.....offered here only for the delicious irony of such .....


Platinum Member
Feb 14, 2021
First, I recognize there is an awareness here to not get involved with anything that may be an 'outing' of criminal behavior that looks political, or, political behavior that looks criminal.

I get it. And understand the sensitivities.

But it is reportage like what follows that, you gotta admit, is entertaining.
Entertaining in the manner of.....aha! I'm smarter than that dolt.
THAT flavor of entertainment is never unwelcome. NO?

"Ex-Girlfriend Gets Called 'Moron' - Turns Over Trove Of Texts From Insurrectionist At Capitol
According to court documents, Michetti’s former romantic partner went to law enforcement Jan. 7, the day after the insurrection, and reported that Michetti sent her text messages and two videos from the siege. The videos showed Michetti on the Capitol grounds as thousands of protesters broke through police barricades and marched with flags inside the building, court records say. The security breach forced lawmakers certifying Electoral College to take refuge in secure areas of the Capitol complex."

ps.....calling one's romantic partner a 'moron' sometimes is not diplomatic. Or smart.
for the delicious irony of such
And understand the sensitivities.
.....calling one's romantic partner a 'moron' sometimes is not diplomatic. Or smart.

Sounds pretty kinky chillyclothe! Delicious ironies! Sensitivities? Calling romance partners names? I'm all goosebumps!

When does the movie come out between you and your better (male?) half? :smoke:

ITMT, Just going to a rally or being on the grounds of the Capitol or at a protest isn't a crime, as much as you'd like to WANT it to be.

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