Obama's Media Still Ignoring F&F And Solyndra: Nothing To See Here Folks


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

This morning on Meet The Depressed all they wanted to talk about was how they needed a stronger Republican Party to work with our great leader Obama. :lmao:

They want to dictate what kind of loyal-opposition they need to continue destroying this country.:lmao:

They need a Republican Party that is unified and does what they want them to do. :udaman:

They claim instead that 'All they want to do is stand in the way of progress.' . :lmao::lmao::lmao:

What progress????

David Gregory totally ignored Fast & Furious and Solyndra. It was pathetic. It was like nether scandal even existed.

The focus is instead why the Republicans don't want to do anything.

What a joke.:lol:

Even though Obama isn't doing anything other then go on Bus Tours and spending all of his time making fun of the GOP, and thanking the Occupiers on Wall Street for their youth and their enthusiasm....and for trashing the place,
the Republicans are being blamed. Even though piles of legislation from the House is sitting on Harry Reid's desk,......

.....even though the Senate hasn't passed a budget in over 890 days.

Nosireee........It's the GOP that's doing nothing.

'Whaaaaaaaaaaa, Whaaaaaaaaaaaaa, they won't work with us.'

Seriously......does anybody buy this crap????:deal:

It's quickly becoming clear that Fast & Furious is arguably a worse scandal then Watergate, and Solyndra is quite possibly worse then Enron and Halliburton combined. But the media is ignoring them. All they want to talk about is how weak the Republican field is. They want to focus on Bank of America's new $5 Debit Card charge. Forgetting the fact that we've been getting charged much more than that before the new regulations kicked in from Dodd-Frank. Fees have been cut but when it comes to Democrats a cut equals an increase.

Figure if every time you use your debit card you paid 50 cents. In the run of a month you used it 20 times. $10 is charged to your account. Now only a set fee of $5 is charged to your account. THOSE EVIL RICH BASTARDS!!!
Truth is the only reason they instituted the charges is because of new Obama Administration regulations, but those evil bastards need to pay for stealing from the poor. they need to suffer for providing services to their account-holders. Dick Durbin like a putz said everyone who has a BOA account needs to pull it.




Once again this illustrates what always happens when you intentionally increase overhead on business.

They pass the charges on to you and me.

Course Obama and his crew know this will happen.....and they plan on taking full advantage of it, which is Class-warfare in a nut-shell.

So.....Fast & Furious was a conspiracy to institute tougher weapons laws.

So are the new regulations that Obama has crammed down the throats of banks and businesses crippling the economy even further.

His support for those layabouts on Wall Street pretty much lets us all know without a doubt that Obama isn't about solutions.

Obama is about protest. Class-warfare. Rioting and violence. Tearing down the system.

To some here they feel it's a long time coming.

To any reasonable person the normal reaction is understandable. :blowup:
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Not to worry, everyone else is reporting on it!

Word of warning to you Republican, Bush idolizers: "Fast and Furious" reaches back to the Bush II era. This is why Eric Holder is calling Issas' bluff, because he knows this too.

Yeah, Obama took it farther and tried to attack the 2nd Amendment with it, but Bush Jr. started this whole thing.

If done correctly, this will bring down Obama sometime next year and if I get my wish: A show trial for Obama AND Bush! (A boy can dream can't he?) :lol:
This story is just not what you hoped it would be.

Its NOT watergate dude.

Its not even as important as a legal blow job in the oval office.

Hell it isnt even outing a CIA agent for poltical purposes.

Not one person went to jail for that one.
Not to worry, everyone else is reporting on it!

Word of warning to you Republican, Bush idolizers: "Fast and Furious" reaches back to the Bush II era. This is why Eric Holder is calling Issas' bluff, because he knows this too.

Yeah, Obama took it farther and tried to attack the 2nd Amendment with it, but Bush Jr. started this whole thing.

If done correctly, this will bring down Obama sometime next year and if I get my wish: A show trial for Obama AND Bush! (A boy can dream can't he?) :lol:

They floated that excuse and it didn't fly. And why is that? Because they have records that are kept on the program. They don't jib with their excuses. And they have former agents that have testified that the corruption in the program didn't start till 09'.

Now they're trying to shut everyone up....and it's falling apart.....

And Obama media is ignoring it on Sunday Morning.

Eventually they'll have to cover it.

The longer they put it off the worse it will look for them.

The problem the press has in this country is with credibility. They were at one time a trusted source of news and information. Now the last place you want to go for honest news is the Networks because everyone knows they're in the tank for Obama.
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This story is just not what you hoped it would be.

Its NOT watergate dude.

Its not even as important as a legal blow job in the oval office.

Hell it isnt even outing a CIA agent for poltical purposes.

Not one person went to jail for that one.

Wow. TMN actually said something accurate. F&F is not Watergate. Watergate did not have a BODY COUNT in excess of 200.

Where is the Liberal Compassion for Poor Brown People killed by F&F guns?
Holder is doing a "Weiner" Denial Routine:

In the letter, Holder repeatedly protested any suggestion he knew about the operation.

I have no recollection of knowing about Fast and Furious or of hearing its name prior to the public controversy about it.

Prior to early 2011, I certainly never knew about the tactics employed in the operation.

As Attorney General I am not and cannot be familiar with the operational details of any particular investigation conducted in an ATF field office unless those details are brought to my attention.

The administration has been caught red-handed. Holder has only made it worse. Didn't his own lawyer tell him not to put anything in writing? This "regrettable incident"--the murders of Terry, Zapata, Mexican officials and Mexican citizens--has become personal, very personal to Congressman Issa, his Committee and the American people. We all need to know who proposed the March 2009 phase of the gunwalking campaign and who authorized it.

Blog: Holder hits bottom - keeps digging

It's rather fun watching him dig a deeper hole.
Do you really think those Drug lords would not have gotten guns without FF?

It was an attempt to track guns.

It was NOT selling guns to the enemy to make money to buy hostages huh?
This story is just not what you hoped it would be.

Its NOT watergate dude.

Its not even as important as a legal blow job in the oval office.

Hell it isnt even outing a CIA agent for poltical purposes.

Not one person went to jail for that one.

You're happy as hell that Holder and Obama will get away with it aren't you?...:eusa_whistle:
Do you really think those Drug lords would not have gotten guns without FF?

It was an attempt to track guns.

It was NOT selling guns to the enemy to make money to buy hostages huh?

You silly little knigget: no, it wasn't.

It was a cynical and corrupt attempt to gin up a case to destroy the 2nd amendment.
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Do you really think those Drug lords would not have gotten guns without FF?

It was an attempt to track guns.

It was NOT selling guns to the enemy to make money to buy hostages huh?

You silly little knigget: no, it wasn't.

It was a cynical and corrupt attempt to gin up a case to destroy the 2nd amendment.


your insane
So Obama is using Stimulus as a Money Laundering Operation through Solyandra...so?

What's the problem?

So Holder lied about Obama's F&F program that got Americans killed


What's the problem?

Whats a few dead Americans compared to Hope & Change?
Do you really think those Drug lords would not have gotten guns without FF?

It was an attempt to track guns.

It was NOT selling guns to the enemy to make money to buy hostages huh?

You silly little knigget: no, it wasn't.

It was a cynical and corrupt attempt to gin up a case to destroy the 2nd amendment.


your insane

See what I mean about TM's laughing like a crazy person?

"She can't help it when she's happy looks insane"
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Do you really think those Drug lords would not have gotten guns without FF?

It was an attempt to track guns.

It was NOT selling guns to the enemy to make money to buy hostages huh?

You silly little knigget: no, it wasn't.

It was a cynical and corrupt attempt to gin up a case to destroy the 2nd amendment.


your insane

Actually Progressivism subscribes to "The End Justifies The Means" when it serves your purpose. So it is hard to tell. The White House, the DNC, the Unions, were behind the current Protests against the Free Market, so who can say, authoritatively? Other than You Oh Great Kanobi??? :D
This story is just not what you hoped it would be.

Its NOT watergate dude.

Its not even as important as a legal blow job in the oval office.

Hell it isnt even outing a CIA agent for poltical purposes.

Not one person went to jail for that one.

You're happy as hell that Holder and Obama will get away with it aren't you?...:eusa_whistle:

Holder won't.

He'll pay a price for this one.
Why does TMN hate poor brown Mexicans?
This story is just not what you hoped it would be.

Its NOT watergate dude.

Its not even as important as a legal blow job in the oval office.

Hell it isnt even outing a CIA agent for poltical purposes.

Not one person went to jail for that one.

You're happy as hell that Holder and Obama will get away with it aren't you?...:eusa_whistle:

Holder won't.

He'll pay a price for this one.

Obama will throw Holder under the bus before the next election, fo shizzle.
Do you really think those Drug lords would not have gotten guns without FF?

It was an attempt to track guns.

It was NOT selling guns to the enemy to make money to buy hostages huh?

You silly little knigget: no, it wasn't.

It was a cynical and corrupt attempt to gin up a case to destroy the 2nd amendment.

oh GAWD, here we go with the fucking conspiracies.

F&F was a tragedy of unintended consequences; A game of chess (as opposed to checkers) gone tragically awry. That's all. I know you want it to be something more, something concrete you can exploit to advance your preferred political agenda, but it just isn't.

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