Obese People


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2017
Are obese people largely genetically disposed to get fat? Perhaps their genes come from populations that experienced reduced food sources and fat storage was a survival tactic. Just wondering.
Are obese people largely genetically disposed to get fat? Perhaps their genes come from populations that experienced reduced food sources and fat storage was a survival tactic. Just wondering.

More likely a combination of genetic disposition combined with the artificial plasticated food that the FDA drives many to who cannot cook well from fresh and lead mostly a life of pre-packaged ready food, combined with the lifestyle of working around the clock with little free time or the sedentary lifestyle of the big city.
More likely a combination of genetic disposition combined with the artificial plasticated food that the FDA drives many to who cannot cook well from fresh and lead mostly a life of pre-packaged ready food, combined with the lifestyle of working around the clock with little free time or the sedentary lifestyle of the big city.
Yeah that is a big factor. I do believe that some are genetically predisposed to obesity and blow up in America’s abundance.
Anyone can get fat. Anyone can get thin.
True that but, IMO some are more predisposed to storing excess fat maybe because of diet or genetics or maybe both. In America, where abundant food is typically available, it's easy to over eat.
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It is natural for the body to store fat, but the body chemistry goes haywire when there are no periods of half-starving in the winters to use up that stored fat and most work doesn't burn many calories these days, not when food is available 24/7 and of course lots of fast food, and we can count canned food and breads as fast food as well. There was a reason older cultures divided a lot of labor by sex, and it wasn't 'cuz men are evul n sexist n stuff'.

People were also a lot smaller and shorter, due to lack of protein in most diets, which was why the 'nobility' were considered 'huge' and intimidating to most peasants. They had more meat in their diet, while peasants mostly ate porridge and bread. There were variations in different eras, bot that was mostly the case throughout history after the foraging and hunting of the earliest peoples. Farmers starved a lot, being dependent on fickle weather and grain crops. Hunter/gatherer types didn't have long lifespans, either. In my grandfather's day lifespans were a lot shorter for farmers and laborers as well.
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I had a doctor tell me that the body uses extra fat as a storage vehicle for all of the toxicity that we are exposed to in the modern world. These toxic chemicals can damage vital organs so the body goes into fat-making mode to create a safe place to store the toxicity that we can't metabolize out.

Same doc told me about the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) genetic mutation. People who have this mutation cannot metabolize and flush out toxins as readily as others and so their bodies need more of that fat to protect vital organs from the damage that the toxins can do.

What I do know is that obese people are at a much higher death risk post serious covid or following killer shot major adverse reactions .

But do not let them know that their departure means more space and freedom for us , the pure ones .We do not wish them to become more guilty , depressed and suicidal .:cool:
Are obese people largely genetically disposed to get fat? Perhaps their genes come from populations that experienced reduced food sources and fat storage was a survival tactic. Just wondering.
They just love to cram molecules do their fat face
Some of it is laziness, some of it is habit, but, I blame a lot of it on culture shift. Gone are the days where you could work 40 hours a week where you made enough to buy a house, 2 cars, supports a family, pay for college for the kids, and retire and live comfortably. you could come home at night, relax, eat a home cooked meal around the table, go golfing on the weekends...

Now it's working 60 to 80 hours a week to be able to make decent money, mom works too, breakfast is McDonald's, lunch is McDonald's, dinner is chilis...or McDonald's, weekends are for finishing up things at work.

People are working longer and harder these days so there isn't as much time for healthy living.

Or something like that.
Are obese people largely genetically disposed to get fat? Perhaps their genes come from populations that experienced reduced food sources and fat storage was a survival tactic. Just wondering.

I don't think it's ONLY over-eating and a sedentary lifestyle. Our food is crap, and the crap in it works to make Americans fat. It's sad.

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