

I'm sorry that's too complicated for you to grasp.

And you do keep coming back for more...despite the "lack" of a challenge.

Got it. :lol::cuckoo:
Boy, you are dense.

Wow. Such a feeling. ;)

When you post something of substance that I can debate, I will. Until then, I will mock you as I see fit.

Okie dokie.

Mock away.

What ever floats your boat.:lol:
does palin aim to run as a republican? do republicans believe she would prevail in a primary?

Well yeah.

She said she was running in the interview I saw...but she left the door slightly open for a way out..

But she's got the bug...no doubt.

she could run as an indy. it might be the only way she could get on the ballot. i dont see republicans supporting her in the primary.

She's got a great deal of support at the moment. Not sure if that holds up 2 years from now, but from where I sit..the Republicans are in a very extremist mode right now. Moderates have no place in the party..and Palin speaks to the base. She's all fluff, no policy and right with the corporatists on almost everything. That's a trifecta.
Jimmy Carter prayed for Reagan to be nominated.

Impressing people like you means nothing.

Reagan and his "Grimer Wormtongue", Lee Atwater were a pretty despicable couple. Keeping those hostages in Iran for plane parts isn't something most Americans would have done.

But it wasn't to low for ol' Ronnie boy..was it?

The remaining hostages were released just minutes after Reagan took office you dim-wittted fuck.

Read a history book and educate yourself!
Some of the Republicans scarfin Palin are trying to take her out of the primaries early, They don't want the competition. She's already made some statements that will come back to bite her though. I haven't seen any of the Alaska stuff yet but in one ofe the tags she said, (Paraphrasing here) "I'd much rather be out here then stuck in some ol political office somewhere".

Come campaign time the left will play that as "she don't care about you. She said so herself that she would rather be out running around in the wilderness than serving you in some stuffy office". That will be the spin.

And I hear much more about Palin from the left than I do from Fox or TLC.
I doubt Palin will run. She knows she can be more effective on the sidelines, especially after seeing more than three dozen candidates she supported win congressional seats.
Jimmy Carter prayed for Reagan to be nominated.

Impressing people like you means nothing.

Reagan and his "Grimer Wormtongue", Lee Atwater were a pretty despicable couple. Keeping those hostages in Iran for plane parts isn't something most Americans would have done.

But it wasn't to low for ol' Ronnie boy..was it?

The remaining hostages were released just minutes after Reagan took office you dim-wittted fuck.

Read a history book and educate yourself!

Physician heal thyself. I have no doubt that Atwater along with other Reagan representatives facilitated that.

And later on, Ronnie was hauled before congress for what? Secretly selling parts to Iran while secretly funding a war in Nicaragua (with the Contras, no less..who were famous for raping nuns). This was during an arms embargo with Iran..and after Congress denied funding for the Contras. He violated the Constitution, twice..and should have been impeached and removed from office.

So much for conservative "love" and/or understanding of the United States Constitution.

"Dimwit" that I am..I seem to know history a little better then yourself. Which isn't saying much for your aptitude in this area..now is it?
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Reagan and his "Grimer Wormtongue", Lee Atwater were a pretty despicable couple. Keeping those hostages in Iran for plane parts isn't something most Americans would have done.

But it wasn't to low for ol' Ronnie boy..was it?

The remaining hostages were released just minutes after Reagan took office you dim-wittted fuck.

Read a history book and educate yourself!

Physician heal thyself. I have no doubt that Atwater along with other Reagan representatives facilitated that.

And later on, Ronnie was hauled before congress for what? Secretly selling parts to Iran while secretly funding a war in Nicaragua (with the Contras, no less..who were famous for raping nuns). This was during an arm embargo with Iran..and after Congress denied funding for the Contras. He violated the Constitution, twice..and should have been impeached and removed from office.

So much for conservative "love" and/or understanding of the United States Constitution.

And your evidence is?
The remaining hostages were released just minutes after Reagan took office you dim-wittted fuck.

Read a history book and educate yourself!

Physician heal thyself. I have no doubt that Atwater along with other Reagan representatives facilitated that.

And later on, Ronnie was hauled before congress for what? Secretly selling parts to Iran while secretly funding a war in Nicaragua (with the Contras, no less..who were famous for raping nuns). This was during an arm embargo with Iran..and after Congress denied funding for the Contras. He violated the Constitution, twice..and should have been impeached and removed from office.

So much for conservative "love" and/or understanding of the United States Constitution.

And your evidence is?

Holy crap.

Iran?Contra affair - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Go fucking pick up a book.
Go for it Palin, however I think her associations with the media will be a problem once she is an official candidate.

Fox will be renamed "The Palin Network"
I like and support Mrs Palin, I just don't think 2012 is the right time for her. I think the Conservative candidate would be better served with her doing what she does best, pissing off the liberals and obama drones. :D

I would like to see her sharpen her skills for a run in 2016, and square off against Hillary. What a fascinating campaign that would be, imo.

The clock is ticking on Palin. By 2016 the masses will be tired of her and will have a new toy to play with
Libs sure do watch a lot of Sarah Palin...

I'm sure she appreciates all the money and attention you give her...

Does anyone have a choice with the saturation of Palin coverage?

Palin is like a political whack-a-mole ...she is the only Republican sticking her head up right now. If any other Republican shows some leadership capabilities...he or she will take some hits
I like and support Mrs Palin, I just don't think 2012 is the right time for her. I think the Conservative candidate would be better served with her doing what she does best, pissing off the liberals and obama drones. :D

I would like to see her sharpen her skills for a run in 2016, and square off against Hillary. What a fascinating campaign that would be, imo.

The clock is ticking on Palin. By 2016 the masses will be tired of her and will have a new toy to play with

Well..not sure really.

But if she does run..lots of skeletons still in the closet. There was a story a while back about her and her husband having affairs..Levi Johnston's mother was busted for drugs..she use belong to a church (or organization, can't remember right now) calling for Alaska's secession from the Union..

Lots of trivial stuff..that America at large seems to obsess over.
Physician heal thyself. I have no doubt that Atwater along with other Reagan representatives facilitated that.

And later on, Ronnie was hauled before congress for what? Secretly selling parts to Iran while secretly funding a war in Nicaragua (with the Contras, no less..who were famous for raping nuns). This was during an arm embargo with Iran..and after Congress denied funding for the Contras. He violated the Constitution, twice..and should have been impeached and removed from office.

So much for conservative "love" and/or understanding of the United States Constitution.

And your evidence is?

Holy crap.

Iran?Contra affair - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Go fucking pick up a book.

Wikipedia is not a book.

Funny even wikipedia coudn't substantiate your claim that Reagan violated the Constitution.

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