Obama's Banana Republic

And why isn't Obama being called out on it?


He better stay away from that blonde if he knows what's good for him. Just sayin'.

Krauthammer is absolutely correct. For someone like him who tries to be as rational as possible to say this says a lot! I enjoyed seeing Krauthammer on Bill O'Reilly. O'Reilly was trying in certain subtle ways to make Krauthammer rescind or rethink those comments. However; Krauthammer would have none of it and slammed O'Reilly. I don't always agree with Krauthammer, that's why when he says something like this, and refuses to back down from it, it carries a lot of weight with me
White phosphorus isn't really a chemical weapon- it's like napalm. Not really on board the war crimes thing- but chicken hawk Reaganists should be banned, along with Pubcrappe...

White phosphorus is a chemical and if used as a weapon, it is a chemical weapon. The use of chemical weapons is illegal in war under US law, not because of some international human rights treaty.

The US military committed a crime by using white phosphorus as a chemical weapon in Fallujah during the illegal, unjustified Iraq war. Crime of war. War crimes.

Sonny, you've OBVIOUSLY never been in the military, nor have you served in combat. Willie Pete has NEVER been against ANY convention - whether Geneva or the US. I personally used it multiple times in Vietnam to clear tunnels. There are WP tank and artillery rounds as well as 81MM mortar rounds.

When you don't know what the hell you are talking about - it's best to keep your mouth shut junior.
White phosphorus isn't really a chemical weapon- it's like napalm. Not really on board the war crimes thing- but chicken hawk Reaganists should be banned, along with Pubcrappe...

White phosphorus is a chemical and if used as a weapon, it is a chemical weapon. The use of chemical weapons is illegal in war under US law, not because of some international human rights treaty.

The US military committed a crime by using white phosphorus as a chemical weapon in Fallujah during the illegal, unjustified Iraq war. Crime of war. War crimes.

Sonny, you've OBVIOUSLY never been in the military, nor have you served in combat. Willie Pete has NEVER been against ANY convention - whether Geneva or the US. I personally used it multiple times in Vietnam to clear tunnels. There are WP tank and artillery rounds as well as 81MM mortar rounds.

When you don't know what the hell you are talking about - it's best to keep your mouth shut junior.
I know you won't read these or understand any of it if you do, but still:
BBC NEWS | Americas | White phosphorus: weapon on the edge
White phosphorus is a chemical and if used as a weapon, it is a chemical weapon. The use of chemical weapons is illegal in war under US law, not because of some international human rights treaty.

The US military committed a crime by using white phosphorus as a chemical weapon in Fallujah during the illegal, unjustified Iraq war. Crime of war. War crimes.

Sonny, you've OBVIOUSLY never been in the military, nor have you served in combat. Willie Pete has NEVER been against ANY convention - whether Geneva or the US. I personally used it multiple times in Vietnam to clear tunnels. There are WP tank and artillery rounds as well as 81MM mortar rounds.

When you don't know what the hell you are talking about - it's best to keep your mouth shut junior.
I know you won't read these or understand any of it if you do, but still:
BBC NEWS | Americas | White phosphorus: weapon on the edge

Geezz…little fella, those are all wishful thinking opinions and nothing more. Again, as someone who has used Willie Pete in combat and seen WP used from tanks, artillery, mortar rounds, aircraft - just shut up - you're embarrassing yourself.

Want to know the very BEST round I ever saw? It was called a "Beehive" - a tank shell that burst in the air sending thousands of little darts into an area - used to find Charlie nailed to trees after the tankers used them.

You need to get something through your pointed little head - war is a nasty business. People die. Doesn't matter HOW they die, they do. If you don't have the stomach for it - stick to playing "Call of Duty" and let the men take care of you.
You're citing Vietnam as evidence that the US does NOT commit war crimes?

You have absolutely terrible logic.

Yes, it does matter who dies in war and how they die. Drone strikes today are as indiscriminate as the US land mines left in Vietnam that have claimed over 40k lives since the end of the war.
Vietnam Passage. The Perspectives: Landmines: War's Lingering Menace | PBS

Damn limp-wrist…changing the "war crime" already? Sonny, make up your damned mind, won't you? What's it gonna be? Willie Pete? Land mines? Drones? What's next? Re-visiting WWII and Hitler's war crimes? How about Pol Pot? How about Morimar Quadaffi? Kim Jung Il? The Moolahs in Iran? - oh that's right…it's only us evil Americans that "kill" in a way that doesn't sit well with your little tummy.

Pick a topic and stay with it, will you? or, in your case, move to Switzerland. You'd most likely fit in better there…..
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The topic is the indiscriminate killing of people in wars started over lies. Is that specific enough?

War crimes were committed in Vietnam just like war crimes were committed in Iraq. The weaponry may have changed but the end results are the same- the indiscriminate killing of thousands of civilians in wars started over lies.

Many of our human rights laws come from seeing the horrors of Europe and Asia during World War II. If the Viet Cong torture American POWs then it is especially important that American soldiers do not torture Vietnamese POWs because that would make us just like them. Bombing civilians with remote-controlled planes for ten years in nine countries that weren't involved with 9/11 is American terrorism. If Islamic terrorists kill American civilians, then it is especially important that the US military does not kill Iraqi civilians because Iraq was not involved with 9/11 and there were no WMD to justify the invasion. That would make us just like them.

We are supposed to be better than our enemies. That's what makes us "the good guys". Operation Cyclone made America the bad guys. The CIA trained the Afghan jihad. It is all connected to the military-industrial complex and the pursuit of "Full Spectrum Dominance".

Land mines, "willie pete", drone strikes, from Vietnam to Afghanistan. It is the indiscriminate killing of people in wars started over lies.
The topic is the indiscriminate killing of people in wars started over lies. Is that specific enough?

War crimes were committed in Vietnam just like war crimes were committed in Iraq. The weaponry may have changed but the end results are the same- the indiscriminate killing of thousands of civilians in wars started over lies.

Many of our human rights laws come from seeing the horrors of Europe and Asia during World War II. If the Viet Cong torture American POWs then it is especially important that American soldiers do not torture Vietnamese POWs because that would make us just like them. Bombing civilians with remote-controlled planes for ten years in nine countries that weren't involved with 9/11 is American terrorism. If Islamic terrorists kill American civilians, then it is especially important that the US military does not kill Iraqi civilians because Iraq was not involved with 9/11 and there were no WMD to justify the invasion. That would make us just like them.

We are supposed to be better than our enemies. That's what makes us "the good guys". Operation Cyclone made America the bad guys. The CIA trained the Afghan jihad. It is all connected to the military-industrial complex and the pursuit of "Full Spectrum Dominance".

Land mines, "willie pete", drone strikes, from Vietnam to Afghanistan. It is the indiscriminate killing of people in wars started over lies.

You're really self-righteous, aren't you? Better than our "enemies"? Are you serious? Jesus kid, we have rebuilt every country that we have EVER fought. Isn't that, in and of itself, "better"?

You know, for a person (you) that obviously never had the stones to put on the uniform and do something other than run your mouth, you sure take up a lot of space on that smug soapbox you stand on.

I will debate this subject any day of the week with my brethren that left blood on foreign soil. But you? Forget it son - you're not qualified to speak on the subject. Stick to preaching about how "evil" this country is. You know, the country that gave you everything you have.
You're really self-righteous, aren't you? Better than our "enemies"? Are you serious? Jesus kid, we have rebuilt every country that we have EVER fought. Isn't that, in and of itself, "better"?

You know, for a person (you) that obviously never had the stones to put on the uniform and do something other than run your mouth, you sure take up a lot of space on that smug soapbox you stand on.

I will debate this subject any day of the week with my brethren that left blood on foreign soil. But you? Forget it son - you're not qualified to speak on the subject. Stick to preaching about how "evil" this country is. You know, the country that gave you everything you have.
Are you saying that the Vietnam war had a point? Have you read the Pentagon Papers? The war was a lie.

There's nothing "self-righteous" about telling the truth or adhering to US and international law. And obviously we haven't rebuilt every country that we've ever fought if 40k people have died in Vietnam from American land mines left in their ground.

An Iraqi child killed in a drone strike is no different than a Vietnamese child killed by a land mine. The end result is the same. A dead child. Land mines were outlawed for this reason. Drone strikes must be outlawed for the same reason.

A quote often attributed to Robert E. Lee is, "It is well that war is so terrible- we would grow too fond of it." We have now made war and killing so easy that no one even has to think about the US constantly being at war for more than a decade. $2 billion every week spent on the war in Afghanistan. For over ten years. At least $4 trillion wasted butchering Iraq over lies.

Torture is illegal no matter how you try to spin it. The Bush administration lied to the world to invade Iraq and then tortured anyone who fought against the invasion. Torture is a war crime. POWs were tortured to death. George W. Bush is guilty of war crimes for the illegal preemptive invasion of Iraq over lies.
White phosphorus is a chemical and if used as a weapon, it is a chemical weapon. The use of chemical weapons is illegal in war under US law, not because of some international human rights treaty.

The US military committed a crime by using white phosphorus as a chemical weapon in Fallujah during the illegal, unjustified Iraq war. Crime of war. War crimes.

Fluoride in toothpaste is a chemical too....
Is flouride a weapon that causes skin to melt?

Anything hot can cause skin to melt. Maybe we need to remove any combustible material from the world, including hair. If you're hair catches on fire it can cause your skin to melt. So shave your head.
You're really self-righteous, aren't you? Better than our "enemies"? Are you serious? Jesus kid, we have rebuilt every country that we have EVER fought. Isn't that, in and of itself, "better"?

You know, for a person (you) that obviously never had the stones to put on the uniform and do something other than run your mouth, you sure take up a lot of space on that smug soapbox you stand on.

I will debate this subject any day of the week with my brethren that left blood on foreign soil. But you? Forget it son - you're not qualified to speak on the subject. Stick to preaching about how "evil" this country is. You know, the country that gave you everything you have.
Are you saying that the Vietnam war had a point? Have you read the Pentagon Papers? The war was a lie.

There's nothing "self-righteous" about telling the truth or adhering to US and international law. And obviously we haven't rebuilt every country that we've ever fought if 40k people have died in Vietnam from American land mines left in their ground.

An Iraqi child killed in a drone strike is no different than a Vietnamese child killed by a land mine. The end result is the same. A dead child. Land mines were outlawed for this reason. Drone strikes must be outlawed for the same reason.

A quote often attributed to Robert E. Lee is, "It is well that war is so terrible- we would grow too fond of it." We have now made war and killing so easy that no one even has to think about the US constantly being at war for more than a decade. $2 billion every week spent on the war in Afghanistan. For over ten years. At least $4 trillion wasted butchering Iraq over lies.

Torture is illegal no matter how you try to spin it. The Bush administration lied to the world to invade Iraq and then tortured anyone who fought against the invasion. Torture is a war crime. POWs were tortured to death. George W. Bush is guilty of war crimes for the illegal preemptive invasion of Iraq over lies.

And the only person willing to stand up to this bloodthirsty guerilla banana republic dictator we have in the White House right now to keep him from killing Americans on American soil without due process of law via drone attacks was Rand Paul who filibustered it for a day. Seriously, do you think if he is so eager to kill the very people who elected him and who he is supposed to be serving that he gives a shit about any children anywhere in the world?

You all have pissed and moaned through 3 wars now about civilian casualties, the illegality of the wars fought, and the brutality of this country in fighting those wars and yet THIS president, your guy in the White House, is the one who has tried to get cart blanche to kill anyone anywhere anytime!
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You're really self-righteous, aren't you? Better than our "enemies"? Are you serious? Jesus kid, we have rebuilt every country that we have EVER fought. Isn't that, in and of itself, "better"?

You know, for a person (you) that obviously never had the stones to put on the uniform and do something other than run your mouth, you sure take up a lot of space on that smug soapbox you stand on.

I will debate this subject any day of the week with my brethren that left blood on foreign soil. But you? Forget it son - you're not qualified to speak on the subject. Stick to preaching about how "evil" this country is. You know, the country that gave you everything you have.
Are you saying that the Vietnam war had a point? Have you read the Pentagon Papers? The war was a lie.

There's nothing "self-righteous" about telling the truth or adhering to US and international law. And obviously we haven't rebuilt every country that we've ever fought if 40k people have died in Vietnam from American land mines left in their ground.

An Iraqi child killed in a drone strike is no different than a Vietnamese child killed by a land mine. The end result is the same. A dead child. Land mines were outlawed for this reason. Drone strikes must be outlawed for the same reason.

A quote often attributed to Robert E. Lee is, "It is well that war is so terrible- we would grow too fond of it." We have now made war and killing so easy that no one even has to think about the US constantly being at war for more than a decade. $2 billion every week spent on the war in Afghanistan. For over ten years. At least $4 trillion wasted butchering Iraq over lies.

Torture is illegal no matter how you try to spin it. The Bush administration lied to the world to invade Iraq and then tortured anyone who fought against the invasion. Torture is a war crime. POWs were tortured to death. George W. Bush is guilty of war crimes for the illegal preemptive invasion of Iraq over lies.

And the only person willing to stand up to this bloodthirsty guerilla banana republic dictator we have in the White House right now to keep him from killing Americans on American soil without due process of law via drone attacks was Rand Paul who filibustered it for a day. Seriously, do you think if he is so eager to kill the very people who elected him and who he is supposed to be serving that he gives a shit about any children anywhere in the world?

You all have pissed and moaned through 3 wars now about civilian casualties, the illegality of the wars fought, and the brutality of this country in fighting those wars and yet THIS president, your guy in the White House, is the one who has tried to get cart blanche to kill anyone anywhere anytime!

This individual continually "chases his tail" in these discussions. I get it. He is a pseudo-pacifist and intellectual. I get that. He is incapable of understanding that the world is a dangerous place. It has been since the days of Cain and Able and it will grow worse and worse until the end of time. That's human behavior. It's dirty and disgusting, but there's the way things "ought to be" and then there's the way "they are".

I grew up in a military family. My Father fought in WWII and Korea and retired as a Brigadier General in the Air Force. My Brother joined the Marine Corps during the VERY early stages of Vietnam and retired as a Master Gunnery Sergeant. I joined the Army out of High School, went to Vietnam, got wounded (twice) and retired as a CWO. I have three nephews in the military. My Son and Daughter both served as Officers in the Navy.

NO ONE on this planet knows war better than the man or woman who has watched a friend blown apart on the battlefield. NO ONE. NO ONE on the planet knows what it is like to come home and suffer from terrible nightmares for years - than the wives of those who have served. NO ONE. And, NO ONE on the planet knows what the driving force is behind a man or a woman who feels the need to SERVE their country.

However, people like this "continually righteous" poster, try to insinuate themselves into a conversation (with their high moral authority) and explain to me, a veteran of combat, how immoral our government is and how so many innocents have died from "illegal and immoral wars that have been conducted by our government". Their obvious hatred for this country absolutely prohibits them from the understanding that men and women go to war everyday because they feel the need to "give" something to a country, and it's people, that have provided them with everything they have in this life. They simply cannot understand the motivation. Why? because they suffer from a complete lack of motivation for anything other than the protection of their own worthless skin.

Sorry for the rant.
If Obama really is doing something lawless, then simply challenge it in court, and it will be stopped. That's how the system has always worked.

Of course, those challenges rarely happen, being that the stuff Obama does is so clearly inside the law. In the few cases where it is challenged, like the ACA, the challenges go down in flames, because what Obama is doing is clearly inside the law. The ODS kooks are just having meltdowns because they were ordered to have meltdowns. They're reliable little cultists.

The ODS kooks should also explain why they explode in rage at Obama even though he's used executive orders less than any president in recent history. Why weren't they raging at Bush for being far more "imperial" than Obama? Now, we all know the explanation is "ODS", but it would be good to see them admit that they've been hypocrites.

Oh, moral high ground to the liberals again, since we weren't having meltdowns every time Bush issued an executive order. It's that consistency thing we do.

^ that

the rw hate, instigated by USMB's own :up: Mrs "America right or wrong" :rolleyes: has brought out the usual sycophant suspects.
Are you saying that the Vietnam war had a point? Have you read the Pentagon Papers? The war was a lie.

There's nothing "self-righteous" about telling the truth or adhering to US and international law. And obviously we haven't rebuilt every country that we've ever fought if 40k people have died in Vietnam from American land mines left in their ground.

An Iraqi child killed in a drone strike is no different than a Vietnamese child killed by a land mine. The end result is the same. A dead child. Land mines were outlawed for this reason. Drone strikes must be outlawed for the same reason.

A quote often attributed to Robert E. Lee is, "It is well that war is so terrible- we would grow too fond of it." We have now made war and killing so easy that no one even has to think about the US constantly being at war for more than a decade. $2 billion every week spent on the war in Afghanistan. For over ten years. At least $4 trillion wasted butchering Iraq over lies.

Torture is illegal no matter how you try to spin it. The Bush administration lied to the world to invade Iraq and then tortured anyone who fought against the invasion. Torture is a war crime. POWs were tortured to death. George W. Bush is guilty of war crimes for the illegal preemptive invasion of Iraq over lies.

And the only person willing to stand up to this bloodthirsty guerilla banana republic dictator we have in the White House right now to keep him from killing Americans on American soil without due process of law via drone attacks was Rand Paul who filibustered it for a day. Seriously, do you think if he is so eager to kill the very people who elected him and who he is supposed to be serving that he gives a shit about any children anywhere in the world?

You all have pissed and moaned through 3 wars now about civilian casualties, the illegality of the wars fought, and the brutality of this country in fighting those wars and yet THIS president, your guy in the White House, is the one who has tried to get cart blanche to kill anyone anywhere anytime!

This individual continually "chases his tail" in these discussions. I get it. He is a pseudo-pacifist and intellectual. I get that. He is incapable of understanding that the world is a dangerous place. It has been since the days of Cain and Able and it will grow worse and worse until the end of time. That's human behavior. It's dirty and disgusting, but there's the way things "ought to be" and then there's the way "they are".

I grew up in a military family. My Father fought in WWII and Korea and retired as a Brigadier General in the Air Force. My Brother joined the Marine Corps during the VERY early stages of Vietnam and retired as a Master Gunnery Sergeant. I joined the Army out of High School, went to Vietnam, got wounded (twice) and retired as a CWO. I have three nephews in the military. My Son and Daughter both served as Officers in the Navy.

NO ONE on this planet knows war better than the man or woman who has watched a friend blown apart on the battlefield. NO ONE. NO ONE on the planet knows what it is like to come home and suffer from terrible nightmares for years - than the wives of those who have served. NO ONE. And, NO ONE on the planet knows what the driving force is behind a man or a woman who feels the need to SERVE their country.

However, people like this "continually righteous" poster, try to insinuate themselves into a conversation (with their high moral authority) and explain to me, a veteran of combat, how immoral our government is and how so many innocents have died from "illegal and immoral wars that have been conducted by our government". Their obvious hatred for this country absolutely prohibits them from the understanding that men and women go to war everyday because they feel the need to "give" something to a country, and it's people, that have provided them with everything they have in this life. They simply cannot understand the motivation. Why? because they suffer from a complete lack of motivation for anything other than the protection of their own worthless skin.

Sorry for the rant.
What rant? YOU are dead on accurate. Thank you for your service. (Coming from a 'Nam Era navy brat, and USAF vet)! KUDOS.
And the only person willing to stand up to this bloodthirsty guerilla banana republic dictator we have in the White House right now to keep him from killing Americans on American soil without due process of law via drone attacks was Rand Paul who filibustered it for a day. Seriously, do you think if he is so eager to kill the very people who elected him and who he is supposed to be serving that he gives a shit about any children anywhere in the world?

You all have pissed and moaned through 3 wars now about civilian casualties, the illegality of the wars fought, and the brutality of this country in fighting those wars and yet THIS president, your guy in the White House, is the one who has tried to get cart blanche to kill anyone anywhere anytime!

This individual continually "chases his tail" in these discussions. I get it. He is a pseudo-pacifist and intellectual. I get that. He is incapable of understanding that the world is a dangerous place. It has been since the days of Cain and Able and it will grow worse and worse until the end of time. That's human behavior. It's dirty and disgusting, but there's the way things "ought to be" and then there's the way "they are".

I grew up in a military family. My Father fought in WWII and Korea and retired as a Brigadier General in the Air Force. My Brother joined the Marine Corps during the VERY early stages of Vietnam and retired as a Master Gunnery Sergeant. I joined the Army out of High School, went to Vietnam, got wounded (twice) and retired as a CWO. I have three nephews in the military. My Son and Daughter both served as Officers in the Navy.

NO ONE on this planet knows war better than the man or woman who has watched a friend blown apart on the battlefield. NO ONE. NO ONE on the planet knows what it is like to come home and suffer from terrible nightmares for years - than the wives of those who have served. NO ONE. And, NO ONE on the planet knows what the driving force is behind a man or a woman who feels the need to SERVE their country.

However, people like this "continually righteous" poster, try to insinuate themselves into a conversation (with their high moral authority) and explain to me, a veteran of combat, how immoral our government is and how so many innocents have died from "illegal and immoral wars that have been conducted by our government". Their obvious hatred for this country absolutely prohibits them from the understanding that men and women go to war everyday because they feel the need to "give" something to a country, and it's people, that have provided them with everything they have in this life. They simply cannot understand the motivation. Why? because they suffer from a complete lack of motivation for anything other than the protection of their own worthless skin.

Sorry for the rant.
What rant? YOU are dead on accurate. Thank you for your service. (Coming from a 'Nam Era navy brat, and USAF vet)! KUDOS.

Thank you and thank you for YOUR service.
Are you saying that the Vietnam war had a point? Have you read the Pentagon Papers? The war was a lie.

There's nothing "self-righteous" about telling the truth or adhering to US and international law. And obviously we haven't rebuilt every country that we've ever fought if 40k people have died in Vietnam from American land mines left in their ground.

An Iraqi child killed in a drone strike is no different than a Vietnamese child killed by a land mine. The end result is the same. A dead child. Land mines were outlawed for this reason. Drone strikes must be outlawed for the same reason.

A quote often attributed to Robert E. Lee is, "It is well that war is so terrible- we would grow too fond of it." We have now made war and killing so easy that no one even has to think about the US constantly being at war for more than a decade. $2 billion every week spent on the war in Afghanistan. For over ten years. At least $4 trillion wasted butchering Iraq over lies.

Torture is illegal no matter how you try to spin it. The Bush administration lied to the world to invade Iraq and then tortured anyone who fought against the invasion. Torture is a war crime. POWs were tortured to death. George W. Bush is guilty of war crimes for the illegal preemptive invasion of Iraq over lies.

And the only person willing to stand up to this bloodthirsty guerilla banana republic dictator we have in the White House right now to keep him from killing Americans on American soil without due process of law via drone attacks was Rand Paul who filibustered it for a day. Seriously, do you think if he is so eager to kill the very people who elected him and who he is supposed to be serving that he gives a shit about any children anywhere in the world?

You all have pissed and moaned through 3 wars now about civilian casualties, the illegality of the wars fought, and the brutality of this country in fighting those wars and yet THIS president, your guy in the White House, is the one who has tried to get cart blanche to kill anyone anywhere anytime!

This individual continually "chases his tail" in these discussions. I get it. He is a pseudo-pacifist and intellectual. I get that. He is incapable of understanding that the world is a dangerous place. It has been since the days of Cain and Able and it will grow worse and worse until the end of time. That's human behavior. It's dirty and disgusting, but there's the way things "ought to be" and then there's the way "they are".

I grew up in a military family. My Father fought in WWII and Korea and retired as a Brigadier General in the Air Force. My Brother joined the Marine Corps during the VERY early stages of Vietnam and retired as a Master Gunnery Sergeant. I joined the Army out of High School, went to Vietnam, got wounded (twice) and retired as a CWO. I have three nephews in the military. My Son and Daughter both served as Officers in the Navy.

NO ONE on this planet knows war better than the man or woman who has watched a friend blown apart on the battlefield. NO ONE. NO ONE on the planet knows what it is like to come home and suffer from terrible nightmares for years - than the wives of those who have served. NO ONE. And, NO ONE on the planet knows what the driving force is behind a man or a woman who feels the need to SERVE their country.

However, people like this "continually righteous" poster, try to insinuate themselves into a conversation (with their high moral authority) and explain to me, a veteran of combat, how immoral our government is and how so many innocents have died from "illegal and immoral wars that have been conducted by our government". Their obvious hatred for this country absolutely prohibits them from the understanding that men and women go to war everyday because they feel the need to "give" something to a country, and it's people, that have provided them with everything they have in this life. They simply cannot understand the motivation. Why? because they suffer from a complete lack of motivation for anything other than the protection of their own worthless skin.

Sorry for the rant.
Who has said that Obama is "my" guy? I'm a veteran, too, so I know the importance of having LEGITIMATE REASONS FOR SENDING AMERICANS TO WATCH THEIR FRIENDS DIE IN WAR. Or do you enjoy being sent into terrible war to watch your friends die over some rich coward's lies? How about your nephews or other family in the military? Should they have their legs blown off by an IED because Bush lied to the world?

The US has not fought a worthwhile war since World War II. Name one. Vietnam? Fuck Vietnam. It was a lie. The whole war was a lie. Read the Pentagon Papers. It was all a lie. History has proven it. Thanks for your service, but you were disposable. Now we have the largest military budget in history and 47% of homeless vets in America are from Vietnam, sleeping on the streets with PTSD for 40 years. Yeah, this country really supports our troops. What did we serve? America? What did we protect? Record corporate profits and lower food stamp benefits? The "freedom" to watch 1600 different channels of mindless shit on television? US soldiers are disposable in this corporate system.

The crimes against humanity committed by the US over the last 5 decades far outweigh any good that the US military has done for the world.

If you haven't figured out that the US Federal government (both Democrat and Republicans) don't really care about US military soldiers, then you are hopeless.

And what is a "guerrilla banana republic"? Do you people even know the definitions of the terms that you use? America is now a "guerrilla banana republic" and Obama is the dictator?
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