Senate parliamentarian says NO to $15 Min Wage in reconciliation


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2017
Texas hill country
The Senate parliamentarian on Thursday ruled against including a boost to the minimum wage in a $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief bill, arguing that it runs afoul of budget rules.

The decision from the parliamentarian, Elizabeth MacDonough, is a significant blow to progressives, who viewed the plan to increase the minimum wage to $15 per hour as one of their top priorities in the massive coronavirus relief plan.
Because Democrats are trying to pass the coronavirus bill through reconciliation — a fast-track process that lets them bypass the 60-vote legislative filibuster — every provision has to comply with arcane budget rules.

I don't believe the Senate has the 60 votes to pass the $15 MW as a separate bill. Maybe one with $10 or $11, but not $15, and that's good IMHO. I don't think we should have a national MW anyway, cuz some places are more expensive than others. I think that should be a state and local issue, or by individual businesses like Costco. But no mandate.
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If only were were so lucky to have the parliamentarian also put the kibosh on the state bailouts, foreign aid welfare, and the other foolhardy crap in that abortion of a bill too.

That doesn't matter, the Senate Leadership- the Democrats- have the authority to overturn a parliamentarian ruling at any time, for any reason or no reason. If they want the matter passed and have a majority, they can have the ruling of their choice.

As far as the Minimum Wage issue, Schumer may not have even wanted it to pass, but is just planning to keep it alive as a political issue.
That doesn't matter, the Senate Leadership- the Democrats- have the authority to overturn a parliamentarian ruling at any time, for any reason or no reason. If they want the matter passed and have a majority, they can have the ruling of their choice.

As far as the Minimum Wage issue, Schumer may not have even wanted it to pass, but is just planning to keep it alive as a political issue.

If the Dems overturn the parliamentarian's ruling then they have once again set a precedent that the GOP will use when they regain their Senate majority, whenever that is. And frankly there are couple of Dems who won't vote for the $15 MW in reconciliation, so they weren't going to get that through in a reconciliation bill anyway.

And I think the Dems can use that as a political weapon against the Repubs in 2022 and 2024 and probably forever. The mileage they get from not passing it could outweigh the benefits they get if they did get it through.
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I support a rise in the minimum wage but I also think that all major issues should be it's own bill.
I financed my way thru graduate school on minimum and less than minimum wage jobs thru graduate school----leading to something like a Ph-D-----I am old now and disabled----but----I WOULD LIKE TO RETURN TO BABYSITTING-----at $ 15 per hour------I need the money-----rather than 50 cents per hour------OK?
Anyone need an old lady to baby sit a------sweet little baby----Saturday nite------for five hours at 15 dollars per hour? ---------75 dollars extra per week-----for me----would be REALLY nice -----no tip necessary. That would be---------300 dollars on top of my SOCIAL SECURITY------- SWEET~~~~~ per month-----I can use the money and I do not even use marijuana
The minimum wage has ramped from $3.10 in 1980 to the current $7.25 in 2009, so about 30 years to double it. The dems want to double it again over the next four years, in the middle of the toughest time for small business since the Great Depression. While small businesses continue to go under and struggle to stay alive in the midst of lockdowns and reduced capacity rules; Amazon, Walmart, and Costco are reporting record earnings. They can deal with the higher minimum wage, and would love nothing better than putting as many competitors out of business as possible by driving up their labor cost. I don't understand how this is even a discussion right now.
The ruling from the Parliamentarian was pre-determined after Chuck U. Schumer figured he couldn't get a majority at all on this issue. At least one Democrat told him to "fuck off". Ms. MacDonough only follows orders.

Not really. The democrats cannot bypass the 60 vote rule on everything through reconciliation. There are actual rules about it. It was why so much had to be gutted last time. Anyway, the problem is that the democrats want too much and refuse to settle. They would rather people continue at $7.25 an hour than be seen compromising for something like $10/hr which would probably pass with bipartisan support.
The minimum wage has ramped from $3.10 in 1980 to the current $7.25 in 2009, so about 30 years to double it. The dems want to double it again over the next four years, in the middle of the toughest time for small business since the Great Depression. While small businesses continue to go under and struggle to stay alive in the midst of lockdowns and reduced capacity rules; Amazon, Walmart, and Costco are reporting record earnings. They can deal with the higher minimum wage, and would love nothing better than putting as many competitors out of business as possible by driving up their labor cost. I don't understand how this is even a discussion right now.

well done------in memory of the famous "novella" ---
ANIMAL FARM------you have revealed just WHO
are the real PIGS. Do not misconstrue. I do not
consider Walmart and Costco the PIGS-----those
corporations have no choice but to DEAL with the
conditions created by the PIGS-----which are the jerks
campaigning for the $ 15 minimum wage on the backs of ALL AMERICANS

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