Official Durham Investigation Thread


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

Barr appointee moving ‘full-throttle’ on Russia probe review, top federal prosecutors involved
Barr appointee moving ‘full-throttle’ on Russia probe review, top federal prosecutors involved

U.S. Attorney for Connecticut John Durham is going “full throttle” with his review into the origins of the investigation into suspected Russia-Trump coordination in the 2016 election, with additional top prosecutors involved in looking at different components of the original probe.

Jeff Jensen, the U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of Missouri who was tapped by the Justice Department in February to review the case of former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, is continuing to help with Durham’s investigation even after the DOJ’s move last week to drop the case against Flynn.

Interim U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia Timothy Shea is also assisting with components of the investigation.

“He’s (Durham) going full throttle, and they’re looking at everything

Democrats hypocritically continue to scream and howl about the DOJ now being used politically.
-- Last week they spought to attack Barr for dropping the charges against Flynn; however, as usual, the Democrats are acting without facts / accuracy. It was NOT Barr who affected the case being dropped against Flynn.

'Jensen reportedly was the one who recommended dropping the case to Barr.' US AG Barr tasked Jensen to oversee the investigation into the Flynn case to show it was not he himself acting on behalf of the President. Jensen was picked because he has been hailed by both Democrats and Republicans as being extremely honest, for his integrity, his lack of partisanship - being extremely objective.

Barr stated the Flynn case was just one segment / episode in everything the DOJ is investigating:

This is one particular episode, but we view it as part of a number of related acts ... and we’re looking at the whole pattern of conduct", noting that they were investigating before “and after ... the election.”

“I never saw any direct empirical evidence that the Trump campaign or someone in it was plotting/conspiring with the Russians to meddle with the election"
-- Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper testifying under oath - 2017

The recently released official Russian Probe Transcripts and FBI documents have certainly exposed the evidence Durham has been . is working with in his investigation....and former President Obama, former VP and 2020 DNC Presidential candidate Biden, and Obama's former Cabinet and Agency Directors should be extremely concerned with the coming contents of Durham's findings. The evidence / documents just released last week that 'Obamagate' leads all the way back to the Oval Office, and National Intel Agency Director Grenell stated mych more damaging information / evidence should come out this week.

I love how it says “the DoJ” determined Flynn’s interview wasn’t merited.

In reality, it was a single Trump appointee since every career prosecutor refused to sign onto his ridiculous assertions.

This is 100% political.

AG Bill Barr Says New ‘Development’ Imminent In Durham Probe
Attorney General William Barr said Thursday that a development in the investigation into the origins of the Trump-Russia probe is expected as early as Friday.

Attorney General William Barr said Thursday that a development in the investigation into the origins of the Trump-Russia probe is expected as early as Friday, and that more “significant” developments will happen prior to the election in November.

“Tomorrow there will be a development in the case,” Barr said in an interview with Fox News host Sean Hannity...

“I’ve said there are going to be developments, significant developments for the election but we are not doing this on the election schedule,” he added.
And indictments will be handed down as soon as they get Hillary all lined up...

What a bunch of politically motivated BS!
I would NOT be surprised if they put out indictments right before the election.
Of course they will go nowhere in court, but the indictments are what matter, hoping to throw the election to Trump!

You KNOW how unethical, slimy, sleazy and idiotic that is, right?
And probably criminal to come up with indictments you KNOW are ridiculous?
And indictments will be handed down as soon as they get Hillary all lined up...

What a bunch of politically motivated BS!
I would NOT be surprised if they put out indictments right before the election.
Of course they will go nowhere in court, but the indictments are what matter, hoping to throw the election to Trump!

You KNOW how unethical, slimy, sleazy and idiotic that is, right?
And probably criminal to come up with indictments you KNOW are ridiculous?
You want to call Barr slimy without one utterance of what the dems , along with some feds did. Not one word of condemnation. I guarantee you if it were reversed most of us on the right would condemn the party and feds for it. But not dems.
I would NOT be surprised if they put out indictments right before the election.

They HAVE to be before the election. If Slow Joe and Phony Camela somehow get elected, justice will never be served.
I think he realizes that and wants it known exactly what transpired, otherwise the investigation was for naught.
One thing I have heard repeated several times is they want to make sure they have all the ducks in a row so criminal referrals will be fail proof. Dems and some feds have done everything in their power to slow walk the process. But Barr is going to make sure that what the scheme was is found out, so it is never repeated again.

Can't wait for Fox to break this news to it's viewers.

Can't wait for Fox to break this news to it's viewers.

Can't wait for Fox to break this news to it's viewers.

"Uninformed sources told this reporter..."
Kevin Clinesmith decided all on his own to end a remarkable career by altering a FISA application, well, just because he felt like it.


Stay tuned

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