Obama's DHS Publicized Where It's BPAs Can't Geographically Touch Illegals - Az Sheriff Goes OFF!

Obama has deported more illegals than his predecessor...

That lie has already been debunked by hos own Border patrol Agents who exposed that in order to get to that fictitious number he has been counting the number of Illegals turned away AT THE BORDER, not the number he actually 'deported'. It all comes back to Bill Clinton's 'definition of the word 'is'' defense with Liberals. :p
Your old lie sank long ago. BHO's admin has done admirably in this area.
No, unfortunately, again, that lie has been debunked.

High deportation figures are misleading

Lies, damned lies, and Obama’s deportation statistics

T"he Obama administration has started counting certain “returns” as “removals” in order to artificially inflate the numbers and create a “record level” of deportations. Specifically, those caught by the Border Patrol who are shuttled to a different town along the border before they are returned are being dishonestly counted as deportations. This has falsely increased the number of total removals by more than 100,000 for the past two years."
Obama has deported more illegals than his predecessor...

That lie has already been debunked by hos own Border patrol Agents who exposed that in order to get to that fictitious number he has been counting the number of Illegals turned away AT THE BORDER, not the number he actually 'deported'. It all comes back to Bill Clinton's 'definition of the word 'is'' defense with Liberals. :p
Your old lie sank long ago. BHO's admin has done admirably in this area.
No, unfortunately, again, that lie has been debunked.

High deportation figures are misleading

Lies, damned lies, and Obama’s deportation statistics

T"he Obama administration has started counting certain “returns” as “removals” in order to artificially inflate the numbers and create a “record level” of deportations. Specifically, those caught by the Border Patrol who are shuttled to a different town along the border before they are returned are being dishonestly counted as deportations. This has falsely increased the number of total removals by more than 100,000 for the past two years."
The numbers, however, are incontrovertible no matter how you try to spin them, easyt. Your lies collapse every time.
Now respond to the other part of my post:

"I agree with not sending Trump's envisioned minions in to Holy Mass to round them up. Or drag them from their hospital bed. Or haul kids out of their chairs in class.What are you thinking?"

No problem.

1. I think words have meaning, and you do too, as evident by your intentionally choosing words like 'round them up' and 'drag them from hospital beds'. You attempt to use words to invoke the worst, and most ridiculous, images of enforcing US law.

2. If a criminal robs a store and runs into a church, should the police say, "Oh well, he's in a church now. Let's go back to the station, boys?" Hardly. I am not for the ridiculous 'dragging' illegals out of school or out of hospital beds, as you try to say will happen.

In FACT I do not even think anyone would have to 'round' anyone up at all. I believe illegals would leave on their own if we simply started enforcing the existing laws!.

It is illegal for illegals to work in the US. If we forced every company to use e-verify and prevent illegals not her on work permits to have jobs, no jobs = no pay = they will leave on their own.

No owning / renting houses and apartments.
No having driver's licenses.
No Social Security.
No Medicare.
No Unemployment.
No Welfare.

No more releasing criminal illegals who are arrested, the DHS refusing to pick them up.

Not one dime - no federal money / aid to Sanctuary Cities. Go one step further - not one dime to STATES that have Sanctuary Cities. 9Talk about getting their cities in line ASAP!?)

BUILD A WALL? HELL YEAH...and Mexico WOULD 'technically' pay for it.
- Mexico receives BILLIONS in foreign aid from the United States, and Mexico has billions if not trillions in the US. SEIZE Mexican funds and STOP all foreign aid payments to Mexico. Use the money to pay for the building of a wall. Use part of the money the US has had to pay for medical care and other massive expenses due to illegals. Use part of the money to pay the victims and the grieving family members of those killed by illegals.

The United States does NOT have the inability to stop illegal immigration and the crime perpetrated by illegals. It lacks the POLITICAL WILL to do so.
Well, thank goodness you don't want to drag illegals out of school or church or hospital beds. The cops can wait at the door if they are so inclined. I agree with you 100% about much of what's in your thread. You'd better make sure they've all willingly left before much of the wall gets built, though. There must be some reason why the laws are currently allowing illegals to utilize our system. I don't understand it, but I have a feeling there is another country to be heard from here.
The numbers, however, are incontrovertible no matter how you try to spin them, easyt. Your lies collapse every time.
The numbers, dear Jake, are being padded and manipulated to show some Obama 'triumph' that is naught but a well-crafted lie, as proven by the evidence, reports, and links. I'll stick with the factual evidence. You stick to your opinion. Good luck with that.
The numbers, however, are incontrovertible no matter how you try to spin them, easyt. Your lies collapse every time.
The numbers, dear Jake, are being padded and manipulated to show some Obama 'triumph' that is naught but a well-crafted lie, as proven by the evidence, reports, and links. I'll stick with the factual evidence. You stick to your opinion. Good luck with that.
The numbers are honest and you are not. The Az sheriff is no go with no power in this issue at all.
The numbers are honest and you are not. The Az sheriff is no go with no power in this issue at all.
Jakey, this is the 3rd time you have posted an OPINION that is NOT substantiated by any fact while I have posted several links to articles, facts, and figures. If you have a problem with the authors of those reports feel free to call them liars and attack them. I look forward to your report on how it goes when you get in the Sheriff's face and tell him he's full of shite.
The numbers are honest and you are not. The Az sheriff is no go with no power in this issue at all.
Jakey, this is the 3rd time you have posted an OPINION that is NOT substantiated by any fact while I have posted several links to articles, facts, and figures. If you have a problem with the authors of those reports feel free to call them liars and attack them. I look forward to your report on how it goes when you get in the Sheriff's face and tell him he's full of shite.
The links substantiated the facts that the sheriff is all blow and no go.

You have fail on this OP big time. The sheriff was say, "it's just politics, you know I don't mean it."

Correll just got hammered in another OP just as you are getting hammered here.

The good old days for the far right are nothing bad shit days since the RNC.
The links substantiated the facts that the sheriff is all blow and no go.
The links substantiated that your claims about Obama's deportation numbers are BS...and that you continue to post opinion in response to facts, evidence, and links.

Correll just got hammered in another OP just as you are getting hammered here.

The good old days for the far right are nothing bad shit days since the RNC.
The links substantiated the facts that the sheriff is all blow and no go.
The links substantiated that your claims about Obama's deportation numbers are BS...and that you continue to post opinion in response to facts, evidence, and links.TTFN
No, they did not. It is not opinion, when the links support my position.
Jake, ONCE AGAIN you make opinionated statements without anything to back it up. The articles I posted specifically pointed out how Obama bloats his numbers by counting those turned away at the border as being 'deported'. If you think differently then go get yourself some articles and links to support it rather than continue to post comments that amount to nothing more than 'Nuh-uh!'!
Jake, ONCE AGAIN you make opinionated statements without anything to back it up. The articles I posted specifically pointed out how Obama bloats his numbers by counting those turned away at the border as being 'deported'. If you think differently then go get yourself some articles and links to support it rather than continue to post comments that amount to nothing more than 'Nuh-uh!'!
So what? Denied entry = deportation. And all of that is far in excess of what Bush did. Methinks you doth protesteth too much. Theriously.
So what? Denied entry = deportation.

SERIOUSLY, Jake? You just 'told on yourself'! 'Deny Entry' is NOT the same thing as 'Deport'.

To NOT allow Entry

To expel (a foreigner) from a country, kick out . In order to be 'deported' you have to have already entered the country. If you are DENIED ENTRY that means you were not allowed into the country.

Now I understand where you are confused and why you and libs think Obama has been exporting record numbers of illegals - it's because you don't know the definitions of 'Deny Entry' and 'Deport'!

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
No one is confused. You are trying to deny the admin's bean counting system.

You fail because you don't get to define what is the system. Only government gets to do that.
Does the school and/or hospital receive tax dollars from the government? Then, yes, our laws should be enforced there, of all places! Maybe churches could get off the hook, but if they are harboring fugitives of the law, they should lose tax exempt status at the very least.

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