Of all things in the world, Germans fear the US regime the most

That was the campaign Trump. He has no intention of leaving Nato unless Europe starts to stand on own foods.

Wrong. Trump wants out, as do many Americans.
Wrong. Trump wants us to pay more. If the US gets out, I am fine with that.

Well, I think you and I are on the same page. I don't believe that Germany is facing an invasion from the Russians nor from anyone else. NATO was a great success, but it's time is over. The U.S. should withdraw its 33,000 remaining troops.
Trump won´t. Germany is a key element, where the US conducts many transport flights, ect. 800 bases in 70 countries need an infrastructure.

An air base for logistics might make sense, but only with the permission of the German government. After all, Trump isn't a dictator.
I don´t know. We do still have a post-war period and the US and Russia can use our airspace even without announcement.
When you visit my town you can ask any of the Jungenbumser and they will start singing an alleluia on the US but the reality looks different. The new annual security report by Allensbach includes many factors like economic development, crime, terrorism, cataclysm, ect. But it is astonishing that all this threats are dwarfed by the fear of the US government.
Trump is fueling this fear but he is not the actual catalyst in my opinion. With Trump, the government has just dropped all pretense, that´s all.

"The security report 2019 shows clearly: For the German citizens there is one central instability factor that terrifies them. And that is the USA under Trump."

Sicherheitsreport 2019 | Sicherheitsreport - Centrum für Strategie und Höhere Führung

Really? They don't actually fear Russia more than the U.S.....? Germans really are pretty stupid then....

When you visit my town you can ask any of the Jungenbumser and they will start singing an alleluia on the US but the reality looks different. The new annual security report by Allensbach includes many factors like economic development, crime, terrorism, cataclysm, ect. But it is astonishing that all this threats are dwarfed by the fear of the US government.
Trump is fueling this fear but he is not the actual catalyst in my opinion. With Trump, the government has just dropped all pretense, that´s all.

"The security report 2019 shows clearly: For the German citizens there is one central instability factor that terrifies them. And that is the USA under Trump."

Sicherheitsreport 2019 | Sicherheitsreport - Centrum für Strategie und Höhere Führung

Really? They don't actually fear Russia more than the U.S.....? Germans really are pretty stupid then....

No. The latest study shows, it is the US. 45 % fear Russia but it is only 21 % in the former German Democratic Republic.
They are smart to fear the US. No other nation has caused more war, since 1945.
These wars are in no comparison with that one the Germans caused in 1939.
You need to do some studying.
Maybe. Can you name a war in which civilians were killed in such organised manner and which caused similar number of victims?
Really? What the US did to Germany and Japan was nothing short of a war crime. Then they repeated their love of total war on North Korea and Vietnam.
There are a great deal of things the Americans did in Vietnam which can be considered as war crimes. But it is just dishonest to compare WW2 with Vietnam war.

About their deeds in Germany. Some consider as a war crime mass bombardment of German cities during the war. Maybe it is. But after all atrocities the Germans did in occupied lands I have no pity for them. They get what they deserved.
These wars are in no comparison with that one the Germans caused in 1939.
Such trying to stop Soviet communists overrunning Europe? And we all know who the Soviet communist leaders were. They invented labor camps called Gulag also, way before WWII.
They were mostly bastards. But I dont understand your point.
They are smart to fear the US. No other nation has caused more war, since 1945.
These wars are in no comparison with that one the Germans caused in 1939.
You need to do some studying.
Maybe. Can you name a war in which civilians were killed in such organised manner and which caused similar number of victims?
Really? What the US did to Germany and Japan was nothing short of a war crime. Then they repeated their love of total war on North Korea and Vietnam.
There are a great deal of things the Americans did in Vietnam which can be considered as war crimes. But it is just dishonest to compare WW2 with Vietnam war.

About their deeds in Germany. Some consider as a war crime mass bombardment of German cities during the war. Maybe it is. But after all atrocities the Germans did in occupied lands I have no pity for them. They get what they deserved.
That’s the thing. Americans like to think their government above committing atrocities similar to those by their enemy, but it is naive.

I am an American who firmly believes our government should never commit acts of total war. We should be better than our enemies.
These wars are in no comparison with that one the Germans caused in 1939.
You need to do some studying.
Maybe. Can you name a war in which civilians were killed in such organised manner and which caused similar number of victims?
Really? What the US did to Germany and Japan was nothing short of a war crime. Then they repeated their love of total war on North Korea and Vietnam.
There are a great deal of things the Americans did in Vietnam which can be considered as war crimes. But it is just dishonest to compare WW2 with Vietnam war.

About their deeds in Germany. Some consider as a war crime mass bombardment of German cities during the war. Maybe it is. But after all atrocities the Germans did in occupied lands I have no pity for them. They get what they deserved.
That’s the thing. Americans like to think their government above committing atrocities similar to those by their enemy, but it is naive.

I am an American who firmly believes our government should never commit acts of total war. We should be better than our enemies.
Unfortunately, during wars the worst sides of human beings expose themselves in full scale.
You need to do some studying.
Maybe. Can you name a war in which civilians were killed in such organised manner and which caused similar number of victims?
Really? What the US did to Germany and Japan was nothing short of a war crime. Then they repeated their love of total war on North Korea and Vietnam.
There are a great deal of things the Americans did in Vietnam which can be considered as war crimes. But it is just dishonest to compare WW2 with Vietnam war.

About their deeds in Germany. Some consider as a war crime mass bombardment of German cities during the war. Maybe it is. But after all atrocities the Germans did in occupied lands I have no pity for them. They get what they deserved.
That’s the thing. Americans like to think their government above committing atrocities similar to those by their enemy, but it is naive.

I am an American who firmly believes our government should never commit acts of total war. We should be better than our enemies.
Unfortunately, during wars the worst sides of human beings expose themselves in full scale.
We should not allow our leaders to commit war criminals, period. No excuses.
Maybe. Can you name a war in which civilians were killed in such organised manner and which caused similar number of victims?
Really? What the US did to Germany and Japan was nothing short of a war crime. Then they repeated their love of total war on North Korea and Vietnam.
There are a great deal of things the Americans did in Vietnam which can be considered as war crimes. But it is just dishonest to compare WW2 with Vietnam war.

About their deeds in Germany. Some consider as a war crime mass bombardment of German cities during the war. Maybe it is. But after all atrocities the Germans did in occupied lands I have no pity for them. They get what they deserved.
That’s the thing. Americans like to think their government above committing atrocities similar to those by their enemy, but it is naive.

I am an American who firmly believes our government should never commit acts of total war. We should be better than our enemies.
Unfortunately, during wars the worst sides of human beings expose themselves in full scale.
We should not allow our leaders to commit war criminals, period. No excuses.
American leaders? The US are degrading in this case Im afraid. The ruling elites are closed entities which keep the citizens under total surveillance and create informational background which comfort them.
Germany is afraid that the US will interfere with the national March to becoming an islamic republic.

Germans will not all bare their necks for the muslim masters. It's not in their DNA. Today, somewhere in Germany the next Hitler is starting to seethe.
These wars are in no comparison with that one the Germans caused in 1939.
You need to do some studying.
Maybe. Can you name a war in which civilians were killed in such organised manner and which caused similar number of victims?
Really? What the US did to Germany and Japan was nothing short of a war crime. Then they repeated their love of total war on North Korea and Vietnam.
There are a great deal of things the Americans did in Vietnam which can be considered as war crimes. But it is just dishonest to compare WW2 with Vietnam war.

About their deeds in Germany. Some consider as a war crime mass bombardment of German cities during the war. Maybe it is. But after all atrocities the Germans did in occupied lands I have no pity for them. They get what they deserved.
That’s the thing. Americans like to think their government above committing atrocities similar to those by their enemy, but it is naive.

I am an American who firmly believes our government should never commit acts of total war. We should be better than our enemies.
If you are not willing to commit total war, you will lose.
They are smart to fear the US. No other nation has caused more war, since 1945.
But it is so simple to blend us.


You confuse something here. Men like Senator McCain and president Barack Obama never were an enemy of Germany and the western world.

Our Stukas will deal with them.

So your grandfather was one the criminal Stuka pilots of the allies who fired once into the trecks of German refugees who had to leave their home lands? And you are still proud on this? What a perverted nation.
Fire bombing and two abombs on defenseless cities full of women and children, are war crimes.

Not to mention the absolute destruction of German cities to rubble. However, what was the alternative?

Not to do so. It was not only senseless to do all this mass murder on civilist - it was even counterproductive because it made the war longer.

An invasion of mainland Japan?

You preferred to massmurder Japanese civilists with nukes instead to do so - although your war in Europe was over and you was able to use this free ressources too.

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