Obamacare haters won't like new report

This is where the rightwing inmates all rush to the other side of the boat, the side where the CBO's numbers can't be trusted.

Sad, given how the right had fallen in love with the CBO when it produced numbers they liked.
and out come the homophobes.

And out come the factophobes. It is a fact queers have more stds than strait people. Just stating fact, your just a hater.

Has the ACA included all the extra health problems from fat rednecks in it's projections?


Obesity map:


Diabetes map:


Lol, i'm sure they did, alot of red necks like their women fat, and that was the case before they passed obamacare. Obama didn't support gay marrige till after obamacare was passed. Making being queer cool for the uninformed voter.
See... I told you Obamacare haters won't like the new report. :lol:

Not to worry, kidrocks.

You should see how skeptics react to any successful report or study on "spiritual healing"
in curing diseases for FREE, especially conditions that can't be cured by medicine alone.

They don't want to hear this either.

It doesn't fit in with the agenda to depend on govt and political campaigns for health care,
and actually proves the Christians right about something, which they certainly don't want either!
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Fewer Republicans think Obamacare will ruin their lives | MSNBC

For conservatives, Obamacare was supposed to be the worst thing “since slavery.” Not only was it “a complete and total failure,” but congressional Republicans said it was pure “socialism” that would “literally” kill people. They launched 54 (unsuccessful) attempts in the last four years to blow up President Obama’s signature health care law, and even triggered a government shutdown over its implementation.

But now that open enrollments are done, and more than 7.5 million Americans have signed up for health insurance, conservatives are slowly starting to ease off the panic button.

The number of self-identified Republicans who believe the Affordable Care Act will make their lives worse plummeted by over 20 percentage points in the latest Gallup poll, out Friday. Just over one month ago, 72% of Republicans said the health care law would make their family situations worse. That dropped to 51% in a survey taken earlier this week.

The 21% difference must be former Republicans who got fed up and changed to Libertarian.
The GOP will need to find a new cause to throw at the Dems soon. The "repeal Obamacare" card is getting torn and jagged.
And out come the factophobes. It is a fact queers have more stds than strait people. Just stating fact, your just a hater.

Has the ACA included all the extra health problems from fat rednecks in it's projections?


Obesity map:


Diabetes map:


Lol, i'm sure they did, alot of red necks like their women fat, and that was the case before they passed obamacare. Obama didn't support gay marrige till after obamacare was passed. Making being queer cool for the uninformed voter.

Note that most of the fat people are in red states....funny!
See... I told you Obamacare haters won't like the new report. :lol:

Not to worry, kidrocks.

You should see how skeptics react to any successful report or study on "spiritual healing"
in curing diseases for FREE, especially conditions that can't be cured by medicine alone.

Did you just equate ObamaCare to voodoo?

Rejoice Americans!

CBO lowers costs of Obamacare by billions | MSNBC

The Congressional Budget Office this week lowered both the short- and long-term costs of Obamacare by billions of dollars.

A new report released Monday estimated the Affordable Care Act’s net cost for 2014 at $36 billion, $5 billion less than the past figure for the year, according to the Joint Committee on Taxation and CBO. Additionally, officials anticipate an overall price tag of $1,383 billion between 2015 and 2024, $104 billion less than previous projections. Premiums through an exchange marketplace will likely be lower than first expected.

Fewer Republicans think Obamacare will ruin their lives | MSNBC

For conservatives, Obamacare was supposed to be the worst thing “since slavery.” Not only was it “a complete and total failure,” but congressional Republicans said it was pure “socialism” that would “literally” kill people. They launched 54 (unsuccessful) attempts in the last four years to blow up President Obama’s signature health care law, and even triggered a government shutdown over its implementation.

But now that open enrollments are done, and more than 7.5 million Americans have signed up for health insurance, conservatives are slowly starting to ease off the panic button.

The number of self-identified Republicans who believe the Affordable Care Act will make their lives worse plummeted by over 20 percentage points in the latest Gallup poll, out Friday. Just over one month ago, 72% of Republicans said the health care law would make their family situations worse. That dropped to 51% in a survey taken earlier this week.

The 21% difference must be former Republicans who got fed up and changed to Libertarian.

I would like to think the ACA has been such a disaster and now serves as a stone around the Demo / Liberal / Progressive camp. Those who are breathing a sigh of relief know there are better days down the road, yes I feel more comfortable in the state we are now.
Just wait till the employer mandate does hit and millions more lose their insurance, the wave is coming and there will be no stopping it.

So we both have different perspectives of the same situation ....
Has the ACA included all the extra health problems from fat rednecks in it's projections?


Obesity map:


Diabetes map:


Lol, i'm sure they did, alot of red necks like their women fat, and that was the case before they passed obamacare. Obama didn't support gay marrige till after obamacare was passed. Making being queer cool for the uninformed voter.

Note that most of the fat people are in red states....funny!

I found it interesting that the county with the lowest obesity rate and the county with the highest obesity rate were both blue counties.
Rejoice Americans!

CBO lowers costs of Obamacare by billions | MSNBC

The Congressional Budget Office this week lowered both the short- and long-term costs of Obamacare by billions of dollars.

A new report released Monday estimated the Affordable Care Act’s net cost for 2014 at $36 billion, $5 billion less than the past figure for the year, according to the Joint Committee on Taxation and CBO. Additionally, officials anticipate an overall price tag of $1,383 billion between 2015 and 2024, $104 billion less than previous projections. Premiums through an exchange marketplace will likely be lower than first expected.

From a footnote in the CBO report:

CBO Report said:
CBO and JCT can no longer determine exactly how the provisions of the ACA that are not related to the expansion of health insurance coverage have affected their projections of direct spending and revenues. . . . provisions of the ACA significantly modified existing federal programs and made changes to the Internal Revenue Code. Isolating the incremental effects of those provisions on previously existing programs and revenues four years after enactment of the ACA is not possible.

In other words, they either don't know or don't want the American people to know how much Obamacare really costs. The so called estimate reduction is largely due to a worse economic outlook and an initial over-estimate of the uninsured.

CBO Report said:
Changes in estimates of labor force participation, wages and salaries, and population had the largest effects on projections of eligibility for subsidized coverage.

The worse economic outlook will shift more from Obamacare to Medicaid and CHIP, thus reducing costs to Obamacare. While that may reduce Obamacare costs, it will increase Medicaid and CHIP costs -- kind of like a shell game.

Obamacare haters won't like new report

True, but not because I dislike Obamacare (which I definitely do), but because it's more bad news for America.
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Wait, we are still having the train wreck, but instead of 2,000 cars and an engine it will only be 1999 cars and an engine, well that certainly is a relief...

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