Obama's right


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Gold Supporting Member
Apr 17, 2009
Canis Latrans
So was Bush.

This isn't a war against Islam. It's a war against extremists. America is a country of Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, athiests and those who's religions I don't know. By saying we are at war with Islam, we're saying we are at war with our own citizens solely because of their religion.

Obama is right about another thing. We can't fight ISIS, and other extremists, as a strictly military endeavor. It needs a holistic approach. This means getting at the root causes to prevent further extremist recruiting, this means involving communities both secular and religious.

Obama is also right about the level of our involvement. This is a struggle - a war within Islam - that can only be won by Muslims. If we, the West, step in beyond a supporting role - it will vindicate ISIS. ISIS, according to what I heard, is an Apocolyptic cult. If they can draw in the West, they will create the Apocolypse they desire. They will also draw sympathy to their cause because they will control the narrative and it's the same narrative that some here in the US are trying to propogate. The West vs. Islam.

That's the narrative that would lead to an Apocolypse. It's not the narrative we need or want. It's not the narrative Islam needs or wants. It only serves cults like ISIS. The Muslim majority countries in the ME must take the lead in any military endeavor - it's Muslims fighting extremists for the future of Islam. And we can only provide a supporting role, and we need to.

So, Obama is right. Bush is right. And kudus to both for holding to this truth.
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The problem with Apocolypses is that it is innocent people who are killed in the process.
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edited to add....I wouldn't be adverse to bombing them into their own personal Apocolypse...but it needs to be a joint effort with Muslims taking the lead.
So was Bush.

This isn't a war against Islam. It's a war against extremists. America is a country of Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, athiests and those who's religions I don't know. By saying we are at war with Islam, we're saying we are at war with our own citizens solely because of their religion.

Obama is right about another thing. We can't fight ISIS, and other extremists, as a strictly military endeavor. It needs a holistic approach. This means getting at the root causes to prevent further extremist recruiting, this means involving communities both secular and religious.

Obama is also right about the level of our involvement. This is a struggle - a war within Islam - that can only be won by Muslims. If we, the West, step in beyond a supporting role - it will vindicate ISIS. ISIS, according to what I heard, is an Apocolyptic cult. If they can draw in the West, they will create the Apocolypse they desire. They will also draw sympathy to their cause because they will control the narrative and it's the same narrative that some here in the US are trying to propogate. The West vs. Islam.

That's the narrative that would lead to an Apocolypse. It's not the narrative we need or want. It's not the narrative Islam needs or wants. It only serves cults like ISIS. The Muslim majority countries in the ME must take the lead in any military endeavor - it's Muslims fighting extremists for the future of Islam. And we can only provide a supporting role, and we need to.

So, Obama is right. Bush is right. And kudus to both for holding to this truth.

The "60 Minutes" segment on ISIS last Sunday was very clarifying about what is considered the "hybrid" terrorist, such as the four that attacked Charlie Hebdo in Paris. These are people who had former lives as illegal drug-using, womanizing criminals with prior arrest records who were recruited by ISIS.

So it only makes sense that Obama has publicly denied them the right to portray themselves as religious activists acting by the will of their god, and has referred to them as what they truly are: terrorists. Sorry, Republicans, but Obama is spot on.

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Innocents always get killed in conflict.... innocents are dying right now.

Yes, they are. But I really think we can't be the lead in this. It has to come from the surrounding states. They have to be willing to put some skin in this conflict.
edited to add....I wouldn't be adverse to bombing them into their own personal Apocolypse...but it needs to be a joint effort with Muslims taking the lead.

What are you going to bomb? ISIS members are hiding, like the cowards that they are, inside civilian areas of urban cities. They don't do publicized parades anymore, in case anyone else noticed.

You drop a bomb and kill 2-3 ISIS and 100+ civilians. Is that what you want to do? Better get Bradley Cooper back in the sniper saddle and a few SEALs in stealth helicopters.
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edited to add....I wouldn't be adverse to bombing them into their own personal Apocolypse...but it needs to be a joint effort with Muslims taking the lead.

What are you going to bomb? ISIS members are hiding, like the cowards that they are, inside civilian areas of urban cities. They don't do publicized parades anymore, in case anyone else noticed.

You drop a bomb and kill 2-3 ISIS and 100+ civilians. Is that what you want to do? Better get Bradley Cooper back in the sniper saddle and a few SEALs in stealth helicopters.

I was thinking more of the bombing campaign currently going on.
We are fighting Islamic extremists, who commit atrocities in the name of Islam. Call them what they are. We must respond with all deliberate force in conjunction with Jordan, Egypt, Japan, etc to crush the scourge of this world. ISIS is killing Christians, they beheaded two of our citizens. They won't stop until someone stops them.

We can debate semantics, our terminology, but until we stop, ISIS kills more people each day. And giving them a job isn't a wise idea.
So was Bush.

This isn't a war against Islam. It's a war against extremists. America is a country of Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, athiests and those who's religions I don't know. By saying we are at war with Islam, we're saying we are at war with our own citizens solely because of their religion.

Obama is right about another thing. We can't fight ISIS, and other extremists, as a strictly military endeavor. It needs a holistic approach. This means getting at the root causes to prevent further extremist recruiting, this means involving communities both secular and religious.

Obama is also right about the level of our involvement. This is a struggle - a war within Islam - that can only be won by Muslims. If we, the West, step in beyond a supporting role - it will vindicate ISIS. ISIS, according to what I heard, is an Apocolyptic cult. If they can draw in the West, they will create the Apocolypse they desire. They will also draw sympathy to their cause because they will control the narrative and it's the same narrative that some here in the US are trying to propogate. The West vs. Islam.

That's the narrative that would lead to an Apocolypse. It's not the narrative we need or want. It's not the narrative Islam needs or wants. It only serves cults like ISIS. The Muslim majority countries in the ME must take the lead in any military endeavor - it's Muslims fighting extremists for the future of Islam. And we can only provide a supporting role, and we need to.

So, Obama is right. Bush is right. And kudus to both for holding to this truth.

Bush is a stupid cowboy who pulled the trigger before he got his big-boy pants up past his knees.

ISIS wouldn't exist today without the largesse and sheer stupidity of Bush and Cheney doing NOTHING but enriching themselves. Narcissists. Any first year student of any military war college knew more about how to handle the problem in the Middle East than Bush did.
Saudis arent going anywhe
Innocents always get killed in conflict.... innocents are dying right now.

Yes, they are. But I really think we can't be the lead in this. It has to come from the surrounding states. They have to be willing to put some skin in this conflict.

Fine........ biggest Arab army in ME is Egypt and Obama is throwing them on the ash heap...... Saudis arent going anywhere with their army, we helped destroy the Syrian army...... so what does that leave you with
Sorry bout that,

1. America has to be drawn into this evilness and whack the shit out of it, we can't sit back and see how things go.
2. We need to locate these crazy bastards and send special ops in and out real fast, take out these losers then jump back into the helicopters.
3. Ride off into the sunset.
4. Then set it up again and do it again and again, as long as it takes.
5. And we need to protect Israel at all costs.

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So was Bush.

This isn't a war against Islam. It's a war against extremists. America is a country of Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, athiests and those who's religions I don't know. By saying we are at war with Islam, we're saying we are at war with our own citizens solely because of their religion.

Obama is right about another thing. We can't fight ISIS, and other extremists, as a strictly military endeavor. It needs a holistic approach. This means getting at the root causes to prevent further extremist recruiting, this means involving communities both secular and religious.

Obama is also right about the level of our involvement. This is a struggle - a war within Islam - that can only be won by Muslims. If we, the West, step in beyond a supporting role - it will vindicate ISIS. ISIS, according to what I heard, is an Apocolyptic cult. If they can draw in the West, they will create the Apocolypse they desire. They will also draw sympathy to their cause because they will control the narrative and it's the same narrative that some here in the US are trying to propogate. The West vs. Islam.

That's the narrative that would lead to an Apocolypse. It's not the narrative we need or want. It's not the narrative Islam needs or wants. It only serves cults like ISIS. The Muslim majority countries in the ME must take the lead in any military endeavor - it's Muslims fighting extremists for the future of Islam. And we can only provide a supporting role, and we need to.

So, Obama is right. Bush is right. And kudus to both for holding to this truth.

Bush is a stupid cowboy who pulled the trigger before he got his big-boy pants up past his knees.

ISIS wouldn't exist today without the largesse and sheer stupidity of Bush and Cheney doing NOTHING but enriching themselves. Narcissists. Any first year student of any military war college knew more about how to handle the problem in the Middle East than Bush did.

I think Bush was one of the worst presidents ever, but he was right about some things and he had moments where he really shown (post 9/11 for example). Bush spoke out - plainly and strongly - that we are not at war with Islam, but at war with those who pervert their religion. I commend that.

I agree that the invasion of Iraq, which was the first domino, was pig-ignorant and he will have to live with a legacy that is the ME today.
So was Bush.

This isn't a war against Islam. It's a war against extremists. America is a country of Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, athiests and those who's religions I don't know. By saying we are at war with Islam, we're saying we are at war with our own citizens solely because of their religion.

Obama is right about another thing. We can't fight ISIS, and other extremists, as a strictly military endeavor. It needs a holistic approach. This means getting at the root causes to prevent further extremist recruiting, this means involving communities both secular and religious.

Obama is also right about the level of our involvement. This is a struggle - a war within Islam - that can only be won by Muslims. If we, the West, step in beyond a supporting role - it will vindicate ISIS. ISIS, according to what I heard, is an Apocolyptic cult. If they can draw in the West, they will create the Apocolypse they desire. They will also draw sympathy to their cause because they will control the narrative and it's the same narrative that some here in the US are trying to propogate. The West vs. Islam.

That's the narrative that would lead to an Apocolypse. It's not the narrative we need or want. It's not the narrative Islam needs or wants. It only serves cults like ISIS. The Muslim majority countries in the ME must take the lead in any military endeavor - it's Muslims fighting extremists for the future of Islam. And we can only provide a supporting role, and we need to.

So, Obama is right. Bush is right. And kudus to both for holding to this truth.

Bush is a stupid cowboy who pulled the trigger before he got his big-boy pants up past his knees.

ISIS wouldn't exist today without the largesse and sheer stupidity of Bush and Cheney doing NOTHING but enriching themselves. Narcissists. Any first year student of any military war college knew more about how to handle the problem in the Middle East than Bush did.

Far left propaganda!

Pan Am Flight 103 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

I bet the far left blames Bush for this as well..
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So was Bush.

This isn't a war against Islam. It's a war against extremists. America is a country of Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, athiests and those who's religions I don't know. By saying we are at war with Islam, we're saying we are at war with our own citizens solely because of their religion.

Obama is right about another thing. We can't fight ISIS, and other extremists, as a strictly military endeavor. It needs a holistic approach. This means getting at the root causes to prevent further extremist recruiting, this means involving communities both secular and religious.

Obama is also right about the level of our involvement. This is a struggle - a war within Islam - that can only be won by Muslims. If we, the West, step in beyond a supporting role - it will vindicate ISIS. ISIS, according to what I heard, is an Apocolyptic cult. If they can draw in the West, they will create the Apocolypse they desire. They will also draw sympathy to their cause because they will control the narrative and it's the same narrative that some here in the US are trying to propogate. The West vs. Islam.

That's the narrative that would lead to an Apocolypse. It's not the narrative we need or want. It's not the narrative Islam needs or wants. It only serves cults like ISIS. The Muslim majority countries in the ME must take the lead in any military endeavor - it's Muslims fighting extremists for the future of Islam. And we can only provide a supporting role, and we need to.

So, Obama is right. Bush is right. And kudus to both for holding to this truth.

The "60 Minutes" segment on ISIS last Sunday was very clarifying about what is considered the "hybrid" terrorist, such as the four that attacked Charlie Hebdo in Paris. These are people who had former lives as illegal drug-using, womanizing criminals with prior arrest records who were recruited by ISIS.

So it only makes sense that Obama has publicly denied them the right to portray themselves as religious activists acting by the will of their god, and has referred to them as what they truly are: terrorists. Sorry, Republicans, but Obama is spot on.

What Fox Won't Show You: Muslim Leaders Are Condemning The Paris Terror Attack

Research January 7, 2015 8:27 PM EST ››› OLIVIA KITTEL, CONNOR LAND, & LIS POWER


Fox figures have falsely suggested the Muslim community has not condemned the terror attack on the satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo in Paris, France despite the fact that Muslim leaders, advocacy groups and organizations, and leaders of Arab states have roundly denounced the attacks -- a fact that Fox reported on its website, but left off air.
Apocalypse? Aren't you perhaps overstating your case a little bit?

No, TK. I heard a very interesting news bit on this - I will try to find it and link it. But ISIS is essentially an Apocolyptic cult.

Edited to add: here's one link What ISIS Really Wants - The Atlantic

The Atlantic is a far left blog site, has been known to be a mouth piece for Obama, just like the Nytimes, Washing Post, Huffington post, Daily kos,, etc..

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