Obola White House IGNORED warnings from the CDC

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Obama administration ignored the CDC s Ebola outbreak prevention advice given in 2008 - Washington Times

Yes, I'm back.. Deal with it.

We have a White House who REFUSES to protect American citizens by banning all flights from the EBOLA infected regions around the world even while nation after nation and industries institute their own bans. This is a President who is either dumb as a box of rocks or purposely wants to harm Americans. NO ONE but lock step Zombies who are a waste of breath and anything of substance along with their IDIOT N CHIEF buy in to this dangerous russian roulette game of EBOLA death..
You answered your own question. obola purposely wants to harm Americans.

are you the stupidest person on the board or just one of the stupidest people on the board?
Sheesh you'd think it was W Bush at the helm what with the way people are panicking. We have reasonable people at the top now.

Calm down.
Why are you still in this thread if you think anyone is hysterical?? Hmm? Because you're compelled to make excuses for your dumbass politicians who you worship.. that's why.. Run along and get the free abortion coupons your messiah hands out daily.

I think it's more that it's important to point out when wingnuts are lying sociopaths
Sheesh you'd think it was W Bush at the helm what with the way people are panicking. We have reasonable people at the top now.

Calm down.
Why are you still in this thread if you think anyone is hysterical?? Hmm? Because you're compelled to make excuses for your dumbass politicians who you worship.. that's why.. Run along and get the free abortion coupons your messiah hands out daily.
You guys are always trying to get the opposition out of the threads.. Chicken? Bwak bwak...
At least 2000 to 3000 ILLEGALS not being screened.. but border patrol has been ordered by President Obola to give them an EBOLA factsheet if they see them illegally crossing over.. Can you see it now?? Chasing down an illegal and saying, "No worries you can break the laws here and cross illegally but just take this EBOLA handout."


That was just testified to by border patrol
Sheesh you'd think it was W Bush at the helm what with the way people are panicking. We have reasonable people at the top now.

Calm down.
Why are you still in this thread if you think anyone is hysterical?? Hmm? Because you're compelled to make excuses for your dumbass politicians who you worship.. that's why.. Run along and get the free abortion coupons your messiah hands out daily.
You guys are always trying to get the opposition out of the threads.. Chicken? Bwak bwak...

You're sounding rather shrill.. Perhaps some geritol or laxatives?
This is pretty sad you all trying to make Ebola, a killer virus, such a political football.
This is pretty sad you all trying to make Ebola, a killer virus, such a political football.

Your Obola THUG made it an issue when he refused AND STILL REFUSES to protect Americans which is his most solemn duty. He should be immediately impeached.. He has FAILED the American people completely.. You lockstep whiney fucks are an example of ENABLERS.. you own it, the blood, infection, disease.. ALL OF YOU LIBERALS.
Sarah in here crying like a biatch when her own party and President REFUSE to protect Americans.. you're witnessing the sheer idiocy and INSANITY of liberalism..
Is that it crybaby?? Your messiah IGNORED CDC warnings that could have stopped this from even happening YEARS ago and now refuses to halt people with EBOLA from entering this country and KILLING Americans and you just whine like some mad baglady??
Is that it crybaby?? Your messiah IGNORED CDC warnings that could have stopped this from even happening YEARS ago and now refuses to halt people with EBOLA from entering this country and KILLING Americans and you just whine like some mad baglady??

If they implemented 10 of the 18 recommendations, how do you get to the word 'ignore'?

Well, except for the obvious reason, because you're mentally retarded...
Is that it crybaby?? Your messiah IGNORED CDC warnings that could have stopped this from even happening YEARS ago and now refuses to halt people with EBOLA from entering this country and KILLING Americans and you just whine like some mad baglady??

If they implemented 10 of the 18 recommendations, how do you get to the word 'ignore'?

Well, except for the obvious reason, because you're mentally retarded...
You're the same OLD FOOL who eats Obola's dingleberries for lunch.. in other words, you slobbering leftists have ZERO to add to a conservation.. all you do is post pure BULLSHIT like the crust you just did.. "Oh wait, but my messiah implemented almost 10 of the 18.. wahhhh no fair to blame him for ignoring the CDC.. he did some of it.. even if he didn't do the most important things.. Wahhhh so what, we loves him!

At this point we have zero Americans dead from contracting an 'imported' Ebola virus.

Did Thomas Sowell support the useless killing of 4500 Americans by Bush in Iraq?


President OBOLA refuses to protect Americans and that old fuck Carbie chimes in Booooooooooooooooooooooooosh
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