Obama's 1 yr. Anniversary

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
Oh.. and what a year it was.

What's to be remembered, passing the Buck to Bush, unemployment, national debt, more brave soldiers to Afghanistan, bail-outs, change you can believe in, Obamacare, legal bribes, partisan politics, Iran, Iraq, transparency, from great heights and hopes to reality, the better off now than a year ago.

Who knows, no doubt, it's been an event filled year with more downs than ups in my humble opinion.

What stands out in your opinion?
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What stands out for me is the way that Obama et al (cuz he is nothing more than a puppet) have certainly maximised our country's crisis for their own political gain.
What stands out for me is the way that Obama et al (cuz he is nothing more than a puppet) have certainly maximised our country's crisis for their own political gain.

I see an attempt at maximizing on crisis but I'm not so sure about political gain in the long run. I'll have to consult my crystal ball on that.
Yes, His first year is memorable. Wonder how his second year will pan out???
Oh.. and what a year it was.

What's to be remembered, passing the Buck to Bush, unemployment, national debt, more brave soldiers to Afghanistan, bail-outs, change you can believe in, Obamacare, legal bribes, partisan politics, Iran, Iraq, transparency, from great heights and hopes to reality, the better off now than a year ago.

Who knows, no doubt, it's been an event filled year with more downs than ups in my humble opinion.

What stands out in your opinion?

The disconnect that the current administration, and democrats in general, have with the American people.
Gitmo closed yet?

Troops out of Iraq yet?

All healthcare talks on Cspan yet?

Go peddle your papers barry, you are as full of shit as I knew you would be.

I guess I got caught up in the hysteria and believed things just may be different.

Well, it didn't take long at all and I was dodging flying eggs...:lol:
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Gitmo closed yet?

Troops out of Iraq yet?

All healthcare talks on Cspan yet?

Go peddle your papers barry, you are as full of shit as I knew you would be.

I guess I got caught up in the hysteria and believed thing just may be different.

Well, it didn't take long at all and I was dodging flying eggs...:lol:
All you had to do is look at barry and his record before the election run up, he always was heavily partisan and far left.
Gitmo closed yet?

Troops out of Iraq yet?

All healthcare talks on Cspan yet?

Go peddle your papers barry, you are as full of shit as I knew you would be.

I guess I got caught up in the hysteria and believed thing just may be different.

Well, it didn't take long at all and I was dodging flying eggs...:lol:
All you had to do is look at barry and his record before the election run up, he always was heavily partisan and far left.

Yup I know, he didn't get my vote.. most liberal, most inexperienced, biggest ego.. this is what optimism does for you, sometimes you end up feeling stupid.. or if you prefer a "loser", damn it...:lol:
What stands out for me?

The Stimulus package and Obamacare. Just means more uncontrolled government spending that we cannot afford.

What stands out to me is that average people who voted for him have woken up so fast.

Well.. accept about 30% can't give up on the dream..
So how do you explain the other 17-19%?

As I've pointed out plenty of times before, no one has "woken" up to anything, nor have they done it particularly fast. Reagan, Bush Sr., Clinton and Ford all hit lower numbers than Obama has ever had in their first years as President.
What stands out to me is that average people who voted for him have woken up so fast.

Well.. accept about 30% can't give up on the dream..
So how do you explain the other 17-19%?

As I've pointed out plenty of times before, no one has "woken" up to anything, nor have they done it particularly fast. Reagan, Bush Sr., Clinton and Ford all hit lower numbers than Obama has ever had in their first years as President.

The great state of Massachusetts would disagree with you, doc.
This was about Washington DC, and obama politics more than it was about Coakley.
But, go ahead....keep drinking the Kool-Aid, I understand.
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His first year will go down as a complete and utter failure. Mr Obama has shown himself to be a rank amateur with ZERO executive experience. He doesn't understand or appreciate the power of the office. He spent all of his political capital on losing propositions (olympics, healthcare, etc..) instead of focusing on the issue that voters care about - the economy! Now, one year later has nothing to show for it but broken promises and lies. He's a major disappointment by any measure.
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What stands out?

Record job losses/unemployment rate not seen since Carter Administration

Cash for Clunkers

No cash for struggling homeowners/record foreclosures

Cash for banking industry

Cash for car industry

Cash for insurance industry

Former middle class homeowners---now homeless or renters

Legislation crammed down the throats of an unwilling American electorate

Arrogant disregard for American citizens and how to spend THEIR tax dollars and on what.

Bribes, special backroom deals, smoke and mirrors and absolutely NO transparency from Barry

Yeah, Hopey Changey..... :rolleyes:

My eye! :evil:
His first year will go down as a complete and utter failure. Mr Obama has shown himself to be a rank amateur with ZERO executive experience. He doesn't understand or appreciate the power of the office. He spent all of his political capital on losing propositions (olympics, healthcare, etc..) instead of focusing on the issue that voters care about - the economy! Now, one year later has nothing to show for it but broken promises and lies. He's a major disappointment by any measure.


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