Oh My...LOLOL! Lawrence O'Donnell Admits 'Error In Judgement' For Conspiracy About Trump And Russia

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Townhall.com ^ | August 28, 2019 | Timothy Meads

MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell just could not contain himself. In his eagerness to defeat President Donald J. Trump he rushed out on his show Tuesday night to report that a source close to the matter told him that Deutsche Bank had President Donald J. Trump's tax returns, they confirmed he paid little to no taxes, and that, here's what O'Donnell said was the huge bombshell, that the Trumpster had loans co-signed with Russian oligarchs close to Vladimir Putin. The only problem with this? It was based off a "single source," O'Donnell's employer never confirmed the story, and even Deutsche Bank is refusing to confirm the story.

O'Donnell told his colleague Rachel Maddow that a "single source close to Deutsche Bank has told me that Donald Trump's loan documents there show that he has co-signers. That's how he was able to obtain those loans. And that the co-signers are Russian oligarchs."

"If true," O'Donnell theorized, "that would be a significant factor in Vladimir Putin's publicly stated preference for presidential candidate Donald Trump over presidential candidate Hillary Clinton."

But by the end of the show, he told his audience that he wanted to "stress" these allegations were from a single source and that his network had not confirmed the story yet.

On Wednesday, an NBC booking producer confirmed that "The information came from a single source who has not seen the bank records. NBC has not seen those records and has not yet been able to verify the reporting."

Shortly after, O'Donnell tweeted that, "Last night I made an error in judgment by reporting an item about the president’s finances that didn’t go through our rigorous verification and standards process." "I shouldn’t have reported it and I was wrong to discuss it on the air. I will address the issue on my show tonight," he added. But, hey, O'Donnell probably thought "why let the truth get in the way of a good story?" Either that or he was simply chomping at the bit to find a story that actually proves Trump's a Russian puppet. Keep trying, buddy.


It was picked up all over the place. IT was the first thing I saw when I opened my phone.

“...that didn’t go through our rigorous verification and standards process.”

Really? It wasn’t slanderously critical of Trump?

Perhaps the QUICK WITHDRAWL AFTER THE DAMAGE WAS DONE was because the asshole got word in the news vine Trump was gonna sue his sorry ass for millions..
Did he report something that was a single source without being independently verified? Yes.

Was he extremely clear on his show that it was absolutely that? One source, and not independently verified? Yes.
Did he report something that was a single source without being independently verified? Yes.

Was he extremely clear on his show that it was absolutely that? One source, and not independently verified? Yes.

Was he reckless and unprofessional as a news source to report it on air?
YES, by his own admission.
Did he report something that was a single source without being independently verified? Yes.

Was he extremely clear on his show that it was absolutely that? One source, and not independently verified? Yes.

Was he reckless and unprofessional as a news source to report it on air?
YES, by his own admission.

He made a poor decision in doing it, but he was honest about it.

You should hold Trump to the same standard you want to hold journalist to, and in fact a higher one given his position in government.
O'Donnell is a total joke as a newsman, but he has a future in comedy. He is unintentionally hilarious.

“...that didn’t go through our rigorous verification and standards process.”
Did he report something that was a single source without being independently verified? Yes.

Was he extremely clear on his show that it was absolutely that? One source, and not independently verified? Yes.

Was he reckless and unprofessional as a news source to report it on air?
YES, by his own admission.

He made a poor decision in doing it, but he was honest about it.

You should hold Trump to the same standard you want to hold journalist to, and in fact a higher one given his position in government.

Honest about it in what respect? He's a crooked, shitforbrains, loud mouthed asshole trying to make shit up to suit his own agenda for his own selfish purposes.
Did he report something that was a single source without being independently verified? Yes.

Was he extremely clear on his show that it was absolutely that? One source, and not independently verified? Yes.

Was he reckless and unprofessional as a news source to report it on air?
YES, by his own admission.

He made a poor decision in doing it, but he was honest about it.

You should hold Trump to the same standard you want to hold journalist to, and in fact a higher one given his position in government.

Honest about it in what respect? He's a crooked, shitforbrains, loud mouthed asshole trying to make shit up to suit his own agenda for his own selfish purposes.

Yes, I'm sure he just made it up and could potentially ruin his entire career in pursuit of a single story about Trump.

What a stupid fucking comment to make.
Did he report something that was a single source without being independently verified? Yes.

Was he extremely clear on his show that it was absolutely that? One source, and not independently verified? Yes.

Was he reckless and unprofessional as a news source to report it on air?
YES, by his own admission.

He made a poor decision in doing it, but he was honest about it.

You should hold Trump to the same standard you want to hold journalist to, and in fact a higher one given his position in government.

Honest about it in what respect? He's a crooked, shitforbrains, loud mouthed asshole trying to make shit up to suit his own agenda for his own selfish purposes.

Yes, I'm sure he just made it up and could potentially ruin his entire career in pursuit of a single story about Trump.

What a stupid fucking comment to make.
Well both he and you are just stupid enough to do that but then truth never had any value around the fake media anyway.
So he admitted he lied...there's a 'shocker'...

(that he ADMITTED it, NOT that he lied)
Idiot, demented, DELUSIONAL liberals will make up any GARBAGE just to try to DESTROY our President! They're simply CRIMINALS who favor ILLEGAL aliens over American CITIZENS!!

For this reason, among others, President Trump MUST be re-elected!!
Townhall.com ^ | August 28, 2019 | Timothy Meads

MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell just could not contain himself. In his eagerness to defeat President Donald J. Trump he rushed out on his show Tuesday night to report that a source close to the matter told him that Deutsche Bank had President Donald J. Trump's tax returns, they confirmed he paid little to no taxes, and that, here's what O'Donnell said was the huge bombshell, that the Trumpster had loans co-signed with Russian oligarchs close to Vladimir Putin. The only problem with this? It was based off a "single source," O'Donnell's employer never confirmed the story, and even Deutsche Bank is refusing to confirm the story.

O'Donnell told his colleague Rachel Maddow that a "single source close to Deutsche Bank has told me that Donald Trump's loan documents there show that he has co-signers. That's how he was able to obtain those loans. And that the co-signers are Russian oligarchs."

"If true," O'Donnell theorized, "that would be a significant factor in Vladimir Putin's publicly stated preference for presidential candidate Donald Trump over presidential candidate Hillary Clinton."

But by the end of the show, he told his audience that he wanted to "stress" these allegations were from a single source and that his network had not confirmed the story yet.

On Wednesday, an NBC booking producer confirmed that "The information came from a single source who has not seen the bank records. NBC has not seen those records and has not yet been able to verify the reporting."

Shortly after, O'Donnell tweeted that, "Last night I made an error in judgment by reporting an item about the president’s finances that didn’t go through our rigorous verification and standards process." "I shouldn’t have reported it and I was wrong to discuss it on the air. I will address the issue on my show tonight," he added. But, hey, O'Donnell probably thought "why let the truth get in the way of a good story?" Either that or he was simply chomping at the bit to find a story that actually proves Trump's a Russian puppet. Keep trying, buddy.


It was picked up all over the place. IT was the first thing I saw when I opened my phone.

“...that didn’t go through our rigorous verification and standards process.”

Really? It wasn’t slanderously critical of Trump?

Perhaps the QUICK WITHDRAWL AFTER THE DAMAGE WAS DONE was because the asshole got word in the news vine Trump was gonna sue his sorry ass for millions..

So all Trump has to do is release his tax returns, and we can clear this whole thing up.
Did he report something that was a single source without being independently verified? Yes.

Was he extremely clear on his show that it was absolutely that? One source, and not independently verified? Yes.

Was he reckless and unprofessional as a news source to report it on air?
YES, by his own admission.

He made a poor decision in doing it, but he was honest about it.

You should hold Trump to the same standard you want to hold journalist to, and in fact a higher one given his position in government.

Honest about it in what respect? He's a crooked, shitforbrains, loud mouthed asshole trying to make shit up to suit his own agenda for his own selfish purposes.

Yes, I'm sure he just made it up and could potentially ruin his entire career in pursuit of a single story about Trump.

What a stupid fucking comment to make.
Well both he and you are just stupid enough to do that but then truth never had any value around the fake media anyway.

The only stupid one here is the one that thinks successfully people would make that kind of mistake. I guess tat isn't something people like you that work as a janitor at Burger King has to worry about.

If O'Donnell really wanted to make the story stick, he wouldn't have been honest about its origins. The fact he did give the origins, made the responsibility of how much weight to put into on the watcher, which is the same thing people should be doing no matter how many sources there are... but given the number of Trump supporters on this forum that believe every Gateway Pundit story, that doesn't happen very often. O'Donnell's story had one source more than most Gateway Pundit ones.
Was he reckless and unprofessional as a news source to report it on air? YES, by his own admission.
He made a poor decision in doing it, but he was honest about it. You should hold Trump to the same standard you want to hold journalist to, and in fact a higher one given his position in government.
Wait ... so the loony-leftard MSM LIES to you about the prez they hate with unbridled venom and you blame the target? Guess who told you that it is Trump who lies? Yeah ... and you swallow.
This sick cocksucker, O'Donnell....is in trouble, and has started groveling, but has not yet done so sufficiently. He has more groveling to do on his show tonight. Might garner more than a few thousand viewers....for a change.
Was he reckless and unprofessional as a news source to report it on air? YES, by his own admission.
He made a poor decision in doing it, but he was honest about it. You should hold Trump to the same standard you want to hold journalist to, and in fact a higher one given his position in government.
Wait ... so the loony-leftard MSM LIES to you about the prez they hate with unbridled venom and you blame the target? Guess who told you that it is Trump who lies? Yeah ... and you swallow.

No, and how do you know it is a lie? This is part of the issue. You don't know the difference between an unverified story and a lie. That doesn't surprise me one bit. What O'Donnell said last night is an unverified scoop. Trump telling you Mexico would pay for the wall is a lie.

Yeah... and you would have been better off swallowed.
Honest about it in what respect? He's a crooked, shitforbrains, loud mouthed asshole trying to make shit up to suit his own agenda for his own selfish purposes.
Yes, I'm sure he just made it up and could potentially ruin his entire career in pursuit of a single story about Trump. What a stupid fucking comment to make.
Ruin his career? What pursuit? He will likely get a Pulitzer Prize and a nice bonus. What are you ... STUPID?

There is no penalty for leftarded media bias & lies.
Honest about it in what respect? He's a crooked, shitforbrains, loud mouthed asshole trying to make shit up to suit his own agenda for his own selfish purposes.
Yes, I'm sure he just made it up and could potentially ruin his entire career in pursuit of a single story about Trump. What a stupid fucking comment to make.
Ruin his career? What pursuit? He will likely get a Pulitzer Prize and a nice bonus. What are you ... STUPID?

There is no penalty for leftarded media bias & lies.

He's telling the truth. It was an accurate story based upon verified facts.

Of course you can prove it's a lie very easily.

Release the tax returns, or own your Russian collusion.

There are no third choices.

Take your time. We 'll all wait.
Honest about it in what respect? He's a crooked, shitforbrains, loud mouthed asshole trying to make shit up to suit his own agenda for his own selfish purposes.
Yes, I'm sure he just made it up and could potentially ruin his entire career in pursuit of a single story about Trump. What a stupid fucking comment to make.
Ruin his career? What pursuit? He will likely get a Pulitzer Prize and a nice bonus. What are you ... STUPID?

There is no penalty for leftarded media bias & lies.

He's telling the truth. It was an accurate story based upon verified facts.

Of course you can prove it's a lie very easily....
FFS, is there a single thinking jackass on the left or just fools like you? You now have the opportunity to prove the story was "based on verified facts" but first you must deal with O'Donnell's admission that it was not:

Townhall.com ^ | August 28, 2019 |
...Shortly after, O'Donnell tweeted that, "Last night I made an error in judgment by reporting an item about the president’s finances that didn’t go through our rigorous verification and standards process." "I shouldn’t have reported it and I was wrong to discuss it on the air..."

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