Oh Oh! Arizona

I don't believe that trash. That is for idiots. Luckily, you are over qualified and do.

Like it matters what you believe. Like it didn't happen because you can't accept reality. It doesn't matter because you believe the election was stolen even though you haven't proven that in 11 months which proves you're fucked in the head.


Like it matters what you believe. Like it didn't happen because you can't accept reality. It doesn't matter because you believe the election was stolen even though you haven't proven that in 11 months which proves you're fucked in the head.
Still in denial about the findings of two separate investigations, in Arizona alone? I think it might stem from your grief: Hillary lost, Trump kicked ass making our country better and kept more promises than any politician in recent history, and Joe Biden is a giant sucking retard that continues to embarrass not only Democrats, but the nation as a whole.

Seek counselling soon, for your safety and those around you.

Why not investigate fully and find out?

You guys are just going to continue whining as long as Trump isn’t declared President, which he won’t be.

The only reason you continue to want more audits and more “full” investigations is because you’re a bunch of sore loser crybabies. Simple as that.

You lost. Deal with it.
Still in denial about the findings of two separate investigations, in Arizona alone? I think it might stem from your grief: Hillary lost, Trump kicked ass making our country better and kept more promises than any politician in recent history, and Joe Biden is a giant sucking retard that continues to embarrass not only Democrats, but the nation as a whole.

Seek counselling soon, for your safety and those around you.

And then got kicked out of office by more Americans than any other president in our History.

Then there is this:
Then there's the idot that calls themselves "candycorn"...seriously? Let me guess: "candy" because you're just obnoxiously sweet, and "corn" because you're either CORNY or CORN-HOLED.

Give it up ass wipe. Anyone with half a brain can look at the results of the audit and make up their own mind about how "secure" and "fair" the election was.
You guys are just going to continue whining as long as Trump isn’t declared President, which he won’t be.

The only reason you continue to want more audits and more “full” investigations is because you’re a bunch of sore loser crybabies. Simple as that.

You lost. Deal with it.
Who gives a shit about the orange man?

I've seen enough audits, personally. Apparently there are questions that the leaders in other states want answered.

I'm sure someone that goes by the handle "XponentialChaos" can appreciate that free people have the right, no DUTY, to question the other parties' word for it. "Just because we said so" isn't going to cut it.

And then got kicked out of office by more Americans than any other president in our History.


Not that I'm a big fan of the orange man, but since you seem to be an educated man, you KNOW he (trump) got more votes in 2020 than ANY INCUMBENT PRESIDENT IN HISTORY.

If biden got even more, truthfully and honestly, then great, that's fine. But it seems unlikely, and the evidence is stating to pile up. Don't worry, as long as you wake up, you'll be fine.
Who gives a shit about the orange man?

I've seen enough audits, personally. Apparently there are questions that the leaders in other states want answered.

I'm sure someone that goes by the handle "XponentialChaos" can appreciate that free people have the right, no DUTY, to question the other parties' word for it. "Just because we said so" isn't going to cut it.

Sure. They have the right to question the results.

And I have the right to call them a bunch of whiny sore loser crybabies. Because that’s exactly what they are.
Sure. They have the right to question the results.

And I have the right to call them a bunch of whiny sore loser crybabies. Because that’s exactly what they are.
And the illegitimate administration has the right to harass and arrest them? It is what they are doing.
So no answer. Got it.

Keep crying. :)
The former Green Beret running for Congress in Florida is one example. He was arrested just for being in DC. on Jan 6th. The people arrested that were in the Capitol and held without bond. The Marine LT. Colonel that called out the generals on their failure in Afghanistan. All were in the news.

The former Green Beret running for Congress in Florida is one example. He was arrested just for being in DC. on Jan 6th. The people arrested that were in the Capitol and held without bond. The Marine LT. Colonel that called out the generals on their failure in Afghanistan. All were in the news.

I have no problem with those Jan 6 idiots being arrested.

They attacked Capitol police, they should be arrested. Sore loser crybabies need to behave.
You have no problem with the murder of an unarmed woman too?
Maybe she shouldn’t have tried to breach a barricaded part of the building with a violent mob behind her, directly in front of an armed police officer.

I have zero problems with Capitol police defending our elected officials from a violent mob.
Maybe she shouldn’t have tried to breach a barricaded part of the building with a violent mob behind her, directly in front of an armed police officer.

I have zero problems with Capitol police defending our elected officials from a violent mob.
Not a violent mob, just agitators from the FBI.

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