Obese "Teacher" Attacks Student (video)

She sure had a lot of criticisims of the boy, who seemed to really take it all pretty well. I can say she doesn't have much room to talk, and that would be true on many levels.
If she's so concerned about dying she needs to lay off the Crispy Creme, then get back to us
Edited title. There is no evidence this woman is a Democrat. Don't post baiting threads or they will be closed
I don't know the history of that teacher and student, but the teacher definitely lost her cool in this video. With almost all high school students having phones, teachers need to understand that big brother is always watching. Even if big brother wasn't watching, the teacher should have been more professional.
How long till Biden awards her teacher of the year?


Why do you people have to make stuff up to justify your politics?

Your right, other than more pasta in the buffet, we don't know what this woman has voted for in the last 8 years, but then why is it whenever there is a person who refuses or is waiting to take the Covid vaccine, he is called a Trumper by you guys right here on the Left? Even though Trump was instrumental in getting the vaccines out in record time?
So it cuts both ways... We'll just call her a Democrat.
How long till Biden awards her teacher of the year?


Why do you people have to make stuff up to justify your politics?

Your right, other than more pasta in the buffet, we don't know what this woman has voted for in the last 8 years, but then why is it whenever there is a person who refuses or is waiting to take the Covid vaccine, he is called a Trumper by you guys right here on the Left? Even though Trump was instrumental in getting the vaccines out in record time?
So it cuts both ways... We'll just call her a Democrat.

I don't know for sure that she is a democrat, but If I were a betting man, I would bet that she is a democrat based on her profession and how she is overreacting about the mask.
The best part of that video is how she's claiming she doesn't want to get sick and die while she is waddling around at a metric ton. She's so morbidly obese she can't even stand all the way up and support herself. Anyway, it appears she's been placed on administrative leave temporarily.

How long till Biden awards her teacher of the year?


Why do you people have to make stuff up to justify your politics?

Your right, other than more pasta in the buffet, we don't know what this woman has voted for in the last 8 years, but then why is it whenever there is a person who refuses or is waiting to take the Covid vaccine, he is called a Trumper by you guys right here on the Left? Even though Trump was instrumental in getting the vaccines out in record time?
So it cuts both ways... We'll just call her a Democrat.

"you guys"? No, not "you guys", "those guys".

There are people on both sides who are so freaking ridiculous that they can't see things other than in a republican/democrat bitch slap.

"We'll just call her a Democrat"... yeah, you're one of "those guys".
How long till Biden awards her teacher of the year?


Why do you people have to make stuff up to justify your politics?

Your right, other than more pasta in the buffet, we don't know what this woman has voted for in the last 8 years, but then why is it whenever there is a person who refuses or is waiting to take the Covid vaccine, he is called a Trumper by you guys right here on the Left? Even though Trump was instrumental in getting the vaccines out in record time?
So it cuts both ways... We'll just call her a Democrat.

I don't know for sure that she is a democrat, but If I were a betting man, I would bet that she is a democrat based on her profession and how she is overreacting about the mask.

Two sorts of people. Those who don't know and accept they don't know and react accordingly, and those who don't know, so they make it fit their agenda.

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