Of course.....China joe biden quotes the mass murderer Mao......


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
When China is your boss, you have to suck up to them....joe biden and his family are completely owned by China after son hunter biden landed a 1.5 billion dollar deal with the Chinese government. He made the deal by flying with his father on Air Force 2...but nothing to see here...

What is it with democrats supporting mass murdering socialists....first stalin, now mao...they also love putin...just ask hilary and obama....

Remember......mao is responsible for the murder of 70 million or more innocent men, women and children.......

Former Vice President Joe Biden used a quote made famous by the late Chinese Communist leader Mao Zedong in an online fundraiser with Valerie Jarrett, former President Barack Obama’s chief White House adviser, on Monday evening.

According to the pool reporter who watched the event, Biden then cited the Chinese proverb, “Women hold up half the sky.”
The phrase comes from a proclamation by Mao in the mid-20th century that helped grant certain rights to women in China. The phrase became commonplace in China at the time, often appearing on pieces of propaganda in factories or other industrial areas.
The quote may be no accident. Anita Dunn, a senior adviser to the Biden campaign, infamously praised Mao in 2009, when she was Obama’s White House communications director, calling him one of her two “favorite political philosophers”:

So Mao Zedong said that, maybe if women made the same money as men,

men can stay home and do housework! and homeschool the kids which women have!!
So Mao Zedong said that, maybe if women made the same money as men,

men can stay home and do housework! and homeschool the kids which women have!!

Mao murdered over 70 million people.

I know that goes over your head...but you should really think on that.
So Mao Zedong said that, maybe if women made the same money as men,

men can stay home and do housework! and homeschool the kids which women have!!
Penelope...you are throwing away those protections.
When China is your boss, you have to suck up to them....joe biden and his family are completely owned by China after son hunter biden landed a 1.5 billion dollar deal with the Chinese government. He made the deal by flying with his father on Air Force 2...but nothing to see here...

What is it with democrats supporting mass murdering socialists....first stalin, now mao...they also love putin...just ask hilary and obama....

Remember......mao is responsible for the murder of 70 million or more innocent men, women and children.......

Former Vice President Joe Biden used a quote made famous by the late Chinese Communist leader Mao Zedong in an online fundraiser with Valerie Jarrett, former President Barack Obama’s chief White House adviser, on Monday evening.

According to the pool reporter who watched the event, Biden then cited the Chinese proverb, “Women hold up half the sky.”
The phrase comes from a proclamation by Mao in the mid-20th century that helped grant certain rights to women in China. The phrase became commonplace in China at the time, often appearing on pieces of propaganda in factories or other industrial areas.
The quote may be no accident. Anita Dunn, a senior adviser to the Biden campaign, infamously praised Mao in 2009, when she was Obama’s White House communications director, calling him one of her two “favorite political philosophers”:

Joe's boss isn't China. Joe's boss is sitting in Rome. What he's doing is saying something about his religion, while also propagating that he's a St. Joseph Caephus revolutionary, and has a culture war in mind and it's men and women that together hold up the sky. He's the Paul of the Beatles.



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So Mao Zedong said that, maybe if women made the same money as men,

men can stay home and do housework! and homeschool the kids which women have!!
maybe when women start climbing ladders and hauling the heavy loads of society they will get paid more,,,
When China is your boss, you have to suck up to them....joe biden and his family are completely owned by China after son hunter biden landed a 1.5 billion dollar deal with the Chinese government. He made the deal by flying with his father on Air Force 2...but nothing to see here...

What is it with democrats supporting mass murdering socialists....first stalin, now mao...they also love putin...just ask hilary and obama....

Remember......mao is responsible for the murder of 70 million or more innocent men, women and children.......

Former Vice President Joe Biden used a quote made famous by the late Chinese Communist leader Mao Zedong in an online fundraiser with Valerie Jarrett, former President Barack Obama’s chief White House adviser, on Monday evening.

According to the pool reporter who watched the event, Biden then cited the Chinese proverb, “Women hold up half the sky.”
The phrase comes from a proclamation by Mao in the mid-20th century that helped grant certain rights to women in China. The phrase became commonplace in China at the time, often appearing on pieces of propaganda in factories or other industrial areas.
The quote may be no accident. Anita Dunn, a senior adviser to the Biden campaign, infamously praised Mao in 2009, when she was Obama’s White House communications director, calling him one of her two “favorite political philosophers”:

First off China Joe will palgiarize any quote that he thinks will help him. However, I don't think joey did that on his own. He was reading from the teleprompter or repeating what someone was wishpering in his ear piece.
Obviously Ms. Dunn frequently quotes from her little "Red Book".
Some are claiming that Hillary is the wild card dealt from the bottom of the deck in this mess. The PMS/DSA Left will slide her in with no debates and take out Joey either physically or literally.
Like most Dems Joe will attempt to purchase votes by saying anything. He just promised the green tree huggers he would spend $2 trillion in four years reducing carbon emissions.
So Mao Zedong said that, maybe if women made the same money as men,

men can stay home and do housework! and homeschool the kids which women have!!

As you know, women do earn as much as men.

Has anyone ever told you that men and women are different? That was discovered a while back by Time magazine. WHO KNEW?


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