Occupy Berkeley –Its on!


conscientia mille testes
Jun 17, 2010
The Bay Area Soviet
I heard about Occupy Berkeley on campus, so I went down town for lunch today and decided to stop by the Occupy Berkeley Center......well, for the one time center of the free speech movement,I was underwhelmed, not a whole lot of occupying going on it appears...

I counted 6 people. 3 of dubious street origins and 3 who seemed to be just hanging out waiting on the other occupiers.

some pics I took. The gentleman in the orange shirt in the left rear of the shots is Wry Catcher I think....apparently occupation is a tiring business. :rolleyes:


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Since Berkeley is already full of hippies and ne'er-do-wells, I would think that the occupation may require people with actual jobs and/or a purpose in life to show up as an opposition to their status quo.
Apparently, 1,000 countries around the world are protesting. According to Diane Sawyer... whose knowledge of geography appears to need more study.

I heard about Occupy Berkeley on campus, so I went down town for lunch today and decided to stop by the Occupy Berkeley Center......well, for the one time center of the free speech movement,I was underwhelmed, not a whole lot of occupying going on it appears...

I counted 6 people. 3 of dubious street origins and 3 who seemed to be just hanging out waiting on the other occupiers.

some pics I took. The gentleman in the orange shirt in the left rear of the shots is Wry Catcher I think....apparently occupation is a tiring business. :rolleyes:

Its been rainy... give them time. The rats are only fair weather rats.
Go Berkeley! Go Kent State!

A trip down memory lane....

"Instructive of the movement is the new evidence released by the FBI as to the causes of the Kent State shootings of 1970. “Previously undisclosed FBI documents suggest that the Kent State antiwar protests were more meticulously planned than originally thought and that one or more gunshots may have been fired at embattled Ohio National Guardsmen before their killings of four students and woundings of at least nine others on that searing day in May 1970….

Yet the declassified FBI files show the FBI already had developed credible evidence suggesting that there was indeed a sniper and that one or more shots may have been fired at the guardsmen first….And a memorandum sent to FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover on May 19, 1970, referred to bullet holes found in a tree and a statue — evidence, the report stated, that “indicated that at least two shots had been fired at the National Guard.” New light shed on Kent State killings - Washington Times

So....wadda ya think....will the Pee Party be peaceful?
I heard about Occupy Berkeley on campus, so I went down town for lunch today and decided to stop by the Occupy Berkeley Center......well, for the one time center of the free speech movement,I was underwhelmed, not a whole lot of occupying going on it appears...

I counted 6 people. 3 of dubious street origins and 3 who seemed to be just hanging out waiting on the other occupiers.

some pics I took. The gentleman in the orange shirt in the left rear of the shots is Wry Catcher I think....apparently occupation is a tiring business. :rolleyes:

That looks like the regular group down near Rasputins!

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