Obama's Personality Disorder

Yeah, the OP is completely false. This guy can have an opinion if he wants but he has no qualifications to diagnose someone with any sort of mental disorder. A qualified mental health professional would never diagnose anyone without spending time talking to them face to face.

Epic fail.

That is so totally not true. Mental health professionals can make diagnoses on a review of a file.

Come on, you lefties create new labels for people ALL the time. The first thing a liberal does is figure out what box to put a person in. How else would your divide and conquer strategy work?!!

It actually is very true. You would never diagnose anyone with any physical or mental condition without meeting them in person. That's the way it works in the medical field. You have to interview the person, know the history, do an exam, do testing, etc.
That's a bogus argument because it applies to non-public figures. Of course you wouldn't diagnose someone's Uncle, based on what they tell you about him, but there is plenty of information available to give an accurate assessment of someone in the public eye as much as a president.
Yeah, the OP is completely false. This guy can have an opinion if he wants but he has no qualifications to diagnose someone with any sort of mental disorder. A qualified mental health professional would never diagnose anyone without spending time talking to them face to face.

Epic fail.

That is so totally not true. Mental health professionals can make diagnoses on a review of a file.

Come on, you lefties create new labels for people ALL the time. The first thing a liberal does is figure out what box to put a person in. How else would your divide and conquer strategy work?!!

It actually is very true. You would never diagnose anyone with any physical or mental condition without meeting them in person. That's the way it works in the medical field. You have to interview the person, know the history, do an exam, do testing, etc.

You are clueless. Of course you would only provide an actual diagnosis for your own patient/client but that doesn't mean that you can't meet the criteria specified in the DSM IV based on behaviors in reports, interviews, speeches, news conferences and other public happenings...

You don;t know what you are talking about in any FASHION! I am certain you don't even know what the DSM IV is, or how to meet criterion for a mental disease.

You are talking out your ass!!!
Sam Vaknin puts a disclaimer on his website that he is NOT a mental health professional and also says only a qualified mental health professional diagnostician can determine whether someone suffers from Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

snopes.com: Dr. Sam Vaknin - Barack Obama Is a Narcissist

My wife IS a mental health professional (LPC) who voted for Obama before she voted against him - and she says that he is a clinical narcissist...


Yeah, isn't everybody. It's the latest term in psychobabble -- though I believe the word you're really looking for here is "uppity".

By the way my brother is Sigmund Freud and he says you're an idiot, so there ya go, insert seventeen exclamation points.
Sam Vaknin puts a disclaimer on his website that he is NOT a mental health professional and also says only a qualified mental health professional diagnostician can determine whether someone suffers from Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

snopes.com: Dr. Sam Vaknin - Barack Obama Is a Narcissist

My wife IS a mental health professional (LPC) who voted for Obama before she voted against him - and she says that he is a clinical narcissist...


Yeah, isn't everybody. It's the latest term in psychobabble -- though I believe the word you're really looking for here is "uppity".

By the way my brother is Sigmund Freud and he says you're an idiot, so there ya go, insert seventeen exclamation points.

The latest term in pshycobabble??? You just proved you have no clue...

Clinical narcissism was first listed in the DSM III (we are about to have a DSM V) in 1980...

33 years ago... Latest term huh??

...and I will let you BS accusations regarding me being a liar go....

I very seriously doubt you will EVER catch me in a lie. I try not to commit that sin...
That is so totally not true. Mental health professionals can make diagnoses on a review of a file.

Come on, you lefties create new labels for people ALL the time. The first thing a liberal does is figure out what box to put a person in. How else would your divide and conquer strategy work?!!

It actually is very true. You would never diagnose anyone with any physical or mental condition without meeting them in person. That's the way it works in the medical field. You have to interview the person, know the history, do an exam, do testing, etc.

You are clueless. Of course you would only provide an actual diagnosis for your own patient/client but that doesn't mean that you can't meet the criteria specified in the DSM IV based on behaviors in reports, interviews, speeches, news conferences and other public happenings...

You don;t know what you are talking about in any FASHION! I am certain you don't even know what the DSM IV is, or how to meet criterion for a mental disease.

You are talking out your ass!!!

I work in the medical field. I truly believe by the tone of your posts that you have a mental disorder as well. But since I've never met you, I can only assume.
That is so totally not true. Mental health professionals can make diagnoses on a review of a file.

Come on, you lefties create new labels for people ALL the time. The first thing a liberal does is figure out what box to put a person in. How else would your divide and conquer strategy work?!!

It actually is very true. You would never diagnose anyone with any physical or mental condition without meeting them in person. That's the way it works in the medical field. You have to interview the person, know the history, do an exam, do testing, etc.
That's a bogus argument because it applies to non-public figures. Of course you wouldn't diagnose someone's Uncle, based on what they tell you about him, but there is plenty of information available to give an accurate assessment of someone in the public eye as much as a president.

Actually there isn't. Without a medical history, interview, and some psychological testing, you can certainly say your OPINION but not really give an actual mental health diagnosis.

You just can't and no Dr. with a real degree-not your OP-would do that.

You just jumped all over this because you don't like Obama.

He could be a narcissist for all I know. I'm just saying to diagnosis him like this is not accurate at all. It's a guess.
It actually is very true. You would never diagnose anyone with any physical or mental condition without meeting them in person. That's the way it works in the medical field. You have to interview the person, know the history, do an exam, do testing, etc.
That's a bogus argument because it applies to non-public figures. Of course you wouldn't diagnose someone's Uncle, based on what they tell you about him, but there is plenty of information available to give an accurate assessment of someone in the public eye as much as a president.

Actually there isn't. Without a medical history, interview, and some psychological testing, you can certainly say your OPINION but not really give an actual mental health diagnosis.

You just can't and no Dr. with a real degree-not your OP-would do that.

You just jumped all over this because you don't like Obama.

He could be a narcissist for all I know. I'm just saying to diagnosis him like this is not accurate at all. It's a guess.

just admit that you spoke out of turn and that you a really a moron who doesn't have a clue what you are talking about...

That isn't a guess....
That's a bogus argument because it applies to non-public figures. Of course you wouldn't diagnose someone's Uncle, based on what they tell you about him, but there is plenty of information available to give an accurate assessment of someone in the public eye as much as a president.

Actually there isn't. Without a medical history, interview, and some psychological testing, you can certainly say your OPINION but not really give an actual mental health diagnosis.

You just can't and no Dr. with a real degree-not your OP-would do that.

You just jumped all over this because you don't like Obama.

He could be a narcissist for all I know. I'm just saying to diagnosis him like this is not accurate at all. It's a guess.

just admit that you spoke out of turn and that you a really a moron who doesn't have a clue what you are talking about...

That isn't a guess....

Generally I find when someone resorts to this level of discourse, they don't have an argument anymore so they go to insults.

I don't really care. I've proven my point.
Actually there isn't. Without a medical history, interview, and some psychological testing, you can certainly say your OPINION but not really give an actual mental health diagnosis.

You just can't and no Dr. with a real degree-not your OP-would do that.

You just jumped all over this because you don't like Obama.

He could be a narcissist for all I know. I'm just saying to diagnosis him like this is not accurate at all. It's a guess.

just admit that you spoke out of turn and that you a really a moron who doesn't have a clue what you are talking about...

That isn't a guess....

Generally I find when someone resorts to this level of discourse, they don't have an argument anymore so they go to insults.

I don't really care. I've proven my point.

You have proven A POINT. The point that you have no clue what you are talking about...
Psychologist Dr. Paul Fick Says Obama Psychologically Damaged ‘Beyond Narcissism,’ Offers Details to Press -- Psychologist announces availability to media to explain how he came to the conclusion that Obama has severe psychological damage.

lol --- there are dozens of them....

What does Professor Irwin Corey have to say on the subject?
Too fucking comical.
Liberals seem to have a tendency to paint conservatives as unstable repeatedly.
At least that's what the oh so bright commentators on MSNBC would have you think.
Talk about instability.
(Tingle tingle.)
He certainly has mental issues..

In this, I feel quite confident in saying that the right as a whole is obviously projecting their own mental health issues on to Obama.

I think partisan ideologues are fascinating in the way they assign stupidity, mental illness or both to people who dare to disagree with them. Both silly ends of the political spectrum do it, I suspect, as a way to cement their own positions in their mind, just as we all did back in the third grade when we weren't yet capable of forming and communicating intellectual arguments. "Well, you're just stupid". But ideologically paralyzed adults do this, still.

We explored it a bit here: http://www.usmessageboard.com/politics/257728-the-psychology-of-partisanship.html.

Too fucking comical.
Liberals seem to have a tendency to paint conservatives as unstable repeatedly.
At least that's what the oh so bright commentators on MSNBC would have you think.
Talk about instability.
(Tingle tingle.)
He certainly has mental issues..

In this, I feel quite confident in saying that the right as a whole is obviously projecting their own mental health issues on to Obama.

When I listen to conservative talk radio, I can't help but remember how George Bailey reacted after Clarence gave him his wish that George had never been born. He just could NOT believe what he was seeing and hearing. I know the feeling.

You see, I hear so much craziness, irrationality, foolishness, and wholly nonsensical fear and illogical rubbish emanating from the radio from hosts and callers alike that it's virtually impossible to believe that those people could say those things to a psychologist conducting a mental health evaluation and still conclude that they're essentially normal rational people capable of making decisions in the real world that affect both themselves and others instead of being placed under the conservatorship of someone else until a further exam reveals a marked improvement in their ability to distinguish reality from fantasy.

Some of the threads here qualify in that regard, as well, whether they're basically minor non issues blown wholly out of proportion (like the social worker who showed up at a house with a police escort because someone contacted her office about a Facebook photo of a minor dressed in camouflage fatigues with what appears to be an assault-style weapon) or this thread which is little more than one person's unqualified evaluation of the psychological make-up of the president of the United States where everyone else chimes in with their OWN concurrence of the diagnosis as if they've had years of professional training and experience in that field.

And those two threads? They're not even the cream of the crop.

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