CDZ Off-duty police were part of the Capitol mob. Now police are turning in their own.

Tom Paine 1949

Diamond Member
Mar 15, 2020
There is no doubt that local police rank and file across the country overwhelmingly voted for Trump. In “banana republics” police officers and professional soldiers often are at the front line of coups. Ex-soldiers are often experienced professional killers who have trouble returning to normal life. We are now learning that more than a few Trump-supporting cops, national guardsmen and ex-“cops of the world” joined with the Trump mob that openly and physically attacked Congress to try to keep Trump in office. There is no choice but to fire and severely punish these Capitol invaders. An example must be made so police or soldiers or wild “militiamen” who are so bold as to think they can organize a future coup in the U.S. think twice. There must also be investigations of any “insiders” who helped the rioters invade the Capitol while it was in Joint Session. Our lame duck President should be convicted in the Senate for the political “high crime and misdemeanor” of encouraging this shameful crime and stain on our polity.

Do you agree, or do you think our society can afford to treat this Capitol invasion as if it was nothing more than “patriotic play-acting,” just another street demonstration or local riot?


“At least 13 off-duty law enforcement officials are suspected of taking part in the riot, a tally that could grow as investigators continue to pore over footage and records to identify participants. Police leaders are turning in their own to the FBI and taking the striking step of reminding officers in their departments that criminal misconduct could push them off the force and behind bars....

“[The] president of the Major Cities [Police] Chiefs Association, said the behavior is so egregious that it is often fellow officers who are alerting police chiefs and others to their colleagues’ participation in last week’s mob attack on the Capitol....

“It marks a notable break in the so-called “blue wall of silence,” an aspect of police culture that encourages officers to turn a blind eye to misconduct by fellow officers....”
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The number of off-duty police officers and soldiers who attended the rally was of course far greater than the 13 or so who are reportedly currently being investigated for actual rioting. There is no question that those who merely attended the Trump rally on their own time, yet refused to break onto Capitol property were not committing any crime. Stupidity or just being misled by a demagogic President is not by itself a crime.
Sounds like the group consisted of some of our nations them to the ANTIFA and BLM thugs...when they get arrested we see that they have rap sheets a mile long.....
The new Trump party has stolen democrats from the dem party in record numbers.....and that's gonna sting forever....
The new Trump party has stolen democrats from the dem party in record numbers.....and that's gonna sting forever.
I think you need to quit drinking the kool-aid.

Nearly 5,000 NC voters change party affiliation in week after DC riots

According to the data, which breaks down how many of the state’s registered voters changed parties from Jan. 6 through Monday, more than three times as many Republicans as Democrats changed their party registrations during that span.
I bet 95% of the NG troops that are forced to guard the Capitol lest they be charged under the UCMJ voted for Trump.

Are the Socialists going to purge them from the military now?

You know, like that shithead Obama purged the upper leadership of the military?
The number of off-duty police officers and soldiers who attended the rally was of course far greater than the 13 or so who are reportedly currently being investigated for actual rioting. There is no question that those who merely attended the Trump rally on their own time, yet refused to break onto Capitol property were not committing any crime. Stupidity or just being misled by a demagogic President is not by itself a crime.
Great that you're taking a chance on this section of the forum Tom!

It's probably the most important discussion Americans will ever have on a forum such as this. There's just no way of minimizing the impact of police officers being a part of the revolutionary attempt against government!

And it does really beg the question on how many police officers are sympathetic to the Trump regime and his ridiculous claims of him winning the election.

Does Trump's vote of close to half the people represent anything close to half of law enforcement? I would say it would be somewhat less due to police officers being grounded in rational attitudes, more than the general population.

I hope this thread can survive here. You're going to have to ask that it be policed.
I bet 95% of the NG troops that are forced to guard the Capitol lest they be charged under the UCMJ voted for Trump. Are the Socialists going to purge them from the military now? You know, like that shithead Obama purged the upper leadership of the military?
I'll take that bet. The MD NG is at least purple, if not solid blue.
There is no doubt that local police rank and file across the country overwhelmingly voted for Trump. In “banana republics” police officers and professional soldiers often are at the front line of coups. Ex-soldiers are often experienced professional killers who have trouble returning to normal life. We are now learning that more than a few Trump-supporting cops, national guardsmen and ex-“cops of the world” joined with the Trump mob that openly and physically attacked Congress to try to keep Trump in office. There is no choice but to fire and severely punish these Capitol invaders. An example must be made so police or soldiers or wild “militiamen” who are so bold as to think they can organize a future coup in the U.S. think twice. There must also be investigations of any “insiders” who helped the rioters invade the Capitol while it was in Joint Session. Our lame duck President should be convicted in the Senate for the political “high crime and misdemeanor” of encouraging this shameful crime and stain on our polity.

Do you agree, or do you think our society can afford to treat this Capitol invasion as if it was nothing more than “patriotic play-acting,” just another street demonstration or local riot?


“At least 13 off-duty law enforcement officials are suspected of taking part in the riot, a tally that could grow as investigators continue to pore over footage and records to identify participants. Police leaders are turning in their own to the FBI and taking the striking step of reminding officers in their departments that criminal misconduct could push them off the force and behind bars....

“[The] president of the Major Cities [Police] Chiefs Association, said the behavior is so egregious that it is often fellow officers who are alerting police chiefs and others to their colleagues’ participation in last week’s mob attack on the Capitol....

“It marks a notable break in the so-called “blue wall of silence,” an aspect of police culture that encourages officers to turn a blind eye to misconduct by fellow officers....”
This should come as no surprise to anyone. Specifically we have discussed a group known as "Oath Keepers" made up primarily of LEOs and military both active and veteran. These folks have sworn an oath to protect and defend the Constitution from all enemies foreign or domestic.. Contrary to most politicians they actually meant their oath and still do and consider the Constitution the ultimate law in the land above government and politics. Should it come down to an actual shooting war I expect the the majority of them will side with the People instead of the government.
The new Trump party has stolen democrats from the dem party in record numbers.....and that's gonna sting forever.
I think you need to quit drinking the kool-aid.

Nearly 5,000 NC voters change party affiliation in week after DC riots

According to the data, which breaks down how many of the state’s registered voters changed parties from Jan. 6 through Monday, more than three times as many Republicans as Democrats changed their party registrations during that span.
Sounds fake. You don’t have to change your affiliation to vote.
I bet 95% of the NG troops that are forced to guard the Capitol lest they be charged under the UCMJ voted for Trump. Are the Socialists going to purge them from the military now? You know, like that shithead Obama purged the upper leadership of the military?
I'll take that bet. The MD NG is at least purple, if not solid blue.

Been listening to CNN a lot lately?

Veterans and active duty are strong Conservatives.

Nobody that ever served in the military or is serving now would support that idiot China Joe to be Commander in Chief.

Well maybe Black Navy cooks or the few transexuals and queers but not the real soldiers, marines, airmen and sailors.
Everyone who carries police credentials that entitle them to exercise in their communities must be apprehended if they participated in the riot at the Capitol, fired, and charged. Current service members, and, I believe retired service members to some degree, must face discipline under the UCMJ. That traitors seek to recruit them due to their training has been no secret for several years. I think that members of the right-wing Oathkeepers group did participate, and they claim that they have the right to interpret the Constitution on the hoof in their communities, rather than enforcing the law as written.

Two cops from Virginia who were among the rioters were caught the other day, and there are other cases.

Now this is scary: CNN just announced that a guy from Virginia (no information on whether he is a cop or service member) was just caught at a checkpoint entering DC with fake inauguration credentials, as well as a glock and 500 rounds of ammunition.
Now this is scary: CNN just announced that a guy from Virginia (no information on whether he is a cop or service member) was just caught at a checkpoint entering DC with fake inauguration credentials, as well as a glock and 500 rounds of ammunition.

I would conclude that the Magas are going to try to murder Biden.
This calls for upping the ante on defensive measures surrounding the Capitol!
Now this is scary: CNN just announced that a guy from Virginia (no information on whether he is a cop or service member) was just caught at a checkpoint entering DC with fake inauguration credentials, as well as a glock and 500 rounds of ammunition.

I would conclude that the Magas are going to try to murder Biden.
This calls for upping the ante on defensive measures surrounding the Capitol!

I worry about snipers, but the police will have their own snipers and most likely are patrolling nearby buildings, including their roofs. I'm glad that they are taking all precautions, including closing the local bridges over the Potomac. I guess they have something going on for people exiting off of the beltway, which goes over the river twice.
I worry about snipers, but the police will have their own snipers and most likely are patrolling nearby buildings, including their roofs. I'm glad that they are taking all precautions, including closing the local bridges over the Potomac. I guess they have something going on for people exiting off of the beltway, which goes over the river twice.

How long are the police and military going to need to keep up the very high security? Is the situation going to die down even after Trump is ousted and Biden is installed in the WH?

I doubt it!

If gentle persuasion fails to put down a revolutionary attempt, more sterner measures are usually called for!
Being gentle for too long results in a successful revolution, or in this case a takeover by a fascist regime.

It's time for some heads to roll.
I worry about snipers, but the police will have their own snipers and most likely are patrolling nearby buildings, including their roofs. I'm glad that they are taking all precautions, including closing the local bridges over the Potomac. I guess they have something going on for people exiting off of the beltway, which goes over the river twice.

How long are the police and military going to need to keep up the very high security? Is the situation going to die down even after Trump is ousted and Biden is installed in the WH?

I doubt it!

If gentle persuasion fails to put down a revolutionary attempt, more sterner measures are usually called for!
Being gentle for too long results in a successful revolution, or in this case a takeover by a fascist regime.

It's time for some heads to roll.

trump isn't being "ousted." He lost a fair and free election to Biden, and the Constitution specifies exactly when his term is up, down to the minute.

This MAGA trouble is being taken very seriously. These right-wing crackpots will never get near Biden. Nobody ever is allowed to get near any president of either party. The Secret Service people on presidential detail will physically pick up the POTUS if they have to. I once waited on an on-ramp to 395 for over a half-hour because the police shut down the all the northbound lanes to allow Dubya's motorcade to return to DC.

Frankly, I sometimes wish that the gallows these morons erected in front of the Capitol could be used on them, but my better angels squelch this thought.

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