

Diamond Member
Sep 5, 2011
Obama's strategy of letting Putin hang himself is working - Vox

Putin has over-reached in Ukraine, creating problems for himself so bad that they may force him down as or more effectively than plausible American actions alone might have (although they helped). Putin is hanging himself by his own rope.

This has been so effective, and has apparently taken Putin by such surprise, that after weeks of looking like he could roll into eastern Ukraine unchallenged, he's backing down all on his own. Official Russian rhetoric, after weeks of not-so-subtle threats of invading eastern Ukraine, is backing down. Putin suddenly looks like he will support Ukraine's upcoming presidential election, rather than oppose it, although it will likely install a pro-European president. European and American negotiators say the tone in meetings has eased from slinging accusations to working toward a peaceful resolution.

Most of this is economic. Russia's self-imposed economic problems started pretty quickly after its annexation of Crimea in March and have kept up. Whether or not American or European governments sanction Russia's broader economy, the global investment community has a mind of its own, and they seem to have decided that Russia's behavior has made it a risky place to put money. So risky that they're pulling more money out.
Putin's decision was a casebook example of groupthink. Get everyone around you telling you how great you are and you end up doing stuff that to everyone else was obviously dumb at the time.
This is as amusing as Putin caving into obama's red line and having Syria destroy all their chemical weapons

I just love seeing democrats get snockered.
The great majority of chemical weapons have been destroyed and it goes on...it's all working pretty well under the bs Pub circumstances. Thanks for the jihadists, total obstruction, and the world depression. The USA is doing better than anyone. Chinese debt is over 200% of GDP.
The great majority of chemical weapons have been destroyed and it goes on...it's all working pretty well under the bs Pub circumstances. Thanks for the jihadists, total obstruction, and the world depression. The USA is doing better than anyone. Chinese debt is over 200% of GDP.

One day you should study how you are failing in getting rid of your chemical weapons.


Do a google search. You are fucked up. True story. You haven't met your targets.


This is why the world laughs at us.
Oh and just a side note franco my most best Jim Flaherty has us balanced by next year.

RIP Jim and good show.

You can't touch what our Conservative Finance Minister accomplished.

Crimea is the jewel of the Ukraine. And they turned to Mother Russia.
Russia's only warm water Naval port is in Crimea. There was never any doubt that Russia was going to protect that asset, and I don't think anyone had a realistic, pragmatic beef with that, except perhaps Gun-Happy McCain and his significant other, Sen. Huckleberry J. Closetcase (R-SC).
The great majority of chemical weapons have been destroyed and it goes on...it's all working pretty well under the bs Pub circumstances. Thanks for the jihadists, total obstruction, and the world depression. The USA is doing better than anyone. Chinese debt is over 200% of GDP.


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