Obama’s Legacy of Complete Failure


Gold Member
Aug 5, 2016
Finally the time has come. It is now time for Obama to leave the White House – and the sooner the better.

Barack Hussein Obama will go down as the worst President in American history.

A non American who hated America. He did all he could to destroy America and all she stands for.

8 years later:

The country is now more racially divided than it has ever been.

Our foreign policy is a complete disaster with the Middle East completely falling apart, Russia being accused of hacking our election, Israel being shunned by this administration, giving Iran billions of dollars and allowing them to build a nuclear weapon.

The economy is a mess. There is no growth and there are currently 94 million people out of work.

The IRS was accused and proven to discriminate against Conservative groups.

ISIS was created under Obama and has now spread into 30+ different countries.

The office of the Attorney General was a joke starting with Eric Holder and ending with the pathetic Loretta Lynch – both corrupt, racist anti-Americans.

The Fast and Furious fiasco proved that we were providing guns to Mexican cartels under the leadership of the racist Eric Holder.

Benghazi was proven to be a complete disaster as 4 Americans were uselessly killed as Obama and Hillary blamed it falsely on a video – even saying this to the families as they stood over their loved one’s grave sites.

Manufacturing jobs have left the country in droves.

The border is wide open allowing thousands upon thousand of illegals to pour into our great country.

Sanctuary cities have propped up all over the country allowing illegal immigrants to safely live in our America – and who pays for them? Hard working Americans that’s who.

Corruption within the government itself has reached unprecedented levels.

Our standing in the world has dropped to embarrassing levels as Obama’s weakness has been taken advantage of by all of the larger economies throughout the world.

The economic figures coming out of the White House for the past 8 years have all been manipulated lies. In fact let’s look at the real Obama figures right now:

There is a record 95,102,000 Americans out of work – an increase of 18% since the traitor took office.

This is an increase of 14,573,000 people out of work since Obama took office – an abysmal record and proof of his intentional attempt to destroy the American economy and redistribute the wealth of our great country (as he got rich himself).

And the amazing thing is that these people are NOT counted in the unemployment statistics! They have been reporting a lie ever since they have been in office.

Now to top it all off Obama is doing all he can to make things as difficult for Trump as he can.

Between the Israel UN decision to the claims of Russian hacking to the land grab to the release of Gitmo thugs to the release of criminal illegal immigrants back into society – it all adds up to a President who was anti-America and who did all he could to destroy our great country.

So “fuck you Obama” – you are a loser piece of shit who should be kicked out of the country if not thrown in jail for the rest of your life.

It is now Trump’s turn.

Hopefully he will keep most of his promises.

Build the wall – stop illegal immigration.

Deport all criminal illegals.

Lower the corporate tax rate.

Implement term limits in Congress and the House.

Reinstate Israel as our #1 ally.

Eliminate ISIS from the planet.

Put a watch on all radical Muslims in this country and deport those here illegally.

And the list goes on concerning all pro American policies, values and principles.

Trump for two terms.

God bless America.

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