Obama's Real Legacy


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Obama gets a lot of credit for the rhetoric that fueled anger over a few shootings by police. Obama started his war on police shortly after taking office when he claimed the Cambridge police acted stupidly and insinuated that they were racist simply for doing their job.

While most shootings by police were completely justified, the left made all of them out to be racist actions by cops. Obama repeated that we have a cop problem. No, we don't. It's such a small percent of cops that may be a problem. All of them became targets thanks to the crap spewed by BLM, Sharpton, Obama and other libs who knew damn well they were playing with fire and still chose inflammatory and inciteful rhetoric. The criminals in the streets no longer fear cops or any consequence for their actions. Many cops fear going into some neighborhoods. Never know if it's another trap where thugs are waiting to open fire. The criminals rule the streets in inner cities now. This is Obama's true legacy. More hate. More division. Less trust. Groups all angry and pitted against each other. And most of them are reacting to lies being repeated by fake news and race baiting assholes.

"The city of Chicago recorded 762 homicides in 2016 — an average of two murders per day, the most killings in the city for two decades and more than New York and Los Angeles combined.
The nation's third largest city also saw 1,100 more shooting incidents than it did in 2015, according to statistics released by the Chicago Police Department that underlined a story of bloodshed that has put Chicago at the center of a national dialogue about gun violence.

The numbers released Sunday are staggering, even for those following the steady news accounts of weekends ending with dozens of shootings and monthly death tolls that hadn't been seen in years. The increase in 2016 homicides compared to 2015, when 485 were reported, is the largest spike in 60 years.

Police and city officials have lamented the flood of illegal guns into the city, and the crime statistics appeared to support their claims: Police recovered 8,300 illegal guns in 2015, a 20 percent from the previous year.

Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson said during a news conference Sunday that Chicago is among many U.S. cities that have seek a spike in violence, including in attacks on police. He said anger at police, including in the wake of video released that showed a white Chicago officer shooting a black teenager 16 times, has left criminals "emboldened" to violent crimes.

He also said it's becoming clearer to criminals that they have little to fear from the criminal justice system.

"In Chicago, we just don't have a deterrent to pick up a gun," he said. "Any time a guy stealing a loaf of bread spends more time pre-trial in jail than a gun offender, something is wrong."

The bulk of the deaths and shooting incidents, which jumped from 2,426 in 2015 to 3,550 last year, occurred in only five neighborhoods on the city's South and West sides, all poor and predominantly black areas where gangs are most active. Police said the shootings in those areas generally wasn't random, with more than 80 percent of the victims having previously been identified by police as more susceptible because of their gang ties or past arrests.

Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson was expected to discuss the newly released statistics Sunday afternoon.

The city has scrambled to address the violence. Mayor Rahm Emanuel announced last year that 1,000 officers would be added to the police department. At the same time, police officials have been trying to figure out why homicides and shootings -- which began climbing the year before -- suddenly surged."

Chicago records 762 homicides in 2016, up 57 percent from previous year
Is Rahm really so stupid that he can't figure out why shootings, including cop killings, have increased so sharply over the last year? Groups are calling for people to kill cops and white people. Obama still praises the likes of BLM despite their dangerous rhetoric.

Obama owns this shit.
Your twisted theory makes no sense.

The Black Lives Matter movement did not increase violence in Chicago.

According to Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson, it was the murder of unarmed black citizens by police officers: he said anger at police, including in the wake of video released that showed a white Chicago officer shooting a black teenager 16 times, has left criminals "emboldened" to violent crimes.

If the cops are nothing but killers, what do you think the townspeople will do?
Chicago and Detroit

Annual growth below 3% throughout his presidency

Doubling of the debt

Helping a terrorist nation develop nuclear weapons

Record number of people on food stamps

Encouraging illegals to vote in our elections

Temper tantrums

That's his legacy.
Obama's legacy is Aleppo.
This genocide encapsules his complete incompetence in foreign affairs;

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